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Advanced Rugby Simulator (Atari ST)

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Title Screen

Advanced Rugby Simulator

Developer: Deltek Software
Publisher: Codemasters
Platform: Atari ST
Released in EU: 1988

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.

Procheck Source Code

Two portions of the source for Procheck is on the disk. In the .stx dump, this starts at 0x5680.

*            PROCHECK  for PROTEC for the Atari ST                       *
*            (c) PROTOSCAN LTD 1988  (0480) 495520                       *
*                                                                        *
*        This program demonstrates how easy it is to check for           *
*                 valid PROTec ST signature disk                         *
        XREF    _protec2
        jsr     clear                   clear screen
        jsr     intro                   write message
        jsr     wait                    wait for key
*************  CALL PROTECTION ROUTINE **********************************
        move.l  #buffer,a0
        bsr     _protec2                 call protection routine
        cmp.b   #$01,d0                 and test the result
        beq     nogo                    Its a copy 
        jsr     okmess                  print OK
        jsr     wait                    wait for key
        bra     quit                    and quit
                #string1,a0             type message
        jsr     printf                  with a zero

jsr     okmess                  print OK
        jsr     wait                    wait for key
        bra     quit                    and quit

nogo    jsr     failme                  print FAIL
        jsr     wait                    wait for key

quit    move.w  #$4c,-(a7)              quit
        trap    #1   

*            terminal stuff                                        *

string1 dc.b    "PROTec2(c) for the ST",13,10
        dc.b    "=====================",13,10
        dc.b    "Insert disk to test in drive 0 then press any key...",13,0
string2 dc.b    "This disk is GOOD                                   ",0
string3 dc.b    "This disk is BAD                                    ",0
clear1  dc.b    27,'E',0

        CNOP    0,2

clear   move.l  #clear1,a0              clear entire screen
        jsr     printf
intro   move.l  #string1,a0             type message
        jsr     printf
okmess  move.l  #string2,a0             OK message
        jsr     printf
failme  move.l  #string3,a0             FAIL message
        jsr     printf
printf  move.l  a0,-(a7)                write string pointed to by
        move.w  #9,-(a7)                address reg A0
        trap    #1                      to the screen
        addq.l  #6,a7                   string must be terminated
        rts                             with a zero
wait    move.w  #1,-(a7)                wait for console input
        trap    #1
        addq.l  #2,a7

buffer  ds.b    12000

(Source: Atarimania)