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User:CreepNT/Demo:Ratchet & Clank : Up Your Arsenal (SCED 54417)/Vendor Strings
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This is a sub-page of User:CreepNT/Demo:Ratchet & Clank : Up Your Arsenal (SCED 54417).
Vendor Descriptions
To do: Dump ALL the strings and make a table comparing with retail |
Fires a wide spread of hard-hitting shots that knocks enemies back with awesome force. Bomb/Mini-nuke equivalent. An excellent all-purpose weapon for a variety of situations. A devastating melee weapon with a long reach. The whip can be used to strike multiple enemies simultaneously. Infect your enemies with a brainwashing serum that causes them to turn against each other. Suck cannon from RC1. Won[{BTN:RSTICK}]t ever be the most powerful weapon in the game, but it is handy because it doesn[{BTN:RSTICK}]t need ammo and it can suck up bolts from long-range. The new upgrades in RC3 will extend its life a bit. Electrocute multiple enemies with one shot! Hold the fire button, select a group of targets, then release the button to unleash a storm of lightning. Deploy these lethal robot bodyguards and watch them take apart anyone who gets near you. Provides deadly pinpoint accuracy at long range. The scope on this weapon allows you to zoom in close on distant targets. Obliterate your most dangerous enemies with a hail of guided mini-missiles. Launches Halo-style, translucent, destructible shields into environment. Very useful strategically, since it can create cover where none existed before. Blades fire from a gun so that refire can be quick and you can do it without stopping. Launch small black holes that suck enemies into another dimension. Like the sheepinator, but with ducks. This is offered at the same time as another weapon because it may be viewed more as "comic relief" than as a utility weapon. Thus offering another new and exotic weapon at the same time may offset the player's feelings of been-there-done-that. Uber-weapon, no upgrades. Ryno2 was seen by players as being inferior to the original Ryno. Since the RYNO 3 (or [{COLOR:DARK_BLUE}]RY3NO[{COLOR:DEFAULT}]) will be the only uber-weapon in the game, it should be all-powerful. Unless it is going to make challenge mode completely useless, the [{COLOR:DARK_BLUE}]RY3NO[{COLOR:DEFAULT}] should be the player's dream weapon. The [{COLOR:DARK_BLUE}]Refractor[{COLOR:DEFAULT}] is a gadget that can be used for both combat and traversal challenges. When equipped, this device will redirect laser beams including some enemy attacks. Continuous beams can be directed towards reflectors causing the beam to "ionize" and stay bent. By repeatedly ionizing and redirecting the beam, Ratchet can target distant destinations like the opposite side of a small moon. The Bullhorn gives Ratchet the ability to command soldiers. In the battlefields, Ratchet can command troopers by issuing them orders to attack, wait, and follow. In the standard levels, some enemy soldiers will surrender allowing Ratchet to defect them to fight against their own side. This gadget transforms Ratchet into a space alien known as a "Tyhrranoid" and allows him to converse with other Tyhrranoids The art of Tyhrranoid conversation is a rhythm game requiring timed button presses. One mistake can become a social faux pas resulting in a violent response. From the Trespasser family of gadgets comes an infiltration device that hacks into computer systems. Unlike the Trespasser and Infiltrator, quick reflexes and timing are required to get past firewalls, encryption codes, and security bots. It can retrieve important data, unlock doors, and activate devices. The [{COLOR:DARK_BLUE}]Warp Pad[{COLOR:DEFAULT}] is a portable teleporter. Upon placing two warp pads, Ratchet can instantly warp between them whenever he wants. Great for quick backtracking, shortcuts to vendors, and surprising enemies. Nano-packs are nanotech containers that are used during combat to regain health. Refillable at vendors, nano-packs provide that extra boost when hit points are low. The Electroshot fires out an energy cable that can be used like the [{COLOR:DARK_BLUE}]Swingshot[{COLOR:DEFAULT}]. In addition to the swingshot and hookshot moves, the Electroshot activates machinery, materialize holographic platforms, and pulls objects. Combining many of the successful gameplay elements from previous gadgets, the Electroshot challenges requires some skillful platforming moves. This armored vehicle can hover in place, fly backwards, and launch a wave of heat seeking rockets. In one of the moon system levels, the [{COLOR:DARK_BLUE}]Hovership[{COLOR:DEFAULT}]s serves as transportation between spherical worlds and is useful in taking out each moons defense system. Ratchet can go off-roading and catch serious air in Rover races found throughout the galaxy. Rover racing requires power sliding around corners, jumping off ramps, and skillful landings. Each course has multiple challenges for players to choose from to earn bolt rewards. Challenges unlock to reveal new shortcuts, vehicle weapon combat, and boss races. Slow moving, heavily armored vehicle with tough fire power. Used to transport a crew of 8. This weapon mod gives your weapons an extra impact. Upon striking an enemy, that enemy will become electrified and continue to shock his fellow enemies for a short time. This weapon mod covers your enemies in boiling acid, doing damage to them over time. This mod allows all of your weapons to lock on to enemies by pressing and holding both [{BTN:L2}] and [{BTN:R2}]. This also causes Ratchet to strafe around enemies. Acid Mod Shock Mod Lock On Mod