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AI: The Somnium Files/Unused Dialogue/Real World
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This is a sub-page of AI: The Somnium Files/Unused Dialogue.
Used in-game dialogue is provided for context when necessary and italicized.
- 1 A2-begin (Day 2: saikAI)
- 2 A2-wrap (Day 2: meikAI)
- 3 A3-begin (Day 3: syokubAI)
- 4 A4_begin (Day 4: youdAI)
- 5 A5_begin (Day 5: zugAI)
- 6 B5_begin (Day 5: seisAI)
- 7 B6_begin (Day 6: hiAI)
- 8 C4_begin (Day 4: jukkAI)
- 9 C4_wrap (Day 4: kikAI)
- 10 C5_begin (Day 5: jinnAI)
- 11 D2_wrap (Day 2: keitAI)
- 12 D3_begin (Day 3: gyoukAI)
- 13 D4-begin (Day 4: syuurAI)
- 14 D5-begin (Day 5: dakkAI)
- 15 D5-wrap (Day 6: kekkAI)
- 16 E4-wrap (Day 5: kenzAI)
- 17 E5-begin (Day 5: jutAI)
- 18 E5-wrap (Day 5: kokkAI)
- 19 E6-begin (Day 6: sousAI)
- 20 E6-wrap (Day 6: hakAI)
- 21 E6-wrap (Three Months Later: kassAI)
A2-begin (Day 2: saikAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
A baseball bat and glove. | 野球のバットとグローブだ | 這裡有一台飛鏢機。 | A generic line for examining a cut baseball bat in Boss's office, also present in other scenes taking place there. |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Boss: Isn't it cute? | Boss: そのひょうたん人形、かわいいでしょ? | Boss: 那個葫蘆人偶很可愛吧? | Dialogue for a cut gourd doll in Boss's office. The generic fifth line is present in the files for other scenes that take place here as well. | ||
Boss: I got it as a gift a long time ago. | Boss: 昔、ある人からもらったのよ | Boss: 是以前某個人送我的。 | |||
Date: Who gave it to you? | Date: ある人って? | Date: 某個人? | |||
Boss: Hehe, that is a secret. | Boss: ふふーん、ナイショ♪ | Boss: 呵呵~不告訴你。 | |||
A gourd doll is hanging up. | ひょうたん人形がぶら下がっている | 掛著一個葫蘆人偶。 |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
She actually owns a vuvuzela. | ブブゼラがぶら下がっている | 掛著一個巫巫茲拉。 | A generic line for examining a cut vuvuzela in Boss's office, also present in other scenes taking place there. |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Notes |
Boss: Are you familiar with the murder case at the resort called Spur? | Dialogue for the skis in Boss's office. | |||
Boss: That pole there was the murder weapon. | Boss: そのストックは、その時に使われた凶器なの |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
An origami chain. | 折り紙で作った輪っかのチェーンだ | 用色紙做的紙鍊。 | A generic line for examining the origami chain in Boss's office, also present in other scenes taking place there. While this object is modeled and present in the room, it isn't targetable in the final game. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
There's a lot of junk around here. | 雑多なものがいろいろと配置されている | 擺放著各種雜物。 | A generic line for examining a cut "chaotic area" in Boss's office, also present in other scenes taking place there. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Documents and files and papers piled up. | ファイルやら書類やら、 それに類するなんやらかんやらだ |
雜亂地堆置著檔案和文件之類的東西。 | A generic line for examining some cut documents in Boss's office, also present in other scenes taking place there. |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Notes |
Ota: I've never done it before. | Ota: さっきが最初だよ… | Unused dialogue when talking to Ota at Lemniscate. | ||
Date: You are not a good liar. | Date: 嘘つけ!! めちゃくちゃこなれてたじゃねえか!! | |||
Date: You really shouldn't be doing that, kid. | Date: 言っておくが、おまえがやったことは 人としてとても恥ずかしい行為だからな | |||
Ota: Really? | Ota: そうかなぁ…? | |||
Date: Yes! | Date: そうだよ! |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
An automatic door. | エントランスの自動ドアだ | 這是大廳的自動門。 | A generic line for examining a cut door (possibly the entrance) at Lemniscate, also present in other scenes taking place there. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Different posters of the talent are on display. | 所属タレントのポスターが飾ってある | 貼著旗下藝人的海報。 | A generic line for examining some cut posters at Lemniscate, also present in other scenes taking place there. |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Notes |
A-set: Um, Mr. Date? Shouldn't you keep your eyes on the road? | A-set: あの、伊達さん、ちゃんと前を向いて運転したほうが… | Additional dialogue for looking at Iris in Date's car. These lines (both used and unused) are also present in the second driving scene of the chapter (60_10), in the same context. | ||
Date: I am... in a matter of speaking. | Date: 前なら見てる | |||
A-set: Even with your head like that? | A-set: いや、でも、首の向きが不自然じゃないですか? | |||
A-set: You're kind of looking right at me. | A-set: なんていうか、こう、斜め45度のほうを向いてる感じで… | |||
Date: Don't worry about it, I'm a professional. | Date: 大丈夫、いつもこうしてるんだ、気にするな |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The air is heavy with the scent of Fall. | 澄み切った秋の青空が広がっている | 頭上是一片萬里無雲的藍天。 | Lines for examining the sky outside while in Date's car, which isn't targetable in the final game. |
Yesterday's rain has been completely forgotten by the world. | 昨日の天気が嘘のようだ | 昨天的大雨就像一場幻覺。 | |
Today is sunny and bright. | 本日は晴天なり | 今天是大晴天。 |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Notes |
Date: Hey, Aiba, you ever think about how the gearshift kinda looks like a... | Dialogue for the gearshift in Date's car. | ||
Aiba: No. |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Notes |
Iris: You know, if you look at this from above, it looks like the logo from that company. | Iris: 上から見ると、あの会社のロゴマークみたいに見えるかも… | Dialogue for the parasol in Bloom Park. | ||
Date: What company? | Date: あの会社って? | |||
Aiba: She likely means the major pharmaceutical company. | Aiba: おそらく大手の製薬会社のことだ | |||
Aiba: But that has no bearing on this case. | Aiba: だが今回の事件とはなんの関係も… |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The clear, blue, Autumn sky. | 澄み切った秋の青空が広がっている | 頭上是一片萬里無雲的藍天。 | Another line for examining the sky from Date's car. |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Notes |
Date: Heh. Hey Iris, the shifter's a little dusty. | Dialogue for the gearshift in Date's car. | ||
Date: Wanna polish the knob later? | |||
Iris: Uh, okay...? |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Now who is this handsome gentleman...? | 誰だ、このイケメンは! | 這帥哥是誰啊! | Additional lines for examining Date (through Aiba) during the third driving segment of the chapter. |
Oh, it's me! | と思ってよく見たら俺だった | 還在想是誰呢,仔細一看原來是我。 |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Date: Mizuki, you're wearing what we call Psync gear. | Date: みずき、おまえが今装着してるのは 『Psyncギア』と呼ばれる装置だ |
Date: 瑞希,妳現在佩戴的是一種叫做 「Psync儀」的裝置。 |
Unused dialogue when talking to Mizuki in the Psync Room. |
A2-wrap (Day 2: meikAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The roof of the merry-go-round. | メリーゴーランドの屋根だ | 這是旋轉木馬的頂部。 | These lines are specific to examining the carousel roof at Bloom Park during this particular scene, which isn't possible without hacks due to the camera angle used. |
Torn and beat up from long years of neglect. | 長い年月による風化のせいで、穴があいてしまっている | 因為長年風化的關係,上面破了一個洞。 |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Just a metal pole. | 金属製のポールだ | 這是金屬製的管子。 | Another unique examine line rendered inaccessible by the camera, in this case for the carousel horses' poles. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Last night... | ゆうべみずきはあの柱の中に… | 昨天晚上瑞希就躲在那根柱子裡…… | While it may not be obvious out of context, this inaccessible line is assigned to the carousel's central column. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
A horse from the ride. | メリーゴーランドの馬だ | 旋轉木馬的馬。 | Another inaccessible line, used for the carousel horses. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
It's the fence around the merry-go-round, keeping people out. |
メリーゴーランドの周囲に柵が設けられている | 旋轉木馬四周設有圍欄。 | Yet another inaccessible line, used for the carousel fence. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The control room. | 制御室… | 控制室…… | Yes, every part of the carousel gets just-barely-unique examine text during this one time that you can't actually look at it. |
The staff operated the ride from here. | 係員がメリーゴーランドを 動かしたり止めたりするための場所だ |
是工作人員用來啟動和停下旋轉木馬的地方。 |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
A panty ride. | パンツの被り物だ | 狸貓型的載具。 | Lines for a non-carousel-related inaccessible object for once, featuring Date being Date. |
I mean... | 間違えた | 說錯了。 | |
A panda ride. | パンダの乗り物だ | 熊貓型的載具。 | |
A panda ride... | パンダの乗り物… | 熊貓型的載具…… | |
The kind that takes coins. | コインを入れて操縦するタイプの遊具だ | 這是一種投入代幣就能操縱的遊樂設施。 |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The old parasol. | パラソルが立っている | 這裡立著一把陽傘。 | At last, the final inaccessible line from this scene... |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The sky. | 空だ | 可以看到天空。 | Another driving segment, another unused sky line. |
A3-begin (Day 3: syokubAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
A CRT TV. | ブラウン管式のテレビだ | 這是一台映像管式的電視。 | Lines for examining the TV at Matsushita Diner during a scene where the camera angle renders it inaccessible. |
There's nothing on it. | なにも映っていない | 螢幕上什麼畫面都沒有。 |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Notes |
Aiba: Look at the edge of the ashtray. | Aiba: 灰皿のふちのところを見てくれ | Additional dialogue for examining the ashtray in the Kumakura Office. | ||
Aiba: Do you see the cigarette burned to the filter? | Aiba: 根元まで燃え尽きた吸い殻がのってるだろう? |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Notes |
Date: The cigarette on the edge of the ashtray... | Date: 灰皿のふちにのった吸い殻… | Additional dialogue for using thermo on the ashtray. | ||
Date: It looks faintly red. | Date: 微妙にだが、赤みを帯びてるみたいだ | |||
Aiba: Hmm. | Aiba: ふむ… |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
I want to see the porno mag! | エロ本が見たい!! | 我想看A書!! | Labels seemingly corresponding to the QTE prompts at the Kumakura Office shootout. In the final game, no such text lines appear during QTEs. |
Shoot the golden ball! | 金玉を撃て! | 射擊金色珠子! |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Notes |
Aiba: Well, I did attempt to shape myself to your preference. | Aiba: そうか? おまえの好みに合わせてデザインしたつもりなんだが… |
Dialogue while talking to Aiba in the car. | ||
Date: If you could do that, change it! | Date: だったら変更してくれ! | |||
Date: Be Maika from the Wanko Princess Bar in Ebisu! | Date: 恵比寿のスナック『わんこ姫』の舞華ちゃんみたいに! |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Steam is rising from the coffee. | コーヒーから湯気が立ち昇っている | 咖啡正冒著煙。 | A generic line for examining some coffee during the first segment of Iris's interrogation, which isn't present in the final game. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
A surveillance camera near the entrance. | 出入口の付近にある監視カメラ | 門附近的監視器。 | Lines for examining Surveillance Camera B during the first segment of Iris's interrogation, which isn't targetable there due to the camera angle used. |
It overlooks the room. | 部屋を見下ろすように取り付けられている | 可以從上往下拍攝整個房間。 |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The entrance. | 出入口のドアだ | 這是進出房間的門。 | A generic line for examining the door during the first segment of Iris's interrogation, which isn't targetable there due to the camera angle used. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The ceiling light is shining on the desk. | 天井の明かりが机の上を照らしている | 天花板的燈照亮桌面。 | A generic line for examining an inaccessible ceiling light in the Interrogation Room, also present in other scenes taking place there. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
I don't see anything particularly different. | 特に変わった様子は見られない | 沒有什麼異狀。 | Alternate lines for examining Iris during the camera segment of her interrogation. |
Maybe you can't tell from this angle. | このアングルからじゃわからないのか…? | 從這個角度看不出來嗎……? |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
It's me... | 俺だ… | 是我…… | Alternate lines for examining Date during the camera segment of Iris's interrogation. |
Wow, this guy is so cool. | たたずまいがかっこいいな | 站姿真帥。 | |
What a handsome man standing there! | あ、イケメンが立ってる! | 啊,那裡站著一個帥哥! | |
Oh, it's just me! | と思ったら俺だった | 原來就是我。 | |
I can see myself. | 俺の姿が映っている | 映出我的身影。 |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
There must be something. | 確かになにか変だな… | 的確有奇怪的地方…… | More alternate lines for trying to spot what Iris is up to during the camera segment of her interrogation. |
But I can't tell from this. | だがこの映像ではよくわからない | 但從這個畫面看不出來…… | |
Maybe I'll switch the view. | カメラを切り替えてみるか… | 切換成其他攝影機的畫面吧…… | |
There is something strange about Iris. | イリスの様子が不自然だ | 伊麗絲看起來怪怪的。 | |
Let's switch modes. | カメラを切り替えてみよう | 切換攝影機吧。 |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Notes |
Aiba: We need to know that she's in fact doing something under the desk. | Aiba: 机の下でなにをしてるのか、その確証を… | In the final game, progressing the story during this segment just requires examining the mirror or the tripod camera, at which point Date will automatically find the correct camera angle to use. Going by this and the other unused lines for this segment, however, it seems there might've been a somewhat more involved puzzle here originally. | ||
Date: Without turning around? | Date: 振り向かずにか…? | |||
Aiba: Yes. | Aiba: そうだ | |||
Date: How would I do that? | Date: どうやって… | |||
Aiba: This camera can be moved by remote control. | Aiba: この記録用カメラは遠隔操作で動かすことができる | |||
Aiba: If you change the camera angle... | Aiba: カメラのアングルを変えればきっと… |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Surveillance Camera B | 監視カメラB | 監視器B | These labels might've been meant to denote which camera feed the player was currently looking at. In the final game, the only feed available is simply labeled "Surveillance Camera" instead. |
Tripod Camera | 記録用カメラ | 記錄用攝影機 | |
Surveillance Camera A | 監視カメラA | 監視器A |
A4_begin (Day 4: youdAI)
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Notes |
Date: Who owns the van? | Date: このワンボックスは? | Judging from context and the filter over them, these lines would've been for a short AI Sight flashback (to the final scene of rihAI) while discussing the van at the Warehouse District. The English track introduces something of a continuity error here, as its lines don't quite match the ones from the original scene. | ||
Aiba: The Matsushita family. | Aiba: 真津下家が所有しているものだ | |||
Aiba: It appears as though it was used for transporting ingredients and supplies. | Aiba: 食材の仕入れ等に使われていたらしい | |||
Ota: Tesa, wait here. | Ota: あせとんちゃん、待ってて! | |||
Ota: I'm gonna go get the car right now! | Ota: 今、車、取って来るから! | |||
Aiba: Ota's fingerprints were found on the steering wheel and gearshift. | Aiba: ハンドルやシフトレバーから、応太の指紋が検出された | |||
Aiba: Iris's fingerprints were found around the passenger seat. | Aiba: あとは、助手席の周辺からイリスの指紋も… |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
A police car. | パトカーが止まっている | 巡邏車停在這。 | A generic line for examining a cut police car at the Harbor Warehouse District, also present in other scenes taking place there. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
A small shelf. | 小さめの棚… | 這是一個比較小的架子…… | Generic lines for examining a cut shelf in the Okiura Fishery Cold Storage Warehouse, also present in other scenes taking place there. While the remote control in question does feature in the Somnium set in this location (PSYNCIN' IN THE SWaiN), it never actually makes an appearance in the real world in the final game. |
The remote control for the crane is on top. | 上にクレーンのリモコンが置いてある | 上面放著起重機的遙控器。 |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The sky is an angry red. | 空が茜色に染まっている | 房間中央擺著一張桌子。 | An unused sky-examining line for yet another driving segment. |
A5_begin (Day 5: zugAI)
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Notes |
Aiba: In the stream, Ota and the polar bear were never on screen at the same time. | Aiba: あの動画の中で、応太とシロクマが 一緒に画面に映ることは一度もなかったんだ |
Another removed AI Sight flashback (while discussing the case with Aiba in the car), this time to Ota's "battle" with the polar bear from youdAI. The English track is inconsistent with the original scene in this case as well, though it's at least closer to it this time... | ||
Date: True... | Date: 確かに… | |||
Date: That means Ota went off camera, took off the costume, and then... | Date: ってことは、応太はそのあと カメラのフレーム外で着ぐるみを脱いで… | |||
Ota: Stay away from Tesa! | Ota: あせとんちゃんはぼくが守る!! | |||
Ota: Raaahhh! | Ota: うわぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁっ!! |
B5_begin (Day 5: seisAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
May Mizuki grow up happy and healthy ... | みずきが健やかに育ちますように… | 希望瑞希平安健康地長大…… | A copy of Date's wish at the shrine, as is revealed later on (in PSYNCIN' IN THE CAPTaiN), but placed in the scene where he actually makes it. The English translation differs slightly between the used and unused instances of the line, while the original text doesn't. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
There's nothing there. | もうなにも落ちていない | 地上沒有任何東西。 | A line for examining the shadowy area in the Cold Storage Warehouse, which is only ever targetable in one scene elsewhere (in youdAI, where it's plot-relevant) in the final game. |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Notes |
Date: It's him! | Dialogue for examining one of the generic policemen while trying to find the "suspicious person" at the Harbor Warehouse District. While there are two of them loaded into this scene, they're neither visible (without camera hacks) nor targetable here. | ||
Aiba: That's just a policeman! | |||
A police officer. | |||
Probably not the suspicious person. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Mizuki's favorite metal pipe. | みずき愛用の鉄パイプ | 這是瑞希愛用的鐵管…… | Lines for examining Mizuki's iron pipe while looking for her at the Date Residence, which is rendered inaccessible by the camera angle used for that scene. |
It's in the same place as usual. | いつもと同じ場所に立てかけてある | 斜倚在同一個地方。 | |
That means that Mizuki didn't get the chance to fight back... | ということは、みずきは反撃する間もなく、何者かに… | 也就是說,瑞希沒有時間反擊,就被人給…… | |
I have to hurry and find her! | 早くみずきを…! | 得快點找到瑞希……! |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
I want to see that porno mag! | エロ本が見たい!! | 我想看A書!! | More unused QTE labels, this time for the first part of the Sejima Residence action sequence. |
Shoot! | 撃つ! | 開槍! | |
Drop Evolver | Evolverを捨てる | 丟掉Evolver |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
A large pot placed on the floor. | 床の間に大きな壺が置いてある | 壁龕裡擺著一個大陶壺。 | A generic line for examining the vase while looking for Mizuki inside the Sejima Residence, which is rendered inaccessible by the camera angle used for that scene. The only other time in the game this vase appears in an investigation sequence is when So's body is discovered in it during zugAI, at which point it gets unique examine dialogue that doesn't include this line. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Throw the pipe! | 鉄パイプを投げる! | 丟出鐵管! | Unused QTE labels for the second part of the Sejima Residence action sequence. |
Shoot! | 撃つ! | 開槍! |
B6_begin (Day 6: hiAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Sunlight is coming in. | 窓から日の光が差し込んでいる | 陽光透過窗戶照進室內。 | A line for examining the window while visiting Date at Central Hospital, which is rendered inaccessible by the camera angle used for that scene. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
That's the bathroom. | トイレのドア… | 這是廁所的門…… | A less notable, but still unique, line for examining the bathroom door while visiting Date at Central Hospital, which is also blocked by the camera angle. |
C4_begin (Day 4: jukkAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
There's a dark spot. | 倉庫の一角に光の届かないところがある | 倉庫角落有塊光照不到的區域。 | Another set of unused Cold Storage Warehouse lines for examining the shadows when they aren't targetable. |
I tried using Night Vision, but I didn't see anything. | 暗視モードを使って調べてみたが、 なにも見つからなかった |
我用夜視模式調查了一下, 但什麼都沒找到。 | |
No clues there. | 特に変わったものはない | 沒有什麼不尋常的事物。 |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
A van. | ワンボックスカーだ | 這是廂型車。 | Lines presumably meant for examining the van at the Harbor Warehouse District while speaking to Pewter about the Original Cyclops Killer, at which point it isn't loaded into the scene in the final game. |
That's been here since this morning. | 今日の未明、 俺がここに駆けつけたときから止まっていたが… |
今天凌晨我趕到時, 這輛車就停在這裡了 |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
A station wagon. | ステーションワゴンだ | 這是廂型車。 | Same as above, but for the station wagon. |
That's been here since this morning. | 今日の未明、 俺がここに駆けつけたときから止まっていたが… |
今天凌晨我趕到時, 這輛車就停在這裡了 |
C4_wrap (Day 4: kikAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
A baseball bat and glove. | 野球のバットとグローブ… | 棒球棒和手套…… | Lines for investigating a cut baseball bat in Boss's office while searching for her "secret". |
This doesn't seem related. | 特に変わったところは見当たらない | 看起來沒什麼不尋常之處。 |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Date: Boss's secret must be inside the gourd doll! | Date: そうか、あのひょうたんの中にボスの秘密が…! | Date: 這樣啊,BOSS的秘密就藏在那個葫蘆裡……! | Dialogue for investigating a cut gourd doll in Boss's office while searching for her "secret". | ||
Date: It has to be! | Date: きっとそうだ、そうに違いない! | Date: 一定是這樣!不會錯的! | |||
Aiba: Regardless of your rock-solid logic, you will not get anything from that. | Aiba: どれだけ力説しようと、 ひょうたんから駒ってことにはならないと思うぞ |
Aiba: 不管你再怎麼凹, 葫蘆裡面賣的都不會是你想要的藥啦。 | |||
Not a clue. | ひょうたんの中にはなにもない | 葫蘆裡面空空如也。 |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
An ordinary vuvuzela. | ごく普通のブブゼラだ | 非常普通的巫巫茲拉。 | Lines for investigating a cut vuvuzela in Boss's office while searching for her "secret". |
Not that any vuvuzela is "ordinary"... | ごく普通のブブゼラがどんなものなのかは知らないが… | 雖然不知道如何定義普通的巫巫茲拉是怎樣的…… |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The origami chain... | 折り紙で作った輪っかのチェーン… | 用色紙做的紙鍊…… | Lines for investigating the untargetable origami chain in Boss's office while searching for her "secret". |
I can't imagine it would be a clue. | こんなものが手がかりになるとは思えない | 實在不覺得這種東西會是線索。 |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
There's a lot of stuff here, sure. | 雑多なものがいろいろと配置されている | 擺放著各種雜物。 | Lines for investigating a cut "chaotic area" in Boss's office while searching for her "secret". |
But nothing that catches my eye. | これといって、気になるものはない | 沒什麼令人在意的東西。 |
C5_begin (Day 5: jinnAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
I want to see the magazine! | 雑誌が見たい!! | 我想看那本雜誌!! | Unused QTE labels for the confrontation at the Sagan Residence. |
Shoot! | 撃つ! | 開槍! |
D2_wrap (Day 2: keitAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The smartphone needs to charge. | スマホは充電切れ… | 手機沒電了…… | Unused lines relating to the smartphone found at Bloom Park, possibly meant for examining it after it runs out of battery. In the final game, the Clue List closes itself at that point and can't be reopened, so the phone can no longer be interacted with. |
Restarting it doesn't work. | 再起動を試みたがうんともすんとも言わない | 我嘗試重新開機,但一點反應也沒有。 |
D3_begin (Day 3: gyoukAI)
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Boss: Oh, that's mine. | Boss: ああ、それは私の私物よ | Boss: 喔,那是我的。 | Dialogue for a cut baseball bat in Boss's office. | ||
Date: You play baseball, Boss? | Date: ボス、野球なんかするのか? | Date: BOSS會打棒球啊? | |||
Boss: No, I use that to beat people I don't like. | Boss: ううん、本庁の気に入らない上司を殴るときに使うの | Boss: 不會,這是用來揍總廳我看不順眼的上司用的。 | |||
Aiba: ...Then what's the glove for? | Aiba: じゃあ、グローブは…? | Aiba: 那手套呢……? | |||
Boss: For punching. | Boss: グローブのほうで殴るのよ | Boss: 我是用手套揍。 | |||
Boss: Then I grab the bat and screw it in. | Boss: バットはその後でねじ込むの | Boss: 之後再把球棒插進去。 | |||
Date: Screw it in...where? | Date: どこにねじ込むんだ… | Date: 插進哪裡…… |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Boss: When I was in high school, I would go down to the vuvuzela shop and play for spare change. | Boss: 私、女子高生の頃、よくブブゼラショップに行って、 小遣い稼ぎしてたのよね |
Boss:我還是女高中生的時候, 常常去巫巫茲拉店賺零用錢呢。 |
Dialogue for a cut vuvuzela in Boss's office. | ||
Date: There's such a thing as a "vuvuzela shop"? | Date: 本当に、ブブゼラショップだろうな? | Date: 真的是巫巫茲拉店吧? | |||
Boss: Yeah. Got a problem? | Boss: ええ、ブブゼラショップだけど、なにか? | Boss: 嗯,是巫巫茲拉店,怎麼了嗎? |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Notes |
Date: Hey, Boss. Why are you always sitting on top of the desk? | Dialogue for investigating the chair in Boss's office. | ||
Date: You have a chair right there. | |||
Boss: Because I like to be on top of my work. |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Date: Mizuki, did you watch that movie...? | Date: っていうかみずき、あの動画、見たのか!? | Date: 瑞希,妳看了那個影片!? | An alternate version of a line from the dialogue for examining the PC in the Date Residence, with a slightly different line read than the used one. This version was meant to be used if the player has talked to Mizuki directly (so that she stops bench pressing) before triggering the item dialogue, but due to a scripting error the condition for it to play can never actually be met. | ||
Mizuki: Only the title... | Mizuki: タイトルだけね | Mizuki: 我只看到標題。 |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Date: It's not top-of-the-line. | Date: ただの安物ですよ | Date: 這只是便宜貨。 | Another set of unused alternate Mizuki lines, this one from examining the audio equipment. | ||
Date: I only spent a couple million yen. | Date: 一式揃えるのに、 たかだか数百万しかしませんでしたから |
Date: 一套只花了幾百萬而已。 | |||
Mizuki: Oh, so it's cheap. That's good. | Mizuki: そっか、聞いて安心したよ | Mizuki: 這樣啊,聽你這麼說我就放心了。 | |||
Mizuki: I spilled soda on it on accident... | Mizuki: この前、コーラの炭酸、ぶち撒けちゃったから | Mizuki: 因為之前我把可樂打翻在上面。 |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Hitomi: That's an unusual pattern on this cushion. | Hitomi: このクッション、不思議な模様をしてますね | Hitomi: 這個靠枕的花紋還真是特別呢。 | Likewise, these alternate lines are from examining the cushion on the sofa. | ||
Mizuki: Oh, don't touch that. | Mizuki: あ、触らないほうがいいよ | Mizuki: 啊,妳最好別碰。 | |||
Mizuki: That's Date's drool. | Mizuki: それ、伊達のよだれだから… | Mizuki: 那是伊達的口水痕…… |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
I can't see anything... | なにもなさそうだ | 看起來什麼都沒有。 | One more unused line for examining the darkness in the Cold Storage Warehouse in a scene where it isn't targetable. |
D4-begin (Day 4: syuurAI)
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Date: Hey Boss, didn't you say you got this doll from someone special? | Date: そういやボス、あのひょうたん人形は ある人からもらったって言ってたよな? |
Date: 對了,BOSS,妳之前說那個 葫蘆人偶是某個人送妳的吧? |
Dialogue for a cut gourd doll in Boss's office. | ||
Date: Who was it? | Date: 誰からもらったんだ? | Date: 誰送妳的? | |||
Boss: Um, well... | Boss: それは…えーと… | Boss: 這個嘛……嗯…… | |||
Boss: Sorry, I can't say. | Boss: ごめんなさい、やっぱり言えないわ | Boss: 對不起,我不能說。 |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The crisp autumn sky spreading into the distance. | 秋の澄み切った青空が広がっている | 頭上是一片萬里無雲的秋季藍天。 | The sky outside the car is still there and still untargetable. |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Notes |
Aiba: This box is where you keep your doves. | Additional dialogue for examining the glovebox in Date's car. | ||
Date: It's not a "dove" box! | |||
Date: That's not even clever! |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Nothing is there. | なにもない | 這裡什麼也沒有。 | Another unused line for examining the shadowy area in the Cold Storage Warehouse in a scene where it isn't targetable. |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Pewter: I've been wondering. | Pewter: ぼく、前からずっと気になってたんです | Pewter: 我之前就一直很在意。 | Dialogue for a cut baseball bat in Boss's office. | ||
Pewter: Between your bat and that bat, which is bigger? | Pewter: 伊達さんのバットとそのバット、 大きいのはどっちなのかなって… |
Pewter: 伊達先生的棒子跟那個球棒, 那底哪一個比較大…… | |||
Aiba: You have a bat, Date? | Aiba: 伊達、バットなんて持ってたか? | Aiba: 伊達,你身上有什麼棒子嗎? | |||
Date: ... | Date: …… | Date: …… |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Pewter: Vuuuuuu! | Pewter: ブォォォォォォッ!! | Pewter: 噗嗡――――!! | Dialogue for a cut vuvuzela in Boss's office. Despite this joke not making it into the final game, a nod to it still exists in Pewter's character profile, which lists one of his skills as "imitating vuvuzelas". | ||
Boss: What are you doing...? | Boss: な、なによ、突然… | Boss: 你、你怎麼突然發出怪聲…… | |||
Pewter: I was imitating a vuvuzela. | Pewter: いや、なんとなく、 ブブゼラの真似がしたくなってしまって… |
Pewter: 沒有啦,只是突然想要 模仿巫巫茲拉而已…… | |||
Pewter looks rather nonchalant. But I think he's a mess mentally right now. | ピュータの奴、のほほんとしているように見えるが 実は精神的にかなり追い詰められているのかもしれない |
飄太那傢伙雖然看起來一臉輕鬆, 但也許精神上承受很大的壓力。 |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Notes |
Iris: Maybe I'm a ghost. | Iris: もしかして、幽霊だったり… | Additional dialogue when discussing Iris's "corpse" with her in the Cold Storage Warehouse. | ||
Date: You don't look like a floating sheet. You have legs. | Date: 足がついてる | |||
Iris: I was given legs by Lord Poseidon! | Iris: これはポセイドン様から授かったんですよ | |||
Aiba: Just like a mermaid... | Aiba: マーメイドと同じ設定か… |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Notes |
Aiba: Now, I will leave your eye and throw the fire extinguisher into the air. | A bit of additional exposition for the final QTE in the Golden Yokocho action sequence. | ||
Aiba: Shoot the top of the extinguisher at the perfect time. | |||
Date: The "perfect time"? | |||
Aiba: Don't worry. I will display a gauge on your AI Sight. | |||
Aiba: When the gauge is yellow, pull the trigger! |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Shoot! | 撃つ! | 開槍! | Another set of (rather repetitive) unused QTE labels, meant for the Golden Yokocho action sequence. |
Shoot! | 撃つ! | 開槍! | |
Shoot! | 撃つ! | 開槍! |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The night sky spreads into the distance. | 夜空が広がっている | 窗外是一片夜空。 | It's, you guessed it, another unused line for examining the sky in a driving segment! |
D5-begin (Day 5: dakkAI)
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Iris: Upupupu! | Iris: うぷぷぷぷぷ… | Iris: 呼噗噗噗噗噗…… | Dialogue for examining the panda ride at Bloom Park while visiting it with Iris during this chapter, which is rendered inaccessible by the camera angle used for that scene. | ||
Aiba: That's a black and white bear, but I think that's a different bear. | Aiba: 確かに白と黒だが、違う熊だ | Aiba: 這雖然也是黑白色的熊,但不是那隻熊。 |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Notes |
Aiba: Now, if we can cause that container above them to fall... | Some additional exposition for the fourth QTE in the Harbor Warehouse District action sequence. | ||
Date: I see it. I could shoot the cable. | |||
Aiba: But timing will be crucial to success. | |||
Aiba: After the cable is cut, the law of inertia will carry the payload forward in an arc. | |||
Aiba: Therefore... | |||
Date: I've got it, I've got it! | |||
Date: Just bring up the assist gauge! |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Throw the porn! | エロ本を投げる! | 扔A書! | More unused QTE labels, meant for the Harbor Warehouse District action sequence. |
Shoot! | 撃つ! | 下着を投げる! | |
Throw the panties! | 下着を投げる! | 扔內衣! | |
Shoot! | 撃つ! | 下着を投げる! | |
Onward! | 敵陣へ! | 衝入敵陣! |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The Psync gear. | Psyncギアだ | 這是Psync儀。 | A generic line for examining the Psync gear in the Kabasaki Chemical Plant, also present in other scenes taking place there. While the gear is a part of the Psync machine, and its equivalent on the Psync machine back in ABIS can be examined, the Kabasaki Psync machine's gear in particular is never targetable. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The exit. | この部屋の出入口… | 這是這間房間的出入口…… | Lines for examining the exit door while searching for the manual in the Kabasaki Chemical Plant, which is rendered inaccessible by the camera angle used for that scene. |
I can't leave Iris here! | イリスを置いて行くわけにはいかない! | 不能把伊麗絲丟在這裡! |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Spray cans and bottles of chemicals. | スプレーの缶や薬品のビンが置かれている | 這裡放著噴霧罐和藥瓶。 | A generic line for examining an unspecified shelf in the Kabasaki Chemical Plant, also present in other scenes taking place there. |
D5-wrap (Day 6: kekkAI)
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Iris: Haha, yay! A-set, you bet! | Iris: ネット界の揮発性溶媒、 あせとんこと、A-setです! |
Iris: 我就是網路界的揮發性溶劑, 賽特兒──A-set! |
A longer alternate version of the flashback sequence at the end of Iris's route, adding up to a presumed total length of 16 lines (compared to the used version's 8) when taking the flag-based dialogue changes into account. With the exception of the unvoiced placeholder (which is noted in the Japanese script to be for "Iris singing", so it's likely meant for the Sunfish Pocket scene referenced in the other unused version of this flashback), all of these are exact duplicates of used lines, but they're included here anyway so as to demonstrate what this version of the scene would've looked like. | ||
Iris: Please, Mr. Date! You can't leave me! | Iris: お願い、伊達さん、私を置いて行かないで!! | Iris: 拜託你!伊達先生!不要丟下我!! | |||
Iris: Your back is so warm, Mr. Date... | Iris: 伊達さんの背中、あったかぁい… | Iris: 伊達先生的背上好暖和…… | |||
Iris: It feels like...I've met you before. | Iris: 私、前に伊達さんと、会ったような気がするんです | Iris: 我覺得以前好像見過伊達先生。 | |||
Iris: Hop hop hop, rabbit goes hop! | Iris: ぴょーん、ぴょーん、ウサギがぴょーん♪ | Iris: 蹦蹦跳~蹦蹦跳~像小兔兔那樣跳高高~ | |||
Iris: Then go on a date with me! | Iris: じゃあデートして下さい! | Iris: 那跟我約會! | |||
Iris: This isn't nice at all! | Iris: 全然素敵じゃなぁぁぁいっ!! | Iris: 這裡哪裡棒了啊!! | |||
Iris: The wax man! He speaks! Like a human! | Iris: 人形がぁぁぁぁぁぁっ 人語を発したぁぁぁぁぁぁっ!! |
Iris: 人偶居然~~~ 說人話了啊啊啊啊啊!! | |||
Iris: Waaah! Date lied to meee! | Iris: うわぁぁぁん、伊達さんに嘘つかれたぁぁぁ! | Iris: 人偶居然~~~ 說人話了啊啊啊啊啊!! | |||
Iris: But I wanted to see the bugs... I really did... | Iris: うわぁぁぁん、歩くミノ虫ショー、 見たかったのにぃぃぃ!! |
Iris: 嗚嗚嗚嗚,虧我還很期待看到 豬的餵食秀!! | |||
$$$not use Message . Id only | 未使用 ラベル定義のみ(イリス歌唱) | (伊麗絲唱歌) | |||
Iris: And the Greek goddess of rainbows. | Iris: 『イリス』はギリシャ神話に登場する 虹の女神のことで… |
Iris: 我之前在神社也說過, 「伊麗絲」是希臘神話裡的彩虹女神。 | |||
Iris: The BBB soldiers say, "Go away!" and push them back? | Iris: BBBのコビトさんたちが『うにゃーあっち行けー!』 って弾き飛ばしちゃうからですね? |
Iris: 因為BBB的小小人們會說「姆喵~滾開~!」 把那些機械打飛對吧? | |||
Iris: Shakey shakey. | Iris: はい、にぎにぎぃ~、にぎにぎぃ~♪ | Iris: 來,握手~握手~ | |||
Iris: And say, "Iris is a cutie cutie." | Iris: 『イリスたんはかわいいねぇ、かわいいねぇ、 宇宙で一番かわいいよ、まるで天使さんのようだぁ』 |
Iris: 「伊麗絲妹妹好可愛~超可愛~ 宇宙第一可愛,簡直就像天使下凡~」 | |||
Iris: *chitter, chitter*! | Iris: イワシとかぱくぱくぅ、イワシとかぱくぱくぅ… | Iris: 大口吃小魚、大口吃小魚…… | |||
Iris: You're the only person I can trust. | Iris: 私、頼れる人、伊達さんしかいないんです… | Iris: 我能依靠的只有伊達先生了…… | |||
Iris: We did bathe together, though. | Iris: お風呂は一緒に入りましたけどねー | Iris: 但澡是一起洗的~ | |||
Iris: "Okay, here it goes. Moon healing powerrr!" | Iris: 『ほないくで? ムーン・ヒーリング・パワァーッ!』 | Iris: 「要開始囉?月亮治癒之力~!」 | |||
Iris: Date! | Iris: 伊達さん! | Iris: 伊達先生! | |||
Iris: Put it in the oven! Rock, paper, scissors, rock, paper, scissors, shoot! | Iris: ♪芽が出て、ふくらんで、花が咲いたらジャンケンポン! | Iris: 發起芽來長高高,開起花來剪刀石頭布! |
E4-wrap (Day 5: kenzAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The sky is shrouded in darkness. | 空は一面漆黒の闇に包まれている | 天空已隱沒在一片漆黑當中。 | Another sky examine line, but somewhat more notable in that the driving segment it's in doesn't actually allow the player to examine anything except Aiba in the final game, making this line rather out-of-place. |
E5-begin (Day 5: jutAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
There is something melancholy about the blue autumn sky. | 秋の青空がどこか物悲しく見える | 蔚藍的秋季天空看起來有些惆悵。 | Same situation here as the previous line. |
E5-wrap (Day 5: kokkAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
There's a door in the back of the room. | ドア… | 門…… | A generic line for examining the back door of the Sagan Residence during the second flashback sequence there, which is rendered inaccessible by the camera angle used. Note that while the English line is a duplicate of the usual message for this door, the original Japanese line is unique to this scene. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
A telephone in the corner. | 電話… | 電話…… | A generic line for examining the telephone at the Sagan Residence during the second flashback sequence there, which isn't targetable during that scene. Once again, the line is unique in the Japanese script but not in the English one. |
E6-begin (Day 6: sousAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
I'm restrained to the Psync chair used by the subject. | 俺が今、拘束されているのは 対象者用のPsyncチェアだ |
我現在被固定在目標用的Psync椅上。 | Lines for examining the Psync chair Date is in while speaking to Saito before the Psync in the Kabasaki Chemical Plant, which is rendered inaccessible by the camera angle used for that scene. |
That means that the Psyncer... | つまり『Psyncされる側の…』ということになる | 也就是說,我是「接受Psync的人」。 | |
Is Saito. | まさか、犀人の奴… | 難道犀人那傢伙…… | |
I'm in the Psync subject's chair. | 俺は今、対象者用のPsyncチェアに拘束されている | 我現在被固定在目標用的Psync椅上。 |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Prototype Psync equipment. | Psync装置の試作版だ | 這是試作版的Psync裝置。 | Lines for examining the Psync machine while speaking to Saito before the Psync in the Kabasaki Chemical Plant, which is rendered inaccessible by the camera angle used for that scene. |
I have a bad feeling about this. | 嫌な予感がする… | 有不好的預感…… |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
This is the console that controls the Psync machine. | Psync装置を制御するためのコンソール… | 操控Psync裝置的主機…… | A line for examining the Psync machine's console while speaking to Saito before the Psync in the Kabasaki Chemical Plant, which is rendered inaccessible by the camera angle used for that scene. |
E6-wrap (Day 6: hakAI)
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
The prototype Psync machine. | Psync装置試作版のマニュアル… | 這是試作版Psync裝置的使用說明…… | A line for examining the Psync machine's manual while speaking to Saito immediately after the Psync in the Kabasaki Chemical Plant, which isn't targetable during that scene. The English script erroneously reuses the generic line for the Psync machine itself for it, however. |
Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
That's the door I came in. | 俺が入って来た扉だ | 這是我進來時走的門。 | Lines for examining the door to the Psync machine room while searching for Saito at the Kabasaki Chemical Plant, which is rendered inaccessible by the camera angle used for that scene. |
A prototype Psync machine. | この奥にPsync装置の試作版がある | 試作版Psync裝置就在裡面。 | |
Is Moma okay...? | 猛馬は大丈夫だろうか…? | 猛馬還好嗎? | |
I'm worried about him...but I have a job to do. | 猛馬のことも気がかりだが、今はそれよりも… | 雖然很擔心猛馬,但現在還有更重要的事…… |
E6-wrap (Three Months Later: kassAI)
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Boss: Hey, Iris. | Boss: イリス、知ってた? | Boss: 伊麗絲,妳知道嗎? | Dialogue for a cut baseball bat in Boss's office. | ||
Boss: Date's previous bat was bigger than this bat. | Boss: 前の伊達くんのバットは そのバットよりも大きかったのよ? |
Boss: 伊達之前的棒棒 比那根球棒還要大喔? | |||
Iris: ...What? | Iris: …へ? | Iris: ……咦? |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Boss: I told you I got it as a gift, right? | Boss: 前に私、あの人形はある人からもらったって 言ったわよね? |
Boss: 我之前不是說過, 那個人偶是某個人送我的嗎? |
Dialogue for a cut gourd doll in Boss's office. | ||
Boss: To tell you the truth, I got it from... | Boss: 実は、あれをくれたのは… | Boss: 其實送我人偶的人是…… | |||
Date: Me, right? When I was Hayato? | Date: 俺だろ? 柳生だった頃の… | Date: 是我吧?以前我還是柳生的時候…… | |||
Date: I remember. | Date: 思い出したんだ | Date: 我都想起來了。 | |||
Boss: Hehe, I still have it out. | Boss: ふふっ、まだ大切に飾ってあるのよ? | Boss: 呵呵,我還很珍惜地拿來當擺飾喔? | |||
Date: Yeah, I see that. | Date: そうか… | Date: 這樣啊…… | |||
I gave it to her as a joke, but it turned out that she actually loved it. | 嫌がらせの意味で贈ったんだが、 意外と気に入られてしまったらしい… |
當初是送來嘲諷她的, 但沒想到她好像很喜歡…… | |||
A gourd doll that I bought a long time ago. | 俺が昔、旅先で買って来たひょうたん人形だ | 這是我以前去旅遊時買回來的葫蘆人偶。 |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Iris: Boss, what is that? | Iris: ボスさん、あれってなんですか? | Iris: BOSS,那個是什麼? | Dialogue for a cut vuvuzela in Boss's office. | ||
Boss: It's called a "vuvuzela." | Boss: ブブゼラよ | Boss: 是巫巫茲拉。 | |||
Iris: Oh. That's what we use to get people to leave the café sometimes. | Iris: ああ、京都の人が、早く帰ってほしいお客さんに言う… | Iris: 喔,就是京都人希望客人快點離開的時候會說的…… | |||
Boss: "Sorry, we're closed." | Boss: 『ブブゼラでもどうどすかぁ? 一回吹いていきなはれぇ』 |
Boss: 「要不要吹一下巫巫茲拉呢? 吹完就隨風一起離開吧。」 | |||
Boss: Vuuuuu... | Boss: 言うわけないでしょ! | Boss: 誰會這樣說啊! | |||
Date: What an odd custom. | Date: それはぶぶ漬けだ | Date: 京都人想要送客的時候會說要不要吃茶泡飯。 |
Audio (EN) | Audio (JP) | Line (EN) | Line (JP) | Line (ZH-TW) | Notes |
Yakuza: Squeak squeak. | Yakuza: チューチュー | Yakuza: 吱吱。 | Dialogue for examining the PC mouse at the Kumakura Office during the epilogue, which is rendered inaccessible by the camera angle used for that scene. |