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AI: The Somnium Files/Unused Dialogue/Somniums

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This is a sub-page of AI: The Somnium Files/Unused Dialogue.

Don't let the previous subpage fool you- this is still pretty long.

Used in-game dialogue is provided for context when necessary and italicized.

A1_somnium (SINKIN' IN THE BRaiN)


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Notes
Aiba: Ow! I sucked a thorn up my nose. Aiba: トゲが吸い込まれたぞ Additional dialogue for smelling the winter iris. Appears to be separate from the dialogue below.
Date: Those are some powerful nostrils you've got there. Date: 驚きの吸引力だな
Aiba: Ugh, it smells like rusted iron. Aiba: 錆びた鉄のような匂いがするな Additional dialogue for smelling the winter iris. Appears to be separate from the dialogue above.
Date: Is that what winter irises normally smell like? Date: それは寒咲きアヤメ、本物の匂いなのか?
Date: Or is that just another quirk of this dream world? Date: それとも心象風景を投影したこの世界ならではの
Aiba: I do not know. I cannot access the internet from here. Aiba: それはわからない。ここからでは、ネットにアクセスできんからな。
Aiba: Perhaps you were once beaten over the head by a scorned lover with a flower pot containing irises. Aiba: 過去に、女性にでも殴られたんじゃないか?植木鉢で
Date: Oh, right. So I associate the smell with blood. As if I would ever date a psychopath like that! Date: なるほど。だから血の匂いがべっとりと。って、俺がそんなヒステリックゴリラと付き合うはずがない!
Aiba: That is a rather rude thing to say. Aiba: その言い方、女性に失礼じゃないか?
Date: Is it not rude to beat someone over the head with a flower pot? Date: 植木鉢で人を殴るのは失礼じゃないのか?


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Notes
Aiba: A book on the subject of morality. Aiba: 道徳の教科書だ All audio relating to this item appears to be cut.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Notes
Aiba: This contains nothing special. Aiba: 特に変わったところはない Dialogue for investigating the book.
Aiba: Just an ordinary textbook with crude drawings penciled inside. Aiba: 落書きが多いだけの普通の教科書だ
Date: What kind of drawings? Date: どんな落書きだろ?
Aiba: Illustrations of people with their left eyes blacked out. Aiba: 人間のイラストの左目が、どれも黒で塗り潰されている
Aiba: Did this childish vandalism of school property make you happy, Date? Aiba: こんな仕様もない落書きで、溜飲を下げていたのか?子どもの頃のおまえは
Date: Maybe this represents me crying my eyes out from being bullied at school. Date: 落書きされて、涙を枕で濡らした悲しい思い出かも知れないだろう
Aiba: Oh. I-I apologize. Aiba: それは…すまなかった
Date: Don't worry about it. It's depressing to think about even if it isn't a real memory. Date: 謝るな。全く心当たりがないのに、悲しくなってくるから。


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Notes
Aiba: Are you sure? Aiba: いいんだな?行くぞ Dialogue for performing an unknown action on the book.
Date: ! Date: あっ
Aiba: ! Aiba: あっ
Aiba: I-I apologize... Aiba: なんか、ごめんな
Date: I get it! Immoral behavior might be just what we need! Date: なるほど。非道徳な行動が鍵になっている可能性があるな。
Aiba: Then this situation is 92% suited to your personality. Aiba: もしそうなら、この状況はおまえとの適合率92%だ
Date: Well...then there's an 8% chance you're wrong about me. Date: 俺は残りの8%を信じたい
Aiba: Impossible. You have no moral character. Aiba: 無駄な努力だ。おまえに道徳心など一欠片もあってたまるか!
Date: I am a police officer, you know. Date: 俺、一応警察官なんだが


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Notes
Aiba: It isn't particularly good. And the level of the liquid is not going down no matter how much I drink. Aiba: これ、別においしくはないが、いくら飲んでも減らないようだ Additional dialogue for drinking from the wine bottle.
Date: If that existed in reality, I'd lose my mind. Date: 現実で手に入れたら、人生が終わりそうだ
Aiba: What? Aiba: なんだ?
Date: You said it didn't taste good. I must be crazy. Date: おいしくはないとか言うから、頭にきてるんだろう
Aiba: You are? Aiba: おまえが?
Date: Yes. The me sleeping inside me, anyway. Date: 俺の中に眠る俺がな
Aiba: I don't follow. Aiba: ややこしいな
Date: Aiba, don't you know? This is the dream world. Date: それが夢の世界というものだろう?
Aiba: Excuse me! I am supposed to do the explaining. Aiba: その説明をする係は私だ!


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Notes
Aiba: A luxurious red wine, popular on the market today. Aiba: 市販されている高級赤ワインだ Alternate dialogue for investigating the wine.
Aiba: No doubt a drink made for desperation. How perfectly immoral. Aiba: 高級ワインでやけ酒か?非道徳だな
Date: You think I drink my sorrows away? Until I forget my morality? Date: 俺がやけ酒なんてすると思うか?
Aiba: You may not drink that way, but I know you are immoral. Aiba: やけ酒はしないかも知れないが、つくづく非道徳な人間だとは思っている
Date: Sure! Date: ああ、そうだな
Date: Sometimes I wish I had a nice, older woman to help me through hard times. Date: どこかに俺を教育してくれる優しいお姉さんはいないものか
Aiba: You mean a naughty older woman. Isn't that what you're looking for, Date? Aiba: いやらしいお姉さんだろう?おまえが求めてるのは


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Notes
Aiba: Leave it to me! Aiba: 任せろ! Alternate dialogue for drinking from the wine bottle.
Aiba: Ah! Captain! Another glass! Aiba: んぐんぐ…っぷはー!大将、もう一杯!
Date: Aw, that was expensive! Date: あー、せっかくの高級ワインだ!
Aiba: Did I do something wrong? Aiba: な、なんだ?
Date: You knocked back good wine like it was a wine cooler! Date: おまえがせっかくの高級ワインを、あんなもったいない飲み方するから!
Aiba: Will this make me inebriated? Do something, Date! Aiba: おい、なんとかしろ伊達!
Date: What am I supposed to do? You're the one having fun in dreamland! Date: 知るか?これが夢の面白いところだって言ったのおまえだぞ!
Aiba: I didn't say this was fun! Aiba: そんなことは一言も言ってない!


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Notes
Aiba: To the skeleton? Aiba: この骸骨に? Additional dialogue for talking to the skeleton.
Date: Yeah, you said this was a dream world. He might start talking, right? Date: ああ。夢の中なら、こいつが突然話し出すなんてこともあり得るだろう。
Aiba: True... Aiba: まあ、そうだな…
Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Notes
Aiba: Your mother is a stupid boney girl! Boney, boney, boney! Aiba: おまえのかーちゃんも、ガーリガリ! ガーリガリ!
ガーリガリ! ガーリガリ!
Additional dialogue for talking to the skeleton.
Aiba: Ugh, now I'm angry. Aiba: なんだかイライラしてきた
Date: Geez, calm down. Aren't you an AI? Date: 落ち着けよ。おまえAIだろう?
Aiba: Those driven by destructive impulses relieve their stress with violence. Aiba: 破壊衝動に駆られた人間は、ものに当たってストレス解消するんだったな
Date: Hey, this is my dream, remember? My sense of justice won't take kindly to rough stuff. Date: ここは俺の夢だ。粗暴のやつには俺の正義の心が反応するかもな。


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Notes
Aiba: I see. This is a problem that must be settled through violence. Aiba: なるほど。筋肉で解決すればいいのか? Additional dialogue for hitting the skeleton.
Aiba: Your dream is as simple and brutish as you are, Date. Aiba: おまえの夢らしく、単純でわかりやすい
Date: My buff pecs agree with you. Date: そうだな、と俺の大胸筋も言ってる
Aiba: I see. In that case, tell your pecs I say hello. Aiba: そうか。おまえの大胸筋によろしくって言っといてくれ。


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Notes
Aiba: It appears to make a pair with the other side, where the light is. Aiba: 灯で照らされたこちらと向こうは、ついになっているようだな Additional dialogue for wearing the basket.
Date: Got it. Date: なるほどな


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Notes
Date: Why isn't my dream more...flashy? Cinematic? Date: せっかく夢の世界なんだから、もっと派手なことは起こらないのか? Additional dialogue for kicking the standing lamp.
Aiba: Because your brain is too dumb to imagine it. Aiba: おまえの頭の処理が追いついてないだろう


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Notes
Aiba: Ugh, I hurt my shoulder again. Aiba: やはり。肩が痛いだけだ。 Additional dialogue for tackling the basket.
Date: Do you need a shoulder to cry on? Date: 思ったより固かったってわけだ
Date: What? Date: なっ、なんだ?
Aiba: Stop saying stupid things! Aiba: おまえが仕様もないこと言うから!
Date: Now I have to shoulder that burden. Date: 辱い
Aiba: Idiot. Aiba: こいつ

A2_somnium (PSYNCIN' IN THE PaiN)


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: Perhaps this photo was the key. Additional dialogue after piecing the torn photo together.
Date: Family memories caught in a birdcage...


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Date: A balloon...it could be from Mizuki's memories. Additional dialogue after blowing up the balloon.
Aiba: She locked her happy memories inside the birdcage.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: No good. Date, the time! Dialogue for completing the Somnium with minimal time remaining.
Date: We made it!
Aiba: That was close.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Aiba: Shoko's voice is too loud. Aiba: 硝子の声がうるさすぎる Aiba: 硝子的聲音太大聲了。 Unused dialogue in Mizuki's Somnium.
Aiba: Even using the microphone, my words will not reach Mizuki. Aiba: マイクを使っても、声は響かないだろう Aiba: 就算用麥克風,應該也聽不到吧?
Date: Right... Let's try something else. Date: だな…他のことを試してみよう Date: 也是……試試其他辦法吧。

A3_somnium (PSYNCIN' IN THE VaiN)


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: There are a number of tools and medical instruments. Likely dialogue for investigating the shelf.
Aiba: Pliers, saws, needles, eyelid speculums? They appear to be torture devices.
Date: What was going on in this place?
Aiba: Certainly not the operating room of a jolly old town doctor.
Date: I see this place is even giving you a sense of humor.
Aiba: Clearly there is some corrupting force at work.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: Nothing pops out, even with me crossing my eyes. Dialogue for investigating a TV. In-game, "How is it?" plays before the rest of the conversation.
Date: Wanna try putting red and blue cellophane on your eyes?
Aiba: No need. I can create that filter on my own.
Date: How is it?
Aiba: I cannot see anything.
Date: What do you see without the filter?
Aiba: Static!
Date: Well, there you go.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Date: The time? Dialogue for completing the Somnium with minimal time remaining.
Aiba: We've got it under control.

A4_somnium (PSYNCIN' IN THE SWaiN)


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Date: Got it! Dialogue for completing the Somnium with minimal time remaining.
Aiba: Just like a hero. At the very last second!

A5_somnium (PSYNCIN' IN THE SUSTaiN)


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: Congratulations, Dad! A bit of additional dialogue relating to the cake.
Aiba: It seems that this cake is not for Takero.
Date: I don't think he wants a cake.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Date: We made it in time. Dialogue for completing the Somnium with minimal time remaining.
Aiba: That was close!

B6_somnium (PSYNCIN' IN THE CAPTaiN)


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Mizuki: Whew... that was close. Dialogue for completing the Somnium with minimal time remaining.
Mizuki: This is your fault for not waking up faster, Date! ... Dummy...

C4_somnium (PSYNCIN' IN THE CURTaiN)


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: This is wine... what a shame. Alternate dialogue for sticking Aiba's hand in the green liquid, after it's drained by pulling out the cork.
Date: No sense crying over spilled wine.
Aiba: It has returned to the place it should be.
Date: I wouldn't wanna drink it...


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: We somehow made it in time... Dialogue for completing the Somnium with minimal time remaining.
Date: What... is this...?

C5_somnium (PSYNCIN' IN THE REFRaiN)


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Aiba: Door F'. Aiba: F’のドアだ Aiba: 寫著F'的門…… Dialogue for interacting with a Door F', which doesn't actually exist in this Somnium in the final game (only doors A through F and A' through E' do).


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Date: That was close! Dialogue for completing the Somnium with minimal time remaining.
Aiba: But this isn't the end, Date.
Date: I know.

D3_somnium (PSYNCIN' IN THE VILLaiN)


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: Hngh! Dialogue for performing an unknown action on an unknown object, placed between Warehouse Door F and Control Panel A in the script order.
Date: Look, see? It came back.
Aiba: You're right...


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: Understood. Additional dialogue for raising the lever on Control Panel B. In the final game, the ending cutscene of the Somnium starts immediately after the first two lines play, so there is no "later" to be had.
Date: Is there something underneath it?
Aiba: We can check it later.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: Like this? Additional dialogue for lowering the lever on Control Panel B. In the final game, this lever starts off already in the lowered position, and raising it immediately ends the Somnium, so it can't be lowered again.
Date: It went down!
Aiba: Because I lowered it.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: I can see a very small container. Given the context, this dialogue might have been meant for looking inside Portal A, an action that's only possible for Portal B in the final game.
Date: You're the one that's gotten big...


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: I hear footsteps... the sound of several people running. Alternate dialogue for listening to one of the warehouse doors.
Date: Be careful; who knows what might happen.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: It is faint, but... I hear a disturbing sound. More alternate dialogue for listening to one of the warehouse doors.
Aiba: Like meat being torn.
Date: What do you mean? Like there are rats in there?
Aiba: Not necessarily... It may just be a sound that So is projecting in his mind.
Date: What kind of mind does this guy have...?


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: A warehouse door. It's... larger than the others. Dialogue for selecting one of the warehouse doors to interact with. Whether it's meant for one of the used doors or for a different, unused one is unclear.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: Hrng...! Dialogue for trying (and failing) to open a warehouse door, possibly the same one as the above line. In the final game, all doors in this Somnium are either already enterable or won't allow Aiba to even attempt to open them.
Aiba: No good. I can't open it!


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: I... don't hear anything. It's quiet. Yet another piece of alternate dialogue for listening to a warehouse door, appearing twice in the voice files.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: A warehouse door. It's smaller than the others. Dialogue for selecting one of the warehouse doors to interact with, possibly the smaller of the two Warehouse Door Cs.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: I don't think I can open it. More dialogue for failing to open an unknown warehouse door.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Date: That was close. We're onto you now, So. Date: ギリギリだったが…おまえの尻尾は放さんぞ、世島 Date: 差點就失敗了……我是不會放開你的狐狸尾巴的,世島。 Dialogue for completing the Somnium with minimal time remaining.
Aiba: That was a difficult dream... Aiba: 本当に厄介だったぞ Aiba: 真的很難應付。

D4_somnium (PSYNCIN' IN THE MaiN: 1)


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Aiba: It is broken. We cannot use it. Aiba: 壊れてもう使えない Aiba: 壞掉沒辦法用了。 Dialogue for examining one of the crafting tables after having already used it to craft something. In the final game, neither table remains available as an interactable object after use, so this condition can never be met.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: We have somehow accomplished our mission... Dialogue for completing the Somnium with minimal time remaining.

D5_somnium (PSYNCIN' IN THE MaiN: 2)


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: The irises burned... The only thing that remains is ash and dirt. Dialogue presumably meant for selecting the ashes to interact with before the tree sapling is present. In the final game, the tree is planted automatically in a cutscene upon entering this stage of the Somnium, so there wouldn't be an opportunity to see this line even if it had been implemented.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Date: Did we make it...? Date: 助かった…のか…? Date: 救到她……了嗎……? Dialogue for completing the Somnium with minimal time remaining.
Aiba: Yes. And not a moment too soon. Aiba: ああ…あと一歩遅ければ、危なかった Aiba: 嗯……再晚一步就危險了。

D5_somnium (PSYNCIN' IN THE MaiN: 2)


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: The irises burned... The only thing that remains is ash and dirt. Dialogue presumably meant for selecting the ashes to interact with before the tree sapling is present. In the final game, the tree is planted automatically in a cutscene upon entering this stage of the Somnium, so there wouldn't be an opportunity to see this line even if it had been implemented.


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Date: Did we make it...? Date: 助かった…のか…? Date: 救到她……了嗎……? Dialogue for completing the Somnium with minimal time remaining.
Aiba: Yes. And not a moment too soon. Aiba: ああ…あと一歩遅ければ、危なかった Aiba: 嗯……再晚一步就危險了。



Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Notes
Aiba: The firefly is... Additional dialogue for worshipping the flower bud, after clearing the first Mental Lock.
Date: Is the light showing us where we're supposed to go?


Audio (EN) Audio (JP) Line (EN) Line (JP) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Aiba: Date, that was close. Aiba: ギリギリだったな、伊達 Aiba: 真是剛好啊,伊達。 Dialogue for completing the Somnium with minimal time remaining.
Date: Sorry, Aiba. But now we know what we have to do. Date: すまん、アイボゥ…今はそれどころじゃない Date: 瞳絆,抱歉……我現在沒心情。