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Um Jammer Lammy/Regional Differences

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This is a sub-page of Um Jammer Lammy.

To do:
  • The End Credits have a set of altered/exclusive images between versions
  • The Memory Card icon

Um Jammer Lammy is known to have a multitude of differences between regions, though more so between the Japanese and North American releases. Save for a few things, the European release retains the contents of the Japanese version.

Title Screen

Japan NA/Europe
Uh, yes. Welcome to the fire. Where's the fire? It's out now

The Japanese logo animation gets a cool fire effect.

Sound Player

The American and European versions feature a sound player mode. It is accessible via the title screen, labeled as "SPECIAL", upon completing all stages in all modes. In this mode, it's possible to listen to the background tracks of each of the available stages over a screen featuring the MilkCan members, as well as PaRappa, Rammy, and PJ, performing on the venue seen in Stage 7; each stage plays different animations for the characters. Curiously, in Stage 1's animations, Katy uses a set of previously unused eye textures, while PaRappa gained a new set which is otherwise not seen. The controls are as follows:

  • Square - Move Lammy
  • X - Move Katy
  • Triangle - Move PaRappa
  • Circle - Move Rammy
  • L1 - Move PJ
  • R1 - Move Ma-san
  • Select / Start - Exit
Um Jammer Lammy Katy Unused Eye1.png
Um Jammer Lammy Katy Unused Eye2.png
Katy's aforementioned eye textures.
Um Jammer Lammy PaRappa Unused Eye3.png
Um Jammer Lammy PaRappa Unused Eye4.png
PaRappa's new eye textures.

Stage 1

Japan/Europe North America
"You can play in hell! You come far!"
"You can play in an island! You come far!"

The lyrics were changed in the NA version due to stage 6 being changed from Hell to an island.

Stage 5

Japan/Europe North America

"Chop all of them down,
every single one down"

"Come on and get down,
way down to the low ground"

"Choppin trees down for the fun"

"Knowin that we're here for the fun"

The lyrics in Lammy's variant were changed because telling kids that chopping down trees is fun probably isn't a good idea. The subtitles in the North American release aren't completely altered for the former line, as seen below:

Japan/Europe North America
Poor score is purely a result of emulator timing issues and not indicative of my music game skills I promise I swear to god I pulled off the frame-perfect identical screenshot by complete fluke, I wasn't even trying

PaRappa's lyrics were changed accordingly. An inconsistency in the former line was also fixed, changing the "like" in PaRappa's keysounds to "love", much like Paul Chuck's line.

Japan/Europe North America

"Ain't this fun ? Having fun in the sun
I love choppin down trees just for fun" (Chuck)
"I like choppin down trees just for fun" (PaRappa)

"Ain't this fun ? Having fun in the sun
I love rockin' to the beat just for fun"

"Choppin down trees, just for fun"

"Rollin up high in the sun"

Stage 6

Japan/Europe North America

The cutscene for Stage 6 was changed almost completely. Upon exiting Chuck's guitar shop, the Japanese and European versions show Lammy slipping on a banana peel, dying, and going to Hell, while the NA version shows Lammy being catapulted to an island. Oddly enough, a lot of the dialogue is left intact, with only a few minor differences.

Japan/Europe North America
UmJammerLammy Lammy S6.png Where'd that come from?

Due to the cutscene changes mentioned above, Lammy gets a camouflage outfit exclusive to the NA version. PaRappa's outfit remains unchanged, due to having a different subplot.

Japan/Europe North America
"If I can have another, another dream,
the devil would come back to pick me up with you"
"If I can have another, another dream,
somebody would come back to pick me up with you"

The Lammy variant of Taste of Teriyaki, Stage 6's song, changes one set of lyrics during the chorus, removing a reference to the devil.

Japan/Europe North America

"The angel's been mean to me, that's for sure"

"My friend's been mean to me, that's for sure"

"If I can have, have another wish,
I want the devil to join my next dish"

"If I can have, have another wish,
I want a man to join my next dish"

PaRappa's variant of the song sports two lyrical differences as well. The first one is during the pre-chorus, which changes a reference to a mean angel to a mean friend, while the second one is similar to the change done in Lammy's variant, changing a reference to the devil which is desired to simply a man which is desired.

Stage 7

Japan/Europe North America

In the American version, not only Lammy keeps her camouflage outfit during most of the non-flashback portions of the cutscene, Katy and Ma-san appear in new outfits as well; the former is also seen with a camouflage outfit, while the latter wears a turban and a red and yellow dress, while also riding a camel. The camera angle of the reunion scene was also changed.

Japan North America/Europe
"Ok, it's the guitarist on stage!"
"Ok, it's the performer on stage!"

Only present in the Versus Mode stage with Lammy and PaRappa in the Japanese version when you get into COOL mode. "Guitarist" was changed to "performer" even though the Japanese version still uses the "performer" line in the other modes.

Japan/Europe North America

"OK... You win
I guess I'll just go back
to hell

"OK... You win
I guess I'll just go home now."

Following the changes done to Stage 6, Rammy's voice clip played upon being defeated in Versus Mode was also updated, removing the reference to Hell.

Japan North America/Europe

The model geometry of the screen in the back has a second added subdivision in the international release.


Japan North America/Europe

The credits feature an instrumental orchestral version of “Keep Your Head Up!!” in the Japanese version, while the International versions feature a rock version with Katy Kat singing the lyrics.