Unhappy Raccoon
Unhappy Raccoon |
Developer: XD Inc.[1] This game has hidden development-related text. |
This game is still under active development. Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary! |
Unhappy Raccoon is a combat Roguelike game. Here, in a furry universe, you gotta fight your way through different levels with your own raccoon army. 🦝
Hidden Credits
Present in some Lua toolkit scripts that enable the use of certain mathematical and programming operations.
In quaternion, timer, vector2, vector3, and vector4:
-- Copyright (c) 2015 , 蒙占志(topameng) topameng@gmail.com -- All rights reserved. -- Use, modification and distribution are subject to the "MIT License"
In bounds, color, coroutine, layermask, mathf, plane, profiler, ray, raycasthit, time, tolua, touch, and valuetype:
-- Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016 , 蒙占志(topameng) topameng@gmail.com -- All rights reserved. -- Use, modification and distribution are subject to the "MIT License"
In profiler:
-- Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018 , 蒙占志(topameng) topameng@gmail.com -- All rights reserved. -- Use, modification and distribution are subject to the "MIT License"
In ftp, headers, http, smtp, tp, and url:
-- XXX client support for the Lua language. -- LuaSocket toolkit. -- Author: Diego Nehab
("XXX" being "ftp", "headers", "http", "smtp", "tp", or "url" in each respective file.)
In util:
-- Mark Pulford <mark@kyne.com.au>
Developer Comments
Most of the other scripts include translations and explanations of the variables into Chinese.
For example, in hero:
-- 构造函数 function Hero:ctor(character, heroInfo) Hero.super.ctor(self, character) self.m_guid = heroInfo.uid self.m_tid = heroInfo.tid self.m_skin = heroInfo.skin self.m_level = 1 self.m_isShowBulletProcessBar = false -- 是否显示子弹进度条 self.m_isHasBirth = false -- 是否出生(玩家的onBirthEnd在level里调用) -- 战斗浣熊技能数据 self.m_raccoonSkillDatas = {} self.m_nextRaccoonSkillIndex = 1 -- 下次浣熊技能索引 self.m_skillSlots = {} -- 已经使用的技能槽位 self.m_isReceiveDamage = false -- 是否受到伤害 self.m_startBattleHP = 0 -- 开始战斗时血量 self.m_lastRage = 0 -- 上一次怒气 self.m_hpRadioTlId = 0 -- 低血量表现ID end
Whether to show bullet progress bar or not
Whether to show birth or not (player's onBirthEnd is called in the level)
Battle raccoon skill data
Next raccoon skill index
Skill slots used
Whether damage has been taken
HP level at the start of the battle
Last rage
HP status identifierReferences
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Games > Games by publisher > Games published by XD Inc.
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2022
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 8
Games > Games in development