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1080° Snowboarding
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Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Nintendo
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1998
Games > Games by release date > Games released in February
Games > Games by release date > Games released in February > Games released on February 28
Games > Games by release date > Games released in March
Games > Games by release date > Games released in March > Games released on March 31
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 9
1080° Snowboarding |
Developer: Nintendo This game has hidden development-related text. This game has a notes page This game has a Data Crystal page |
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article? |
To do: Stuff from the partial source code in the 2020-07-25 Nintendo leak |
1080° Snowboarding is a rather unique snowboarding game where the player has a health bar to take into consideration while snowboarding. Lose all your health and you will forfeit the race and automatically get last. Realism at its finest.
This game was successful enough to get a sequel for the GameCube titled 1080° Avalanche.
Notes |
Build Info
Version | ROM Address | Build Message |
USA/Japan | 0x91F8BE | Final nkai_Video_A Wed Feb 4 18:20:04 1998 |
Europe | 0x921F48 | Final-PAL/NTSC o_A Mon Mar 16 13:09:38 1998 JST |
(Source: Original TCRF research)
Debugging Text
mainuso rom Info Sym Text Reloc Data Reloc RoData Reloc Text Data RoData Bss EntrySym EndOfFile End BinaryDataSection DiskInfo ReadMem @ %08x for %d WriteMem Long unaligned write... RCP write not an integral number of words ListProcesses LoadProgram GetExeName imem rmon GetRegionCount GetRegions rmon: Thread %d created rmon: Thread %d destroyed StopThreads %d Couldn't stop thread %d ListThreads ThreadStatus %d method %d StopThread %d RunThread %d SetFault PANIC!! SetComm Set temp BP at %08x and %08x ClearTempBreak @ %08x SetBreak at %08x, method %d (%08x) = %08x (was %08x) ListBreak ClearBreak SingleStep Break %d in thread %d HitBreak Hit SP Break HitCpuFault Brk in thread %d @ %08x, inst %08x GetGRegisters SetGRegisters GetFRegisters SetFRegisters GetSRegisters SetSRegisters GetVRegisters SetVRegs <null> <node> ProcessWindow Quit Process PauseMenu GameFlow Flow %d:%s FLOW: free blocks > 1 done Fader TimeGadget::Parms xps yps lbx lby l2x l2y TimeGadget::Parms xps yps TimeGadget %db%02da%02d BestTimeGadget %db%02da%02d BestScoreGadget % 8d TimeGadget::Parms xps yps shx shy CountDownGadget %da %da %da a %02d PointsGadget % 8d SpeedGadget %d %d %d BoardsGadget::Parms xps yps lbx lby l2x l2y CoolGadget::Parms xps yps mx0 my0 sx0 sy0 mx1 my1 gx0 gy0 pxp pyp bxp byp col adz CourseGadget mrk PointsGadget %d %s %d pts %d pts %d %d %d Colour::Parms rdP rdE 32P 32E goP goE glP glE lsP lsE rtP rtE toP toE rnP rnE rsP rsE nrP nrE adP adE csP csE grP grE dwP dwE ctt cnm ccl clg Extensions BACKUP: checking individual chunks resetting options data resetting course data resetting arcade data resetting ghost data BACKUP: sizeof ROM %d bytes Terminate-Canceled Channel %d,Phase %d S->W W->S (D) LOD %d -> %d S-Resample Pitch %x (old %d -> delay %d) Warning:Kill Note %x Kill Voice %d (ID %d) %d Warning: Running Sequence's data disappear! Heap Now %x %x %x Audio:Memory:Heap OverFlow : Not Allocate %d! Heap Init : hp %x : base %x,cur %x,len %x Audio:Memory:DataHeap Not Allocate StayHeap Not Allocate %d AutoHeap Not Allocate %d Status ID0 : %d ID1 : %d id 0 is Stopping id 0 is Stop id 1 is Stopping id 1 is Stop WARNING: NO FREE AUTOSEQ AREA. WARNING: NO STOP AUTO AREA. AND TRY FORCE TO STOP SIDE Check ID0 (seq ID %d) Useing ... Check ID1 (seq ID %d) Useing ... No Free Seq area. CH %d: ID %d TWO SIDES ARE LOADING... ALLOC CANCELED. WARNING: Before Area Overlaid After. WARNING: After Area Overlaid Before. MEMORY:SzHeapAlloc ERROR: sza->side %d Audio:MEMORY:SzHeap Overflow error. (%d bytes) Auto Heap Unhit for ID %d Heap Reconstruct Start %x TEMPO %d %f %f %f SeqScale %f --VC %f Sf %f Dr %f Tp %f AHPBASE %x AHPCUR %x HeapTop %x SynoutRate %d / %d FXSIZE %d FXCOMP %d FXDOWN %d WaveCacheLen: %d SpecChange Finished Heap overview HP_MAIN %8x DAC1 %8x DAC2 %8x DAC3 %8x HP_SYND %8x CHANNEL %8x DREG %8x TASK1 %8x TASK2 %8x RELT %8x delay0L %8x delay0R %8x delay1L %8x delay1R %8x Gr0:Sub0 %8x Warning:Emem Over,not alloc %d Init Heap %x %x Single AutoSize %d Single Ptr %x Request--------Single-Auto, %d Retry %x, %x, len %x DMAing list %d is killed. Try Kill %d Try Kill %x %x Try Kill %x %x %x Rom back %x %x Error sw NULL Request--------Single-Stay, %d CAUTION:WAVE CACHE FULL %d SUPERDMA WaveCache MemorySize is %d Get %x BankCount %d BANK LOAD MISS! FOR %d Flush Start %d ->%d StartSeqReq (Group %d,Seq %d) useflag %d BankCount %d Load Error... No memory? StartSeq (Group %d,Seq %d) Process finish Linking Sequence -> %d LoadCtrl, Ptr %x and Media is %d Load Bank, Type %d , ID %d get auto get s-auto %x Seq %d Write ID OK %d! Banknumber %d Bank Offset %x %d %d PEP Touch %x VPERC %d: %x Pass VEP Touch %x Warning: INSTCOUNT OVER (%d) instmap[%d]=%x,insttop= %x FastCopy FastCopy Not Supported Error: DMA Prohibited Media [%d] Warning: size not align 16 %x (%s) Load Bank BG, Type %d , ID %d Clear Workarea %x -%x size %x AudioHeap is %x Heap reset.Synth Change %x MAINHP BASE %x MAINHP CURRENT %x MAINHP LENGTH %x MAINHP COUNT %x DAC %x (POINTER %x) HP POINT %x ---MAINHP BASE %x ---MAINHP CURRENT %x ---MAINHP LENGTH %x ---MAINHP COUNT %x Heap %x %x %x Main Heap Initialize. %d :WaveA %d WaveB %d Inst %d,Perc %d Voice %d ---------- Init Completed. ------------ Syndrv :[%6d] Seqdrv :[%6d] audiodata :[%6d] Que %x Entry--- %d %d ---Block LPS here ===Block LPS end SLOWCOPY Not Supported Seq Load Entry--- %d %x Over SeqMax %d Req: Src %x Dest %x Len %x,media %d,retcode %d Remain Size %d ---Block BG here ===Block BG end Retcode %x Other Type: Not Write ID. BGLOAD:Error: dma length 0 BGCOPY Not Supported InstTop is %x Error: Already wavetable is touched %x. Touch Warning: Length zero %x Media Convert %d -> %d It's busy now!!!!! %d BG LOAD BUFFER is OVER. Warning: Length zero %x Wave Load %d Total Bg Wave Load %d Receive %d Error: Magic is Broken after loading. Remain DMA: %d N start %d Error: Magic is Broken: %x Error: No Handle. Success: %x BG LOAD BUFFER is OVER. Base %x,Len %x Media %d Wave Load %d Total Bg Wave Load %d DAC:Lost 1 Frame. Address Error %x DMA: Request queue over.( %d ) DMA [ %d lines] TIMEOUT Warning: WaveDmaQ contains %d msgs. Audio:now-max tasklen is %d / %d Audio:Warning:ABI Tasklist length over (%d) Play Seq %d BGLOAD Start %d Init FIN-QUEUE! %x QueuAdd %x mtqueue %x fullqueue %x validc %x first %x count %x Mesgs %x Init FIN-QUEUE! QueuAdd %x mtqueue %x fullqueue %x validc %x first %x count %x Mesgs %x Error: OverFlow Your Request ---AudioSending (%d->%d) AudioSend: %d -> %d (%d) Warning: MesgQ is Full, Retry Next Send. Next Start %d Continue Port %d -> %d Sync-Frame Break. (Remain %d [%d,%d]) specchg conjunction error (Msg:%d Cur:%d) Warning : Queue is not empty,drop this (number %d ) Warning: SpecChange is processing now[number %d] Same SpecChange... Cancel. Overwrite SpecNumber.[->%d] Coherency safety wait.. Normal SpecChange [num %d] Undefined Port Command %d Audio: setvol: volume minus %f Audio: setvol: volume overflow %f Audio: setpitch: pitch zero or minus %f ----------------------Double-Error CH: %x %f ----------------------Double-Error NT: %x CAUTION:SUB IS SEPARATED FROM GROUP CAUTION:PAUSE EMERGENCY Error:Wait Track disappear Audio: voiceman: No bank error %d Audio: voiceman: progNo. overflow %d,%d ptr2 %x Audio: voiceman: progNo. undefined %d,%d Audio: voiceman: No bank error %d Audio: voiceman: Percussion Overflow %d,%d Audio: voiceman: Percussion table pointer (bank %d) is irregular %x. Audio: voiceman: Percpointer NULL %d,%d --4 %x Audio: voiceman: PercVoicepointer NULL %d,%d Audio:Warn: No Percussion here. NoteOff Comes during wait release %x (note %x) Slow Release Batting Audio:Wavemem: Bad voiceno (%d) Basepitch %f , sweep %f %x %d LOD %d - > %d, Audio: C-Alloc : Dealloc voice is NULL Alloc Error:Dim voice-Alloc %d Error:Same List Add Already Cut Audio: C-Alloc : lowerPrio is NULL Intterupt UseStop %d (Kill %d) Intterupt RelWait %d (Kill %d) Drop Voice (Prio %x) Init Channel %d,%x Audio:Envp: overflow %f Audio:Track :Call Macro Level Over Error! Audio:Track :Loops Macro Level Over Error! Audio:Track:Warning: No Free Notetrack Stop Release Error:Same List Add Wait Time out! WARNING: NPRG: cannot change %d Audio:Track:NOTE:UNDEFINED NOTE COM. %x Error: Subtrack no prg. ERR %x Voice Here %x Note OverFlow %d trs %d , %d, %d %f %f %f %d samples -> %f frames Audio: Note:Velocity Error %d SUB:ERR:BANK %d NOT CACHED. SUB:ERR:BANK %d NOT CACHED. %x <-%x Audio:Track: CTBLCALL Macro Level Over Error! Set Noise %d [%2x] Err :Sub %x ,address %x:Undefined SubTrack Function %x Error:Bad Note %d (Command %x) VoiceLoad Error Bank:%d,Prog:%d Disappear Sequence or Bank %d Seq %d Bank %d ID %d and %d MIDI mode not supported Group:Undefine upper C0h command (%x) Seq Load Start %d %d Group:Undefined Command Call Sub %x,Gtp %xHalfPipe Snare Track Mute off SnareIN %d %d Tempo %d %d Tune %f Audio:Now Scene is %d Audio:Now Course is %d Shot Z %d Shot R %d Shot L %d x = %d Audio:Now Scene is not ENDING (%d) Entry:FadeInTime %d FadeInTime %d Load VSEQ %d Tune %f Audio: Player SE is muted in title scene. Entry Player %d (Chr.%d) (Cam %d) Audio: Spin 180 Audio: Spin 360 Leaf Flag Stagger Return! Audio:Charge Stop >>Crash: Ground,SlopeType %d >>Crash: SnowWall >>Crash: WoodWall >>Crash: StealWall >>Crash: RockWall >>Crash: Tree >>Crash: Man ######### This player is force changed to Com-Player %x ######### Exit Player %d Audio: Stagger is voice only This is Special Chr. %x:Cmflag is %d (Chr.%d) Action %d (%f) Wall[A] Wall[B] Tree Man Ground (Anim %d) Do nothing for ghost. Down Retio %f Up Retio %f Sound::Voice Flyhigh! (%d) Audio: System SE : %x %x Snare Insert Start Count Down Remain %d Audio: CheckPoint Time %d Course decided %d Option %d (Character %d) (player %d) Trick Hold %d Trick Success! %d point Scene is Play Onemake Retry Halfpipe Retry (Snare Off) Onemake Retry2 %d Cheer Entry %d SceneChange %d Now Briz %d Entry Briz %d Voice Begin Character %d %d Request2 %d Request1 %d Audio:Scene SetUp Start (%d,%d,%d). Before is Title , Remain %d Audio:HalfPipeGoal Audio:Scene SetUp End. Scene Finish for %d -> %d Audio: Extend Memory Get! (%d) Audio: Extend Memory Lost! VOICE 1 %d,(RND %d) VOICE 2 %d VOICE 3 %d (B-%d) Scene Stop! InitAudio ROM-ADDRESS %x %x %x InitAudio End Assertion failed: '%s' in file '%s' line %d arse Write() bad length Write not at end Write -ve len read not aligned %d %x bad read len %d write not aligned %d, %x bad write len %d Out of DMA slots Read() bad length Read (read) not at end Read (write) not at end Read -ve len Stopped Runnable Running Waiting Unknown Threads: %s (%d): %s : (%s,0x%x) PC=0x%x Fault (%s,0x%x) 0x%x in Thread %s (%d) HostIO pure_virtual_called RunApp gfx.Start CPU Update() Display() SndCPU usoLoad() error loading file %s: %d cant unload %s (%d) TempBuffer busy TempHeap alloc fail %6.2fk OpenFile Error '%s': %d Remote OpenFile fail '%s' SRAM read %x, %d from %x bad SRAM DMA align ReadFile Error: %d read async local only Cant write to Local SRAM write %x, %d to %x bad SRAM DMA align FileInfo '%s': %d FileSize on local camera Global out of range %d FOV BallRotator Radius cam man Speed Dup parm '%s' Parm '%s' ignored Loading ItemType '%s' (%d) ItemMgr::Load ItemType not found '%s' RemoveItems ChangeType Items Unknown ItemType %s From To changed '%s' to '%s' HostIO init error %d HostIO: No hilited node HostIO: unknown command %d DefQNode QNode VQS CVQS MtxMode New(): Cant allocate %dk %x = New(%d,%d, %d) (%.2fk) delete (%x) App SysLib GfxLib App::Reset SoftReset %d Security Check: FAIL con reset1 con reset2 GfxLibParms App::InitInstance() called App Version: Memory Pause Freeze SysLinks %d*%d AppLinks %d*%d Memory Dump Display App::Update APP DELETE: %s App::Display rb %s %s %dk/%dk free/largest %dk/%dk used/size Error set %d %d %3.0f,%3.0f - %3.0f,%3.0f X %d Y %d Hold Texture not aligned FogParms Min Max GfxLibParms Shadow Alpha CvgTest Auto Lights FifoLen Dump Screen Dump ZBuffer Dump Error Show DL Usage RcpStatus: %s/%s vt=%d, dp=%d, sp=%d, busy=%d GfxStatus: %s gfx1 ScreenWindow taskDL1 taskDL2 TestDL MainStaticDL MainStatic OneFrame WARNING: zero v frame time 1GFrame video mode not supported num < GDL_MAX_DDM Start MHupd Anm End CPU MorphUpd ADrawUpd 1GFrame Swap DoneSwap too many windows face overflow %s setup PolyShape genmat genpoly pGrid != NULL end genpoly fin init poly NumPnts NumPolys AmbientGamma hiliteMaterial No PNorms for flat shading %d %d %d Too many objects for List Morphpoly: nothing to update new colours (dvtx-FirstVtx) < (NumPnts * 10) copy shadow sprite StartDL sprblock EndDL FrameBuffers no ScreenWindow for zbuffer DLs startdraw setupDyn bgDyn bg pick %d found Node %s Window Show DL Usage vFP1 fastQ NoC RcpTask remove RCP Mgr Entering RcpMgr::Update()... none rcpMgrThread stack overflow SndRSP Resume gfx-resume Snd SndRSP snd RCP Snd SndRSP snd SndWork sndV Retrace flush when active flush when tasks pending RCP got unkown message no. %d RcpTask already active Gfx gfx RSP RcpMgr: unsupported task Too many Rcp Tasks dispmgr DisplayMgr::Add() too many objects Too many objects for List
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Nintendo
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Nintendo
- Nintendo 64 games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 1998
- Games released in February
- Games released on February 28
- Games released in March
- Games released on March 31
- Games released in October
- Games released on October 9
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Pages with a Data Crystal link
- Stubs
- To do
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
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Cleanup > Stubs
Cleanup > To do
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Pages with a Data Crystal link
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Nintendo
Games > Games by platform > Nintendo 64 games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Nintendo
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1998
Games > Games by release date > Games released in February
Games > Games by release date > Games released in February > Games released on February 28
Games > Games by release date > Games released in March
Games > Games by release date > Games released in March > Games released on March 31
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 9