Transland |
Developer: Origin Systems This game has hidden development-related text. |
Transland is a game made by Origin Systems employees to help prepare them for making 3D games. While certainly playable, it's very rough around the edges (to the point of having its intro told entirely in storyboards) and any plans to expand the game further were shelved due to other projects taking up time. As such, the game was quietly posted on the company's website.
Undocumented Command Line Parameter
The s parameter enables sound during gameplay.
Debugging Material
Cheat Mode
Simply press V during gameplay to see a cheat command prompt. This will allow the player to change several game variables, like turning on the ability to jump, the turn speed, and gravity. Press the / key to see the help for this mode.
Raytracing Debug
Simply press P during gameplay to see what's being rendered by the game. This is represented in a small gray square on the top-center of the screen.
Map Editor
To do: Hooo boy, this thing is bigger than it looks. |
Booting a.exe without command line parameters will show the player a massive map editor.
The player can see the map info simply by pressing I or by clicking on "Map Info" from the main editor screen.
Unused Graphics
A rather oddly-colored picture of somebody, probably an Origin employee.
While no music exists in the game, midilist.txt lists the tracks that would have played during gameplay:
miditest.hmp axel.hmp credits.hmp intro.hmp endgame.hmp miditest.hmp axel.hmp credits.hmp intro.hmp miditest.hmp miditest.hmp axel.hmp credits.hmp intro.hmp endgame.hmp
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Origin Systems
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Origin Systems
- DOS games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 1996
- Games released in February
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with debugging functions
- To do
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Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Cleanup > To do
Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Electronic Arts > Games developed by Origin Systems
Games > Games by platform > DOS games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Electronic Arts > Games published by Origin Systems
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1996
Games > Games by release date > Games released in February