User:MrEditorMan/Friday Night Funkin'
Original Articles
To do:
Friday Night Funkin' has had a fair amount of changes over the course of its development, and while a portion of these can be viewed via the pubicly available source code, a lot of it has only been shared by the developers on their various social medias.
Development Timeline
To do: Finish? |
- October 1st - Development begins on Friday Night Funkin' as an entry in the 47th Ludum Dare game jam, with the theme "Stuck in a loop".
- October 5th - Friday Night Funkin' initally releases on as the game jam ends.
- November 1st - A new demo of Friday Night Funkin' is released on Newgrounds and, adding a new level featuring Skid and Pump, among other things.
- December 11th - The demo is updated with a new level featuring Pico from Pico's School.
Ludum Dare Prototype/Week 1
Concept art of Week 1 showing Boyfriend and Daddy Dearest with largely different designs facing off, alongside Girlfriend who's design has basically remained unchanged. A large crowd that isn't present in the week can be seen cheering the two on.
An image depicting how art for the game is conceptualized, with their mainly being three passes of Boyfriend. The first pass is located in the center of the image and is Phantom Arcade's inital drawing of Boyfriend, which seemingly shows him in a diffrent artstyle and lacking the prohibition symbol on his shirt. The drawing to the left of it is the second pass, drawn by Evilsk8r. This styilized drawing iterates on Phantom Arcade's inital design with Boyfriend looking much more closer to his final design, although some diffrences are still noted, such as having squiggly Ms on his shoes reminiscent of PaRappa's shoes. The drawing to the right of it is the final pass, drawn by Phantom Arcade. The only differences from his final design at this point is the rougher line art, lack of shading, and different choice of colors, with him having magenta-colored hair and shoelaces with the same color as his pants.
A similar image depicting the artistic evolution of Daddy Dearest. Phantom Arcade's inital drawing is found on the right of the image and once again shows him in a completely different art style. This drawing has him with a noticeable bulge in his pants (which lack a belt), missing his microphone, and has him wearing different shoes. He is also seen with a brief case beside him that is absent in his final design. Evilsk8r's second pass is on the very left of the image, removing his breifcase and overall refining the design further.
These drawings would later be moddifed (in the case of Boyfriend) and added as spritesheets to first few commits of the game.
Week 2
An unused pose for Skid & Pump. According to PhantomArcade in a tweet, this pose was intended to be a parallel to Boyfriend's V-Sign pose, occurring when a vocal cue is heard in a song (like with Bopeebo). He would go on to say that one of the Week 2 tracks was supposed to have those cues, but he didn't want to pressure Kawaisprite to include it. His tweet also mentions that this feature was intended for all the other opponents, although this is the only remnant of it we see.
Concept art of Monster drawn by Bassetfilms. This shows many different designs for Monster, such as:
- A shark with a toothy grin.
- A weird tree-like creature with eyes and teeth alongside its branches.
- A snake-like creature that resides in a Jack-o-latern.
- A creature with many eyestalks and large teeth wielding a knife.
Week 3
Boyfriend next to a sketch of Pico. Behind both of them lies multiple peices of concept art for Pico, which can be found in the .fla files.
Week 4
Concept art for the background henchmen, showing them with a different hair-do.
Week 5
A teaser for Week 5, showing Daddy Dearest in his regular outfit instead of the more christmas themed one seen in the actual week.
Week 6
An earlier and far more fancier design for the school seen in the background.
Original art for Senpai before it was converted into pixel form. Senpai is shown to have heterochromia in some pieces, a detail that would be lost due to a hectic work schedule, as Week 6 was being developed while Week 5 was being finished.
Week 7
Concept art for the military zone with several notes that indicate much more to be going on than what is seen in the final, such as tankmen parachuting from the sky and cheering/drinking whilst spectating the battle.