User:KurosurinTomasu/Pixel Development Diary
This is a sub-page of User:KurosurinTomasu.
This is a sandbox page for me. I figured out a way to sort of translate Pixel's Development Diary, dated back in June 2001. Naturally, I'm deciding to put all that I can into here.
Note that I am not Japanese. Whatsoever. So all the translations here are done using DeepL Translate. And if I can get enough context from that, I put a sort of "better translation" next to the DeepL one.
Also, this page is in the exact order as is shown on the sidebar. Stuff may not be in chronological order. Blame 2001 Pixel for that.
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
To do: Get some more translations done for the following:
- 1 Sidebar (WorkL.html)
- 2 Past Developments (Memories.html)
- 3 Drawing a Map Chip (Work01.html)
- 4 Game Development Murmur (5/10) (Report.html)
- 5 Game Development Murmur (7/1) (Report2.html)
- 6 Development Public Images! (5/5) (OpenPict.html)
- 7 Emergency Seal Rebuild! (7/8) (Aza2.html)
- 8 From Naoku (5/11) (Thanks.html)
Sidebar (WorkL.html)
Date | Original JP | DeepL Translation | Better Translation? | Notes |
N/A | ほとんど私的開発日記です。 個人用語があるのであしからず |
This is mostly a personal development diary. Please note that there are some personal terms. |
Broken image with filename "PixAni.gif" above this text. Possibly an animated Studio Pixel logo judging by the name. | |
N/A | 過去の開発について⊿ | Past developments ⊿ | Links to Memories.html. | |
N/A | マップチップを描いてみる⊿ | Drawing a map tip ⊿ | Drawing Map Chip ⊿ | Links to Work01.html. |
N/A | ゲーム開発独り言(5/10)⊿ | Game Development Murmur (5/10)⊿ | Links to Report.html. | |
N/A | 続ゲーム開発独り言(7/1)⊿ | Game Development Murmur (7/1)⊿ | Links to Report2.html. | |
N/A | 開発公開画像!(5/5)⊿ | Development public images! (5/5)⊿ | Links to OpenPict.html. | |
N/A | 緊急アザラシ再構築!(7/8)⊿ | Emergency Seal Rebuild! (7/8)⊿ | Emergency Azarashi! Remake (7/8)⊿ | Links to Aza2.html. Broken image with filename "New.gif" besides this text. Possibly pointing out that this page is new. |
N/A | ナオクから(5/11)⊿ | From Naok (5/11) ⊿ | From Naoku (5/11) ⊿ | Links to Thanks.html. |
Past Developments (Memories.html)
To do: Translate better. |
Date | Original JP | DeepL Translation | Better Translation? | Notes |
N/A | < 過去の開発について > | < Past developments | < Past Developments > | Page title. |
August 9, 2000 | Pixel-Online はもともと 開発室Pixel というサイトでした。 まぁ、やってることは今とたいして変わらないんですけどね。 当時は学校へ行きながら、たまーにゲーム作りに専念していました。 Pixelにとってのゲームは作るものだったわけで、 何でそんなもの作るかというと、一種の自己満足に他なりません。 だからいつまで経っても、作りだしてはポイッって感じで、 なかなか完成するものじゃあありません。 それでも作り始めってのは、いつも新鮮な気持ち。 何度敗れても作り始めてしまうのです。 完成する日を夢見て・・・☆ -------------------------2000/8/9 |
Pixel-Online was originally called Development Room Pixel. Well, what we do is not so different from what we do now. At that time, I was going to school and occasionally devoted myself to making games. For Pixel, games were something to make, Why would I make such things? So, no matter how long it took, I would just start making games and then throw them away, It is not easy to complete. Even so, it is always a fresh feeling when you start making something. No matter how many times I lose, I always start to make something new. Dreaming of the day when it will be completed... -------------------------2000/8/9 |
Drawing a Map Chip (Work01.html)
To do: Document. |
Date | Original JP | DeepL Translation | Better Translation? | Notes |
N/A | < マップチップ > | < Map Chip | < Map Chip > | Page title. Broken image with the name "Parts.gif" below it. |
July 20, 2000 | ゲームが完成するもしないも、 ほとんどPixelのテンション次第です。 とにかく目的も持たずにマップチップを描いてみます。 -------------------------2000/7/20 |
The game may or may not be completed, mostly depends on the tension of Pixel. Anyway, I'll try to draw a map chip without any purpose. -------------------------2000/7/20 |
August 11, 2000 | しかし、何ですかねぇ。 この16*16パーツの魅力ってのは・・・。 ファミコン世代のオジサンなのでしょうか。 -------------------------2000/8/11 |
But what is it? What is the charm of this 16*16 parts.... Are you an old man of the NES generation? -------------------------2000/8/11 |
Game Development Murmur (5/10) (Report.html)
To do: Finish documenting this one. This'll be a long one. |
NOTE: Will be documenting builds under the final game's vX.Y.Z.W format. (For example: v1.0.0.6 is the final game, v0.2.5.0 is quite possibly the final pre-reset version, v0.2.6.1 is the version name of the leaked v1.0.0.4 source code.)
Date | Original JP | DeepL Translation | Better Translation? | Notes |
N/A | < ゲーム開発独り言 > | < Game Development Murmur | Page title. | |
N/A | ↑とくに冗談です。 趣味が為に仕事を投げません…。 まだね…。。 |
↑upParticularly joking. I don't throw my work away for a hobby.... Not yet.... |
Broken image with filename "Yame.gif" linked above this text. | |
August 23, 2000 | ◆Pix0001.lzh (19Kbyte) さて、と言う感じ・・・。 |
◆Pix0001.lzh (19Kbyte) Well, let's see... |
Linked to what is possibly a very, very early build of Cave Story, v0.0.0.1. Possibly made to test map functionality. Was never archived. | |
August 30, 2000 | ◆Pix0002.lzh (21Kbyte) あ、もう一週間? でもやる気出てきたかも・・・。 |
◆Pix0002.lzh (21Kbyte) Oh, another week? But maybe I'm getting motivated... |
Linked to v0.0.0.2, which was possibly made to test map functionality. Much like the previous build, it was never archived on the Wayback Machine. | |
September 5, 2000 | ◆Pix0003.lzh (25Kbyte) おお、今のところ好調。 さっさと片付けてしまおう。 |
◆Pix0003.lzh (25Kbyte) Oh, so far so good. Let's get this over with. |
Linked to v0.0.0.3, which was possibly made to test map functionality. All of the files linked in the original page are dead links. I probably shouldn't point them out. | |
September 10, 2000 | ◆PixMap.lzh (25Kbyte) マップエディタ完成。 データ仕様付き☆ |
◆PixMap.lzh (25Kbyte) Map editor completed. With data specification |
Linked to an early map editor. Was eventually replaced after an unknown bug report from BA2. | |
September 15, 2000 | ◆PixMap.lzh (25Kbyte) BA2よりバグの報告。 しくしく・・・ver.1.1。 |
◆PixMap.lzh (25Kbyte) Bug report from BA2. Shhhh... ver.1.1. |
Linked to an updated version of "PixMap.lzh". | |
October 4, 2000 | ◆Pix0101.lzh (22Kbyte) テキストスクリプト。 文字を出すモジュール開発中。 |
◆Pix0101.lzh (22Kbyte) Text script. Module for producing text is under development. |
Linked to v0.1.0.1, which was most likely made to test TextScript functionality. | |
October 6, 2000 | ◆Pix0102.lzh (23Kbyte) テキストスクリプト。 今回は、クリアと相槌と終了。 文を書く元気があるなら、サウンドノベル作りたい。 |
◆Pix0102.lzh (23Kbyte) Text script. This time, clear, phase, and end. If I had the energy to write text, I would make a sound novel. |
Linked to v0.1.0.2, which was most likely made to test TextScript functionality further. | |
November 5, 2000 | ◆Pix0201.lzh (18Kbyte) カーソルキーでマップ内を移動。 見た感じでは「いかちゃん」を思うだろう。 しかし、プログラムが以前より数段きれいなのだよ。 |
◆Pix0201.lzh (18Kbyte) Use the cursor keys to move around the map. On the face of it, you would think “Ika-chan”. But the program is several levels cleaner than before. |
◆Pix0201.lzh (18Kbyte) Use the arrow keys to move around the map. On the surface, you would probably think of "Ikachan". But this program is several levels cleaner than that. |
Linked to v0.2.0.1, which was possibly made to test very basic player movement. |
November 6, 2000 | ◆Pix0202.lzh (21Kbyte) 壁にあたり判定をつけた。 ついでに効果音も。 テキストスクリプト作ってから一ヶ月かぁ。 |
◆Pix0202.lzh (21Kbyte) Added a judgment when the image hits the wall. I also added sound effects. It's been a month since I made the text script. |
Linked to v0.2.0.2, which was most likely made to test player collisions and sound effects. | |
November 11, 2000 | ◆Pals.lzh (16Kbyte) 16色/256色パレット管理用ツール。 かなり個人的仕様になってるので、 汎用性は期待できない・・・。 アップロードする意義なんて無いのかも。 |
◆Pals.lzh (16Kbyte) Tool for managing 16/256 color palettes. It is a very personalized tool, I don't expect it to be versatile.... There may be no meaning in uploading it. |
Linked to a program designed for Pixel to manage the palettes he used in Cave Story. | |
November 15, 2000 | ◆PixEve ver.1.0 一日で作ったイベント配置エディタ。 このツール作り出すのにちょっと悩んだ。 ゲームの中で何ができるかが、 ほぼ決まってしまうからね―。 アップロードはしないで置こう。 |
PixEve ver.1.0 An event placement editor created in a day. I had a bit of trouble creating this tool. What can be done in the game is almost decided, I'm going to leave it without uploading it. I'll leave it without uploading. |
PixEve ver.1.0 was never uploaded to Pixel's diary. IDK why I'm pointing this out. | |
November 18, 2000 | ◆Pix0203.lzh (22Kbyte) マイキャラに続いてNPCを100個表示。 ついで壁のあたり判定。 モジュールはマイキャラと何ら変わりない 進展と言えど作業的・・・。 |
◆Pix0203.lzh (22Kbyte) Display 100 NPCs following my character. Then, the wall hit judgment. The module is no different from my character. It is a work in progress.... |
Linked to v0.2.0.3, which was most likely made to test NPCs and... more player collisions. | |
November 25, 2000 | ◆Pix0204 マイキャラをジャンプさせたり。 左右移動とジャンプだけだけど一日かかる。 アクションゲームの醍醐味だからね。 これがダメだとクリアまでに飽きられてしまう。 |
◆Pix0204 Jumping my character. It's just moving left and right and jumping, but it takes all day. It's the best part of action game. If this is not good, you will be bored by the time you clear the game. |
From now on, Pixel rarely- if never- uploads any further beta builds to his diary. Documents v0.2.0.4, which seems to have been made to test actual platforming. | |
November 26, 2000 | ◆Pix00205 とりあえず敵キャラもジャンプして歩き回れるようにした。 |
◆Pix00205 For now, I made it so that enemy characters can also jump and walk around. |
v0.2.0.5, now the NPCs move, apparently. Original text has a typo, documenting "Pix00205" and not "Pix0205". | |
November 29, 2000 | マイキャラのジャンプを一部修正。 小ジャンプで1マスの隙間に入るのを容易にした。 アクションゲームは操作の気持ち良さが命とりです。 イベントデータ形式を見直す PixEve ver.1.1。 イベント配置ファイルをとりあえず読めるようにした。 NPCとマイキャラのあたり判定はまだ無い・・・。 あれ、もう3時?! |
Some modifications to my character's jumps. Made it easier to enter a gap of one square with a small jump. The action game is vital to the feel of the controls. Revise event data format PixEve ver.1.1. Made the event placement file readable for now. There is still no pertinence between NPCs and my character... Oh, is it 3 o'clock already? |
Physics changes, PixEve ver.1.1 event format. NPCs still can't do event stuff. | |
December 1, 2000 | 斜め床のあたり判定をつくる。 その際、全体的な壁のあたり判定も修正する必要が出る。 このへんは、仕様書のレベルじゃ作れまい。 「事件は会議室で起きてるんじゃない!」とはこのことよ。 バグも沢山でたが、今のところは全て処理したつもり。 |
Create a diagonal floor perimeter. In doing so, it will be necessary to modify the overall wall permeability. This is something that cannot be done at the level of a specification. The case is not happening in the conference room! This is what I mean. There were a lot of bugs, but I think I have taken care of all of them for now. |
Pixel implements slopes. Yeah. | |
December 3, 2000 | ◆オルガーニャ再生モジュール オルガーニャをゲームに使うために、再生モジュールを抜き出す。 ついでに組み込みやすいように加工。 技術的なことを表面的な部分だけ書いてゴメンねぇ。 「一体どう言う人を対象にこんな事書いてるんだ?」 とは思うのですが・・・。 |
◆Regeneration module for Organya In order to use Olgaña in games, the playback module is extracted. In addition, we modified it to make it easier to incorporate. I'm sorry for writing only the superficial part of technical matters. I'm sorry to write about the technical aspects. I think... |
◆Organya regeneration module In order to use Organya in the game, the playback module was extracted. In addition, I modified it to make it easier to incorporate. I apologize for writing only the simplest part of technical matters. I guess... |
Organya is the audio engine used in Cave Story, if for some reason you didn't know. Before this, Pixel was planning on implementing PiyoPiyo functionality instead, PiyoPiyo being the music engine used in Pixel's prior game "Ikachan". |
December 4, 2000 | ◆Pix0206 NPCのあたり判定をつくって、上に乗れるようにした。 カーソルの↑でむこうを向く・・・。 もうBGMを鳴らせる状態だが、ここで慌てない。 |
◆Pix0206 Added a new feature: NPCs can now be hit and can get on top of each other. The cursor up-arrows to face the other side.... I can already play BGM, but I'm not in a hurry here. |
v0.2.0.6. NPC self collisions, along with all prior additions, including basic Organya implementation. | |
December 5, 2000 | テキストスクリプトを組み込む(Pix0102) そういうわけで一応メッセージは出るようになった。 ↑ボタンでチェックチェーック!・・・のように。 |
Incorporate text script (Pix0102) That's how I got the message to appear at least. ↑Check check by clicking the up button! ...and so on. |
Pixel reimplements TSC functionality. In the final game, interacting with objects (or checking) is done but pressing the Down button. | |
December 7, 2000 | テキストスクリプトで別マップへの移動を可能にした。 関数の仕様も容量確保回数を減らした。 これはできるスワップをさせないため・・・。 |
The text scripts were made to move to a different map. The function specification also reduced the number of times to allocate space. This is to prevent possible swapping... |
<TRA TSC command implemented. Also, this is probably when Pixel implemented the TSC encryption seen in the final game. | |
December 8, 2000 | フェードイン/フェードアウトを作る。 別マップへの移動もこれでスムーズ。 テキストスクリプトに組み込んだのだが、 ソースが今までに無く美しく、難なくできてしまう。 ついでに主人公をタブレットで描いてみる。 今のところのイメージだが、これもPixelの気分次第~。 |
Create a fade in/fade out. This makes it easy to move to another map. I incorporated it into a text script, The source is more beautiful than ever, and it is easy to do. I also drew the main character with a tablet. This is just an idea for now, but it depends on Pixel's mood. |
Pixel implements fading, along with, possibly, the <FAI and <FAO TSC commands. | |
December 12, 2000 | 制作中のスナップを展示することにする。 今日は細かいところを調整した。 テキスト表示領域のマージンとか・・・。 次はショップのシステムを組まなけりゃならないのだが・・・ こう言うところも、シンプルに解かりやすく・・・難しい。 |
Snapshots of the production in progress will be on display. Today I adjusted some details. Margins for text display area.... Next, I have to set up the store system... It is difficult to make it simple and easy to understand.... |
December 13, 2000 | ショップのシステムを組もうと思ったら、 それより先にアイテムのシステムを固める必要があった。 まぁ、当たり前と言えば当たり前なんだけどね。 でも、どんなアイテムが出てくるかもわからない状態・・・。 とりあえずアイテム画面を作ってみる。 |
If I wanted to set up a store system, I had to solidify the item system before that. Well, it's not so surprising. But we didn't even know what kind of items would appear... I made a screen of items for now. |
If I want to set up a store system, I'll have to solidify the inventory system first. Well, that's not so surprising. But I don't even know what kind of items will appear... I'll make an inventory screen for now. |
December 14, 2000 | 一応アイテム画面ができた。 再配置や装備、捨てることもできるようになった。 ついでにメイン画面との繋ぎも作った。 今、並んでるのは「電気虫」とか「アメの首輪」とか・・・。 当然、本番にない借りの品ばかりでなんだかシュール。 |
In the meantime, an item screen was created. It is now possible to rearrange, equip, and discard items. In addition, a connection to the main screen has been made. The items lined up now are things like “electric bugs” and “candy collars”.... Naturally, they are all borrowed items that are not on the main screen, which is somewhat surreal. |
December 17, 2000 | マップパーツとのあたり判定を追加。(みず) あと、カレットまわりを作り始める。 カレットっていうのは爆発とか、カケラ、泡とか・・・。 ゲーム的には直接関係ない効果の部分。 「カレット」はリサイクルするガラスのクズを意味する。 Pixelが勝手にそう読んでるだけ。 |
Added a hit detection with map parts. (water) Also, I started to make the cullet area. The cullet is an explosion, a piece, a bubble, etc.... It is an effect that is not directly related to the game. The word “cullet” means glass shavings to be recycled. Pixel just reads it that way on its own. |
Added hit detection with map parts. (water) Also, I started to make carets. Carets are like an explosion, a piece, a bubble, etc... It's an effect that's not directly related to the game. The world "caret" means glass shavings to be recycled. Pixel just reads it that way on its own. |
December 19, 2000 | ゲームパッド(ジョイスティック)での入力にチャレンジ。案外簡単。 一つ重要な疑問が発生。今、SmartGripってヤツ使ってるけど、 他のコントローラの場合のボタン配置って同じなのかぁ? と言うわけで、Pixel-Onlineで情報を集めることにする。 |
Try inputting with a gamepad (joystick). Surprisingly easy. One important question arises. I'm using a SmartGrip right now, I wonder if the button layout is the same for other controllers. So, I decided to gather information on Pixel-Online. |
December 22, 2000 | とりあえず弾を撃てるようにした。 ついでに壁に当たることによってカレットを出す・・・。 玉が出て敵にあたって消える。ゲーム作りの基本だね。スゴく作業的。 ここから先は作業的なことが多いな―。まぁ避けては通れないか。 避けて通れないと言えばドット絵・・・。 アレが一番作業的で時間を食うような気がする。 |
At least I can shoot bullets. And then, by hitting the wall, it emits a caret.... The ball goes out, hits the enemy, and disappears. That's the basics of making a game. It's very work. From this point on, there is a lot of work to be done. Well, you can't avoid it. Speaking of unavoidable, the dots.... I think that is the most time-consuming and labor-intensive part. |
December 24, 2000 | 新キャラを出現させる。 「ミミガー」と命名する。 |
A new character appears. He shall be named “Mimigar.” |
A new character appears. They shall be named "Mimiga." |
Editor's note: BIRTH OF A LEGEND. YES. |
December 25, 2000 | ◆Pix0207 開発コードもついに0207。 ちょっと構想中のマップを描いてみる。 スタート地点になるのかな・・・ホントにちょっとだけ。 |
◆Pix0207 The development code is finally 0207. I'm going to draw a little map of the concept. It will be a starting point...really just a little bit. |
v0.2.0.7. Editor's note: Merry Christmas 2000! | |
December 26, 2000 | 新キャラ「ファイア ソア」を描く。 とりあえず出してみるが、まだ弾のあたり判定はない。 上下のフェードを作る。前は左右をやったからラクチン。 そろそろシナリオ(?)にそって世界組み立て始める。 コアが見えるまではドット絵はある程度テキトーでイイ。 |
Drawing a new character “Fire Soar”. Let him out for the moment, but there is no bullet hit detection yet. I made a fade of up and down. I did the left and right fades before, so it's easy. It's time to start building the world according to the scenario (?). I'm about to start assembling the world according to the scenario (?). Until the core of the world is seen, the dots can be somewhat arbitrary. |
Let him out! Fire Soa did nothing wrong! Why do I keep making jokes? Eh, this page won't be mainspaced until like, it looks way more professional anyways so... | |
December 27, 2000 | ついに敵を倒せるようになる。効果音がまだないんだよなぁ。 入れたら気持ちがいいだろうなぁ。 美味しいところ先に作っちゃうと完成するまでに飽きるんだよな。 ゲームが完成しない理由はいくつかあって、 ①作者の器がおよばない。 ②目的をを見失う。 ③飽きる。 かな・・・。 時間がなかったり、病気になったりするのは、 たいして問題じゃないかも。(経験談) |
Finally, we can defeat the enemy. I still don't have sound effects. It would be nice if I put them in. If you make the best part first, you'll get bored before it's finished. There are several reasons why games are not completed, (1) The author is out of his/her depth. (2) Losing sight of the objective. (3) You get bored. I don't know... Lack of time or illness may not be a big problem, (Experience) I have been in the same situation. (Experience). |
December 28, 2000 | マイキャラが敵からダメージを受けるようにした。 「いかちゃん」と同じく体力制にする予定。 今日はソレだけかな・・・。 |
My character can take damage from enemies. I plan to use the same physical strength system as “Ika-chan”. I think that's all for today... |
December 29, 2000 | ファイア=ソアのアニメーションを考え直す。 あんまり火に見えなかったので。 火のアニメーションて思ったより難しい。 |
Rethink the Fire=Soar animation. It didn't look like fire so much. Fire animation is more difficult than I thought. |
January 1, 2001 | 武器を一つ追加。(ドギー) 敵のダメージ表現を作る。点滅はやめて、震えるようにした。 曖昧な書き方だけど、仕様変更はいくらでも起こりうるので、 あまり詳しくは書かないで置く。 |
One additional weapon. (Doggie) Create damage expressions for enemies. Stop blinking and make it tremble. I know it's a bit vague, but it could be changed as much as possible, I don't want to go into too much detail. |
Introducing the Polar Star, or, rather, its original iteration as the Doggie Gun. Happy New Year! | |
January 5, 2001 | 久しく再開。でもあまり進まない。 弾のグラフィックを描きなおす。(プル) 敵を倒すとお金に化ける。 でもこのお金ってのが中途半端で、くるくる回っているだけ。 次はお金が跳ねるようする・・・欲しいよね。 |
It's been a long time since I've been back. But not much progress. Redrawing the bullet graphics. (Pull) When you defeat an enemy, it turns into money. But this money is halfway, it just spins around. Next time, make the money bounce...I want that. |
January 6, 2001 | お金、跳ねる。取れる。 お金の単位を考える。ゴールド? 円? ドル? ケロ? 過去にはドラヤキってのもあったな―。・・・2600ドラヤキ。 今のところ COIN をひねって CION にしておく。 1Cionと10Cionが完成。持ち金の表示もできた。 敵固有フラグを作る。これは一度倒した判定。 仕様増殖中・・・まだ把握可能ですが。 イベントに備え、カレット/弾丸のクリアモジュールを作る。 テキストスクリプトに体力回復タグを追加。 |
Money, bouncing. Can be taken. Think of a unit of money. Gold? Yen? Dollars? Kero? In the past, there was also the drayaki. 2600 Dorayaki. For now, I'll twist COIN to CION. 1Cion and 10Cion completed. I also made the display of the amount of money you have. Make enemy-specific flags. This is a decision once defeated. Specifications are proliferating.............................still graspable. Created a module for clearing cullets/bullets in preparation for an event. Added a tag to the text script to recover energy. |
January 7, 2001 | アイテムをNPCとして表示しただけ。 しかも「?」スーパーマリオみたい。 |
Just showing items as NPCs. And “?” It looks like Super Mario. |
January 8, 2001 | アイテムNPC画像は(今のところ)宝箱にする。 武器の弾数を有効にした。 アイテムを取るタグを追加。 アイテムがいっぱいだった場合の対処。 「アイテムがいっぱいです。何か捨ててください」ってやつ。 一度取ったアイテムを二度と出てこないようにする。 新キャラを追加、攻撃してくるキャラ一号(ジロ) ゲームらしくなってきた☆ それについて三角関数も追加。いわゆるアークタンジェントとか。 これは過去に作ったものを使いまわし。 イベントエディタを1.3にバージョンアップ。 |
Item NPC images should be (for now) treasure chests. Enabled weapon ammo count. Added a tag to take items. Dealing with full items. The “Your items are full. Please throw something away”. Make it so that once an item is taken, it never comes up again. Add a new character, the first character to attack (Jiro). It's becoming more like a game☆. Also added trigonometric functions about it. Like the so called arc tangent. This is a reused one from the past. Upgraded the event editor to 1.3. |
January 9, 2001 | ゲームとは関係ないけど、スクリーンセーバをさわってみる。 | It has nothing to do with the game, but I'll touch the screen saver. | Thanks, Pixel. | |
January 10, 2001 | やっぱりは関係ないけど、スクリーンセーバを研究中。 DirectXが使いたいが、うまく行かない。 ゲーム開発では忘れていた弾丸と斜め床とのあたり判定を作る。 手違いで、斜め床を登っていくバグもあったが、 これはこれで使えそうだ。 |
I'm researching screen savers, though I don't know what they are. I want to use DirectX, but it doesn't work. In game development, I made a judgment of the hit point between the bullet and the diagonal floor, which I had forgotten about. There was a bug that the bullets climbed up the diagonal floor by mistake, This seems to be useful. |
January 11, 2001 | 次のマップを 気 ま ぐ れ に作った。 パレット調整ができてないので、凄くファミコンぽい配色になってる。 パレットについては、こだわりたいから後に回す。 今後の開発は―。とりあえず大まかなゲーム展開を決めながら、 一通りのマップ(舞台)を作っていくのがいいんじゃないかと、 ・・・今そう思った。 |
I made the next map in a whim. I haven't adjusted the palette yet, so the color scheme is very NES-like. I'll deal with the palette later, because I want to be more particular about it. Future development For now, I'm working on a rough outline of the game, I think it would be a good idea to create a map (stage) while deciding on the general development of the game, That's what I just thought. |
January 13, 2001 | 前回作ったマップがいまいち気に食わない。 色のせいか、マップのパレットを指定できるようにした。 それでもなんか違うんだよな・・・。 とりあえず新たに敵キャラを出すことにした。(ホッパー) 8匹ほど出してやっつけるが、なんか寂しい。 効果音もつけちゃおうか。 |
I don't like the map I made last time. Maybe it's the colors, but I was able to specify a palette for the map. But still something is different... At any rate, I decided to bring out a new enemy character. (Hopper). I made about eight of them and killed them, but it was kind of lonely. I should add sound effects. |
January 18, 2001 | ここん所、開発が手につかなかった。 シナリオを考慮してマップを作ってみてから、 「なんか違う」そう思ったまま・・・もう5日も経つのか。 今日は、お金、1と10しかなかったんだけど、 1と3と8と20と50を作った。 これで、赤字キャラと黒字キャラを作っていこうかな・・・と、 今は思っている。 敵のパラメータに「お金」ってのを追加。 ついでにマップ1のパーツを少し描く。 |
I haven't been able to get a handle on development for a while now. After I made the map with the scenario in mind, I thought “something is different” and it's been 5 days already. Today, I only had money, 1 and 10, but I made 1, 3, 8, 20 and 50. Now I'm thinking of making a character in the red and a character in the black.... I added “money” to the enemy parameters. In addition, I drew some parts of map 1. |
DeepL is adding a watermark to its translations... oh no. | |
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Game Development Murmur (7/1) (Report2.html)
To do: Document. |
Date | Original JP | DeepL Translation | Better Translation? | Notes |
placeholder date | placeholder jp | placeholder deepl | placeholder better | placeholder notes |
Development Public Images! (5/5) (OpenPict.html)
To do: Finish documenting. |
Emergency Seal Rebuild! (7/8) (Aza2.html)
To do: Document. |
Date | Original JP | DeepL Translation | Better Translation? | Notes |
placeholder date | placeholder jp | placeholder deepl | placeholder better | placeholder notes |
From Naoku (5/11) (Thanks.html)
To do: Document. |
Date | Original JP | DeepL Translation | Better Translation? | Notes |
placeholder date | placeholder jp | placeholder deepl | placeholder better | placeholder notes |