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Ultra CD-i Soccer

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Title Screen

Ultra CD-i Soccer

Also known as: CD-i Soccer (title screen)
Developer: Krisalis Software
Publisher: Philips Media
Platform: CD-i Digital Video Cartridge
Released in EU: 1997

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

With 72 whole teams and a custom league maker, this CD-i soccer game is pretty freakin' ultra.

Cheat Mode

Three teams that aren't listed in-game are playable via a combination of two variables: 0xd01ee0 which stores the index of the competition type chosen at the main menu, and 0xd01ee2 which stores the index of a matched hidden password when it is introduced (confirmed with message "CHEAT MODE ON"):

Ultra CD-i Soccer-Password1.png Ultra CD-i Soccer-Password1Enabled.png

File cdi_demo is loaded at address 0x248000. Function 0x2766a8 stores the competition type index. Function 0x25e5f4 checks the introduced password against the list of 7 obfuscated passwords at 0x257662, each decoded by subtracting 1 to each character's byte value. Finally, function 0x27c78e checks both variables, resulting in the following possible outcomes:

Competition Password Outcome
Head to Head F0CK1N-G00D-SH1T Player 1's team is "Ken Dodds dads dogs dead"
Head to Head F0CK-H1M-G00D Player 2's team is "Krisalis"
Any type besides "Head to Head" T3*M-D0NC*ST3R Player 1's team is "Ken Dodds dads dogs dead"
Champions Cup R0TH*RH*M Player 1's team is "Rotherham United"
Any type P*N*LT1*S No teams change, but the match skips to the penalty shoot-out
Instant Action CH*LL*NG* Player 1 and 2's teams are "Krisalis"
Custom League S*P*R-CH*LL*NG* Player 1 and 2's teams are "Krisalis", additional players are "Rotherham United"

Any of these three teams has an unique appearance, and team members have mostly maxed-out stats:

Ultra CD-i Soccer-KenTeam1.png Ultra CD-i Soccer-KenTeam2.png

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Team data is stored at 0x274cce, starting with Rotherham United, by far the most normal of the three. Krisalis Software were based in Rotherham, so their inclusion was likely a bit of local (unused) flavor.

Team Name Country Short Name
Rotherham United England Rotherham
Lee Glover Andy Hayward Steve Cherry
Junior McDougald Shaun Goodwin Scott Smith
Martin James Darren Garner Shaun Goater
Andy Roscoe Ian Breckin Trevor Berry
Scott Smith Jonathan Howard John McGlashan
Chris Wilder Mark Monnington Gary Bowyer
Paul Hurst Neil Richardson Bradley Sandeman
David Pierce

Speaking of Krisalis, the company is represented by the second unused team, with its employees taking the place of the players.

Team Name Country Short Name
Krisalis England Krisalis
Ramo Mark Adamson Neil Adamson
Phil Hackney Steve Colledge Dave Colledge
Mark Potente Marvyn Burton Andy Ware
Mark Edwards Tim James Mark Incley
Paul Kirk Simeon Pashley Tracy Hudson
Pete Harrap Siobhan Moron DeeDee

Finally, there's this team, which has a roster of random, unrelated players and an... interesting name/origin country.

Team Name Country Short Name
Ken Dodds dads dogs dead FUG land Too Good
Marcus Adamson Stephano Bielby Alen Boksic
Eric Cantonarse Petre Dragon Roberto Baggio
Romario Andreas Whiteley Gianluigi Lentini
Luca Marchagiani Christo Shoreo Franco Baresi
Craig Watkinson Basil Boli Mattew Le Tissier
Dennis Bergkamp Benito Walshaw Faustino Asprilla
Gabriel Batistuta Ricardo Oldale Gianfranco Zola

Unused Text

Most of the game's internal text is stored in cdi_demo at file offset 0x19B46. Among them are two unused lines meant for the developers' eyes only.

The first one's is some temporary copyright/credits text that's quite informal:

La di da ... Put some copyright 
Message crap in here or something 
Written by Krisalis etc etc etc

The second is much more vulgar, and would've showed up whenever the text failed to work properly:

Fuckin' strings fucked