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Torment: Tides of Numenera (Windows)

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Title Screen

Torment: Tides of Numenera

Developer: inXile Entertainment
Publisher: Techland Publishing
Platform: Windows
Released in US: February 28, 2017

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

To do:
Lots of unused text to potentially be found. See here for more info (also here and even here.) Also, add the revisional differences.

Torment: Tides of Numenera is a spiritual successor to the critically acclaimed 1999 game, Planescape: Torment. Like its predecessor, it's primarily story-driven while placing greater emphasis on interaction with the world and characters, with combat and item accumulation taking a secondary role.

While the Kickstarter campaign was highly successful, the game was delayed many, many times before finally being released, due to how highly ambitious the project turned out to be.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Debugging Material

The debug menu is inaccessible without patching the ..\Steam\SteamApps\common\Torment Tides of Numenera\WIN\TidesOfNumenera_Data\ManagedAssembly-CSharp.dll file.

Existing patches can be found here:

To do:
Fix dead links.
  • TToN v1.0.1: [1]
  • TToN v1.0.2: [2]
  • TToN v1.1.0: [3]

This changes 3 things in Torment Tides of Numenera.

  1. Adds the debug console back to the loading screen.
  2. Re-maps the Map button to show the Debug Screen instead of the Map.
  3. Re-maps the Journal button to show the console instead of the journal.

These buttons are located in the bottom right corner of the screen.

You can still access the journal from the inventory screen.

The debug menu enables many features, including an area warp.

Here is where all the warps take you when the Switch Button or Load Button is clicked.

Selection Location
Select a Menu Reloads current screen
Intro Movies Shows intro, and returns to the main menu
Torment Menu Does nothing
EmptyScene Loads %40 and hangs
HUD Loads %40 and hangs
integration_tests Puts you in the Ioxus Shanty in the bloom with tyber and loot on the floor, can't interact with the loot, can't exit the Ioxus Shanty
DebugMenu Loads %40 and hangs
AR_0003_Kholn_Village_Cave01 Loads 15% and hangs
ar_c4121_ShrineOfTheGreatChilaInterior Loads Shrine of the Great Chila
ar_c4111_VastInterior Loads The Vast Interior
ar_c4131_loxusShantyInterior Loads Ioxus Shanty
ar_c4101_MemovirasCourtyard Loads 49% and hangs on "Restoring scene objects"
ar_c4211_ChiurgeonSlump Loads Chiurgeon Slump
ar_c4301_LittleNihliesh Loads Little Nihliesh
ar_c4201_TradePost Loads Trade Post
ar_c4601_Ascension Loads The Ascension
ar_c4501_MemovirasFortress Loads Memoviras Fortress
ar_c4401_BloomsHeartExterior Loads Heart Exterior
ar_c4421_BloomsHeartInterior Loads Heart Interior
ar_c4311_LostAnchorage Loads Lost Anchorage
AR_B9111_G1KholnVillage Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_B9111_G1KholnVillage"
AR_X1131_Fathom13 Loads Dark Fathom
AR_B9114_G1DesertRoad Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_B9114_G1DesertRoad"
AR_X1511_TheCalm Loads The Calm
ar_c4221_OldSlaveBlock Loads Old Slave Block
blue_crisis Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading blue_crisis"
ar_c4141_DuelingArena Loads Transdimensional Arena
ar_c4321_CatenaInterior Loads Catena Interior
ar_c4222_MurdenTreasureTrove Lads Murdens Treasure Vault
ar_c4511_MemovirasTower Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading ar_c4511_MemovirasTower"
ar_c4142_DuelingArenaIoxu Loads what looks like a very low texture of Transdimensional Arena, player cannot move, the robot is there also but does nothing
AR_D5231_JoliosPeak Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_D5231_JoliosPeak"
AR_D5232_Menagerie AR_D5231_JoliosPeak - Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_D5232_Menagerie"
ar_c4413_ForgottenNiche Loads Forgotten Niche
ar_c4412_CorpuscularMawChamber Loads Corpuscular Maw Chamber
ar_c4411_TheGullet Loads The Gullet
AR_C4202_TradePostRestored Loads Trade Post (with merchants)
ar_a1101_TheBrokenDome Loads the Broken Dome
ar_a1201_ReefOfFallenWorlds Loads Reef of Fallen Worlds
ar_a2101_CircusMinor Loads 49% and hangs on "Restoring scene objects"
ar_a2201_CliffsEdge Loads 49% and hangs on "Restoring scene objects"
ar_a2211_TheFifthEye Loads The Fifth Eye
ar_a2301_Underbelly Loads Underbelly
ar_a2311_DendraOhurCave Loads Dendra OHur Chapel
ar_a2321_CaveOfLastWords Loads Cave of Last Words
ar_a2332_BuriedCrossroads Loads Buried Crossroads
ar_a2501_Caravanserai Loads Caravanserai
ar_a2601_GovernmentSquare Loads Government Square
AR_A3201_KholnVillage Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_A3201_KholnVillage"
ar_a4611_CouncilTower Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading ar_a4611_CouncilTower"
AR_X1011_Fathom1 Loads 40% and hangs on "Loading AR_X1011_Fathom1"
ar_x1511_TheCalmBroken Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading ar_x1511_TheCalmBroken"
AR_D5101_JerboaTown Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_D5101_JerboaTown"
AR_D5111_MorphingGrotto Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_D5111_MorphingGrotto"
AR_D5112_AbandonedHovel Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_D5112_AbandonedHovel"
AR_D5121_TheMarina Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_D5121_TheMarina"
AR_D5201_SunkenMarket Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_D5201_SunkenMarket"
AR_D5211_OMJCenter Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_D5211_OMJCenter"
AR_D5212_GiashChamber Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_D5212_GiashChamber"
AR_D5221_OblevisReef Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_D5221_OblevisReef"
AR_D5131_LostSea Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_D5131_LostSea"
AR_D5301_MaralelsAsylum Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading AR_D5301_MaralelsAsylum"
ar_x1512_TheCalmRestored Loads 15% and hangs on "Loading ar_x1512_TheCalmRestored"
ar_a2331_StichaLair Loads Sticha Lair
ar_a2221_PsychicBattlefield Loads the Psychic Battle (from the 5th eye)
ar_a3121_NecropolisTomb Loads Necropolis Tomb (Character spawns at a random tomb)
ar_a3101_ValleyOfDeadHeroes Loads Valley of Dead Heroes
ar_a3111_NecropolisEntrance Loads Necropolis Entrance
ar_a2621_OrderOfTruth Loads Order of Truth
AR_A2622_UpperAnteChamber Loads Upper Antechamber
AR_A2623_TheAnechoicLazaret Loads Anechoic Lazaret
ar_x4061_SorrowFragmentFathom Loads 100% but only shows a black screen and a red cursor
ar_a3131_FirstCastoffsTomb Loads First Castoffs Tomb
ar_a3141_EndlessGateEntrance Loads Endless Gate Entrance
ar_a3142_TheEndlessGate Loads The Endless Gate
ar_a3301_MielAvest Loads Miel Avest
ar_a3302_MeilAvestDestroyed Loads Miel Avest Destroyed
ar_c4602_AscensionCavernInterior Loads Crystalline Cavern
AR_X3051_SpecterFathom Loads Specters Fathom
ar_x6111_EndFathom_FCOBreakup Loads the room with the portal to the Broken Fathom
ar_X6121_EndFathom_Maze Loads Broken Fathom
ar_x6132_Resonance Loads the final conversation with the Sorrow (End Game)
ar_x6091_CNPCFathom_Crefton Loads 49% and hanges on "Restoring scene objects"
ar_x6081_CNPCFathom_Oasis Loads the Fathom Oasis - underwater area with all the Ghibra and Tyber
ar_x6071_CNPCFathom_Village Loads Village Fathom
ar_x2021_FocusTrainerFathom Loads Clock Fathom
ar_x2031_DaughtersFathom Loads Daughters Fathom
AR_X6101_EndFathom_EndlessBattle Loads Endless Battle Fathom
ar_x4061_SorrowFragmentFathom_Lab Loads Fathom 1
ar_X6131_Fathom13_EndGame Loads Dark Fathom
Singletons Does nothing

Clicking the Load button instead of the Switch button loads but you start as a female castoff like you would start the game and Debug conversations are unlocked. The Switch button uses your current character.

If certain conditions are meant, the game can be made unstable while using the debug menu. For example, engaging in battle with an enemy and then warping to a different location, the player will still act as if engaged in battle with no one to battle and therefore cannot exit battle mode and the player becomes stuck.

To do:
Finish button actions.

Another feature is a display of the build number and FPS in the upper right as well as a console for displaying additional information and several buttons:

Button Action
Disable Flipbooks
Disable CBuffer
Reload Convos Resets conversations so that other conversation options can be selected
Regen NPC Apps
Camera Debug Toggle camera angles
Memory Circuit
Hide Hide the debug menu