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Tiny Toon Adventures 3 (Genesis)

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Title Screen

Tiny Toon Adventures 3

Also known as: 动物王国 (Unused Title Screen)
Developer: Gamtec
Publisher: Ming Super Chip Electronic
Platform: Unlicensed Genesis
Released in TW: 1996

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.

Tiny Toon Adventures 3 is a pirate game from Gamtec, a company that also released other pirates on the Genesis such as Lion King II and Squirrel King. Bearing no relation with the cartoon despite the title, you play as Rabbit Clever through five levels as he (optionally) rescues his animal friends.

Unused Music

Several tracks are still left in the ROM but unused.

Title Screen

The title screen music has a little more to it than is usually heard before the screen fades away to the story intro.

Unused Track 1

Likely an early version of Level 2's music. Starts losing sync once it loops.

Unused Track 2

Unknown. Could have been planned for the story intro, or going by the style, a possible early title screen track. This track starts losing sync mid-tune.

Unused Track 3

Most likely another Level 2 rendition. More mechanical sounding and not fitting for that level's atmosphere though, possibly planned for a cut stage? This track also gets horribly out of sync as it continues to play.

Unused Track 4

Yet another early Level 2 rendition.

Unused Death Tune 1

Alternate tune for when you lose a life.

Unused Death Tune 2

Another rendition of the above.

Unused Death Tune 3

...and another.

Unused Death Tune 4

Another take on the tune that plays in-game.

(Source: Bootleg Games Wiki)

Unused Graphics

Sprite Name Description
Intro VRAM The game's intro story cuts off at the words "to rescue" on the third screen but graphics loaded into VRAM during the intro show that there was more text originally planned to be displayed. Since each screen of the story has four lines of text yet the third has only three, a good guess says it was likely meant to be read in full as " Then the cleverst animal among the island, Rabbit Clever, comes out to fight with Prince of Darkness for justice to rescue all his disappeared friends." The fourth screen, which displays no text in-game, was likely to use the the rest of the text, which appears to include the words "However" and "Darkness," while a final sentence likely read "A journey in Imaginable Island begins.."
(Source: Bootleg Games Wiki)

Programmer Messages

Two are present around the header:


Alternate Title Screen

There's an unused Chinese title screen reading "动物王国" (Animal Kingdom), depicting Rabbit Clever standing on a cliff with misplaced shadow.