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The Simpsons Game (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)/Unused Voicelines

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This is a sub-page of The Simpsons Game (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360).


Buddy On My Way

Voicelines meant to play when your buddy character begins to follow you.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
from_buddypc_onmyway d_homr_xxx_0005a2a.exa.snu
On my way!
from_buddypc_onmyway d_homr_xxx_0005a2b.exa.snu
from_buddypc_onmyway d_homr_xxx_0005a27.exa.snu
I'm up!
from_buddypc_onmyway d_homr_xxx_0005a28.exa.snu
Back to work!
from_buddypc_onmyway d_homr_xxx_0005a29.exa.snu
Here I come!

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
from_buddypc_onmyway d_bart_xxx_0005a3f.exa.snu
Here I come!
from_buddypc_onmyway d_bart_xxx_0005a40.exa.snu
Coming mom!
from_buddypc_onmyway d_bart_xxx_0005a41.exa.snu
Okay, okay...
from_buddypc_onmyway d_bart_xxx_0005a42.exa.snu
On my way!
from_buddypc_onmyway d_bart_xxx_0005a43.exa.snu

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
from_buddypc_onmyway d_lisa_xxx_0005a5a.exa.snu
On my way!
from_buddypc_onmyway d_lisa_xxx_0005a5b.exa.snu
Here I come!
from_buddypc_onmyway d_lisa_xxx_0005a57.exa.snu
Girl on the move!
from_buddypc_onmyway d_lisa_xxx_0005a58.exa.snu
After you!
from_buddypc_onmyway d_lisa_xxx_0005a59.exa.snu
Following rules!

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
from_buddypc_onmyway d_marg_xxx_0005a70.exa.snu
Coming, coming...
from_buddypc_onmyway d_marg_xxx_0005a71.exa.snu
Hold your horses...
from_buddypc_onmyway d_marg_xxx_0005a72.exa.snu
Here I go!
from_buddypc_onmyway d_marg_xxx_0005a73.exa.snu
Marge is on the way!

Buddy Wait There

Voicelines meant to play when your buddy character waits in a specific spot.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
from_buddypc_wait_there d_homr_xxx_0005a2c.exa.snu
I like to wait.
from_buddypc_wait_there d_homr_xxx_0005a2d.exa.snu
I'll wait over here.
from_buddypc_wait_there d_homr_xxx_0005a2e.exa.snu
Waiting's better than working!
from_buddypc_wait_there d_homr_xxx_0005a2f.exa.snu
I'll hum while I wait. (HUMS)

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
from_buddypc_wait_there d_bart_xxx_0005a44.exa.snu
Will do!
from_buddypc_wait_there d_bart_xxx_0005a45.exa.snu
Waiting rules!
from_buddypc_wait_there d_bart_xxx_0005a46.exa.snu
Do nothing. Got it.
from_buddypc_wait_there d_bart_xxx_0005a47.exa.snu
I'll just stand here.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
from_buddypc_wait_there d_lisa_xxx_0005a5c.exa.snu
Let's wait!
from_buddypc_wait_there d_lisa_xxx_0005a5d.exa.snu
I'll write haikus while I wait.
from_buddypc_wait_there d_lisa_xxx_0005a5e.exa.snu
I can't wait to wait!
from_buddypc_wait_there d_lisa_xxx_0005a5f.exa.snu
I'll be over here.
from_buddypc_wait_there d_lisa_xxx_0005a60.exa.snu
I hope I'm waiting with cool people.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
from_buddypc_wait_there d_marg_xxx_0005a74.exa.snu
I like to wait.
from_buddypc_wait_there d_marg_xxx_0005a75.exa.snu
(HUMMING) Waiting, waiting, over the ocean blue...
from_buddypc_wait_there d_marg_xxx_0005a76.exa.snu
I'll just stand over here by myself.
from_buddypc_wait_there d_marg_xxx_0005a77.exa.snu
You do your thing, I'll be fine.

Buddy Waiting For You

Voicelines meant to play while your buddy character waits.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_homr_xxx_0005a30.exa.snu
A little help!
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_homr_xxx_0005a31.exa.snu
I'm still waiting!
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_homr_xxx_0005a32.exa.snu
Make me do something!
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_homr_xxx_0005a33.exa.snu
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_homr_xxx_0005a34.exa.snu
Homer bored!

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_bart_xxx_0005a4a.exa.snu
Man I'm bored...
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_bart_xxx_0005a4b.exa.snu
Ug! Waiting sucks!
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_bart_xxx_0005a4c.exa.snu
Tell me what to do!
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_bart_xxx_0005a48.exa.snu
Make me do something!
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_bart_xxx_0005a49.exa.snu
Some order would be great around now...

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_lisa_xxx_0005a61.exa.snu
Um, I'm like waiting.
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_lisa_xxx_0005a62.exa.snu
Make me do something!
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_lisa_xxx_0005a63.exa.snu
I am so bored!
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_lisa_xxx_0005a64.exa.snu
I am so sick of waiting.
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_lisa_xxx_0005a65.exa.snu
Wait wait wait, that's all I ever do.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_marg_xxx_0005a7a.exa.snu
Don't forget Marge.
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_marg_xxx_0005a7b.exa.snu
Take me with you!
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_marg_xxx_0005a7c.exa.snu
I've been waiting for what seems like days...
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_marg_xxx_0005a78.exa.snu
Hello, earth to family!
from_buddypc_waiting_4u d_marg_xxx_0005a79.exa.snu
I know you need me!

Homer's Food

All these voicelines are intended for food items that are never seen in-game.


A voiceline for Homer eating an apple. Interestingly, an apple food item appears in the Old-Gen Prototype in Five Characters in Search of an Author.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_apple d_homr_xxx_0003c61.exa.snu
Mmm... 8-bit fruit!


A voiceline for Homer eating burrito.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_burrito d_homr_xxx_0003c4c.exa.snu
Mmm, burrito!

Chocolate Chunk

A voiceline for Homer eating a chocolate chunk.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_chocochunk d_homr_xxx_0003c78.exa.snu
More Chocolate!
react_eatfood_chocochunk d_homr_xxx_0003c79.exa.snu
Mmm...chunks of chocolate!

Chocolate Rabbit Piece

A voiceline for Homer eating a chocolate rabbit piece.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_chocrabbit d_homr_xxx_0003c7a.exa.snu
Oooh, chocolate rabbit parts!

Cinnamon Bun

A voiceline for Homer eating a cinnamon bun.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_cinnabun d_homr_xxx_0003c6e.exa.snu
Cinnabon, I mean cinnamon bun!

Lollipop Chunk

A voiceline for Homer eating a lollipop chunk.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_colorcandychunk d_homr_xxx_0003c76.exa.snu
Mmm, candy chunk!

Corn Dog

A voiceline for Homer eating a corndog.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_corndog d_homr_xxx_0003c6d.exa.snu
Corn Dog!


A voiceline for Homer eating a cupcake. What's interesting is that in the Old-Gen there are cupcakes in The Land of Chocolate and Five Characters in Search of an Author that use this voiceline.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_cupcake d_homr_xxx_0003c65.exa.snu

Iced Cherries

A voiceline for Homer eating iced cherries.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_icedcherries d_homr_xxx_0003c75.exa.snu
Brr! Cold cherries!

Ham Ahoy

A voiceline for Homer eating Ham Ahoy (from the episode King-Size Homer). Interestingly, this food item can be seen in the Old-Gen Prototype in Shadow of the Colossal Donut by breaking a specific crate on the Construction Site.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_hamjar d_homr_xxx_0003c6b.exa.snu
Aah, liquid ham!


A voiceline for Homer eating a meatball. A Super Meatball is in the "Around the World in 80 Bites" level, but when you destroy it spaghetti comes out. What's interesting is that in the Old-Gen Prototype, when you destroy the Super Meatball, meatballs come out and uses these voicelines when you eat them. The "Atsa spicy meatball" voiceline is used when Homer enters Italy, except he says the voiceline in an Italian accent.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_meatball d_homr_xxx_0003c54.exa.snu
Atsa spicy meatball!
react_eatfood_meatball d_homr_xxx_0003c55.exa.snu


A voiceline for Homer eating pepperoni.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_pepperoni d_homr_xxx_0003c6c.exa.snu
Mmm, pepperoni!


A voiceline for Homer eating a sandwich.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_sandwich d_homr_xxx_0003c66.exa.snu
Oh sandwich, I could never stay mad at you!

Uncle Jim's Country Fillin'

A voiceline for Homer eating Uncle Jim's Country Fillin' (from the episode King Size Homer).

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_eatfood_unclejim d_homr_xxx_0003c69.exa.snu
Mmm...white trashy!


Bartman Begins

Voicelines referencing a cut mechanic where Bart would collect limited ammo pickups that would shoot farther and do more damage to enemies. Oddly enough, this mechanic is used in the Old-Gen version.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
dinoroom_help_ammo d_bart_xxx_0000860.exa.snu
If only there was some way to adjust the range on my slingshot.
dinoroom_help_ammo d_bart_xxx_0000861.exa.snu
This reminds me of that old saying --, "if your slingshot doesn't shoot far enough, you need to adjust it somehow."

Bart reacting to locked doors inside the dinosaur exhibits.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
dinoroom_help_doorslocked d_bart_xxx_000085e.exa.snu
Locked, huh? Who needs doors anyway?
dinoroom_help_doorslocked d_bart_xxx_000085f.exa.snu
If I can't get through this door, I'll just have to find another way.

Voicelines for Homer intended to play after Jimbo taunts them inside the planetarium.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
taunt_retort_manual_jimbo_02 d_homr_xxx_00008c8.exa.snu
I'm not going up there! I've got too much dignity and fear.
taunt_retort_manual_jimbo_02 d_homr_xxx_00008c9.exa.snu
You'd have to be crazy to go up there, and I'm merely stupid.

Voicelines for Bart and Homer after using the updraft on the volcano.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
dinoroom_volcanotramp d_bart_xxx_0000866.exa.snu
I never knew volcanoes were so bouncy!
dinoroom_volcanotramp d_bart_xxx_0000867.exa.snu
Whoa! I feel like magma!
dinoroom_volcanotramp d_homr_xxx_00008c0.exa.snu
Go, Bart, go!
dinoroom_volcanotramp d_homr_xxx_00008c1.exa.snu
Bart looks like a graceful Mikhail Baryshnikov!
dinoroom_volcanotramp d_homr_xxx_00008c2.exa.snu
Way to go, Bart! But don't show me up!

A voiceline for Dolph after he's stuck inside the dinosaur skeleton.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
skeletonfall d_dolf_xxx_00008da.exa.snu
My worst nightmare's come true!

Voicelines for Kearney when Bart reaches the diorama room. The second voiceline can be heard in the DS version when Homer reaches the future diorama.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
diorama_start d_krny_xxx_00015b1.exa.snu
Bart Simpson, huh? I thought I smelled loser.
diorama_start d_krny_xxx_00015b2.exa.snu
Well, if it isn't Bart Simpson. Which side of the law are you on today?
diorama_start d_krny_xxx_00015b3.exa.snu
Bart Simpson in a museum? Now I've seen everything.

Voicelines for the Museum Guards (Wise Guy and Sideshow Mel) reacting to Bart and Homer climbing on the displays inside the dinosaur exhibit/planetarium.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
pc_above d_mgwg_xxx_00008fe.exa.snu
Could you at least dust while you're up there?
pc_above d_mgwg_xxx_00008ff.exa.snu
What goes up must come down.
pc_above d_mgwg_xxx_00015b4.exa.snu
The displays are for lookin', not climbin'!
pc_above d_mgwg_xxx_00015b5.exa.snu
Climbing around on the displays. What were you, raised in a barn?
pc_above d_mgwg_xxx_00015b6.exa.snu
Careful, if you fall the museum's liable!
pc_above d_mgwg_xxx_00015b7.exa.snu
I'd climb up there after you if it weren't for my damn vertigo!
pc_above d_mgwg_xxx_00015b8.exa.snu
I've always wondered, how's the view up there?
pc_above d_mgsm_xxx_0000913.exa.snu
Could I tempt you down with some homemade biscotti?!
pc_above d_mgsm_xxx_0000914.exa.snu
Please stop! The docents will have my head!
pc_above d_mgsm_xxx_0000915.exa.snu
I'll thank you not to treat our displays as common showpieces!
pc_above d_mgsm_xxx_0000916.exa.snu
Leave the displays alone! Take me instead!

A voiceline for Jimbo after he's defeated inside the planetarium.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
defeat d_jmbo_xxx_0006534.exa.snu
And so, cruel lady fate has bestowed upon Jimbo her tragic kiss. Also, I can't feel my legs.

Around the World in 80 Bites

Only "Chow" can be heard when you start the level, making the rest go unused. The DS version uses this voiceline fully.

Filename Sound Subtitle

A voiceline for Duffman when Homer wins the Eating Contest.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
homer_wins d_dman_xxx_000652a.exa.snu
And the winner is Homer J. Simpson, our new Eating Champion! Everyone else, you are free to barf!

Mob Rules

A voiceline for Snake when you break him out of the police station.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
jail_freed d_snak_xxx_0003c7d.exa.snu
Thanks - let's go break stuff!

Voicelines for Barney building, going to wait, and waiting. Since Barney appears in the town hall and only appears inside Moe's Tavern in Springfield, these voicelines go unused.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
mobmember_go_build_object d_barn_xxx_00047f5.exa.snu
No problem.
mobmember_go_build_object d_barn_xxx_00047f6.exa.snu
I'll build it, but I won't remember building it.
mobmember_currently_building_object d_barn_xxx_00047f7.exa.snu
Just go by instinct.
mobmember_currently_building_object d_barn_xxx_00047f8.exa.snu
I'm gonna be sick.
mobmember_go_wait d_barn_xxx_00047f9.exa.snu
Good idea. I don't want to pull something.
mobmember_go_wait d_barn_xxx_00047fa.exa.snu
I'll use the time to work on my resume.
mobmember_currently_waiting d_barn_xxx_00047fb.exa.snu
I hope this doesn't take much longer. It's chowder night at the soup kitchen.
mobmember_currently_waiting d_barn_xxx_00047fc.exa.snu
Please hurry. Time is not on my side.

Voicelines for Apu going to wait and waiting. Since Apu appears after the waiting platform in the courtyard and only appears inside the Kwik-E-Mart, these voicelines go unused.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
mobmember_go_wait d_apux_xxx_00047dd.exa.snu
I will just chill out over here.
mobmember_go_wait d_apux_xxx_00047de.exa.snu
I will wait with bated breath and full bladder.
mobmember_currently_waiting d_apux_xxx_00047df.exa.snu
I would like to get home in time for SportsCenter.
mobmember_currently_waiting d_apux_xxx_00047e0.exa.snu
I am using up a year's worth of breaks at the Kwik-E-Mart.

Enter the Cheatrix

Voicelines for Bart collecting more pages of the strategy guide. It’s likely that originally, Bart would have collected an additional page containing either the Super Cape or the Wrist Rocket. This makes sense since Bart is the only character in the Game Engine to receive two upgrades, unlike the other characters who only receive one.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
page_collect d_bart_xxx_0003a1a.exa.snu
Another page, radical!
page_collect d_bart_xxx_0003a1b.exa.snu
I gots all KIND of pages! Yeah!
page_collect d_bart_xxx_0004ed8.exa.snu
Got it -- cheating rules!

Voicelines for the Sorrio Game Engine Slaves being attacked.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
react_combat d_plum_xxx_00067ed.exa.snu
Play-a nice, ah?
react_combat d_plum_xxx_00067ee.exa.snu
Leave an old-a man alone!
react_combat d_plum_xxx_00067ef.exa.snu
At least I feel-a something!
react_combat d_plum_xxx_00067f0.exa.snu
I wish-a I could still-a throw fireballs!
react_combat d_plum_xxx_00067f1.exa.snu
I'm a glad the Princess not here to see this-a!

Shadow of the Colossal Donut

Voicelines for Homer fleeing from Lard Lad.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
flee_from_ll d_homr_xxx_00066c8.exa.snu
I'm running away while I pee in fear!
flee_from_ll d_homr_xxx_00066c9.exa.snu
Bye son, hope you don't die!
flee_from_ll d_homr_xxx_00066ca.exa.snu
Cowardice, take me away!

Voicelines for Kent Brockman reacting to Bart and Homer defeating the mini-krusties.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
krusty_mass_death d_kbmn_xxx_0000a5e.exa.snu
They're treating these miniature Krustys as if they were miniscule Krustys.
krusty_mass_death d_kbmn_xxx_0000a5f.exa.snu
Those robot clowns died fighting for what they believe in, nothing.
krusty_mass_death d_kbmn_xxx_0000a60.exa.snu
The tiny clowns' reign of terror was as small as they were themselves.
krusty_mass_death d_kbmn_xxx_0000a61.exa.snu
Those mini-Krusty robots just got served!
krusty_mass_death d_kbmn_xxx_0000a62.exa.snu
I've never seen such an impressive display of tiny robot slaughter! No, wait. I have.

A voiceline for Kent Brockman when Lard Lad is defeated.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
ll_defeated d_kbmn_xxx_0006566.exa.snu
Lard Lad is down for the count! What an amazing display of punching, eating, flying and sling shot-using from the Simpson boys!

Invasion of the Yokel-Snatchers

Voicelines intended to be used when Bart and Homer get beamed up into the UFO. The Old-Gen uses these voicelines since it doesn't have the space-invaders section.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
in_beam d_bart_xxx_0003b75.exa.snu
This thing sucks - literally!
in_beam d_homr_xxx_0003b3e.exa.snu
This is cool but incredibly painful!

Voicelines for the aliens planning a "surprise attack".

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
surprise_attack d_as01_xxx_00067db.exa.snu
Silence your oral communication orifices! They are coming!
surprise_attack d_as01_xxx_00067dc.exa.snu
Be vewy vewy quiet... it's surprise attack season.
surprise_attack d_as01_xxx_00067dd.exa.snu
Dudes, dudes, everyone shut up. You're gonna ruin the surprise attack! Seriously, shut up.
surprise_attack d_as02_xxx_00067de.exa.snu
Here comes trouble!
surprise_attack d_as02_xxx_00067df.exa.snu
They are gonna be so surprised!
surprise_attack d_as02_xxx_00067e0.exa.snu
I can't wait to eat all those dead humans.

Bargain Bin

Voicelines for the 8-Bit Simpsons after you save them from the cartridge incinerator.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
success d_brt8_xxx_0005bcc.exa.snu
Thanks for saving us, awesome versions of us!
success d_hom8_xxx_0005bcd.exa.snu
You did it, you saved us! How many points did you get?
success d_lis8_xxx_0005bce.exa.snu
I love you, next gen Simpsons!
success d_mar8_xxx_0005bcf.exa.snu
Thank you, other Homie and other Bart!


Voicelines for the Mobbit Rodd and Todds offering Homer food or drinks.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
drink_offering d_rdfh_xxx_0003c15.exa.snu
This juice is special!
drink_offering d_rdfh_xxx_0003c16.exa.snu
Chug! Chug! Chug!
drink_offering d_rdfh_xxx_0003c17.exa.snu
Drink the magic bravery potion!
drink_offering d_rdfh_xxx_00032c1.exa.snu
Booze will make you brave!
drink_offering d_rdfh_xxx_00032c2.exa.snu
Try this drink -- it's made of fermented goat drool.
drink_offering d_rdfh_xxx_00032c3.exa.snu
Try this micro brew!
food_offering d_tdfh_xxx_00032ec.exa.snu
I baked this for you!
food_offering d_tdfh_xxx_00032ed.exa.snu
It's full of trans fats, so you'll like it!
food_offering d_tdfh_xxx_00032ee.exa.snu
Food equals love!

Grand Theft Scratchy

A voiceline for Poochie when he's defeated.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
defeated d_poch_xxx_0006574.exa.snu
I have been... served...

Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game

Voicelines for Lisa and Homer after using the summon button during the Sparklemon fights.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
sparklemon_attack_summon d_homr_xxx_000501d.exa.snu
Summon - crazy animal thing!
sparklemon_attack_summon d_homr_xxx_000501e.exa.snu
Sic em, boy! Sic em!
sparklemon_attack_summon d_lisa_xxx_0005075.exa.snu
Strunk and White power - activate!
sparklemon_attack_summon d_lisa_xxx_0005077.exa.snu
C'mon Linguo! Be pedantic! Pedantic!

Game Over

A voiceline for Shakespeare when he's defeated.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
defeated d_shak_xxx_00063a4.exa.snu
To be or not to be, that is the -- ow ow ow dead.

A voiceline for Lisa when the Skybucks building is built. The Old-Gen uses this voiceline as Lisa is the one to build the Skybucks instead of Marge.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
starbucks_success d_lisa_xxx_0006374.exa.snu
Ugh, I can't believe I helped build another Starbucks.

A voiceline for Ben Franklin when he's defeated.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
defeated d_benf_xxx_00063b5.exa.snu
Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy and -- ow ow ow dead!


Episode Trigger

These voicelines are intended to be played when you're near an episode in Springfield, but these go unused. Day of the Dolphin

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
episode_trig_dod d_bart_xxx_0004b6d.exa.snu
Looks like Sea Captain's the catch of the day!
episode_trig_dod d_lisa_xxx_0004ba7.exa.snu
It looks the fisherman has become the fishered!

Shadow of the Colossal Donut

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
episode_trig_scd d_bart_xxx_00009fd.exa.snu
I'm ready for whatever comes our way...as long as it's of normal size.
episode_trig_scd d_bart_xxx_00009fe.exa.snu
Hey, it's Krusty! A bunch of Krustys? They're attacking, and they're tiny!
episode_trig_scd d_bart_xxx_00009ff.exa.snu
I can't believe my giant, perfectly circular eyes! Not one, not two, but an entire horde of Mini-Krustys are attacking!

Invasion of the Yokel-Snatchers

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
episode_trig_dss d_bart_xxx_0003b51.exa.snu
Let's do this thing.
episode_trig_dss d_bart_xxx_0003b52.exa.snu
Hasta la vista, alien scum!

Marge's Mob


Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
mobmember_join d_as01_xxx_000628f.exa.snu
Sure I'll join the mob. It just feels right.
mobmember_join d_as02_xxx_0006295.exa.snu
I wasn't sure if you'd invite me. I was hoping.
mobmember_go_attack_enemy d_as01_xxx_0006290.exa.snu
They will feel the sting of my feather-soft tentacles.
mobmember_go_destroy_object d_as01_xxx_0006291.exa.snu
I'll make space meat of that thing!
mobmember_go_attack_enemy d_as02_xxx_0006296.exa.snu
I will attack with the viciousness of your Don Rickles.
mobmember_go_destroy_object d_as02_xxx_0006297.exa.snu
You don't like it? It's gone.
mobmember_task_complete d_as01_xxx_0006293.exa.snu
Something got done without the amazing Kang's help!
mobmember_task_complete d_as02_xxx_0006299.exa.snu
I'll remember this moment for a few seconds.
mobmember_go_wait d_as01_xxx_0006292.exa.snu
I'll just shut off my heart for moment.
mobmember_go_wait d_as02_xxx_0006298.exa.snu
I'll just chill out in my glass dome.
buttonreact_negative d_as01_xxx_0006294.exa.snu
You've damaged my feeling receptors.
buttonreact_negative d_as02_xxx_00066c7.exa.snu
You have angered foot soldier Omega Zorp Fifteen!

Comic Book Guy

Since Comic Book Guy only appears inside the Android's Dungeon, these voicelines go unused.

Filename Sound Subtitle
Prepare for a Superman-esque stomach bump!
I find your defense tactics wanting.
I will set my phaser to destroy.
I wish I had a phaser.
Your inferior wish is unfortunately my command.
Must build instead of criticize.
I'll be waiting right here, your highness.
Worst mob leader ever.
I will celebrate with three pints of Haagen Dazs.


Since Üter only appears in the Android's Dungeon, these voicelines go unused.

Filename Sound Subtitle
I will make bratwurst of this thing!
I will make you talk!
I am passionate about building and eating.
Oom pah pah... Oom pah pah... Oom pah pah... Omm
I stand on guard for thee. Oops, that's Canada.
Is there much cholesterol in gumballs?
I will sacrifice a caramel to honor our victory.

Chief Wiggum

Since Chief Wiggum only appears in the Police Station, these mob voicelines go unused.

Filename Sound Subtitle
My new motto is, "To not protect nor serve."
Who's the pig now? (OINKING LAUGH)
I'll tear into this like it's a cruller.
I am the law!
Oh boy, arts and crafts! Yay!
This is fun - I like being useful!
I'll look for my badge and gun while I wait.
Waiting around is just like police work.
Yeah, that's how I roll!

Mayor Quimby

Since Mayor Quimby only appears in the Town Hall, these mob voicelines go unused.

Filename Sound Subtitle
I'll give them the ol' Quimby eye gouge.
I'll make this little problem... disappear.
Tear down this object!
Building something will make a good photo-op.
You want me to do nothing? No problem.
Am I having dinner with my mistress or my wife?


Voicelines for the rigellians walking around and talking to them during the Alien Invasion. In-game, they only speak when they are attacked or bumped into.

Filename Sound Subtitle
I miss momma Crelax's Neptune stew!
Some day, when this war's over, I'm opening my own head dome store!
We have a strict don't slime don't tell policy!
On my planet I'm considered quite beautiful.
This place is a dump compared to Rigel 7. Let alone Rigel 8.
My tentacles could use some gold bond powder!
Imaging having eight armpits! My deodorant budget is out of control!
I wear contacts but I'm considering Space-Lasix. Seems safe.
I almost forgot that today is my 23rd Slime Day. Happy Slime Day to me.
I'm old enough to fight in a war, but too young to drink beer!
I worry this Space war was begun on false pretenses!
These humans sure are fatter than the last time I visited! Even the kids!
I just know Space-Jody is back at home making time with my best gal!
It's been two months since I've been on leave!
My daddy was an invader, my granddaddy was an invader...
My feet hurt. I mean, "tentacles".
I had this weird dream where I had two eyes and everything looked "depthy".
Man what I wouldn't do to kiss Betty Space-Grable. (GROWL)
After the war I'm going to go to Starvard on the GI Bill. Or maybe Startmouth.
I feel like being a soldier has kind of de-alienized me.
Earth isn't so bad - if you like jerks.
You can never get a cab in this city.
I need something to spice up my MySpace page.
Don't make me chase you. My quads are tight.
I get off at six o'clock. Want to catch a movie?
I know I'm an alien, but LeBron James is really out of this world.
You have offended me and my kind with the crazily low prices at Old Navy!
I wonder if Blixgrag is gazing at the same star I am.
I can't wait for St. Patrick's Day!
Why does everyone think we want the Earth's water supply? Don't be paranoid.
This war pits brother against brother! Johnny Yank and Billy Slime!
The sad thing is, I don't even know what this war is about!
And to think those hippie Aliens back home are protesting right now!
The eyeball stew isn't as good here as it is back home!
We need to come up with a racial epithet for you humans! How about "fatties"?
(SINGING) When Gorlax comes marching home again, hurrah! Hurrah!
I'm getting athlete's tentacle something terrible!
I hope my girl isn't back home fooling around with my best friend!
Someday I want to come back here and just sightsee!
Freedom is Slavery! Wait, that's not right.
I wish I had brought my copy of "To Serve Man".
I'm glad they haven't integrated my unit!
I went into cryo-freeze for two centuries for this!?
Maybe I'll take a human bride! That'll surprise mom!
How can destroying be bad, when it feels - so - GOOD!
On Earth, is it the male or female that initiates DNA replication?
When I get home, all I want to do is soak in a nice acid bath.
Take us to your leader. I believe his name is Miss Hoover.
The humans don't like it when you crack open their skulls.
You can tell a lot about a planet by how they consume their own urine.
Seeing all these American women makes me feel fat.
What the heck is going on? I thought they'd greet us as liberators.
It's a shame to attack, but they had their chance to kill themselves.
Earth is such a beautiful place. I've never seen so many tacos.

Character Conversations

A conversation voiceline for a rigellian intended to be used during act 2, but due to a bug in the game it skips this line.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle Notes
conv3_ext_act2_04 d_as02_xxx_00065f9.exa.snu
No, it's just that "I Spy" is an Earth game - we don't want to adopt their ways. Intended to play after "conv3_ext_act2_03" (as01_xxx_00065f7) is used.

A conversation voiceline for Kearny intended to be used during act 3, but due to a bug in the game it skips this line.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle Notes
N/A d_krny_xxx_000664b.exa.snu
I wish I could transform into a giant car that flies and also kicks everyone 'cause it has kung fu feet! Intended to play after "dolf_xxx_000664d" is used. What's interesting is that there doesn't seem to be a chatter type associated with this voiceline, and that there's 4 chatter types for the conversation (conv1_ext_act3_##) instead of what should be 5, since there's 5 voicelines for this conversation.

Skinner and Chalmers

An conversation between Superintendent Chalmers and Principal Skinner, but since Skinner only appears inside the school this goes unused.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
conv5_ext_act1_01 d_chal_xxx_000645e.exa.snu
Skinner! I need to speak with you.
conv5_ext_act1_02 d_skin_xxx_0006461.exa.snu
Sir, if this is about my wearing a novelty tie last week I can explain!
conv5_ext_act1_03 d_chal_xxx_000645f.exa.snu
No, you idiot. Debra and I have acquired a new set of patio furniture and we'd like to offer you our old patio furniture.
conv5_ext_act1_04 d_skin_xxx_0006462.exa.snu
Oh, Sir, I'm touched, I don't know what to say.
conv5_ext_act1_05 d_chal_xxx_0006460.exa.snu
Save it. Just flip over the cushion with the colada stain.
conv5_ext_act1_06 d_skin_xxx_0006463.exa.snu
Oh, I'd hug you but I know you don't want me to.

Game Engine

Voicelines for Professor Frink interacting with the family members.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
greetings_homer d_frin_xxx_0004f56.exa.snu
Your girth is astounding!
greetings_homer d_frin_xxx_0004f57.exa.snu
Homer Simpson, as I live and glayvin!
greetings_bart d_frin_xxx_0004f5c.exa.snu
Bart, your catchphrases make me weary.
greetings_bart d_frin_xxx_0004f5d.exa.snu
Greetings, cowabunga person.
greetings_lisa d_frin_xxx_0004f5a.exa.snu
Hi-ho, little Lisa!
greetings_lisa d_frin_xxx_0004f5b.exa.snu
Lisa, you're like me, except female and oh-so-petite.
greetings_marge d_frin_xxx_0004f58.exa.snu
Your hair is a marvel of engineering!
greetings_marge d_frin_xxx_0004f59.exa.snu
Ah, Marge! You smell pretty, like hibiscus.

Voicelines for Professor Frink interacting with the family members after completing certain levels.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
prox_episode_post_2h_nvq d_frin_xxx_0004f66.exa.snu
Nicely played, Lord of the Onion Rings! (SNORTS) Jokes are fun for joking and fun!
prox_episode_post_2m_nvq d_frin_xxx_000511d.exa.snu
Bravo Marge, you killed thousands of orcs... and your two closest relatives. (UNCOMFORTABLE NOISE)
prox_episode_post_2h_moh d_frin_xxx_0004f63.exa.snu
Homer, you triumphed in France, which is right next to Belgium!
prox_episode_post_2b_moh d_frin_xxx_000511c.exa.snu
Nice work Bart -- you foiled Mr. Burns, the evilest man in World War 2!
prox_episode_post_2h_bsh d_frin_xxx_0005120.exa.snu
Well done, Honorable Homer. You defeated an eight year old boy and a horde of fat nerds!
prox_episode_post_2l_bsh d_frin_xxx_0005121.exa.snu
Omedetou, Lisa. I hope you recognized all the anime refereces.
prox_episode_post_2l_gts d_frin_xxx_000511f.exa.snu
Imagine, Lisa, a Grand Theft Scratchy without guns or profanity -- how amazingly boring!
prox_episode_post_2m_gts d_frin_xxx_000511e.exa.snu
Bravo Marge, you made Grand Theft Scratchy rated E for everyone!

Voicelines for Professor Frink when being talked to.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
buttonreact_random d_frin_xxx_0004f5e.exa.snu
I love to cuddle, but my turtle bride needs more.
buttonreact_random d_frin_xxx_0004f5f.exa.snu
Aliens are destroying Springfield, and I find it faintly thrilling.
buttonreact_random d_frin_xxx_0004f60.exa.snu
Frink feels weird!
buttonreact_random d_frin_xxx_0004f61.exa.snu
Do androids dream of electric glayvins?
buttonreact_random d_frin_xxx_0004f62.exa.snu
Have no fear, Frink is in the dwelling.

Voicelines for the 8-Bit Simpsons interacting with the family members after completing certain levels.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
prox_episode_post_2h_nvq d_hom8_xxx_0005123.exa.snu
Oh Next Gen Homer, you're so good at killing monsters!
prox_episode_post_2h_moh d_hom8_xxx_0005122.exa.snu
Great work Homer -- you have so many more moves than I do.
prox_episode_post_2h_moh d_hom8_xxx_0005124.exa.snu
You did it, Homer. Although I didn't understand that level. It reminded me of "Burger Time."
prox_episode_post_2b_moh d_brt8_xxx_0005129.exa.snu
Aw Man, you got to go to the past and fight a war, while I was stuck here with two Lisas!
prox_episode_post_2l_bsh d_lis8_xxx_0005128.exa.snu
Oh Lisa, you finished that Japan level with such... political correctness!
prox_episode_post_2l_gts d_lis8_xxx_0005127.exa.snu
Great job future me! You showed video games can be fun without fighting!
prox_episode_post_2m_nvq d_mar8_xxx_0005125.exa.snu
Way to kill all those monsters, Marge! I wish I was young and smooth...
prox_episode_post_2m_gts d_mar8_xxx_0005126.exa.snu
You did it Marge, you dustbusted the raunch out of that town!

Voicelines for the family members interacting with eachother, which likely meant the family members were going to walk around the Game Hub instead of following you.

Chatter Type Filename Sound Subtitle
greetings_bart d_homr_xxx_0004fa1.exa.snu
Hey boy - hit puberty yet?
greetings_lisa d_homr_xxx_0004fa2.exa.snu
Hi sweetie.
greetings_marge d_homr_xxx_0004fa0.exa.snu
Hey there, hot stuff.
greetings_homer d_bart_xxx_0004f88.exa.snu
How's it goin', tons o' fun.
greetings_lisa d_bart_xxx_0004f8a.exa.snu
You smell.
greetings_marge d_bart_xxx_0004f89.exa.snu
Not so close, Mom - you're embarrassing me.
greetings_homer d_lisa_xxx_0004f99.exa.snu
Bonjour, mon père.
greetings_bart d_lisa_xxx_0004f9b.exa.snu
Bart you sicken me.
greetings_marge d_lisa_xxx_0004f9a.exa.snu
Hey, Mom.
greetings_homer d_marg_xxx_0004f8f.exa.snu
My sweet Homie-womie.
greetings_bart d_marg_xxx_0004f90.exa.snu
My special little guy!
greetings_lisa d_marg_xxx_0004f91.exa.snu
We ladies have to stick together!