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Umihara Kawase (SNES)

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Title Screen

Umihara Kawase

Developer: TNN[1]
Publishers: TNN (JP), Agatsuma Entertainment (INT)
Platforms: SNES, Windows
Released internationally: November 2, 2015 (Windows)
Released in JP: December 23, 1994

EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.

Umihara Kawase is a unique platformer for the Super Famicom. You play as a girl who uses a fishing rod to get back home, but not without sea and lake creatures stopping her from doing so.

Unused Enemies

Four fully coded enemies are in the game's data, complete with appropriate graphics. However, these didn't get used in any particular level and the only way to see them is to modify a level's header to have these enemies as one of the six possible enemies in that level. An example would be modifying F29E in the ROM to change the enemy seen, which replaces the goldfish (0x04) in Level 0 with the following.

Pufferfish (0x0C)


A pufferfish that is inflated and flails around in the air.

Vertical Plant (0x1D)


The red-colored plant turned sideways and would have been attached to walls.

Blue Plant (0x20)


A palette swap of the typical horizontal plant.

Catfish (0x23)


A catfish, with the ability to send off electric sparks that stun the player.

(Source: Verneri Kontto)

Unused Tile indexes

The game has five graphics banks for levels, each consisting of 512 tiles. Because you can only fit so much in VRAM, every field has a unique "tile indexes" array that essentially tells which tiles you're allowed to use in that field. There are some tiles that are never used in any field despite existing in the full tileset, seen below. (First frame is the full tileset, second frame is the set with the used tiles purged.)

Bank (0x00)

UmiharaKawase-Unusedindexes 00.gif

Bank (0x01)

UmiharaKawase-Unusedindexes 01.gif

Bank (0x02)

UmiharaKawase-Unusedindexes 02.gif

Bank (0x04)

UmiharaKawase-Unusedindexes 04.gif

Bank (0x05)

UmiharaKawase-Unusedindexes 05.gif

Bank (0x06)

UmiharaKawase-Unusedindexes 06.gif

(Source: Verneri Kontto)
