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Toon Academy: Cog Crush

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Title Screen

Toon Academy: Cog Crush

Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: 2005[1]

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Toon Academy: Cog Crush is one of several flash games Disney used to promote their kid-friendly MMO Toontown Online.

Debug Menu

To do:
Figure out what the second box with the 0 does, if anything.

Resizing the flash player reveals an off-screen debug menu that displays the values of some variables.

Toontown Cog Crush debug menu.png

The only modifiable value is "Online". Setting the 1 in the first box to a 0 disables the "Tell a Friend" button (but not the "Try Toontown" button, both of which open a web browser). Changing the 0 in the second box has no obvious effect.
