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Category:Homestuck/Hiveswap series

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TCRF Reader: Resist urge to peruse very interesting and exciting leftover Hiveswap content.
You fail to resist the urge.

You start reading page after page of Hiveswap minutiae. You comb through decrypted game files in search of any extra tidbit that might satisfy your boundless hunger for more farcical but emotionally resonant '90s-kid-centric humour and sociocultural allegory. It's like you heard somebody over here was handing out classpect analysis and you've known nothing but years of bitter classpect famine. Before you know it you've taken a head-first acrobatic pirouette off the handle and written a deeply moving 70-page character-driven fanfic about Jude Harley's pigeons embarking on their own feathery and transformative SBURB session. You have to stop. But addiction is a powerful thing.

Pages in category "Homestuck/Hiveswap series"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.