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Bloons TD Battles (Adobe Flash)/Bloons TD 5 Leftovers

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This is a sub-page of Bloons TD Battles (Adobe Flash).

To do:
  • Graphics such as FoamSplat.
  • Monkey Ace landing animation
  • Special agents weapon code.

There are many leftovers from Bloons TD 5, which makes sense as this game was built from it.


Special Agents

There are some graphics for the special agents, such as the Bloonberry Bush Pro's Creepers...

...the Beekeeper's bees...

...the Meerkat Spy...

...the Tribal Turtle's arms...

...and the Bloonsday Device.

Sandbox Icons

Icons from the Sandbox Mode in Bloons TD 5. They are used for Bloon sends, but no Sandbox Mode exists for this game, and these graphics are in their BTD5 sandbox mode positions. A Sandbox Mode was added in an update for the mobile version, exclusive to Club members.

Small Explosion Graphic


This graphic is for the Splodey Darts premium upgrade, but it was also used for BTD5 Deluxe with the Sentry expiring animation.

Tower Locked Button

A Dart Monkey for reference The "lock_mc" graphic is used when a tower is not yet unlocked. it is unused in this game because towers locked are not shown in-game.


  • The Bloonchipper and Monkey Engineer appear yet again as leftovers from an early Bloons TD 5 Deluxe version. Only projectiles and functions appear to exist this time.

Monkey Engineer

var _loc12_:ProjectileDef = new ProjectileDef().Display(Nail).Pierce(3).DamageEffect(new DamageEffectDef().Damage(1).CantBreak(Vector.<int>([Bloon.const_3])).CanBreakIce(false));
         var _loc13_:ProjectileDef = new ProjectileDef().Display(Nail).Pierce(8).DamageEffect(new DamageEffectDef().Damage(1).CantBreak(Vector.<int>([Bloon.const_3])).CanBreakIce(false));
         var _loc14_:ProjectileDef = new ProjectileDef().Display(FoamSplat).Pierce(int.MAX_VALUE).Radius(15).RemoveCamo(true).RemoveRegen(true).EffectMask(Vector.<int>([Bloon.const_1])).DamageEffect(new DamageEffectDef().Damage(1).CantBreak(Vector.<int>([Bloon.const_43,Bloon.const_31,Bloon.const_36,Bloon.const_42,Bloon.const_19,Bloon.const_6,Bloon.const_15,Bloon.const_5,Bloon.const_16,Bloon.const_11,Bloon.MOAB,Bloon.BFB,Bloon.const_13])).CanBreakIce(false)).Behavior(new projectiles.behavior.BehaviorDef().RoundOver(new RoundOverDestroy()).Process(new Friction()).Destroy(new RemoveSpikeSpread()));
  • Exactly the same stats as the one found in Bloons TD 5.


  • No weapons for the Bloonchipper appear to exist, though files such as BloonchipperStore and BloonchipperStoreModDef do exist, which control how the Bloonchipper attacks. They are identical to the files of the same name in Bloons TD 5 Deluxe, but are less complete.