California Speed (Arcade)
California Speed |
Developer: Atari Games This game has unused areas. |
Atari's answer to the Cruis'n series of games. Features an amazing soundtrack.
Unused Text
silicon scruz monterey laguna hwy1 centval la willow sd mojave yosemite shasta sears sf test
Internal names for all of the tracks.
Debugging Text
Acamera_offset %d= %.0f, %.0f, %.0f, w_angle: %.0f Error Occurred at %d.%d (%d.%d) Checkpoint Times Loaded. Cannot initialize mathbox Initializing Network Unable to initialize texture manager Unable to load shadow Unable to load skid Unable to load left sparks Unable to load right sparks Unable to load left splash Unable to load right splash Load Shadow, Skid, Sparks, Splashes Unable to load checkpoint Loaded Checkpoint Unable to load trash (melon) Unable to load trash (tomato) Unable to load trash (orange) Loaded Trash %.0f, m_factor: %.3f, speed: %.2f damp_max: %.3f forsight: %.0f ratio: %.2f start: %.0f mult: %.2f add: %.3f (%.0f) damp_start: %.3f damp_mult: %.1f (%.3f) damp_start1: %.3f damp_mult1: %.1f (%.3f) slip1: %.1f slip2: %.1f fr_min: %.3f fr_ratio: %.3f m_limit: %.2f m_size: %.2f.speed: %.1f%% accel: %.1f%% resistance: %.1f%% mass: %.0f m_base: %.0f m_factor: %.3f x_steer: %.2f length: %.1f d_slide_min: %.2f d_slide_max: %.2f d_slide_limit: %.2f d_max_friction: %.2f d_tract_delta: %.3f d_body_roll: %.1f fb_limiter: %d scale_mult: %.1f X: %.0f degrees Offset Y: %.0f Offset Z: %.0f w_angle: %.0f Camera Lag Distance: %.2f Limit: %.2f Camera Lag Accel: %.2f Decel: %.2f.Boost Factor: %.1f Time: %d Boost Height: %d Hang Time: %d.distance: %.1f limit: %.3f accel: %.2f decel: %.2f Shift Points: %d, %d, %d, %d start: %.0f base: %.0f min: %d max: %d range: %.0f cycle: %d grab: %.2f scale: %.3f geometry: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f Target Hit Looping: %d Found this condition! SetGameState() Order Error Occurred SetGameState() Bug Occurred Unrecognized Game State Setting: %d Unable to Load First Sector Unable to Load Second Sector Unable to load mountain Load Mountain Unable to Load Sector Out of Pointers Cannot Get IOQ Pointer For %s Error Reading Queued file QIO Error %d Reading File...Bummer! File Read Data not aligned Queue %d is not open Error -- File Queue Is Busy Error %d Reading File...Bummer! Error %d Reading File (Reset) Error Reading Binary File Out of Memory: %d bytes shy Unable to allocate face groupings LoadInit LoadReset Unable to open file: %s Invalid P1 File (x= %d) Invalid Version Number: %d Invalid .P1 ID File System Failure on FRead: %s Filename: %s, %d points, %d faces Unable to allocate memory for %d points Unable to allocate memory for %d faces Unable to allocate %d texture indices Warning -- Required Texture Not Found: %s ERROR: %d Points in Face %d Warning -- Texture %d Not Found: %s Unable to allocate memory for Anim Data Illegal Number of road counts (%d) for %s Illegal Number of nav counts (%d) for %s Illegal Number of face counts (%d) for %s Illegal Number of trigger counts (%d) for %s Illegal Number of point counts (%d) for %s Illegal Number of texture counts (%d) for %s Illegal Number of texture groups (%d) for %s Illegal Number of geometry counts (%d) for %s Illegal Number of object counts (%d) for %s Illegal p_first Index (%d vs %d) for %s Illegal p_last Index (%d vs %d) for %s Illegal Number of nav point counts (%d) for %s Illegal Number of texture group counts (%d) for %s Illegal Number of anim counts (%d) for %s File is not a .S1 file: %s Unable to load file: %s P1 File has been updated LoadIncP1 Failed: %d Unable to allocate %d road faces Unable to allocate %d triggers Unexpected Object Information Found Invalid Road Sector %d on Face %d Unable to allocate %d objects Unable to load .G1 File: %s Unable to Allocate NavHeaders Unable to Allocate NavPoints LoadIncS1 Object File %s exceeds %d Bytes File System Failure on Read: %s Unable To Load Car File: %s Invalid .O1 file: %s O1 File is Not A Car Unsupported or Invalid File Version: %d Too Many LOD Levels In Car: %s Unable to load Car Body file: %s LoadO1 Body.NULL Unable to load level %d Car Tire 0 file: %s LoadO1 Tire 0 Unable to load level %d Car Tire 1 file: %s LoadO1 Tire 1 File Seems To Be Corrupted: %s Texture %d In Use By %s Attempting To Re-load Object %s without Unloading Too Many Objects To Track: %d Unable to Clear Fifo <2> SMOKE GRASSES GSMOKE DUST corrupted road #%d, sector %s get_road_surface() Warning! hole in between triangles! road1 = obj %s road index %d road2 = obj %s road index %d projected point is inside triangle! weird get_bounce_vec error: should not be here get_bounce_vec error <2> : should not be here cvr_bounce_: could'nt find valid road surface to bounce Allegedly no movement Unable to get information on file: %s Texture File Not Found: %s 3df v%s %s lod range: %i %i aspect ratio: %i %i chromakey: %x Texture sscanf Returns 0 Texture Ratio Not Found Texture Format Not Found: '%s' Texture %s Requires Too Much Memory <2> Texture %s Not Found <1> Texture %s Requires Too Much Memory <1> Unable To Load Texture %s <1> Warning: Unable to find Chromakey for %s Reset WARNING: Texture %d (%s) Still Used By %d Objects An error occured: %d Permanent Textures Permanent Texture: %d> %s Not Enough Palette Space: %s Unable To Cross 2 Meg Boundary From Top!!! (%s) Out of Texture Slots: %s MEMORY PADDING.No More Unused Textures: %s%s No more high texture slots: %s%s No more texture slots: %s Cannot Load Texture: %s Cannot load .fxb: %s An Error Occurred Reading Binary Texture <1>: %s Texture %s Requires Too Much Memory <2b> Allocated Texture Memory Differs: %s Unmatched Number of Replacement Texture Colors Unmatched Number of Replacement Texture Palettes WARNING: High Texture %d (%s) Still Used By %d Objects <<<WARNING>>> tex_top: %p, ttop: %p Illegal Texture Index Selected: %d (%d max) water Palette %s Cannot Be Cycled -- NO Palette Cannot read movie file: Cannot open movie file: %s Cannot read movie file: %s Cannot read movie file: Sprite is not yet ready Invalid Sprite Mode: %d Cannot open sprite file: %s Stats: Time: %.0f, Pixels: %d, Tris: %d.FPS: %.1f, DC: %.1f, Fill: %.1f Meg Unable to open file: %s File is not a .W1 file: %s File Version is Incorrect: %d Too Many Sectors (%d), Truncated to %d <1> Error Loading Incremental Sector <2> Error Loading Incremental Sector %d (%d) LoadIncSector Failed to Load Desired Sector <4> Texture 92 (%d): %s Loading Next Sector Copied Tunnel Object World Setup Complete Error -- Sector Not Loading Illegal Texture Slot Condition <1> Illegal Texture Slot Condition <2> Bad Texture Match Unable to load car %d Unable to load car select mountain Load Car Select Mountain Unable to Load Tunnel Sector Tunnel Sector Loaded Unable to Load Sector 1 Sector %d Loaded Unable to Load Sector 2 Unable to Load Sector 3 Loading is Still Active?!? <1> Loading is Still Active?!? <2> Loading is Still Active?!? <3> Loading is Still Active?!? <4> Loading is Still Active?!? <5> Loading is Still Active?!? <6> Loading is Still Active?!? <7> Unable to load mountain Load Mountain Unable to Load First World Sector First World Sector Loaded Loading is Still Active?!? <9> Unable to Load Sector Driver type: %d (%d) Bad Sector Index <3> Bad Sector Index <4> Bad Sector Index <5> Bad Sector Index <6> Bad Sector Index <7> Bad Sector Index <8> Bad Sector Index <9> Drive Drone 1 Drive Drone 2 Drive Drone 3 nav problem Drive Drone 4 Drive Drone 5 Remote drone road face index is %d out of %d Remote drone controlled by system %d loaded cheerperson Too Many Alpha Faces NPCheck 1 NPCheck 2 NPCheck 3 car box hit road box collision detected! start credits Unable to load tire_a Loaded big wheel Unable to load tire_b Loaded big wheel 2 Unable to load tire_c Loaded big wheel 3 Exit from Doit() Free'd more roots than allocated! Free'd more groups than allocated! Free'd more objects than allocated! Tree stack overflow Invalid cycle in root %s Out of root slots Out of group slots Out of object slots Resetting facep_idx Invalid node Brother stack overflow Invalid script opcode HP: %s Index: %d %s Square Wave Frequency: %.1f ==> %s Scale: %.0f%% %s Sine Wave Frequency: %.1f %s Triangle Wave Frequency: %.1f %s Random Range: %d %s Scale: %0f %s Texture Scale: %.0f %s Select Scale: %.0f %s Spring Scale: %.2f %s Damper Scale: %.1f %s Damper Count: %d %s Bump Count: %d %s Bump Scale : %d Wheel: %.0f FeedBack: %d Select %d Val: %.2f Sound Call %x Index %d is Bad!!! ASIC Rev: %x EPROM Rev: %x Reset: %d VPlus Reset: %d Version: %x, %x Unable to Load File: %s Game Volume: %d, Attract Volume: %d Squeal: %.0f / %.0f / %.0f Master Volume Level: %d Index %d, %s: Level %d (soundtrack %d) Index %d, %s: Level %d (track %d) Unable to open stream file: %s San Francisco Sears Point Yosemite Mount Shasta Mojave Desert San Diego Willow Springs Los Angeles Central Valley Highway 1 Laguna Seca Monterey Santa Cruz Silicon Valley Loading Sound Track %d <%s> for %s adiPlaySound %d returned %xH Loading Sound System Unable to Load Sound System %d Sounds Ready To Play Starting Game !!! WARNING -- Sound System Is Not Initialized !!! Press Player 1 Start To Re-Initialize Sound System Ready to Play ID: %d Now in Debug Mode Counts: %d %d Re-Initializing Sound System Sound Stopped on All Tracks Ready to Play ID (GOOD): %d Ready to Play ID (BAD): %d Ready to Play ID (%s): %d No Good SPECIAL BAD GOOD Continuing With Game %d Sound Loaded from %s Bank Checksum: %x, ck: %x ERROR: Cmd Checksum: %x, ck: %x ERROR: BankLoad failed BankX Checksum: %x, ck: %x <1> Sound System Not Loaded.Unable to get information on file: %s Cmd Checksum: %x, ck: %x Cannot Load Sound File: %s <2> Sound System Not Loaded adiInit Returns %x <3> Sound System Not Loaded ERROR -- Partition Is NULL ERROR -- Bad Host Open Failed: %s ERROR -- Partition Is full (%d vs %d) ERROR -- Partition Has no ram (%d/%d vs %d) ERROR -- InitBankLoad failed ERROR -- BankLoad failed ERROR -- InitBankLoad Returns 0 <4> Sound System Not Loaded Partition %d: Calls: %u/%u, RAM: %u/%u Error Detected -- Stopping All Net Games PLAY SYNC DRIVE CAR TRACK WAIT ATRACT NONE NET_PLAY NET_START NET_SYNC NET_CAR_SYNC NET_CAR NET_TRACK NET_IDLE NET_INIT Drone-to-Net Car Assignments Failed! stage, debug, pole_position %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %3d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d ID: %d, Players: %d, Leader: %d netState: %s mc_channel: %d, base_time: %u Miscalculated Net->Drone Index Error sending buffered network packet %d Buffers Free, %d errors Error sending packet: %x <4> Error getting network buffer Unable to Send Verified LEADER command Unrecognized network packet type Insured Message Received Before Prior Messages Cleared !!!! >>>> Network Link Has Been Disconnected <<<< !!!! Please Correct This Problem And Reset All Linked Machines To Establish the Network Link Unrecognized ethernet type: %x Received SYNC_TIME from non-leader (%d/%d) ID DRONE Error Occurred On Machine %d Could not get net buffer Please Update All Linked Games to Same Version Please Verify that All Linked Games Have Unique Car IDs INFO Error -- Invalid Track (%x / %x) INFO Error -- Invalid Obj2 Name (%s / %s) INFO Error -- Invalid Car Type: (%d / %d) INFO Error -- Invalid Car Color: (%d / %d) Unexpected data received Unexpected CB_TXResult Received Unexpected net func (%x) received !!!!!! Network Link Disabled !!!!! >>> No Network ID Has Been Set! <<< SMC0 Unable to Open Network Device Logon Collision -- Delay %.2f Seconds Logging on again >>> Link ID is not Set <<< >>> Link ID is assumed to be %d <<< --- Link ID is %d --- >>> Make Sure All Link Unit Numbers are Set and Unique <<< My ID: %d (%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x) ID %d Found: %d (%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x) Net Parse Game RaceTime Net Parse net Player Player %d Dropped Out! Too Many Retries (%x) System Appears to be locked [%x] Pending: %d, (Max: %d), Info: %d/%d/%d/%d, Pool: %d Game State: %d, Track: %d, Flags: %08.8x MBOX ERR: MATH ERR: ANIM ERR: MBOX T-OUT: GENERIC ERR: UNKNOWN ERR %d: %s % *s %-64 64s %s(%g): SING error %s(%g): DOMAIN error %s(%g) AllocMem: failed (%d) bytes %s: %5f %5f %5f/ %5f %5f %5f/ %5f %5f %5f WaitOnTimer: Timed Out! TimerCalc: SPF unchanged TIME=%.2f SPF=%.4f FPS=%.2f EPROM Boot code. Version: Apr 17 1998 12:30:18 Copyright 1996-1998 Atari Games, Corp. All rights reserved Act_q_rtn clobbered PCI Retry counter expired PCI Slave abort PCI Master abort Memory parity error Galileo address error PCI Slave read parity error PCI Master write parity error PCI Slave write parity error PCI Master read parity error Galileo reported bus error Undefined exception Floating point exception Reserved exception Trap exception Arithmetic Overflow CoProcessor unusable Reserved Instruction Breakpoint SYCALL Bus error on D fetch Bus error on I fetch Address alignment error on write Address alignment error on read Write to non-existant memory Read from non-existant memory Write to read-only memory Interrupt Undefined exception FP Unimplemented operation FP Invalid operation FP Divide by zero FP Overflow FP Underflow FP Inexact Id: selftest.c,v 1.58 1998/03/20 04:10:07 shepperd Exp $ MAIN: No game at 0x GUTS: Not available EPROM: DATABASE ERRORS PRE_ST_GAME PRE_GAME SELFTEST MENU st_getenv() failed OK, I HEARD YOU PRE_ST To run test, To select test, Null Menu Id: pm.c,v 1.33 1998/04/17 18:37:31 shepperd Exp $ UNKNOWN ERROR PC= SP= SR= CAUSE= BadVAddr= THREE TAPS AND YOU'RE OUT WATCHDOG RESET $Id: eedrive.c,v 1.20 1998/02/13 23:42:33 albaugh Exp $ Write extends past end of EEPROM Record number out of bounds Bad High-score-table Write-verify error, no retries $Id: cdec_hex.c,v 1.4 1997/07/01 22:23:15 albaugh Exp $ $Id: random.c,v 1.3 1997/07/01 22:40:48 albaugh Exp $ $Id: stats.c,v 1.51 1998/02/12 05:43:55 albaugh Exp $ Called validate_malloc with null param Called validate_malloc with invalid which Loop detected in malloc list Header Magic corrupt Trailer Magic corrupt Tried to free area not BUSY malloc'd smaller area than user asked for Area to realloc is not on BUSY list More than one POOL_SIZE of -1 No room for POOL *** Testing Audio Hardware *** Hardware Reset, FAILED Hardware Reset, passed Latch test, FAILED Latch test, passed Get epprom revision, TIMED OUT Eprom Revision: V%x.%02x Get SDRC revision, TIMED OUT SDRC Revision: %d Get Checksum, TIMED OUT PM Checksum: %04x S/RAM chip #%d failed RAM return code mismatch Communication error in RAM test #%d unknown error durring RAM test SRAM test, passed D/RAM bank 0 failed DRAM bank 0 test, passed Boink, failed Boink, passed Software Reset, FAILED Software Reset, passed Get DCS2 OS revision, TIMED OUT DCS2 OS Revision: V%x.%02x Communication error in FIFO test #%d FIFO test, passed All tests passed *** Testing Audio Fifo Hardware *** Good FIFO blocks : %d Bad FIFO blocks : %d %d audio commands have been processed %d errors occured %02d:%03d %04x %04x:%04x $Id: phx_coin.c,v 1.32 1998/03/18 18:23:34 albaugh Exp $ Syntax error Dumping %08lX-%08lX $Id: pots.c,v 1.27 1998/04/09 02:35:14 shepperd Exp $ Debug Switches Disabled Enabled !Development No Yes Audio Panic PM dump WDOG resets Enabled Disabled AHold PM dump IDisk I/O method DMA PIO Report disk errors during game IDE cycle time (Change this at your peril) 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 DEBUG OPTIONS No game Frames per second: Timer ints per second: Seconds: Resolution Medium Frame rate No Delay 60 Hz 30 Hz 20 Hz 15 Hz 12 Hz 10 Hz No ZRE No VSYNC interrupts detected main: grSstOpen failed! $Id: ram_test.c,v 1.23 1997/12/11 02:54:59 shepperd Exp $ $Id: mem_test.c,v 1.14 1997/12/10 19:17:59 shepperd Exp $ $Id: scope.c,v 1.9 1997/07/01 22:48:44 albaugh Exp $ $Id: entry.c,v 1.10 1998/04/01 23:56:09 albaugh Exp $ $Id: menus.c,v 1.15 1998/02/12 05:37:23 albaugh Exp $ No bits modified by menu Menu not terminated Two options modify same bits Option over-runs U32 Zero-bit option Unknown problem with menu Error getting peer Error doing accept No BIND done on this socket Not a TCP socket Unable to bind to addr/port UDP datagram too big socket not connected write error on socket read error on socket IGMP group member table full cannot contact nameserver connection is proceeding address already in use network not reachable connection refused connection timed out socket already connected address family not supported address is not available fd is not a socket ran out of network sockets function not supported in sockets cannot run at interrupt, action or AST level fatal internal error in socket handler invalid argument to socket call too small tx error too big no IOQ's offline inconsistent state cancel timeout invalid argument Address mark not found Track 0 not found device error Sector ID not found Uncorrectable read error file opened "read only" file opened "write only" IDE driver ran out of memory device timeout on hard disk seek error on hard disk write error on hard disk read error on hard disk ran out of HdIO's function not supported no room for more devices device already installed cannot rename to different device file not open for write.file not open for read EOF on file no such file to stat no more file descriptors no such device QioIOQ already on a queue function not supported on device executing at wrong AST level fatal internal error in QIO handler invalid argument to QIO call function completed successfully no mutex to free mutex 'free'd by other than 'task' that claimed it already on queue mutex pool is empty mutex is already claimed by 'task' fatal internal error in mutex handler invalid argument to mutex call mutex function completed successfully freelist function ran out of memory fatal internal error in freelist function invalid argument to freelist function freelist bit update completed successfully file system not mounted sync function ran out of memory fatal internal error in sync function invalid argument to sync sync completed successfully filesystem full extend function ran out of memory too many retrieval pointers fatal internal error in extend function invalid argument to extend function extend completed successfully Fatal internal error fsys_open_q found file closed No such file (volume not mounted) No such file (generation number mismatch) No such file (FID out of range) open ran out of memory fatal internal error in open handler invalid argument to file open call file open completed successfully not a directory no such file system to stat too many directories no such directory fatal internal error in lookup invalid argument to lookup lookup worked directory not empty use rmdir to delete a directory no such file delete ran out of memory invalid argument to file deletion call file deletion completed successfully private field has been zeroed filesystem full, no room for file filesystem full, no more file headers name already in use by a directory no such path cannot create on read only filesystem create ran out of memory fatal internal error in creation handler invalid argument to file creation call file creation completed successfully Allocated file sizes greater than drive capacity Cluster size not equal to 1 No FsysInitVol parameter supplied ran out of free blocks error getting drive info no drive initfs is already busy error writing the root file error writing the root header error writing the freemap file error writing the freemap header error writing the index file error writing the index header error writing the home blocks feature not supported ran out of memory fatal internal error in initfs code invalid argument to initfs completed successfully ran out of IOQ's couldn't stat the physical device no such volume name volume is already mounted directory corrupt (probably a) directory read error file header read error volume is busy mounting could not read any root files could not read any root file headers could not read any freemap files could not read any freemap file headers could not read any index files could not read any index file headers could not find any valid home blocks feature not supported yet not enough memory for mount executing at wrong level fatal internal error in mount code successful mount Undefined IOCTL function Operation not valid on read only filesystem Seek pos must be sector aligned and LE file size ran of of DIR structs ran out of FsysQio's length not a multiple of sector size (512) file not open function not supported by fsys file read/write fatal internal error file write error file read error successful fsys I/O SOCKET ETH DMA HDIO QIO MUTEX FREE SYNC EXTEND OPEN LOOKUP DELETE CREATE INITFS MOUNT FSYSIO warning, fatal, fyi, error, STDIO error, %s Unknown status of 0x%08X 3df v%s %s lod range: %i %i aspect ratio: %i %i sst1InitGammaRGB(): Enabling Video Clock GLIDE STATISTICS: fifo spins: %7d triangles processed: %7d tris drawn: %7d buffer swaps: %7d tris/frame: %7d , %d points: %7d pnts/frame: %7d lines: %7d lines/frame: %7d texture downloads: %7d texture bytes: %7d palette downloads: %7d palette bytes: %7d grSstDetectResources: failed to query board %d grGlideInit - (GLIDE_STATE_PAD == %d) < (sizeof(GrState == %d) FX_CPU FX_GLIDE_BOUNDS_CHECK FX_GLIDE_LWM FX_GLIDE_SWAPINTERVAL FX_SNAPSHOT FX_SST2 grSstOpen: not enough memory to run this configuration grSstOpen: unknown resolution specified grSstOpen: Video Timing initialization failed! grSstOpen: Gamma initialization failed! grSstOpen: SLI Slave Video Timing initialization failed! grSstOpen: SLI Slave Gamma initialization failed! grSstOpen: SLI Initialization failed! grSstSelect: non-existent SST grTexMipMapMode: invalid mode passed grTexDownloadMipMap: mipmap cannot span 2 Mbyte boundary grTexDownloadMipMapLevelPartial: mipmap level cannot span 2 Mbyte boundary guTexCombineFunction: Unsupported function ERROR: unDither: invalid color sum sst1InitGetTmuMemory() ERROR: Could not detect memory size sst1InitGetDeviceInfo: ERROR, multiple different TMU revision IDs detected sst1DeviceInfo: Filling info Struct with default values PRO GE sst1DeviceInfo: Dac Type: Unknown sst1DeviceInfo: Dac Type: AT&T ATT20C409 ICS ICS5342 TI TVP3409 Unknown Cannot read a WRITE_ONLY register Cannot write to a READ_ONLY register sst1InitSli(): SLI Slave board installed as SLI Master Please power-down, swap SLI boards and re-boot sst1InitSli(): WARNING: Bypassing check for proper SLI installation sst1InitSli(): Enabling Scanline Interleaving sst1InitSli(): Disabling memory fifo sst1InitSli(): Could not unReset Slave Video sst1InitSli(): Could not setup SLI Slave sst1InitShutdownSli(): Disabling Scanline Interleaving sst1InitShutdown(): Could not disable Slave SLI sst1Init Routines InitCode $Revision: 5 $ System reboot required WARNING: Ignoring sst1InitRegisters() sst1InitRegisters(): Could not detect DAC sst1InitRegisters(): Using SST_TREX0INIT0 environment variable sst1InitRegisters(): Using SST_TREX0INIT1 environment variable sst1InitRegisters(): Using SST_TREX1INIT0 environment variable sst1InitRegisters(): Using SST_TREX1INIT1 environment variable sst1InitRegisters(): Using SST_TREX2INIT0 environment variable sst1InitRegisters(): Using SST_TREX2INIT1 environment variable sst1InitRegisters(): Setting up SLOW PCI Writes sst1InitRegisters(): Setting up FAST PCI Reads sst1InitRegisters(): Setting up FAST DRAM Configuration sst1InitRegisters(): ERROR filling DeviceInfo sst1InitRegisters(): LFB Writes go through memory FIFO sst1InitRegisters(): TEXTURE Writes go through memory FIFO sst1InitRegisters() WARNING: Disabling texture mapping sst1InitClearSwapPending() WARNING: Clearing pending swapbufferCMDs sst1InitResetTmus(): Could not reset TMUs WARNING: Ignoring sst1InitVideo() sst1InitVideo(): Unsupported Resolution sst1InitVideo(): Unsupported Refresh Rate sst1InitVideo(): Enabling Video Clock sst1InitVideo(): Enabling Triple Buffering sst1InitVideo(): Setting 16BPP video mode sst1InitVideo(): Setting 24BPP video mode sst1InitVideo(): Disabling Video Filtering sst1InitVideo(): Not Clearing Frame Buffer(s) sst1InitVideo(): Disabling video timing sst1InitSetVidMode(): Entered sst1InitSetVidClk(): Entered sst1InitSetGrxClk(): Entered sst1InitSetGrxClk(): Resetting TMUs after clock change sst1InitDacDetect(): Entered sst1InitDacDetectATT(): Entered sst1InitDacDetectATT(): Exiting sst1InitDacDetectTI(): Entered sst1InitDacDetectTI(): Exiting sst1InitDacDetectICS(): Entered sst1InitDacDetectICS(): Exiting sst1InitSetVidClkINI(): Entered sst1InitDacIndexedEnable() ERROR: Could not Initialize DAC GDBG_FILE GDBG_LEVEL gdbg_init(): debug level = %s gdbg_shutdown() %s.%d: %s error (%s): {null} Not owner No such file or directory No such process Interrupted system call I/O error No such device or address Arg list too long Exec format error Bad file number No children No more processes Not enough space Permission denied Bad address Block device required Device or resource busy File exists Cross-device link No such device Not a directory Is a directory Invalid argument File table overflow Too many open files Not a character device Text file busy File too large No space left on device Illegal seek Read-only file system Too many links Broken pipe Math argument Result too large No message of desired type Identifier removed Deadlock No lock Not a stream Stream ioctl timeout No stream resources Machine is not on the network No package Resource is remote Virtual circuit is gone Advertise error Srmount error Communication error Protocol error Multihop attempted Bad message Cannot access a needed shared library Accessing a corrupted shared library lib section in a out corrupted Attempting to link in more shared libraries than system limit Cannot exec a shared library directly
Crash Handler
If the game crashes, it will display a very basic crash handler.
The next time the game is powered on, it'll display a more complex debugger.
Unused Music
A slightly different version of the Silicon Valley theme.
An unused song that was later used in the Nintendo 64 port.
Unused Ending
An alternate unused ending.
Unused Graphics
Present among the graphics for the best times screen are graphics for an engine. No suitable palette could be found.
Present among the graphics for the Silicon Valley track are remnants of a couple of unused billboards that are partially overwritten with other data. No suitable palette could be found for either of them.
Present among the track selection graphics is a coming soon graphic likely left over from a demo version. No suitable palette could be found.
Present among the track selection graphics is a done graphic. This was likely used to keep track of which tracks you've completed in the do the state mode. In the final game it just uses a map of California to keep track of your progress. No suitable palette could be found.
A bunch of development-related graphics.
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Atari Games
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Atari Games
- Arcade games
- Games released in 1998
- Games released in February
- Games released on February 16
- Pages missing date references
- Games with unused areas
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused cinematics
- Games with unused music
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
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Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused cinematics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused music
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Warner Bros. Games > Games developed by NetherRealm Studios > Games developed by Midway Games > Games developed by Atari Games
Games > Games by platform > Arcade games
Games > Games by publisher
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Warner Bros. Games > Games published by Midway Games > Games published by Atari Games
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1998
Games > Games by release date > Games released in February
Games > Games by release date > Games released in February > Games released on February 16