World of Warcraft/Unused Models & Graphics
This is a sub-page of World of Warcraft.
To do: There's countless of unused models, buildings and more, both from the Pre-Alpha versions of Wow and from Legion onwards. |
Unused Models
Player Characters
These are simple models labelled UI_RS in the Interface folder that play a single animation. They were meant to be used in an early character select screen from 2001.
This is the original Forsaken female. This early concept did not feature bones poking out. The hairstyle and textures were completely changed. The animation displayed is reminiscent of the final Forsaken female's unarmed attack ready animation.
The Night elves were pretty similar to the final, but her face was different, Of note is the fact that she is wearing the garb of a Mage when Night elves did not receive the ability to be mages until the Cataclysm expansion.
The Tauren are relatively similar, however the outfit the character is wearing is a significantly higher quality than it would usually have been. The Tauren also appears to have some kind of hoof wear, which is completely impossible in the final game.
The Human's face resembles the early temporary models from the Alpha that have been in the files, but the body is closer to the final version. There is nothing of note regarding the animation.
The Orc resembles the renders shown in promotional material from 2001. Of note is the fact that he is wearing the classic horned helmet reminiscent of Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3 grunts, which was absent in World of Warcraft for unknown reasons.
The Dwarf model has not changed much, which is testament to how old it is. The face texture is missing and a transparent void is in it's place. Since the dwarf face is not flagged to appear as transparent, this is rendered as black.
Broken Draenei and Fel Orcs only have male models in-game, but actually have unfinished female models. Internally they are flagged as player models and are capable of wearing gear just like their male counterparts. (This behavior is seen with Fel Orcs in the Netherdrake area in Shadowmoon, and it is seen with Broken in the attunement quest for the Black Temple where you temporarily become one. However regardless of your gender you become a male Broken or Fel orc.)
To do: Add all the temp Human alpha models, and the early Orc NPC models. |
This is the male counterpart to the UI_RS_Scourge model. It seemed to have been a temporarily model for the Forsaken Deathguard. Of note is the fact that this model bolsters quite some different animations from the default male Forsaken.
This is a similar model to the tempdeathguard, but it appears to predate it as it has significantly fewer animations. It has not been assigned an entry in creaturedisplayinfo or creaturemodeldata, so it is completely unused and a mod is required to use this model.
This is a model similar to the UI_RS_Human model except that it bolsters a full set of animations. The body is similar to the final but the rigging is more primitive, and the beard is different. Just like the tempdeathguard model, this model features different animations. Of note is the Dance animation that was used for male Goblins prior to the Cataclysm expansion.
These two unfinished mammoth mounts do not have any animations.
Since the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, a model for an unused "Undead Nerubian Beast" creature also exists in the game's files. It comes in several different skins, yet has no animations.
To do: There's a ton of leftover models from the Alpha that are completely unused but remain in the files and need to be documented. |
This quaint little barn is the only surviving building in the files from the 2001 era. During that time of development, buildings could not be entered and they were merely setpieces. Judging by the name, it was intended to be used for Duskwood, and the color of the roof confirms this. A similar barn in Elwynn with a blue roof can be seen in pre-release material.
These are World Map Object files for a scrapped raid titled Dragon Isles. According to the documentary World of Warcraft: Looking for Group, it was located in northern Lordaeron; this corresponds to the Dragon Isles folder, "LD_DragonIsles". The actual models themselves are largely untextured and have somewhat confusing layouts; the largest of the four, DragonIsles_D, has a complex temple and shell inside of it. A, B, and D all have minimap tiles.
Test Objects
These are test/misc. objects found in the game's files. Many of them come in different sizes.
Unused Graphics
ShaneCube.blp This texture used to contain the face of (former) WoW producer Shahram Dabiri.
Maps and Minimaps
While Kalidar also existed as a battleground testing map, it was also once the name used for Teldrassil; this is explained here. These map tiles are from the game's original alpha, and it's unknown why they still exist in the files more than eleven years later.
CharacterCreate-Faction.blp (It's used in the original game's alpha.)