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Wappy Dog

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Title Screen

Wappy Dog

Developer: Sonic Powered
Publisher: Activision
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in US: November 8, 2011
Released in EU: September 7, 2012

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Wappy Dog was an attempt at copying and improving on Nintendogs by utilizing a physical toy dog, with the game using the DS to send data to the toy to let it move and react to the actions.

There are also several minigames you can play to increase the dog's friendship and unlock new items and minigames.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Model Viewer


A basic model viewer that includes the idle animation of the dog model without any textures.

Action Replay codes 5207F69C 0000000D 0207F69C 00000012 will open this viewer upon trying to give the dog some food while in Travel Mode.

Input Effect
A / B Move the camera angle up/down
Left / Right Rotate the dog left/right
Up / Down Zoom in/out
Start Set the camera back to the original position

Unused Text

Early Food Categories


At one point in development, the Can Food and Eclair categories were instead Pudding and Chocolate Donut. They were likely changed because even small portions of chocolate can be deadly for real dogs.

While both categories are unlocked by default on save creation, locking them via memory editing and unlocking them again will cause the "unlocked something" screen to display the early names. This suggests suggesting that they had to be unlocked earlier in development.

Color Name


The game has six options for your dog's color: blue, green, red, pink, purple, and gold. Blue is unlocked by default, but locking the color via memory editing and unlocking it again will show its name as Sky Blue on the "unlocked something" screen.

(Source: SporyTike)