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Little9070's Avatar

Discord: Little9070#3932

Hey! I enjoy discovering and documenting unused stuff in Plants Vs. Zombies, ripping music, and emulating games!

(that is not my car btw)

Pvz Vase.png
Testing Grounds
This is where I pre-write/test stuff

PVZGW1 ZPGCard.png
This would be a cool April Fools prank

PvZ is such an interesting game, internally it's laid out as if it was rushed, but the game took 5-ish years to be developed iirc? It's built off of one of my favorite popcap games, Insaniquarium Deluxe, and it's got **so much** unused stuff, not to mention the prototypes.

If I had a build I wanted to get leaked, it's not a very early Lawn of The Dead build, it's on of the July 2008 "Zom-Botany" builds, where the game was really starting to take shape but wasn't 100% finalized yet.