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User:Kett Redfox/Trashbox1

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Title Screen

Twin Mirror

Developer: DON’T NOD
Publishers: DON’T NOD
Platforms: Windows, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Released internationally: December 1, 2020

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.



Another dialog test, this time using an excerpt of dialog from Mary's House different from FPP, after Jack finished the first Mind Palace investigation and discusses it with Zoe.
As with other files, the subtitles are mostly gone due to a packaging error in which specific symbols cause them to break off.
While a soundbank for this set of files exists, it was packaged into the wrong folder and is therefore missing all audio files, leaving it empty.

01_MATE Jack...? You all right? MATE_010 Jack...? Did it work? Got anything?
02_HERO Yeah... That was... intense. It HERO_020 Yeah... I have something, but not something fun...
03_MATE But did it work? Did you... see what happened yesterday? MATE_030 So, it worked? What did... what did you remember?
04_HERO I... relived the first part of our conversation, yes. HERO_040 It was... our conversation. The first part at least.
05_MATE And? What did you find out? MATE_050 Yeah? Anything useful?
Jack replies honest
06_HERO_A I was here last night. Mary was... not herself. Neither was I. We had a fight. Yes_HERO_010 I came to talk to Mary and she was a little buzzed.... We were both upset, we fought. It got pretty bad.
07_MATE_A That doesn Yes_MATE_020 Not all that surprising. It wasn't like you two were going to be partying.
08_HERO_A ... We said some harsh words. Yes_HERO_030 We exchanged a few... colorful phrases.
09_MATE_A More to the point, did you see yourself physically attack her? Yes_MATE_040 Sorry to be blunt... do you recall actually attacking her?
10_HERO_A No! Yes_HERO_050 No! Or... if something did happen, it was after she left the living room.
11_HERO_A Or... if anything did happen, it was after she left the living room. N/A N/A
12_MATE_A Then it Yes_MATE_060 But you don't remember, say, bashing her head in?
Jack replies evasive
06_HERO_B Nothing... Nothing useful, anyway. No_HERO_010 Sorry... it's all still muddy.
07_MATE_B So that No_MATE_020 I'm just checking.
08_HERO_B When she left this room, she was still alive. That good enough for you? No_HERO_030 When she left the living room she was still alive, if that's what you're asking.
09_MATE_B Okay... Suit yourself. Here I thought we were a team. Then again, they are your memories, not mine... Let No_MATE_040 No need to bite. We're a crime solving duo, the two of us! I just wasn't here last night... Let's keep looking.
After either reply
13_MATE So, where End_MATE_010 Do you know where she went next?
14_HERO She ran off to the kitchen. I heard a scream, and... after that, I just can End_HERO_020 She ran into the kitchen. After that I heard a scream, and... then, I just don't know.
15_MATE All right, well, I suppose we know where to go next. End_MATE_030 I guess let's take a look around the kitchen?
16_HERO It End_HERO_040 It's down this way.
17_MATE It End_MATE_050 Mary has good taste.
18_HERO Yeah... End_HERO_060 Yeah, she does...
19_MATE Come on, Jack, we End_MATE_070 Let's keep poking around. Find something else in your noggin.

FPP Close-ups

Close-ups for various objects around Mary's house from a 2016 build can be found in LOA/Content/UI/InGamePictures/Episode1/FPP/.
Many of these objects would survive into the final product one way or another but lose their close-ups or original purpose.

Twin Mirror FPP Calendar.png
A calendar for the year 2018, which is notable as the final game takes place in 2017. The day of Will's death has been marked down. The image of the dolphin is SOURCE

Twin Mirror FPP Chelsea Wolfe.png
The cover of the album Unknown Rooms: A Collection of Acoustic Songs by Chelsea Wolfe.
While the cover itself has been removed, its vinyl can still be seen inside Anna's house in the final game, where it no longer serves the purpose of being a clue for Sam's investigation in her house.

Twin Mirror FPP Dont.png
A pack of cigarettes, belonging to Mary, who can be seen smoking in all known iterations of the game.
The pack and brand both have survived into the final game.

Twin Mirror FPP Grandparents.png
A photograph that is supposed to represent Mary's grandparents, from her father's side, who are actually the couple Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher, who obtained the Guinness World Record for longest marriage in 2008 and have both died at the age of 105.

Twin Mirror FPP Mary and Joe.png
Another painted-over photograph depicting Mary and an earlier design for Joe, who is visibly more aged, on the day where Mary got her house keys.
Of note is also that the house is painted white, as depicted in early concept art related to the scene this was meant to appear in.

Twin Mirror FPP Mountains.png
A filtered image of mountains, representing a photo taken by Mary during a hiking trip, closely resembling early concept art of Basswood. ADD ART

Twin Mirror FPP Mine Incident.png
A picture that is supposed to represent the Basswood mine incident. The same picture would later be reused, albeit partially covered up, in the Mind Palace Maze.
The actual source of this image comes from the 2010 Copiapó mining accident.

Twin Mirror FPP King Coal.png
A close-up of the King Coal figure, originally made by Joe.
In the final game, Sam can interact with it in the Coal Miner's Haven, and it can be seen in Anna's house, both locations tracing it back to its connection with Kayla, who has made them in the final product.

Twin Mirror FPP Letter.png
A letter from Jack, sent to Mary after they had broken up.
Unlike his final counterpart, who never reached out to Anna after the breakup, Jack is incredibly spiteful in the letter.

Twin Mirror FPP Book.png
A poem book that Jack was able to check out, hidden within would be a picture of Mary and Will. CHECK IF THE BOOK IS IN THE FINAL, RIP THE MODEL, CHECK IF IT'S REAL (tho evidence suggests that it isn't)

Twin Mirror FPP Mary Will Photo.png
A picture of Mary and Will in New York, that Jack was meant to find in the above book.
In the final game, the photo has been remade as an in-game render in front of a more developed Cafe Americano from 2018/2019.

Twin Mirror FPP Mary Will Hiking Photo.png
A selfie of a couple that is representing Mary and Will during a hiking trip, with Mary's head being placed over the woman's.
The original picture was taken by 2oceansmeet.
ADD AS REFERENCE https://web.archive.org/web/20181214085241/https://whiteboysdatingblackgirls.tumblr.com/post/139632902996/2oceansmeet-loving-this-girl-more-every-single

Twin Mirror FPP Comic.png
A discontinued webcomic by Joey Avila, which is supposed to represent the fictional comic Tardigrade-Man, confirming its existence in 2016.
Tardigrades are also known as water bears, making the title of this issue a pun, since it's set on the moon.



Early lines from the radio announcer at the start of the game from 2018, being one of many supporting pieces of evidence that the opioid plot already existed by this point in development.
References to a second fourth line exist, intended to abruptly stop the actual audio being placed as Sam inserts a CD.

Audio: Internal Name: Subtitle:
1_010= ...Things are looking clear and dry, with th-... having passed right on by...
2_020= ...49 degrees out there, so we've got one of those chilly West Virginian evenings...
3_030= This is 104.3 WVCR 'The Basswood Sound' and I-... The time is 5:50PM...
4_040= Coming up after our nex-... b-... -errific opioid epidemic that is...


Subtitles found in the voice folder and split across E1_S040M_PUBINT1MP_EX and E1_S040M_PUBINT1MP_HERO, used for an earlier version of the Dancing Memory in the Coal Miner's Haven from 2018, where Sam and Anna originally had dialogs.
They were meant to kiss in this scene as revealed by the internal references themselves, and dialogs 50 and 60 are missing for unknown reasons.

Internal Name: Subtitle:
HERO_1_010 This song...
EX_2_020 Samuel! The newest addition to the Basswood Jungle family!
HERO_3_030 That's me.
EX_4_040 Dance with me! Come on!
EX_7_070 Buy me a drink!
HERO_8_080 ...did it really happen like that, or is that just how I remember it?


Subtitles from Zoe from 2018, on the Main Street, who has been reduced to an optional side character at this point in development.
She can be seen within the players' reach on Main Street in early footage and still paces about outside the player boundaries in the final game, where she has been reduced to a single-scene cameo without dialog. Sam's and the Double's side of the conversation has been overwritten by the final file for this location.
While a soundbank for this scene exists, it was packaged into the wrong folder and is therefore missing all audio files, leaving it empty.

Internal Name: Subtitle:
START_MATE_1_010 Ah ah ah ah
START_MATE_6_020 I'm going to have to... I'll... I'll call you back. Haha... oh... this is too much.
Sam talked to Zoe at the wake
TALKEDTOZOEYES_MATE_11_010 Sam! Hey! I haven't seen you since...
Sam did not talk to Zoe at the wake
TALKEDTOZOENO_MATE_55_010 The famous Samuel Higgs. I saw you at the wake last night but we never spoke.
TALKEDTOZOENO_MATE_57_030 Oh, I dunno. Anna normally says great things about you. So, what can I do ya for?
Dialog Option: Sam asks Zoe how she has been
HOWVEYOUBEENCHOICE_MATE_26_020 It's great. It's fantastic... I'm sooo booored. Is there anything to do in this town?
Dialog Reply: Sam suggests hiking
HIKINGCHOICE_MATE_33_030 That sounds very... sweaty. I'm kind of a wussy city girl. I'll think about it, though.
Dialog Reply: Sam suggests driving around
DRIVINGCHOICE_MATE_34_020 Didn't your friend die in a car crash?
DRIVINGCHOICE_MATE_36_040 I'll keep it in mind. I have a rental so... not my car I'd be mudding up.
Dialog Reply: Sam says that there is nothing to do
NOPECHOICE_MATE_31_020 I knooow! I'm going to die! No, no, it's been fun. I'm just from Washington. I'll live.
Dialog Option: Sam asks Zoe about Anna
HOWSANNACHOICE_MATE_20_020 She was angry. She said some not nice things about you. Then she calmed down.
HOWSANNACHOICE_MATE_23_040 It's definitely good.
Dialog Option: Sam asks Zoe about her phone call
WHATWASTHATABOUTCHOICE_MATE_37_020 Oh it's...It's wacky. So, my client is being sued...
WHATWASTHATABOUTCHOICE_MATE_38_030 ...by the burglar that broke into her house and ended up trapped in her garage.
WHATWASTHATABOUTCHOICE_MATE_40_050 You can basically sue anyone for anything.
WHATWASTHATABOUTCHOICE_MATE_44_060 Honestly I have two choices on how I can handle it. I could bury him in paperwork.
WHATWASTHATABOUTCHOICE_MATE_45_070 He'd never make it to trial. Or... I could call his bluff. Speed to trial, show him what he wants is a terrible idea.
WHATWASTHATABOUTCHOICE_MATE_46_080 They're both good choices really. Either sound better to you?
LEGALCASEBURYDOUBLE and LEGALCASEBLUFFDOUBLE would play, in which Sam and the Double would briefly discuss either option, either before or after choosing
Dialog Reply: Bury him in paperwork
LEGALCASEBURYEND_MATE_49_010 It's mean but safer. I think I'll do that. Thanks!
Dialog Reply: Call his bluff
LEGALCASEBLUFFEND_MATE_47_010 Oh, I wouldn't get anywhere NEAR that.
LEGALCASEBLUFFEND_MATE_48_020 Sounds fun. Thanks!
End of conversation
LEGALCASERESOLVE_MATE_52_030 Oh! My client is calling me back. I have to take this. Thanks again, Sam.
Unknown pieces of dialog
WORKCANBEHILARIOUSCHOICE_MATE_18_020 Oh. You know. You knooow... bad. Sad. The usual. Bad sad.

Older placeholder lines of the same scene can also be found among the subtitles, portraying an earlier revision of greeting Zoe, talking about Anna, and leaving.

Internal Name: Subtitle:
Sam has talked to Zoe at the wake
LASTNIGHT_MATE_16_020 (Placeholder) Yes! It's been forever! What can I do you for?
Sam mentions that Anna left the wake upset
ANNASTORMEDOUTCURSINGMY_MATE_15_020 (Placeholder) Yeaaaaah. Since that. What can I do you for?
Anna is not mad at Sam after the wake
ANNASTAYEDINMYHOTELROOM_MATE_72_010 (Placeholder) Anna stayed in my hotel room, we made a pillow fort. She slept in it.
ANNASTAYEDINMYHOTELROOM_MATE_76_030 (Placeholder) Well, I made a pillow fort. She watched old movies and looked sad.
ANNASTAYEDINMYHOTELROOM_MATE_77_040 (Placeholder) I did make her sleep in it though, you know. So she'd be safe. In the pillow fort.
Anna is mad at Sam after the wake
NOTREALLYANNAHUNGOUTIN_MATE_73_010 (Placeholder) Not really, Anna hung out in my hotel room and bitched about life.
NOTREALLYANNAHUNGOUTIN_MATE_74_020 (Placeholder) But it was a good bitching, a loving bitching. Standard BFF bitching.
NOTREALLYANNAHUNGOUTIN_MATE_80_040 (Placeholder) Not a ton... Just said you had no tact, no ability to read a room.
NOTREALLYANNAHUNGOUTIN_MATE_87_050 (Placeholder) A tough but fair assessment, right?
NOTREALLYANNAHUNGOUTIN_MATE_81_060 (Placeholder) After that, she mostly looked sad and watched old movies.
End of conversation
ALLRIGHTDONTBEANY_MATE_85_010 (Placeholder) All right, don't be any stranger than I would be.


Subtitles for the Double in the Cove, should he stick around after the previous scene, which can never happen in the final game as he always bows out before Sam arrives in the Cove.

Internal Name: Subtitle:
Interactions with Kayla
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_INVESTTATGIRL_THEHANDSOFFAPPROACHIS_DARK_161_020 what's the point of doing anything past the moment it starts to hurt?
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_INVESTTATGIRL_HAHAHASAMMYBOY_DARK_40_010 Ah, Sammy boy... Just making the same mistakes over and over. Pathetic.
Interactions with JR
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_SHAMANAMBUSH1_IWASNTGODDAMN_DARK_15_040 Don't look at me! I have no idea. This guy is going to butcher you both like a hog! Or Shiny is. Or... oh this is bad, Sammy boy. Real bad.
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_SHAMANAMBUSH1_IWASNTGODDAMN_DARK_15_050 Don't look at me! I have no idea. This guy is going to butcher you like a hog!
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_SHAMANAMBUSH1_IWASNTGODDAMN_DARK_16_060 Or Shiny is. Or... oh this is bad, Sammy boy. Real bad.
Interactions with Lynette
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_NATIVESTATE_STAYOUT_DARK_22_010 You should stay out of it.
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_NATIVESTATE_STAYOUT_DARK_29_050 You have a disease of not being able to keep yourself out of everyone's shit.
Cove Investigation
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_LEAKINGGENERATOR_GOODCHOICESHESEEMSLIKEA_DARK_10_020 Who just happens to like to hang out with druggies, winos, and freaks.
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_LEAKINGGENERATOR_THATSTRUETHOUGHHEALSO_DARK_8_010 That's true, though he also seems like the kind of guy
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_LEAKINGGENERATOR_THATSTRUETHOUGHHEALSO_DARK_11_020 that'll stab a shiv into your eye socket. So, good luck.
Interrogating Dickie
DLG_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_DEALERINTERROGATION_SOWHODIDHESAYGOODBYE_DARK_65_010 So... who did he say goodbye too if he was alone? I mean, other than his own self respect for wearing that beanie.
DLG_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_DEALERINTERROGATION_FRIEND_DARK_99_010 I'm not even sure this friend is real... she mostly seems like some element he added to bolster his own ego.
DLG_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_DEALERINTERROGATION_HESLYINGABOUTTHATWEIRD_DARK_96_010 He's lying about that weird quad thing of his. Obviously. He had to ride it to get anywhere. He's not the walking type.
Interactions with Tyler after interrogating Dickie
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_FIGHTERHIT3_START_DARK_1_010 Well... THAT escalated quickly.
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_FIGHTERHIT3_START_DARK_3_030 Hey, he's not right either. Kinda the hell of it.
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_FIGHTERHIT3_START_DARK_5_060 Woah. Woah. Hold. Your. Horses.
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_FIGHTERHIT3_START_DARK_13_070 You get in the way and what, tell them to give him to the cops?
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_FIGHTERHIT3_START_DARK_7_090 Iiiiiis it? He got your friend killed.
RTC_E2S060A_TRIBESCOVE_FIGHTERHIT3_START_DARK_11_100 And give him to the cops? Can't trust them. THIS may be the only real option.

Episode End Screen

Texts from the 2018 build are present for most of episode 1 inside LOA/Content/BLUEPRINTS/UI/Menus/EndMenuStringTable.uasset

"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_JoanPromise_Reveal": "BE KIND",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_JoanPromise": "You were kind to Joan and told her that you would investigate Nick’s death.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_JoanDontPromise_Reveal": "BE HONEST",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_JoanDontPromise": "You were honest with Joan and told her that she should accept her father’s death.",

"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_TellShirt_Reveal": "TELL HER BOUT THE BLOOD",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_TellShirt": "You told Anna that you found your shirt covered in blood.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_DontTellShirt_Reveal": "KEEP QUIET ABOUT THE BLOOD",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_DontTellShirt": "You hid the truth from Anna about your shirt covered in blood.",

"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_DontCallBody_Reveal": "LEAVE DENNIS",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_DontCallBody": "You left Dennis’ body in the Basswood Jungle.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_CallBody_Reveal": "CALL THE COPS",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_CallBody": "You let Anna call the police to pick up Dennis' body.",

"EndScreenPage_E1_EC2_L_AnnaPub_Reveal": "I'm sorry Nick's gone...",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC2_L_AnnaPub": "Anna is thankful that you thought about her feelings for Nick’s death.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC2_L_DontAnnaPub_Reveal": "Was Nick murdered?",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC2_L_DontAnnaPub": "Anna is mad at you for not thinking about her feelings during the wake.", 

"EndScreenPage_E1_EC2_R_JoanShack": "Joan was reassured at the Fish Shack and has confidence in you.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC2_R_DontJoanShack": "Joan wasn’t reassured at the Fish Shack and has less confidence in you.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC2_R_JoanPromise": "Joan is relieved that you're investigating her father's death.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC2_R_DontJoanPromise": "Joan is disappointed that you refused to investigate her father's death.",

"EndScreenPage_E1_EC2_L_Shirt": "Anna feels that you trust her because you talked to her about the shirt.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC2_L_DontShirt": "Anna thinks that you don’t tell her all the truth.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC2_L_CallBody": "Anna appreciates that you let her call the police to get Dennis’s body.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC2_L_DontCallBody": "Anna believes that you are cold and only think about yourself.",

"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_M_WHug": "Walter is glad to see you again.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_M_DontWHug": "Walter has found you distant since you arrived.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_M_WInvestigate": "You regretted investigating and Walter forgave you.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_M_DontWInvestigate": "You asked about Nick’s death and pissed Walter at the pub.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_M_WNotTalk": "You did not ask Walter about Nick’s death.",

"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_L_CInvestment_Reveal": "Advertising?",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_L_CInvestment": "Cristina listened to you and payed for ads about her café.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_L_DontCInvestment_Reveal": "Larger selection?",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_L_DontCInvestment": "Cristina followed your advice and added more drink choices.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_L_CNotTalk": "You did not talk to Cristina.",

"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_R_ZNLove_Reveal": "Tell her how you feel.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_R_ZNLove": "Zach is uncomfortable with your intervention.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_R_DontZNLove_Reveal": "Don't ruin the friendship.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_R_DontZNLove": "Zach is grateful for your advice.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC3_R_ZNNotTalk": "You did not talk to Zach.",

"EndScreenPage_E1_EC4_M_EKInvestigate_Reveal": "I'll see what I can find.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC4_M_EKInvestigate": "Ethan is grateful to you for investigating for him.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC4_M_DontEKInvestigate_Reveal": "It's not a good idea."
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC4_M_DontEKInvestigate": "Ethan is disappointed at you for not wanting to investigate.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC4_M_EKNotTalk": "You didn’t talk to Ethan about his problem.",

"EndScreenPage_E1_EC4_L_ZCase_Reveal": "Call his bluff.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC4_L_ZCase": "Zoe followed your advice and call the defendant bluff.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC4_L_DontZCase_Reveal": "Bury him in paperwork.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC4_L_DontZCase": "Zoe listened to you and buried the defendant in paperwork.",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC4_L_ZNotTalk": "You didn’t talk to Zoe about her case.",

"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_Investigation3": "GHOSTS INVESTIGATION",
"EndScreenPage_Episode1_Investigation3": "GHOST INVESTIGATION",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_Investigation2": "GUMSHOE INVESTIGATION",
"EndScreenPage_Episode1_Investigation2": "GUMSHOE INVESTIGATION",
"EndScreenPage_E1_EC1_Investigation1": "BAD MORNING INVESTIGATION",
"EndScreenPage_Episode1_Investigation1": "BAD MORNING INVESTIGATION",

"EndScreenPage_SimilaritySam_World": "Your answers match Sam's choices,  like {0} of players.",
"EndScreenPage_SimilaritySam_Friends": "Your answers match Sam's choices,  like {0} of your friends.",
"EndScreenPage_SimilarityDouble_World": "Your answers match Double's choices,  like {0} of players.",
"EndScreenPage_SimilarityDouble_Friends": "Your answers match Double's choices,  like {0} of your friends.",
"EndScreenPage_SimilarityBoth_World": "Your answers match evenly Double's and Sam's choices,  like {0} of players.",
"EndScreenPage_SimilarityBoth_Friends": "Your answers match evenly Double's and Sam's choices,  like {0} of your friends.",
"EndScreenPage_NoChoice": "You missed that event.",

Tardigrade-Man Comic

A collectible system related to Joan's missing issue of the fictional comic Tardigrade-Man was planned before the game reveal in 2018 and scrapped sometime after.
The pages can be found in several episode-related folders, when the game used to display close-up textures akin to Life is Strange, another DONTNOD title.
The pages were intended to be translated into different languages, with only file paths for these versions having survived into the files.

Example with the german version:

Despite being announced to have three episodes, the game was developed as two halves - episodes - and therefore the last issue of the comic was never implemented at any point. Below is a gallery of all pages and their known locations at the time. A select amount of pages was most likely intended to be unlocked at once in Café Americano, where Sam was able to flip through the comic itself and see the note left by Joan, which can still be found in the final product.

Additionally, two pages with unknown numbers are mentioned in subtitle files:
Nick's Fishing Shack (2018/19)
Drugstore, 1st visit (2018/19)



Text-to-Speech generated voice files for a prototype of the Crash Site Mind Palace of the final game, identifiable by both the date in the filename and the way Sam's dialog is written.
For some reason, PROTO_NO_HINT is not stored in the related Soundbank but instead streamed from outside the archive.

Audio: Internal Name: Original Subtitle: Transcribed Subtitle:
PROTO_SPOT_0_HINT= The report seemed inaccurate. I need more to picture it. Let The report seemed inaccurate. I need more to picture it. Let's recap.
PROTO_SPOT_1_HINT= Nick was high. Driving fast.
PROTO_SPOT_2_HINT= An animal on the road. Nick evades too late. Takes out the signs.
PROTO_SPOT_3_HINT= Car crashes in a tree. Bursts into flames.
PROTO_SPOT_4_HINT= I need to check around the area. All of this seems strange.
PROTO_TIRES_HINT= Report is right. That Report is right. That's where the car went off the road.
PROTO_TRUNK_HINT= Close to the road. Could have caused Nick to evade it.
PROTO_SKID_HINT= Report mentioned Nick hit the brakes hard. But no skid marks. Hum Report mentioned Nick hit the brakes hard. But no skid marks. Hum...
PROTO_FUEL_HINT= Fuel. A lot of it. Not mentioned in the report. Why?
PROTO_SIGNS_HINT = Signs were torn apart. Burned. Why?
PROTO_TURN_HINT= Nick Nick's usual road. Turn is clearly visible.
PROTO_CAR_HINT= The tree Nick's car crashed into. They both burned intensely.
PROTO_BURN_HINT= Burn marks. Seems like the car burned for a while.
PROTO_ALLCLUES_HINT= I I've got everything. Let's think.
PROTO_OBSTACLE_PM_HINT= An animal, or a tree log An animal, or a tree log... or nothing.
PROTO_DEAD_PM_HINT= Maybe he was high. Maybe he wasn Maybe he was high. Maybe he wasn't. Could have been unconscious from the start.
PROTO_FIRE_PM_HINT= But the car did burn But the car did burn. I must be missing something.
PROTO_TREE_HINT= The bark is burned. And damaged. That The bark is burned. And damaged. That's where he crashed.
PROTO_FUEL_PM_HINT= Fuel stain could have been nothing. Or a leak. Or Fuel stain could have been nothing. Or a leak. Or... the car was covered in fuel. Set on fire
PROTO_SIGNS_PM_HINT= Nick's car took out the signs and they were burnt.
PROTO_NO_HINT= Completely off. That?s not what happened at all Completely off. That's not what happened at all.

Earlier versions of the same lines from the same .txt file, noticeably longer and less to-the-point, matching the way prerelease Sam talked.

Internal Name: Subtitle:
PROTO_SPOT_1_HINT= So, according to the police report, he came from up the road, rather fast. They say Nick was high, explaining his high reaction time.
PROTO_SPOT_2_HINT= Then, the car went off the road, taking the signs out. Apparently, an animal came suddenly, and Nick reacted too late.
PROTO_SPOT_3_HINT= Finally, the car crashed into the tree, causing it to burst in fire.
PROTO_SPOT_4_HINT= I should investigate these three spots, and see how it all fits together. This all seems... strange.
PROTO_SKID_HINT= That's strange. The report mentioned he tried to evade the animal, but I don't see skid marks.
PROTO_FUEL_HINT= Fuel... and a lot of it. It's not mentioned in the report. I wonder if it's got anything to do with Nick's accident
PROTO_SIGNS_HINT= The road signs were torn apart... And burnt? Why would they be?
PROTO_ALLCLUES_HINT= Alright, I have enough to try and reconstruct Nick's accident.
PROTO_OBSTACLE_PM_HINT= The report mentioned an animal, but it might as well have been the trunk, or nothing.
PROTO_DEAD_PM_HINT= The report says Nick was high. But maybe he was unconscious even. Or in his normal state.
PROTO_FUEL_PM_HINT= The fuel stain was quite large. Maybe it's nothing, maybe it came from Nick's car, or maybe


.wem Files

Thousands of lose .wem files from various points of production, which are sitting unarchived inside \LOA\Content\Paks\extract\WwiseAudio - Kopie\Windows\English(US and hold even more insight into cut dialogs.
While many of them are used for the final game, a large amount is also early dialog for the final game, fully voiced but cut dialogs, or left from the 2018 Bandai build.



HERO_2_10 Tara's car. I worked with her for years. She's a little odd... not that I'm one to talk. N/A N/A
HERO_3_20 (Whoever said 'you can judge someone by their car' never met Tara.) Not that I'm one to talk. N/A N/A


File:Twin Mirror DLG E1S070A HUBSTREET1 MEETCAFEGIRL START HERO 2 020.ogg START_HERO_2_020 I suppose, yeah. I grew up here. Been gone for a couple of years. GREW_HERO_2_010 I suppose. I grew up here. Been gone for a couple of years. I'm not staying long.
File:Twin Mirror DLG E1S070A HUBSTREET1 MEETCAFEGIRL START CAFEGIRL 3 030.ogg CAFEGIRL_3_030 You managed to leave and still came back? You'd never see me again if I left. MANAGED_CAFEGIRL_3_010 You managed to leave and still came back? You'd never see me again if I left.
File:Twin Mirror DLG E1S070A HUBSTREET1 MEETCAFEGIRL START HERO 5 040.ogg START_HERO_5_040 Why don't you then? MANAGED_HERO_5_020 Why don't you then?
File:Twin Mirror DLG E1S070A HUBSTREET1 MEETCAFEGIRL START CAFEGIRL 6 050.ogg START_CAFEGIRL_6_050 Yeah, sure, I'm just gonna take my ??? savings and make a run for it. MANAGED_CAFEGIRL_6_030 Yeah, sure, I'm just gonna take my millions of dollars and make a run for it.
File:Twin Mirror DLG E1S070A HUBSTREET1 MEETCAFEGIRL START CAFEGIRL 7 060.ogg START_CAFEGIRL_7_060 I can barely get by, like everyone here. Too poor to stay, too poor to leave. MANAGED_CAFEGIRL_7_040 I can barely get by, like everyone else here. Too poor to stay, too poor to leave.
File:Twin Mirror IGE E1S070A HUBSTREET1 ENDCUECAFEGIRL START CAFEGIRL 1 010.ogg CAFEGIRL_1_010 It's nice when the café is slow, no one yells at me for taking long breaks. CAFEGIRL_2_010 Slow day so far, but people are gonna swarm the café once the celebration starts.


TTS lines for the Intro Mind Palace for the Crash Site from 2018.
The final game does away with the Intro Mind Palaces completely.

1 The police report states Nick had taken drugs and was startled by an animal on the road.
2 Things don't add up. The true course of events still needs to be uncovered.
3 Seems plausible.


A small scene to test major choices in with some Text-to-speech audio.

Audio: Internal Name: Subtitle:
HELLOANNA_HERO_1_010 Hello Anna
HELLOSAM_EX_1_020 Hello Sam
SAYTHETRUTH_HERO_1_030 Say the truth or not ?
IAMSAYING_DARK_1_040 I'm saying a monologue to convince the player to follow my point of view
YOUCANTSAY_DARK_1_050 You can't say anything to her
IDONTAGREE_HERO_1_060 I don't agree with you, Anna is a trustworthy person
SHEWILLCALLPOLICE_DARK_1_070 She will call the police then you will go to jail
The player chooses Sam
IAGREEWITHSAM_HERO_1_080 I agree with Sam's opinion, I should say all the truth to Anna with my own voice
The player chooses the Double
IAGREEWITHDOUBLE_HERO_1_090 I agree with the Double's logic, he convinces me. I will tell her with the Double's Voice


Text-to-speech audio for Sam refusing to leave the map. In the final product he will always say context-sensitive lines instead.

Audio: Internal Name: Subtitle:
DLG_BlockingV_DONTWANTGO_HERO_1_010= I dont want to go here
DLG_BlockingV_DOSOMETHING_HERO_1_020= I still have to do something


An audio excerpt of unknown origin about the "2019 Division I Men's Soccer Championship - Second Round" between West Virginia and Marshall, used as a subtitle priority test in the first visit to Café Americano.

Audio: Internal Name: Subtitle:
Test_Radio_Subittlre_Priority= Blablabl blabnjo'rt hjio afnokj rhje, jikodne,z jopéa nkl ;: : ;o fejqko nk oljkipren fnjore vhnjkla znfjko njkdf z gjopk z,jkp jkpezf hkjion,;a klioehkz o kjlm n,;tlre uçàpzhiol ohkl jkl eflzm kjoptf klmb klqrg jolpmq korepqe g kpo^ hntp


Another subtitle test for the first visit to Café Americano, this time using a Text-to-speech file.
The file is streamed from outside the soundbank.

Audio: Internal Name: Subtitle:
DLG_E1S071A_HUBCAFE1_RADIOTALK_START_RadioTest= Test to know if the subtitles are correctly displayed during radio sequences