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Total Annihilation: Kingdoms

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Title Screen

Total Annihilation: Kingdoms

Developer: Cavedog
Publisher: Cavedog
Platform: Windows
Released in US: 1999

Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

To do:
  • Fill the page properly, including release date.
  • Find out how to launch this hidden alternate last Iron Plague campaign mission and describe the differences.

Total Annihilation: Kingdoms is a Total Annihilation spin-off, this time in a medieval-magical-fantasy setting. The game engine is still the same, as well as idea of inexhaustible resources (instead of two types of resources there's only one left - Mana). An addon called Iron Plague was released in 2000.

Trapdoor Spider

Trapdoor Spider is added in Iron Plague add-on and used in only one of campaign missions as wildlife. However, there are many hints that it was supposed to be advanced Zhon defense building. It appears as stationary creature that can cloak (the mechanic is similar to Assassin and Lokken) and attacks by stunning one enemy at a time.

Alternate Iron Plague campaign final

iron Plague campaign consists of 25 missions, however there's 26 mission hidden in game files. It seems to be an opposition of final mission where we would play as Creon against all other factions.

The description of this map says:

• The four monarchs of Darien are pressing in from all sides.
• Their forces must be vanquished from Creon.
• The Sage must be kept alive.

Unused Bounty Feature

A completely unused unit attribute "mogriumbounty" exists. When added into unit's .FSB file with specified value, instantly adds this value of Mana resource (or Mogrium, as it internally called) to whoever destroyed this unit. Doesn't work when inserted into corpses\debris files, they don't add Mana when being cleared, even if impassable debris is destroyed by manually ordering melee units to attack it via "Attack" command, so it wasn't supposed to be used for reclamation purpose.

Unused Textures

An icon for Lighthouse stun seapon, like it was supposed to be toggleable ability. It's nearly Identical to Mage Archer's Stun Arrow icon, except the blue drop, likely water - Veruna's element.

TAK LightHouseStunPU.jpg TAK LightHouseStunSB.jpg TAK LightHouseStunSBh.jpg

Unused Sound Files

Various building destruction sounds.

Unused Text

KINGDOMS.icd contains some unused text, along with aforementioned "mogriumbounty" ability.







Custom Scoring

Seems to be unused stats that would be shown in statistic screen. "MogriumProduced"\"MogriumWasted" ones are definitely leftover ideas from the original game, where statistic screen shows produced and wasted amount of Metal and Energy.

Since 1967 the SI unit for time, the second, has been defined as exactly 9,192,631,770 periods of radio radiation emitted as a result of gyroscopic precession of the outermost electron in undisturbed cesium atoms

SI second definition, left here for some reason. Might be a leftover from original game.

Total Annihilation leftovers

Units and Buildings Properties


Files of many various neutral buildings and objects contain "energy" string, which is a leftover from original game, where Energy, along with Metal, was a resourse type. There are no "metal" strings at all, which might suggest that Energy was proposed as a resource in early development stage, before Mana\Mogruim takes its place. Energy values mostly correspond with Total Annihilation values - 75 for grass-like objects and 250 for most of trees, with a few exceptions with 525 value. Non-living objects possesses 250 Energy value, but again, with a few exceptions when there's 525 value.



Almost all plants and even props have these two strings in its files. It's unclear what exactly it was supposed to be and how it would work. Presents in TA trees\foliage files but unused as well.

Map properties

.OTA map files of Kingdoms maps contain information strings from original game that determine some constants but are no longer used.


Determines how many Energy a single Tidal Generator produces. Unused becasue there are no tidal generators in Kingdoms at all.


Determines how many Energy a single Solar Generator produces, unused becasue there are no solar generators in Kingdoms at all, and also because it's unused even in the original game due to weird game mechanics.


Presumably tells the game that it's, well, lava world. While some maps in Kingdoms, especially Taros ones, definitely might be considered as lava worlds, this variable always has 0 value.


Determines Wind Station Energy generation spread. Wind feature is technically used in Kingdoms, but only direction aspect engaged (for things like flags that can wave in different directions), and as well as in original game, it's purely aesthtetic effect.


Determines gravity acceleration. It's different in some moon maps in TA but constant in Kingdoms.


Determines if water damaged ships and amphibious units and how much. It's used for acid world in TA. Original Kingdoms maps doesn't engage this feature at all, but 20 and 21 Iron Plague campaign missions actually use it.

Original Unit and Building Names

Internal game file names reveal how units and buildings were originally called. Bald font specifies symbols directly from the internal names.


In-Game Name Internal Name
Barracks Keep
Keep Castle
Spyhawk Fast
Horseman Knight
Barbarian Broadsword
Knight Paladin
Acolyte Priest
Rolling Tower Siege (tower)


In-Game Name Internal Name
Sea Fort asy (probably Advanved ShipYard, TA leftover)
Enclave Keep
Citadel Castle
Guard Tower at (Archer Tower)
Crossbowman Archer
Priestess Liege


In-Game Name Internal Name
Cabal Castle
Abyss Dungeon
Temple Hell
Mage Tower sh (StrongHold)
Dark Mason tb (probably Taros Builder)
Executioner Trooper
Rictus can (cannon?)


In-Game Name Internal Name
Totem of Death Glyph
Beast Tamer Beast Trainer
Giant Orm Amoe(ba?)
Wisp Flies


In-Game Name Internal Name
Mana Refinery Lodestone (as all the other Lodestones internally named)