Two Worlds II
Two Worlds II |
Developer: Reality Pump
Two Worlds II is an action fantasy game that was an early example of games being transparently intrusive to your privacy (on the surface at least, the game gives you a registration forum by default, which made some players think it was required to even play the game).
It was also a bit janky.
To do: There may be some unused enemies, someone with more knowledge on the game would need to look into this more... |
Debug Menu
This page or section needs more images. There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this. |
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. Specifically: Some of these codes should be tested more thoroughly, such as "jump2" on consoles. |
All versions of the game have debug menus that can be accessed in multiple ways.
- Windows and Mac releases simply require you to press Enter by default to bring up the console.
- On the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions, while in-game, hold LB + RB/L1 + R1 and press Start, D-Pad Up, Start, D-Pad Down.
From these menus, you can enter two different types of codes. Also, any X in a code indicates a variable that must be entered, which is also noted.
Cheat Codes
These codes are considered cheats by the game, and will disable achievements/trophies when activated. They also require the code TWOWORLDSCHEATS to be entered first.
- AddExperiencePoints X - Give the player 0 to 255 experience points.
- Addgold X - Give the player 0 to 255 gold.
- AddParamPoints X - Give the player 0 to 255 Parameter points.
- AddSkillPoints X - Give the player 0 to 255 Skill points.
- Time X - Change the time of day using any number between 0 and 255.
- GOD X - Toggle God Mode on and off with 1 and 0.
- health - Give the player full health.
- killhorse - Kills the player's horse while riding it.
- ec.dbg levelup - Make the player level up.
- hero.move.fastrunspeed X - Set the player's run speed.
- X - Change clicks for max speed on your horse. The lower the number, the fewer clicks.
- ec.dbg iamcheater - Set attributes to 1000.
- eq_boat_01 - Spawn a boat.
- horse_01 (01-04 for different color) - Spawn a horse.
- jump2 - Teleport you to cursor.
- ec.dbg skills - Unlock all Skills.
- StartFlyingEyeMode X - Free flying camera, where X is distance.
- Dice.Test - Play dice game.
- jump X - Warp to a map, where X is map name.
- SetGateOverride - Open locked gates.
- Immortal 1 - Alternate god mode code.
Debug Codes
These codes are mostly related to the UI, and won't disable achievements/cheats when activated nor require the TWOWORLDSCHEATS code. Most of these only have 0 and 1 as variables, to turn them off or on.
- __TestIng 1 - Debug print all items.
- - Display map name and info.
- engine.usedof 0 - Remove depth of field blur.
- engine.edgeaablend 0 - Force sharp edges for objects, improve performance (use 0.75 to return to normal).
- engine.dstfarplane 0 - Force the game to only draw objects that are very close to the player.
- engine.BloomMultiplier 0 / Engine.BloomAdderA 0 / Engine.BloomAdderB 0 - Make savannah less shiny in the mornings (0.5/1/1 by default).
- engine.grassuserdistance 0 - Disable grass.
- engine.stencilshadows 0 - Disable shadows.
- graph.setfastrunspecialefx 0 - Disables motion blur.
- cam.fight.zoom X - Zoom the camera, where X is a number.
- cam.mount.xoff 0 - Centers the camera on horse.
- cam.zoom.min X / cam.zoom.max X - Change the minimum and maximum camera distances, where X is the desired number.
- cam.under.zoom X / cam.under.zoom.min X / cam.under.zoom.max X - Set limit for underground exploration camera zoom in/out.
- cam.mount.zoom X - Sets camera distance limit on horseback.
- cam.zoom.inventorymode X - Set camera limit in your inventory.
- X / X - Set camera limit when talking with an NPC.
- ms.grav -X - Set the gravity anywhere between 10 and 100. (This is not considered a cheat)
- display.debugfps 1 - Show frames per second.
- graph.setfastrunspecialefx 0 0 0.0 / engine.mblurintensity 0 / engine.mblurscale 0 - Remove run blur.
- graph.drawhero 0 / showinterface 0 - Turn on and off the HUD, GUI, and hero with 1 or 0.
- 0 - Disable wobbly camera.
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Reality Pump
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by TopWare Interactive
- Xbox 360 games
- PlayStation 3 games
- Windows games
- Mac OS X games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2010
- Games released in November
- Games released on November 12
- Games released on November 19
- Games with debugging functions
- To do
- Needs more images
- To investigate
Cleanup > Needs more images
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Cleanup > To do
Cleanup > To investigate
Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Reality Pump
Games > Games by platform > Mac OS X games
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation 3 games
Games > Games by platform > Windows games
Games > Games by platform > Xbox 360 games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by TopWare Interactive
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2010
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 12
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 19