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Bully (PlayStation 2)/Unused Objects and Models

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This is a sub-page of Bully (PlayStation 2).

To do:
There's still much more to document:
  • More unused props.
  • More unused clothes.
  • More unused peds.




Note: For technical reasons, it's hard to guess whether each of these was meant to be an item or a weapon, as "weapons" in the game can be items only meant to be equipped for scenarios like NISes.

Weapon ID Notes
2handstick Unknown.
Only referenced in Global_Weapons.cat.
baton Unknown.
Only referenced in Block.cat and Weapons.cat. A police officer can be seen holding a baton in prerelease images.
Billyclb Unknown.
Only referenced in Strafe_Default.cat.
Dart Uknown.
Only referenced in AI_FirePatterns.cat and AI_PlayerDarts.cat. Probably related to the scrapped Darts minigame.
MGDice Unknown.
Only referenced in Global_Weapons.cat.
monkeywrench Unknown.
Only referenced in Global_Weapons.cat.
paintgun Unknown.
Only referenced in Global_Weapons.cat.
polo Unknown.
Only referenced in Global_Weapons.cat. Possibly related to PHallPolo?
poolcue Unknown.
Referenced by multiple .cat files. Possibly related to DPI_poolcue?
WBrush Unknown.
Only referenced in Camera_Actions.cat. Probably related to the scrapped Graffiti Clean-up minigame.
Worange Unknown.
Only referenced in Global_Weapons.cat and in FruitStand.cat.
Wtennis Unknown.
Referenced in multiple .cat files.
W_Crutch Unknown.
Referenced in multiple .cat files.
W_Dirt Unknown.
Only Referenced in Weapons.cat.
W_ScHouse Unknown.
Referenced in multiple .cat files.