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Blood & Bacon

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Title Screen

Blood & Bacon

Developer: Big Corporation
Publisher: Grunge Games LTD
Platforms: Xbox 360, Windows, Mac OS X
Released internationally: July 26, 2013 (360), January 31, 2016 (Windows/Mac)

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

What if Left 4 Dead took place on a farm and instead of zombies there's zombie pigs? You get this beautiful gem.

To do:
  • Check for any unused content in the 360 versions.
  • Check for any unused models and textures on the Steam and 360 versions.

Unused Demo Voice lines

The Steam port of Blood & Bacon contains some leftover re-recorded demo lines from the Fat-Free and 360 trial.

Trial Start

Trial End

Pay For It

Unused Red Sun Voice line

There is an unused voice line from the farmer telling the player that they have to shoot the red sun in the barn

Error Screen and Text (360 Only)

There is an error screen in the 360 version left unpresented in the Steam port. It displays a message apologizing for the inconvenience, and asking to report to "Silver81, our best programmer".

The error message (with a mockup of where video should be played?)

There is an audio file left in the Steam port, debug_farmer, that might have something to do with this error screen, as it sounds like something that would play after you receive an error:

Error Text

….BloodnBacon has crashed, we apologize. Report this error by pressing the A button and sending to gamer ‘Sliver81’ he is our best programmer. If this error continues try logging out from xboxlive. Xboxlive has been known to drop the game from time to time. Please enjoy the television, it’s the least we could do……

Unused Videos

bgNEW is used in the 360 version and was used in the Steam version. It's unknown why the background video was removed.

brownianMotion.wmv is a file supposedly used in the error screen, as there are leftover videos of television programs in the files of the 360 version.

Unused Textures



Beautiful mountains that were only used in the X360 version and not in the Steam version


Old paper menu


Reflection texture that (hopefully) shows a very early version of the game