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The Simpsons Game (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

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Title Screen

The Simpsons Game

Also known as: Die Simpsons - Das Spiel (DE)
Los Simpson: El Videoguego (ES)
The Simpsons Videopeli (FI)
Les Simpson, le jeu (FR)
I Simpson: Il Videogioco (IT)
Developer: EA Redwood Shores[1]
Publisher: Electronic Arts[1]
Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Released in US: October 30, 2007[1]
Released in EU: November 9, 2007[1]
Released in AU: November 15, 2007[1]

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article
ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

The Simpsons Game is what you get when you make a Simpsons game with every game genre.

It's notable for being almost entirely conceived and written by actual members of The Simpsons team, making it as authentic of, well, a Simpsons game as possible. It also has over 40 minutes of unique animated cutscenes that almost act as an entire extra-long episode together.

Also, every version of the game has slightly different front box art.


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info
Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Making-of Movie
Three parts of a Making-of movie were planned, none of which made the final cut.
TheSimpsonsGame360-FIN frontend.str-frontend.itxd-79 cliche summary.png
Unused Text
"Although I wasn't able to cut everyone I wanted to, I have cut a lot of you."
SimpsonsGame360-simpsons chars-11 episode goalsCBG.png
Unused Voicelines
"Worst voicelines ever."
SimpsonsGame360-simpsons chars-CommonHudWii.png
Differences between Old-Gen and New-Gen
Comparisons between the PS2/PSP/Wii versions ("Old-Gen") and PS3/360 versions ("New-Gen").

Debug Replay

To do:
  • See if there's a way to add or bring back the Debug Replay button like in OldGen.
  • These codes are raw memory offsets as I currently have no knowledge on any potential PS3/X360 cheat device and how it may work! --Edness
Debug Replay menu on PlayStation 3
Debug Replay menu on Xbox 360

There is a hidden menu internally called DebugReplay. It can be accessed in both the Old Generation release as well as here.

All Regions
PS3 00AF65B3 E8
360 8239F71F A4
(Source: Edness)

One slight difference, however, is that currently there is no way to add the Debug Replay button on the main menu in this release. Instead, these codes will replace the regular Episodes & Challenges menu with Debug Replay.

Unused Graphics

Downloadable Content

This game was planned to have DLC expansions. There is a button in the menu that would be used for DLC, but it never ended up being used. Frontend.str contains textures that were meant to be used for said DLC.

To get a better idea of where exactly these expansions were meant to take place in Springfield, this mockup image with all the textures combined to form a single image will help you out.

Mockup Springfield Map
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN episode download-combined.png SimpsonsGame360-SPR HUB-5 bus stop.png


Powerup Icons

Only Marge has a powerup icon in-game, but Bart and Homer have graphics for powerup icons that are unused.

Homer Bart
SimpsonsGame360-frontend.str-HomerHud.png SimpsonsGame360-frontend.str-BartHud.png

Ammo Icons

There are icons for the ammo Bart collects in the levels (some are 2 unused ammo types, which are a cork and an egg) that go unused. The Old-Gen version uses some of these icons for Bart's stronger ammo.




Early Final
Simpsons2007E39 frontend.png Simpsons2007final77 trophy case.png

Special Reserve Duff

Early Final
Simpsons2007final90 frontend.png Simpsons2007final38 trophy case.png

Deep Fried Duff

This early trophy design can actually still be seen inside the Garage of the Simpsons' house.

Early Final
Simpsons2007final27 frontend.png SimpsonsGame360-SPR HUB-69 trophy case.png

Krusty Begins

Early Final
Simpsons2007E312 frontend.png Simpsons2007final147 trophy case.png

Krusty's Stop & Go

Early Final
Simpsons2007final3 frontend.png Simpsons2007final180 trophy case.png

Gangsta Clean Hairspray

Early Final
Simpsons2007E351 frontend.png Simpsons2007final115 trophy case.png


Some textures are leftover from The Godfather, another game by EA Redwood Shores that runs on the same engine.

There are also 10 language flags, even though there's no language selection menu even in multi-language releases. This game also doesn't have any released localization in Dutch, Polish, Portuguese nor Swedish, whose flags appear here; and the flags for Finnish and Norwegian, which did have a released localization don't appear here.

The colloquially called Old Generation version has a few more movies available in the menu, those being In-Game Cutscenes that are pre-rendered there, but are played in real-time in the New Generation as they happen.

The level Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game has an IGC placeholder of its own too.

SimpsonsGameNG-FIN bigsuperhappy.str-bsh igc01 shot01.itxd-placeholder.png

Medal of Homer

An unused texture for the explosive barrels. The filename indicates that this texture was going to be used in Lisa the Treehugger.

This graphic would have likely been seen somewhere on Mr. Burns' aircraft carrier and references George W. Bush's "Mission Accomplished" speech.

Five Characters in Search of an Author

A graphic intended for zone 02.


TheSimpsonsGame Picture bartboat.png

picture_bartboat, while the boat painting is used in the Simpsons' living room, has an unseen photo of blue-shirted Bart Simpson leftover from the Xbox tech demo.

Textures for the unused retirement castle interior.

Unused Sound Effects


Voiceclips for Marge laughing. It's unknown where these would have been used.

Sound Effect


Voiceclips for Homer laughing Evilly...

Sound Effect

Voiceclips for Homer sighing. Some of these voiceclips are used in the DS version.

Sound Effect

Unused Level Areas

To do:
Get populated/textured renders. Right now these photos are just the plain level meshes with no props, enemies or lighting.

Springfield Hub

Retirement Home Interior

Underneath the retirement home, there is an unused interior. This seems to be very basic, with little furniture.

Smithers' Apartment

Located underneath the Sleep Eazy Motel there is an interior for an unused house. The house contains detailed models for furniture. After applying color, it became clear that this is meant to be Waylon Smithers' apartment. There are pieces of furniture outside the room, and floating in the middle of the room. Since the entire room and props are one single mesh, this is assumed to just be an error that the developers never fixed.

Enter the Cheatrix

Zone 3

Labeled as Zone 3 of Enter the Cheatrix. Only uses the simpsons_palette texture, and generally looks very unfinished. There is no ceiling mesh, so either there would have been a fixed camera angle or the mesh was never finished. From the fact that it uses no textures, we can assume that it was cut very early into Cheatrix's life, or was never intended for the final game at all.

Zone 4

Labeled as Zone 4 of Enter the Cheatrix. Only uses the simpsons_palette texture, bar from 3 pipes. At the top section, next to the green pipe, the wall covers a small corridor leading out, so this was presumably the exit to this zone. There is a movable bridge in the middle, leading to sign saying "POWER BOOST" and "OFF".

According to a Level Designer, These areas were cut because the level felt too long. Zone 3 didn't add anything that wasn’t in another zone and didn’t allow for any stand-out moments that couldn’t fit in elsewhere. Zone 4 was a battle arena, where enemies would spawn in infinitely and you’d need to fight them while figuring out how to turn off the spawners.

Five Characters in Search of an Author

SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN RWC-Zone2.png
Zone 2

Labelled as Zone 2 of Five Characters. This would have come right after the outside lawyer fight.

SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN RWC-Zone3.png
Zone 3

Labelled as Zone 3 of Five Characters. This would have come right after Zone 2. The design of this zone is very reminiscent of Old-Gen Five Characters. The player starts in the bottom right, somehow crosses a gap, makes their way across a bowling lane at the back (maybe there would have been bowling balls to dodge?), then back towards the camera. Then, there is a platforming section across floating notepads. The Homer and Bart statues are seemingly textureless, so either they were meant to look like that or the materials were cut.


Hidden Geometry

The Simpsons house has a photo of Marge, which isn't visible due to an invisible barrier and the locked camera movement never panning over to where it is. It's located next to the photo of Homer that is visible on the right of the TV. It also appears to be lifted and cropped out from a Season 2 episode.

TheSimpsonsGame Picture marge round.png

Behind the grocery store in Springfield, there is an El Barto graffiti 0.04 units inside a wall, making it invisible.

Ingame Model Viewer (graffiti moved)
TSG-ElBarto-Ingame.png TSG-ElBarto-Model.png

Time Challenges

Shadow of the Colossal Donut

  • There's a truck near Lard Lad.
Time Challenge Level
SimpsonsGame360-SCDTIME-TRUCK.png SimpsonsGame360-SCD-NOTRUCK.png

  • There's a utility pole near KrustyLu Studios
Time Challenge Level
SimpsonsGame360-SCDTIME-KrustyLu.png SimpsonsGame360-SCD-KrustyLu.png

Background Models

Shadow of the Colossal Donut

The background models in this level are based on a early version of Springfield seen in a E3 Build of the game.

  • The Glided Truffle (which is never seen in Springfield) is next to the Aztec Theater and the Kwik-E-Mart is moved closer to the Industrial Bridge.
  • Smithers' Apartment is moved behind the Kwik-E-Mart.
  • The 99, 66, and 33 cent stores (which are never seen in Springfield) are next to the museum.
  • There's extra road near Cletus' House and empty space where other houses would be at.
  • There are two houses that don't appear in Springfield (Milhouse's house and Mrs. Glick's House).
  • There's an extra road by the Retirement Castle that leads somewhere.


Invasion of the Yokel-Snatchers

  • There's an sign ontop of the roof of the Turn Your Head and Coif building, and certain buildings have different colors.
Level Springfield
SimpsonsGame360-YOKEL-BackgroundModel02.png SimpsonsGame360-SPR HUB-COIF.png

  • The Springfield Hospital can be seen in the background.


Bargain Bin

  • There are these machines that don't appear in Enter the Cheatrix.
Bargain Bin Enter the Cheatrix
SimpsonsGame360-BARGAINBIN-ApeBossBackgroundModel01.png SimpsonsGame360-CHEATRIX-ApeBossFight01.png

These machines show up in the ending cutscene of the level.


Episode Replay Icons

The episode replay icons seem be taken from earlier builds of the game.

The Land of Chocolate

  • The Giant Cake has a different design.
Episode Replay In-Game
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode loc.png Simpsons360-LOC-GIANTCAKE.png

Enter the Cheatrix

  • The vats inside the Blood Room are grey instead of purple.
Episode Replay In-Game
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode cheater.png SimpsonsGame360-CHE-VATSBLOODROOM.png

Shadow of the Colossal Donut

  • The building left of Lard Lad is pink instead of green.
  • The sign ontop of Lard Lad has an advertisement for the Powersauce Bars
Episode Replay In-Game
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode colossal donut.png SimpsonsGame360-SCD-LARDLADAREA.png

Medal of Homer

  • There are some posters that don't appear in the game, but do appear in the E3 build.

SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode moh.png


Alien Invasion

  • The sign ontop of Lard Lad has an advertisement for the Powersauce Bars which can also be seen in the Episode Replay Icon and in earlier versions of the level.


  • The area near the Sit-N-Rotate is expanded.
Cutscene In-Game
SimpsonsGame360-FMV-GAMEIGC02-02.png SimpsonsGame360-SPR HUB-MallBGModel.png

Eat Fist, Lard Crotch!

You can briefly see some stadium headlights and bleachers in the background, which is possibly a remnant of an earlier design of the level.



When Kang and Kodos start destroying Springfield, you can briefly see the Springfield Hospital in the background (which is a remnant of an earlier Springfield Hub)



In cutscenes that show Springfield, the town looks noticeably different from how its seen in-game, with various buildings and changes in the overall layout.

Alien Invasion Confronting God
SimpsonsGame360-FMV-GAMIGC02-01.png SimpsonsGame360-FMV-GAMEIGC07-01.png


Around the World in 80 Bites

Sarah Wiggum is mentioned exactly once by name throughout the game and it's not even spelled correctly.

String ID String Label String
00B3EDAB cwig_xxx_000028e Mmm, so much better than Sara's cooking.

The word "Bizarro" said by Comic Book Guy is misspelled.

String ID String Label String
DCDF893E cbgy_xxx_0000234 This isn't bizzaro world, so you lose!
Lisa the Treehugger

The word "Booyakasha" said by Bart is misspelled.

String ID String Label String
EBFB7741 bart_xxx_00003d7 Booyikasha!
Mob Rules

Patty's last name, "Bouvier" is misspelled

String ID String Label String
4A550538 ptty_xxx_0004955 Patty Bovier's in the house!
The Day of the Dolphin

The word "Vengeance" said by Kang is misspelled.

String ID String Label String
29214017 kang_igc_00030e9 Vengance! Payback is ours!

The word "Delicious" said by Kodos is misspelled also.

String ID String Label String
2459C510 kdos_igc_00030ed Delicous! Dipping sauce! Revenge! Revenge!

The word "airbrushed" said by Homer is misspelled.

String ID String Label String
A3F4BF2E homr_xxx_0004af1 This place should be airbushed on the side of a van.

Hobbit Rod Flanders' name is misspelled as Rodd for two subtitles.

String ID String Label String
DD56D7EE rdfh_xxx_00067c2 Rodd says yes!
DD56D7F5 rdfh_xxx_00067c9 Rodd is a follower.

"Translucent" said by Ghost Otto is misspelled.

String ID String Label String
252D9D9B otgh_xxx_000327c Whoa, I'm transluscent! Trippy!

The word "Zeppelin" said by Ghost Otto is also misspelled.

String ID String Label String
252D9D9E otgh_xxx_000327f Prepare to be Dead Zepplin!
Grand Theft Scratchy

The word "everything" said by Gangster Scratchy is misspelled.

String ID String Label String
651945EF scrg_xxx_0004e6e There's high fructose corn syrup in everthing these days.
Medal of Homer

"Man" said by Homer is misspelled.

String ID String Label String
02339247 homr_xxx_00014b0 Mac, PC games suck!

The words "it's" and "he'll" are missing apostrophes

String ID String Label String
BCBE83AA bart_xxx_0004ae7 Its weird having Grampa drive and not being worried that hell fall asleep.
Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game

The word "Greetings" said by Mr. Dirt is misspelled.

String ID String Label String
51173C70 mhsd_igc_000316e Greatings, naughty, naughty Earth-livers! Welcome to the realm of Mr. Dirt! Isn't it splendid?!
Five Characters in Search of an Author

Matt Groening's assistant Vyolet Diaz is written as Violet. While it could've been a parody, the internal subtitle ID vdiz does imply it's meant to be the real Vyolet; not to mention she's the one who also does the voice acting.

String ID String Label String
5A85E2AE gron_igc_00031b1 So they want a war? Well, then it's a war they'll get!
E56F3A5B gron_igc_0006055 Violet, engage the super-toon defense systems!
239DC464 vdiz_igc_00031b2 Yes, Mr. Groening.
5A85E2B0 gron_igc_00031b3 It's "Gray-ning"!
239DC466 vdiz_igc_00031b4 Are you sure?
5A85E2B2 gron_igc_00031b5 No.

The word "Visionary" said by Matt Groening is misspelled.

String ID String Label String
5A85E2B4 gron_igc_00031b7 Think again! Your creator is TV's most beloved animation visonary!
Game Over

The word "worship" is used twice in this one line, and one of them is misspelled.

String ID String Label String
02F65068 bart_xxx_0006366 I don't worship you -- I worhip Crom! Hail Crom!

Regional Differences

Some lines of dialogue are not dubbed in other languages, and instead just have a 0.1 second worth of silence. Some quotes, such as Mayor Quimby asking for his bribe, are meant to be reused in Springfield from an existing cutscene. Quimby's other quotes also appear to have multiple existing copies. Other quotes, like Homer saying how he feels after turning into Helium Homer, also appear to be duplicates.

String ID String Label Sound De Es Fr It Subtitle
780FEF70 drom_xxx_000092c
Yes No No Yes For feudalism!!!!!
A6341421 jany_xxx_0000e22
No No No No We want violence! We want violence! We want violence!
A6341422 jany_xxx_0000e23
No No No No No supervision! No supervision!
A6341423 jany_xxx_0000e24
No No No No Not the boss of us! Not the boss of us!
A6341424 jany_xxx_0000e25
No No No No What do we want? Violence! When do we want it? Now! What do we want? Violence! When do we want it? Now!
A6341425 jany_xxx_0000e26
No No No No V for violence! "V" for violence! "V" for violence!
A6341426 jany_xxx_0000e27
No No No No Anarchy always! Naps never! Anarchy always! Naps never!
A6341427 jany_xxx_0000e28
No No No No All we are saying, is give vice a chance! All we are saying, is give vice a chance!
A6341428 jany_xxx_0000e29
No No No No A sick mind is a terrible thing to waste! A sick mind is a terrible thing to waste!
2524FF24 spav_xxx_000638c
No Yes Yes Yes God's Choice massage oils available for sale in gift shop.
382186C1 askn_xxx_0006635
Yes No Yes Yes 'Cause you're a professional criminal!
FC77F6DE plum_xxx_00067ed
No No No No Play-a nice, ah?
FC77F6DF plum_xxx_00067ee
No No No No Leave an old-a man alone!
FC77F6E0 plum_xxx_00067ef
No No No No At least I feel-a something!
FC78F6E9 plum_xxx_00067f0
No No No No I wish-a I could still-a throw fireballs!
FC78F6EA plum_xxx_00067f1
No No No No I'm a glad the Princess not here to see this-a!
A3EC5358 mayr_xxx_0006843
No No No No So I'm ready to receive my bribe now.
A3EC535C mayr_xxx_0006847
No No No No So, I'm ready to receive my bribe now.
A3EC535D mayr_xxx_0006848
No Yes Yes Yes Can I count on your vote?!
A3EC535E mayr_xxx_0006849
No Yes Yes Yes Mistakes were not made.
A3EC5386 mayr_xxx_000684a
No Yes Yes Yes Did I ever tell you I was almost a contestant on Project Runway?
ECA0D928 homr_xxx_000685e
No Yes No No Wow! I feel slightly lighter than air!

Revisional Differences

Enter the Cheatrix Time Challenge

The bridge in the blood room is damaged in the Xbox 360 version, but remains fully intact in the PlayStation 3 release.

PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN CheatrixTimeTrialBridge.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN CheatrixTimeTrialBridge.png

Bonus Movies

The European PlayStation 3 releases have an additional Bonus Movies sub-menu, which has two somewhat generic videos available. This was originally meant to contain the cut Making-of movie for this game.

PlayStation 3 (Europe) PlayStation 3 (Rest of the World), Xbox 360
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN MainMenu.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN MainMenu.png

Texture Resolution

To do:
Some "generic" textures shared across many archives also have differing resolutions. Not to mention some others look quite different due to using other alpha masking types.

A couple textures have more visible compression artifacts in one version than the other, which isn't that noteworthy, however there are also several textures that are higher resolution, most of the higher resolution ones occurring in the PS3 release.

Bartman Begins

PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN brt.str-zone02 split3.txd-brt entrytunnel brck.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN brt.str-zone02 split9.itxd-brt entrytunnel brck.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN brt.str-zone02 split9.txd-brt grybrck.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN brt.str-zone02 split9.itxd-brt grybrck.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN brt.str-zone01.txd-brt templecroft.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN brt.str-zone01 split3.itxd-brt templecroft.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN brt.str-zone02.txd-brt underwater mural.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN brt.str-zone02 split3.itxd-brt underwater mural.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN brt.str-zone01 split2.txd-brt wallcrack1.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN brt.str-zone01 split4.itxd-brt wallcrack1.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN brt.str-zone01 split2.txd-brt wallcrack2.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN brt.str-zone01 split4.itxd-brt wallcrack2.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN brt.str-zone01 split3.txd-stoneblock.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN brt.str-zone01 split4.itxd-stoneblock.png

Mob Rules

This texture exists in Bartman Begins, here, and in Springfield. Only in Bartman Begins the texture is identical on both platforms (both using the higher quality variant seen in the PS3 column.) Springfield's texture is the same as this one's.

PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN mob rules.str-zone03.txd-spr museum02.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN mob rules.str-zone03.itxd-spr museum02.png

Shadow of the Colossal Donut

PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN colossadonut.str-zone02.txd-spr museum05.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN colossadonut.str-zone02.itxd-spr museum05.png

Game Engine

The Five Characters in Search of an Author equivalent of this texture (rhymes\zone01.str\rwc_goldcoinramp2) is high resolution on both platforms.

PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN gamehub.str-zone01 split6.txd-gam goldcoinramp2.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN gamehub.str-zone01 split9.itxd-gam goldcoinramp2.png


The cliff texture has two different (yet almost identical) variants, the first one is lower resolution on PS3, but the 2nd one is identical on both patforms

PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN spr hub.str-cliff.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN spr hub.str-cliff.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN spr hub.str-zone21.txd-pol floor1.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN spr hub.str-zone21.itxd-pol floor1.png
