Class of Heroes 2
Class of Heroes 2 |
Also known as: Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono 2 (JP) This game has uncompiled source code. |
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
To do: Version differences. The US digital release was apparently updated to restore the opening animation, and other miscellaneous fixes. |
Class of Heroes 2 is the sequel to Class of Heroes.
Debug Features
Use the following code, and press Select + R to display a debug menu, but the US version doesn't display some debug menu items.
JP | US |
_C1 Display the Debug Menu _L 0x100980F4 0x00000000 _L 0x10098108 0x00000000 _L 0x10098114 0x00000000 _L 0xD0000001 0x10000201 _L 0x10098118 0x00000000 _L 0xD0000001 0x30000201 _L 0x10098118 0x0000000A |
_C1 Debug menu patch _L 0x20800004 0x27BDFFE0 _L 0x20800008 0xAFBF0010 _L 0x2080000C 0xAFB3000C _L 0x20800010 0xAFB00000 _L 0x20800014 0x3C1008A5 _L 0x20800018 0x3C130900 _L 0x2080001C 0x36109E7C _L 0x20800020 0x82650000 _L 0x20800024 0x00052880 _L 0x20800028 0x00B02821 _L 0x2080002C 0x8CA50000 _L 0x20800030 0x00A0F809 _L 0x20800034 0x02602021 _L 0x20800038 0x8FB00000 _L 0x2080003C 0x8FB3000C _L 0x20800040 0x8FBF0010 _L 0x20800044 0x03E00008 _L 0x20800048 0x27BD0020 _C1 Hide debug menu (SELECT+L) _L 0xD0000000 0x10000101 _L 0x2009A064 0x0E23E3C4 _C1 Show debug menu (SELECT+R) _L 0xD0000000 0x10000201 _L 0x2009A064 0x0E400001 |
Can change the character's parameters.
Text | Translation | Notes |
本名 | Real name | This parameter is unused. |
愛称 | Nickname | |
CLS: 戦士 | CLS: Fighter | Class of character. |
PARTY: 生徒たち | PARTY: Students | This parameter can not be changed. |
所在地: クロスティーニ学園 | Location: Crostini | |
RACE: ヒューマン | RACE: Human | |
DEGREE: | DEGREE: | This parameter is unused. |
GENDER: 女性 | GENDER: Female | |
ALIGN: 悪 | ALIGN: Evil | |
Press Triangle to display the item list of any character. It can also change the attributes of items.
Text | Translation | Notes |
付属性: 無 | Give Attribute: Nothing | |
付種別: 無 | Give Classification: Nothing | |
装種族: 無 | Equipable Race: Nothing | "無"(Nothing) can be equipped by all races. |
カラー: 無 | Color: Nothing | |
強化: 0 | Enhanced: 0 | |
種別: 人不例獣爬植龍昆巨精魔神悪 | ||
状態: 恐魔混睡独麻石首 | ||
特性値: 力知信身体早運 | ||
装効果: 呪特魔盗浮無開回 | ||
HP回復: 0 | Cure HP: 0 | |
呪い: 通常 | ||
性別: 男女 | GENDER: Male Female | |
性格: 善中悪 | ||
識別: 識別済み | ||
元道具: 0 | ||
所持数: 1 | Count: 1 |
Can view items. Press Circle to add an item to a character. | Press Triangle to display change the item stock window. |
Text | Translation | Notes |
クリア番号 | Cleared Number | It is indicate that is release at these numbers cleared. |
番号 | Number | |
タイトル | Title | |
タイプ | Type | |
学 | Unknown | |
発時 | Start Time | This quest is open at this progress time. |
消時 | Erase Time | This quest is closed at this progress time. |
ロード | Road | This is used in Wizardry Xth series. |
コ | Ko | Unknown. |
受領都市 | Entrust City |
Press Circle to change the flag.
Number Color | Notes |
White | Not yet released. |
Blue | Unknown. |
Green | Pending. |
Red | Working. |
Orange | Completed. |
It can change flags.
Text | Translation | Notes |
時系列フラグ | Progress flag | |
胎動周期 | Interval of signs | This number is used in the Wizardry Xth series. |
胎動周期歩数 | Walk count Interval of signs | This counter is used in the Wizardry XTH series. |
残り歩数 | Remain walk count | This counter is used in the Wizardry XTH series. |
○ 歩数セット | Set walk count | Unknown. |
クリアフラグ | Clear flag | Beat the game flag. |
プレイ時間 | Play time | |
開示フラグ | Open flag | This flag opens all library data. |
開示残り時刻 | Remain time to open |
Can change library flags.
Text | Translation | Notes |
討伐数 | Defeated record | |
称号 | Degrees |
討伐数(Kill count) | 称号(Achievement) |
It can change defeated record of classifications. | It can change flag of degrees. |
Other Debug
Set these main-page number when displaying other debug menus. So you must set 0 to sub-page number before set main-page number.
JP | US | |
Main-page | 0x09c5f5d0 | 0x09000000 |
Sub-page A | 0x09c5f5d1 | 0x09000001 |
Sub-page B | 0x09c5f5d2 | 0x09000002 |
Character Viewer | Memory Manager Menu |
Main-page number: 0x04 Select a menu to crash the game unlike Wizardry Xth series. |
Main-page number: 0x06 Display the memory manager information. |
Sound Test | Font Test |
Main-page number: 0x07 VOICE is not working. |
Main-page number: 0x08 |
Party Menu | Memory Stick Test |
Main-page number: 0x0A This only displays "PARTY MENU". |
Main-page number: 0x0D Save and Load Test. |
Cheat Menu
Main-page number: 0x0F
Some cheats menu. There are menu items table at RAM address 0x0899EC90, It rewrite this menu id as follows to exchange menu items or fill 0xFF at RAM address 0x08c60ffc 5 bytes to enable all cheats.
Menu ID | Menu Text | Japanese Text | Translation | Effect |
0x00 | Disp Cross Cursor flag | 位置表示カーソルを表示します | Display coord indicator cursor | Doesn't work. |
0x01 | Disp Trans Bar Flag | デバッグ表示をON/OFFします | Enable/Disable debug display | |
0x02 | Dungeon Move Free | ダンジョンどこでも移動できます | Players can move anywhere in dungeon | Doesn't work. |
0x03 | Dungeon Camera Move | ダンジョンでカメラの移動を行えます | Camera can move anywhere in dungeon | Doesn't work. |
0x04 | Unlimited MP & Mapic | MP無限になります | MP become infinity | |
0x05 | Battle Skip | バトルをスキップします 開始メッセージは表示します |
Skip the battle but display the start message |
Doesn't work. |
0x06 | Disp Encout Percent | 現在のエンカウント率を表示します | Display current encounter percentage | Doesn't work. |
0x07 | Disp Enemy Status | 戦闘中、敵ステータスを表示します | Display enemy status | |
0x08 | Dungeon Minimap Off | ダンジョンのミニマップ表示を OFFにします |
Disable display minimap in dungeon | Doesn't work. |
0x09 | Dungeon Trap Off | ダンジョンの出入口以外のトラップを OFFにします |
Disable traps without dungeon entrance | |
0x0A | DarkZone Not Fade | ダークゾーン時の フェードをOFFにします |
Disable fade out on the dark zone | Doesn't work. |
0x0B | Disp Process List | 処理速度の分析リストを表示します | Display process time analyze list | Doesn't work. |
0x0C | Road Arrive | 全ての中継点とロードを通行可能にします | Set all roads to passable | |
0x0D | Mapic visible | マピックでマップ情報を可視状態とします | Use mapic always to visible map information | |
0x0E | Milwan | 強制ミルワン&レビフェイト&マピック | Force milwan and revifeito and mapic | Doesn't work. |
0x0F | step encount | 1歩ごとにエンカウントします | Encounter every step | Doesn't work. |
0x10 | No encount | エンカウントしません | Does not encounter | Doesn't work. |
0x11 | Recipe Info visible | 実験室 レシピ情報を可視にします | Laboratory: Visible recipe information | |
0x12 | Enemy Info visible | 図書室 敵情報を可視にします | Library: Visible enemy information | |
0x13 | Item Info visible | 図書室 アイテム情報を可視にします | Library: Visible item information | |
0x14 | Object set offset | 図書室 装備のオフセット位置を設定します | Library: Set equipment offset coord | Doesn't work. |
0x15 | EVENT NPC TEST | 図書室にNPCテストを追加します | Add NPC test to the library | Doesn't work. |
0x16 | Randam trap not set | ランダム罠をセットしない | Disable place random trap | Doesn't work. |
0x17 | Dungeon info disp | 自分の位置情報 前後左右のイベント情報を表示します また、回転床で回転しません |
My coord information Display event information at front, back left and right And Doesn't rotate on rotate cell |
Doesn't work. |
0x18 | SCREEN CAPTURE ON | SELECTボタンにて画面のキャプチャーを 行えるようになります |
Press Select to screen capture | |
0x19 | EFFECT TESTMODE ON | エフェクトテストモードの ON/OFFを行います |
Enable/Disable effect test mode | Doesn't work. |
0x1A | Equip All | なんでも装備します | Equip everything | |
0x1B | DISP PAD INFO | パッド入力情報を表示します | Display pad information | Doesn't work. |
0x1C | DEBUG LOG OFF | デバッグログをコンソールに出力しません | Disable output debug log to console | |
0x1D | EVENT KEEP OFF | 最新イベントの確保を行わない 毎回ロードし実行する |
Doesn't alloc newest event Load and Execute everytime | |
0x1E | DEBUG_FLAG_WEATHER | 天候をOFFにします | Disable weather | |
0x1F | DEBUG_FLAG_CLOCK | 時刻変化をOFFにします | Disable clock count | |
0x20 | cockpit close | コックピット表示をOFFにします | Disable display cockpit | Disable character information |
0x21 | Sound Info | サウンド管理情報を表示 | Display sound management information | Doesn't work. |
0x22 | Face Info | 顔データの管理情報表示 | Display face data management information | Doesn't work. |
0x23 | NM Info | NMの情報表示 | Display NM information | Doesn't work. |
To do: Check 0x01:"Disp Trans Bar Flag". |
Event Test
Main-page number: 0x10
This menu debugs all events.
Text | Translation | Notes |
△:実行 | △:Execute | |
□:起動中<->終了 | □:Booting <-> Finished | |
R1 保持フラグ ON<->OFF | R1 Reserved Flag | Press R to toggle 保持(Reserved) or 不保持(Not reserved). |
L1 保持ワーククリア | L1 Clear the reserved work |
Domination Value Viewer
Main-page number: 0x12
Text | Translation |
コンメスまでの残り歩数 | Remain steps to conmes |
ダンジョン歩行数 | Dungeon walking step count |
中継点 | Area |
レベル合計 | Total level |
Road Maze Number Settings
Main-page number: 0x15
Set maze number of each roads, however, this game removed random dungeon system unlike the Wizardry Xth series and the previous game.
Town Level(?)
Main-page number: 0x19
This menu is unknown; maybe used for event flag.
Memory Usage Viewer
Main-page number: 0x1A
Text | Translation |
使用率 | Usage |
MainMem上の画像サイズ | Image size on the main memory |
Town/Dungeon Data Load Test
Main-page number: 0x1B
Press Circle to execute load test.
Unused Image
These are placeholder images. Japanese text is "イベント用"(for events).
She appears in the previous game, Class of Heroes.
These images exist in the previous game, Class of Heroes, also unused.
Text | Translation |
マーフィ | Murphy |
サクラ | Sakura |
Uncompiled Source Code
Present in "eve_flag.h".
// eve_flag.h // #ifndef _EVE_FLAG_H_ #define _EVE_FLAG_H_ #define EVE_FLAG_B001_ACCEPT 0 #define EVE_FLAG_B001_01 1 #define EVE_FLAG_B001_02 2 #define EVE_FLAG_B001_03 3 #define EVE_FLAG_B001_04 4 #define EVE_FLAG_B001_05 5 #define EVE_FLAG_B001_06 6 #define EVE_FLAG_B001_END 7 #define EVE_FLAG_B002_ACCEPT 8 #define EVE_FLAG_B002_01 9 #define EVE_FLAG_B002_02 10 #define EVE_FLAG_B002_03 11 #define EVE_FLAG_B002_04 12 #define EVE_FLAG_B002_05 13 #define EVE_FLAG_B002_06 14 #define EVE_FLAG_B002_END 15 #define EVE_FLAG_B003_ACCEPT 16 #define EVE_FLAG_B003_01 17 #define EVE_FLAG_B003_02 18 #define EVE_FLAG_B003_03 19 #define EVE_FLAG_B003_04 20 #define EVE_FLAG_B003_05 21 #define EVE_FLAG_B003_06 22 #define EVE_FLAG_B003_END 23 #define EVE_FLAG_B004_ACCEPT 24 #define EVE_FLAG_B004_01 25 #define EVE_FLAG_B004_02 26 #define EVE_FLAG_B004_03 27 #define EVE_FLAG_B004_04 28 #define EVE_FLAG_B004_05 29 #define EVE_FLAG_B004_06 30 #define EVE_FLAG_B004_END 31 #define EVE_FLAG_B005_ACCEPT 32 #define EVE_FLAG_B005_01 33 #define EVE_FLAG_B005_02 34 #define EVE_FLAG_B005_03 35 #define EVE_FLAG_B005_04 36 #define EVE_FLAG_B005_05 37 #define EVE_FLAG_B005_06 38 #define EVE_FLAG_B005_END 39 #define EVE_FLAG_B006_ACCEPT 40 #define EVE_FLAG_B006_01 41 #define EVE_FLAG_B006_02 42 #define EVE_FLAG_B006_03 43 #define EVE_FLAG_B006_04 44 #define EVE_FLAG_B006_05 45 #define EVE_FLAG_B006_06 46 #define EVE_FLAG_B006_END 47 #define EVE_FLAG_B007_ACCEPT 48 #define EVE_FLAG_B007_01 49 #define EVE_FLAG_B007_02 50 #define EVE_FLAG_B007_03 51 #define EVE_FLAG_B007_04 52 #define EVE_FLAG_B007_05 53 #define EVE_FLAG_B007_06 54 #define EVE_FLAG_B007_END 55 #define EVE_FLAG_B008_ACCEPT 56 #define EVE_FLAG_B008_01 57 #define EVE_FLAG_B008_02 58 #define EVE_FLAG_B008_03 59 #define EVE_FLAG_B008_04 60 #define EVE_FLAG_B008_05 61 #define EVE_FLAG_B008_06 62 #define EVE_FLAG_B008_END 63 #define EVE_FLAG_B009_ACCEPT 64 #define EVE_FLAG_B009_01 65 #define EVE_FLAG_B009_02 66 #define EVE_FLAG_B009_03 67 #define EVE_FLAG_B009_04 68 #define EVE_FLAG_B009_05 69 #define EVE_FLAG_B009_06 70 #define EVE_FLAG_B009_END 71 #define EVE_FLAG_B010_ACCEPT 72 #define EVE_FLAG_B010_01 73 #define EVE_FLAG_B010_02 74 #define EVE_FLAG_B010_03 75 #define EVE_FLAG_B010_04 76 #define EVE_FLAG_B010_05 77 #define EVE_FLAG_B010_06 78 #define EVE_FLAG_B010_END 79 #define EVE_FLAG_B011_ACCEPT 80 #define EVE_FLAG_B011_01 81 #define EVE_FLAG_B011_02 82 #define EVE_FLAG_B011_03 83 #define EVE_FLAG_B011_04 84 #define EVE_FLAG_B011_05 85 #define EVE_FLAG_B011_06 86 #define EVE_FLAG_B011_END 87 #define EVE_FLAG_B012_ACCEPT 88 #define EVE_FLAG_B012_01 89 #define EVE_FLAG_B012_02 90 #define EVE_FLAG_B012_03 91 #define EVE_FLAG_B012_04 92 #define EVE_FLAG_B012_05 93 #define EVE_FLAG_B012_06 94 #define EVE_FLAG_B012_END 95 #define EVE_FLAG_B013_ACCEPT 96 #define EVE_FLAG_B013_01 97 #define EVE_FLAG_B013_02 98 #define EVE_FLAG_B013_03 99 #define EVE_FLAG_B013_04 100 #define EVE_FLAG_B013_05 101 #define EVE_FLAG_B013_06 102 #define EVE_FLAG_B013_END 103 #define EVE_FLAG_B014_ACCEPT 104 #define EVE_FLAG_B014_01 105 #define EVE_FLAG_B014_02 106 #define EVE_FLAG_B014_03 107 #define EVE_FLAG_B014_04 108 #define EVE_FLAG_B014_05 109 #define EVE_FLAG_B014_06 110 #define EVE_FLAG_B014_END 111 #define EVE_FLAG_B015_ACCEPT 112 #define EVE_FLAG_B015_01 113 #define EVE_FLAG_B015_02 114 #define EVE_FLAG_B015_03 115 #define EVE_FLAG_B015_04 116 #define EVE_FLAG_B015_05 117 #define EVE_FLAG_B015_06 118 #define EVE_FLAG_B015_END 119 #define EVE_FLAG_B016_ACCEPT 120 #define EVE_FLAG_B016_01 121 #define EVE_FLAG_B016_02 122 #define EVE_FLAG_B016_03 123 #define EVE_FLAG_B016_04 124 #define EVE_FLAG_B016_05 125 #define EVE_FLAG_B016_06 126 #define EVE_FLAG_B016_END 127 #define EVE_FLAG_B017_ACCEPT 128 #define EVE_FLAG_B017_01 129 #define EVE_FLAG_B017_02 130 #define EVE_FLAG_B017_03 131 #define EVE_FLAG_B017_04 132 #define EVE_FLAG_B017_05 133 #define EVE_FLAG_B017_06 134 #define EVE_FLAG_B017_END 135 #define EVE_FLAG_B018_ACCEPT 136 #define EVE_FLAG_B018_01 137 #define EVE_FLAG_B018_02 138 #define EVE_FLAG_B018_03 139 #define EVE_FLAG_B018_04 140 #define EVE_FLAG_B018_05 141 #define EVE_FLAG_B018_06 142 #define EVE_FLAG_B018_END 143 #define EVE_FLAG_B019_ACCEPT 144 #define EVE_FLAG_B019_01 145 #define EVE_FLAG_B019_02 146 #define EVE_FLAG_B019_03 147 #define EVE_FLAG_B019_04 148 #define EVE_FLAG_B019_05 149 #define EVE_FLAG_B019_06 150 #define EVE_FLAG_B019_END 151 #define EVE_FLAG_B020_ACCEPT 152 #define EVE_FLAG_B020_01 153 #define EVE_FLAG_B020_02 154 #define EVE_FLAG_B020_03 155 #define EVE_FLAG_B020_04 156 #define EVE_FLAG_B020_05 157 #define EVE_FLAG_B020_06 158 #define EVE_FLAG_B020_END 159 #define EVE_FLAG_B021_ACCEPT 160 #define EVE_FLAG_B021_01 161 #define EVE_FLAG_B021_02 162 #define EVE_FLAG_B021_03 163 #define EVE_FLAG_B021_04 164 #define EVE_FLAG_B021_05 165 #define EVE_FLAG_B021_06 166 #define EVE_FLAG_B021_END 167 #define EVE_FLAG_B022_ACCEPT 168 #define EVE_FLAG_B022_01 169 #define EVE_FLAG_B022_02 170 #define EVE_FLAG_B022_03 171 #define EVE_FLAG_B022_04 172 #define EVE_FLAG_B022_05 173 #define EVE_FLAG_B022_06 174 #define EVE_FLAG_B022_END 175 #define EVE_FLAG_B023_ACCEPT 176 #define EVE_FLAG_B023_01 177 #define EVE_FLAG_B023_02 178 #define EVE_FLAG_B023_03 179 #define EVE_FLAG_B023_04 180 #define EVE_FLAG_B023_05 181 #define EVE_FLAG_B023_06 182 #define EVE_FLAG_B023_END 183 #define EVE_FLAG_B024_ACCEPT 184 #define EVE_FLAG_B024_01 185 #define EVE_FLAG_B024_02 186 #define EVE_FLAG_B024_03 187 #define EVE_FLAG_B024_04 188 #define EVE_FLAG_B024_05 189 #define EVE_FLAG_B024_06 190 #define EVE_FLAG_B024_END 191 #define EVE_FLAG_B025_ACCEPT 192 #define EVE_FLAG_B025_01 193 #define EVE_FLAG_B025_02 194 #define EVE_FLAG_B025_03 195 #define EVE_FLAG_B025_04 196 #define EVE_FLAG_B025_05 197 #define EVE_FLAG_B025_06 198 #define EVE_FLAG_B025_END 199 #define EVE_FLAG_B026_ACCEPT 200 #define EVE_FLAG_B026_01 201 #define EVE_FLAG_B026_02 202 #define EVE_FLAG_B026_03 203 #define EVE_FLAG_B026_04 204 #define EVE_FLAG_B026_05 205 #define EVE_FLAG_B026_06 206 #define EVE_FLAG_B026_END 207 #define EVE_FLAG_B027_ACCEPT 208 #define EVE_FLAG_B027_01 209 #define EVE_FLAG_B027_02 210 #define EVE_FLAG_B027_03 211 #define EVE_FLAG_B027_04 212 #define EVE_FLAG_B027_05 213 #define EVE_FLAG_B027_06 214 #define EVE_FLAG_B027_END 215 #define EVE_FLAG_B028_ACCEPT 216 #define EVE_FLAG_B028_01 217 #define EVE_FLAG_B028_02 218 #define EVE_FLAG_B028_03 219 #define EVE_FLAG_B028_04 220 #define EVE_FLAG_B028_05 221 #define EVE_FLAG_B028_06 222 #define EVE_FLAG_B028_END 223 #define EVE_FLAG_B029_ACCEPT 224 #define EVE_FLAG_B029_01 225 #define EVE_FLAG_B029_02 226 #define EVE_FLAG_B029_03 227 #define EVE_FLAG_B029_04 228 #define EVE_FLAG_B029_05 229 #define EVE_FLAG_B029_06 230 #define EVE_FLAG_B029_END 231 #define EVE_FLAG_B030_ACCEPT 232 #define EVE_FLAG_B030_01 233 #define EVE_FLAG_B030_02 234 #define EVE_FLAG_B030_03 235 #define EVE_FLAG_B030_04 236 #define EVE_FLAG_B030_05 237 #define EVE_FLAG_B030_06 238 #define EVE_FLAG_B030_END 239 #define EVE_FLAG_B031_ACCEPT 240 #define EVE_FLAG_B031_01 241 #define EVE_FLAG_B031_02 242 #define EVE_FLAG_B031_03 243 #define EVE_FLAG_B031_04 244 #define EVE_FLAG_B031_05 245 #define EVE_FLAG_B031_06 246 #define EVE_FLAG_B031_END 247 #define EVE_FLAG_B032_ACCEPT 248 #define EVE_FLAG_B032_01 249 #define EVE_FLAG_B032_02 250 #define EVE_FLAG_B032_03 251 #define EVE_FLAG_B032_04 252 #define EVE_FLAG_B032_05 253 #define EVE_FLAG_B032_06 254 #define EVE_FLAG_B032_END 255 #define EVE_FLAG_B033_ACCEPT 256 #define EVE_FLAG_B033_01 257 #define EVE_FLAG_B033_02 258 #define EVE_FLAG_B033_03 259 #define EVE_FLAG_B033_04 260 #define EVE_FLAG_B033_05 261 #define EVE_FLAG_B033_06 262 #define EVE_FLAG_B033_END 263 #define EVE_FLAG_B034_ACCEPT 264 #define EVE_FLAG_B034_01 265 #define EVE_FLAG_B034_02 266 #define EVE_FLAG_B034_03 267 #define EVE_FLAG_B034_04 268 #define EVE_FLAG_B034_05 269 #define EVE_FLAG_B034_06 270 #define EVE_FLAG_B034_END 271 #define EVE_FLAG_B035_ACCEPT 272 #define EVE_FLAG_B035_01 273 #define EVE_FLAG_B035_02 274 #define EVE_FLAG_B035_03 275 #define EVE_FLAG_B035_04 276 #define EVE_FLAG_B035_05 277 #define EVE_FLAG_B035_06 278 #define EVE_FLAG_B035_END 279 #define EVE_FLAG_B036_ACCEPT 280 #define EVE_FLAG_B036_01 281 #define EVE_FLAG_B036_02 282 #define EVE_FLAG_B036_03 283 #define EVE_FLAG_B036_04 284 #define EVE_FLAG_B036_05 285 #define EVE_FLAG_B036_06 286 #define EVE_FLAG_B036_END 287 #define EVE_FLAG_B037_ACCEPT 288 #define EVE_FLAG_B037_01 289 #define EVE_FLAG_B037_02 290 #define EVE_FLAG_B037_03 291 #define EVE_FLAG_B037_04 292 #define EVE_FLAG_B037_05 293 #define EVE_FLAG_B037_06 294 #define EVE_FLAG_B037_END 295 #define EVE_FLAG_B038_ACCEPT 296 #define EVE_FLAG_B038_01 297 #define EVE_FLAG_B038_02 298 #define EVE_FLAG_B038_03 299 #define EVE_FLAG_B038_04 300 #define EVE_FLAG_B038_05 301 #define EVE_FLAG_B038_06 302 #define EVE_FLAG_B038_END 303 #define EVE_FLAG_B039_ACCEPT 304 #define EVE_FLAG_B039_01 305 #define EVE_FLAG_B039_02 306 #define EVE_FLAG_B039_03 307 #define EVE_FLAG_B039_04 308 #define EVE_FLAG_B039_05 309 #define EVE_FLAG_B039_06 310 #define EVE_FLAG_B039_END 311 #define EVE_FLAG_B040_ACCEPT 312 #define EVE_FLAG_B040_01 313 #define EVE_FLAG_B040_02 314 #define EVE_FLAG_B040_03 315 #define EVE_FLAG_B040_04 316 #define EVE_FLAG_B040_05 317 #define EVE_FLAG_B040_06 318 #define EVE_FLAG_B040_END 319 #define EVE_FLAG_B041_ACCEPT 320 #define EVE_FLAG_B041_01 321 #define EVE_FLAG_B041_02 322 #define EVE_FLAG_B041_03 323 #define EVE_FLAG_B041_04 324 #define EVE_FLAG_B041_05 325 #define EVE_FLAG_B041_06 326 #define EVE_FLAG_B041_END 327 #define EVE_FLAG_B042_ACCEPT 328 #define EVE_FLAG_B042_01 329 #define EVE_FLAG_B042_02 330 #define EVE_FLAG_B042_03 331 #define EVE_FLAG_B042_04 332 #define EVE_FLAG_B042_05 333 #define EVE_FLAG_B042_06 334 #define EVE_FLAG_B042_END 335 #define EVE_FLAG_B043_ACCEPT 336 #define EVE_FLAG_B043_01 337 #define EVE_FLAG_B043_02 338 #define EVE_FLAG_B043_03 339 #define EVE_FLAG_B043_04 340 #define EVE_FLAG_B043_05 341 #define EVE_FLAG_B043_06 342 #define EVE_FLAG_B043_END 343 #define EVE_FLAG_B044_ACCEPT 344 #define EVE_FLAG_B044_01 345 #define EVE_FLAG_B044_02 346 #define EVE_FLAG_B044_03 347 #define EVE_FLAG_B044_04 348 #define EVE_FLAG_B044_05 349 #define EVE_FLAG_B044_06 350 #define EVE_FLAG_B044_END 351 #define EVE_FLAG_B045_ACCEPT 352 #define EVE_FLAG_B045_01 353 #define EVE_FLAG_B045_02 354 #define EVE_FLAG_B045_03 355 #define EVE_FLAG_B045_04 356 #define EVE_FLAG_B045_05 357 #define EVE_FLAG_B045_06 358 #define EVE_FLAG_B045_END 359 #define EVE_FLAG_B046_ACCEPT 360 #define EVE_FLAG_B046_01 361 #define EVE_FLAG_B046_02 362 #define EVE_FLAG_B046_03 363 #define EVE_FLAG_B046_04 364 #define EVE_FLAG_B046_05 365 #define EVE_FLAG_B046_06 366 #define EVE_FLAG_B046_END 367 #define EVE_FLAG_B047_ACCEPT 368 #define EVE_FLAG_B047_01 369 #define EVE_FLAG_B047_02 370 #define EVE_FLAG_B047_03 371 #define EVE_FLAG_B047_04 372 #define EVE_FLAG_B047_05 373 #define EVE_FLAG_B047_06 374 #define EVE_FLAG_B047_END 375 #define EVE_FLAG_B048_ACCEPT 376 #define EVE_FLAG_B048_01 377 #define EVE_FLAG_B048_02 378 #define EVE_FLAG_B048_03 379 #define EVE_FLAG_B048_04 380 #define EVE_FLAG_B048_05 381 #define EVE_FLAG_B048_06 382 #define EVE_FLAG_B048_END 383 #define EVE_FLAG_B049_ACCEPT 384 #define EVE_FLAG_B049_01 385 #define EVE_FLAG_B049_02 386 #define EVE_FLAG_B049_03 387 #define EVE_FLAG_B049_04 388 #define EVE_FLAG_B049_05 389 #define EVE_FLAG_B049_06 390 #define EVE_FLAG_B049_END 391 #define EVE_FLAG_B050_ACCEPT 392 #define EVE_FLAG_B050_01 393 #define EVE_FLAG_B050_02 394 #define EVE_FLAG_B050_03 395 #define EVE_FLAG_B050_04 396 #define EVE_FLAG_B050_05 397 #define EVE_FLAG_B050_06 398 #define EVE_FLAG_B050_END 399 #define EVE_FLAG_B051_ACCEPT 400 #define EVE_FLAG_B051_01 401 #define EVE_FLAG_B051_02 402 #define EVE_FLAG_B051_03 403 #define EVE_FLAG_B051_04 404 #define EVE_FLAG_B051_05 405 #define EVE_FLAG_B051_06 406 #define EVE_FLAG_B051_END 407 #define EVE_FLAG_B052_ACCEPT 408 #define EVE_FLAG_B052_01 409 #define EVE_FLAG_B052_02 410 #define EVE_FLAG_B052_03 411 #define EVE_FLAG_B052_04 412 #define EVE_FLAG_B052_05 413 #define EVE_FLAG_B052_06 414 #define EVE_FLAG_B052_END 415 #define EVE_FLAG_B053_ACCEPT 416 #define EVE_FLAG_B053_01 417 #define EVE_FLAG_B053_02 418 #define EVE_FLAG_B053_03 419 #define EVE_FLAG_B053_04 420 #define EVE_FLAG_B053_05 421 #define EVE_FLAG_B053_06 422 #define EVE_FLAG_B053_END 423 #define EVE_FLAG_B054_ACCEPT 424 #define EVE_FLAG_B054_01 425 #define EVE_FLAG_B054_02 426 #define EVE_FLAG_B054_03 427 #define EVE_FLAG_B054_04 428 #define EVE_FLAG_B054_05 429 #define EVE_FLAG_B054_06 430 #define EVE_FLAG_B054_END 431 #define EVE_FLAG_B055_ACCEPT 432 #define EVE_FLAG_B055_01 433 #define EVE_FLAG_B055_02 434 #define EVE_FLAG_B055_03 435 #define EVE_FLAG_B055_04 436 #define EVE_FLAG_B055_05 437 #define EVE_FLAG_B055_06 438 #define EVE_FLAG_B055_END 439 #define EVE_FLAG_B056_ACCEPT 440 #define EVE_FLAG_B056_01 441 #define EVE_FLAG_B056_02 442 #define EVE_FLAG_B056_03 443 #define EVE_FLAG_B056_04 444 #define EVE_FLAG_B056_05 445 #define EVE_FLAG_B056_06 446 #define EVE_FLAG_B056_END 447 #define EVE_FLAG_B057_ACCEPT 448 #define EVE_FLAG_B057_01 449 #define EVE_FLAG_B057_02 450 #define EVE_FLAG_B057_03 451 #define EVE_FLAG_B057_04 452 #define EVE_FLAG_B057_05 453 #define EVE_FLAG_B057_06 454 #define EVE_FLAG_B057_END 455 #define EVE_FLAG_B058_ACCEPT 456 #define EVE_FLAG_B058_01 457 #define EVE_FLAG_B058_02 458 #define EVE_FLAG_B058_03 459 #define EVE_FLAG_B058_04 460 #define EVE_FLAG_B058_05 461 #define EVE_FLAG_B058_06 462 #define EVE_FLAG_B058_END 463 #define EVE_FLAG_B059_ACCEPT 464 #define EVE_FLAG_B059_01 465 #define EVE_FLAG_B059_02 466 #define EVE_FLAG_B059_03 467 #define EVE_FLAG_B059_04 468 #define EVE_FLAG_B059_05 469 #define EVE_FLAG_B059_06 470 #define EVE_FLAG_B059_END 471 #define EVE_FLAG_B060_ACCEPT 472 #define EVE_FLAG_B060_01 473 #define EVE_FLAG_B060_02 474 #define EVE_FLAG_B060_03 475 #define EVE_FLAG_B060_04 476 #define EVE_FLAG_B060_05 477 #define EVE_FLAG_B060_06 478 #define EVE_FLAG_B060_END 479 #define EVE_FLAG_B061_ACCEPT 480 #define EVE_FLAG_B061_01 481 #define EVE_FLAG_B061_02 482 #define EVE_FLAG_B061_03 483 #define EVE_FLAG_B061_04 484 #define EVE_FLAG_B061_05 485 #define EVE_FLAG_B061_06 486 #define EVE_FLAG_B061_END 487 #define EVE_FLAG_B062_ACCEPT 488 #define EVE_FLAG_B062_01 489 #define EVE_FLAG_B062_02 490 #define EVE_FLAG_B062_03 491 #define EVE_FLAG_B062_04 492 #define EVE_FLAG_B062_05 493 #define EVE_FLAG_B062_06 494 #define EVE_FLAG_B062_END 495 #define EVE_FLAG_B063_ACCEPT 496 #define EVE_FLAG_B063_01 497 #define EVE_FLAG_B063_02 498 #define EVE_FLAG_B063_03 499 #define EVE_FLAG_B063_04 500 #define EVE_FLAG_B063_05 501 #define EVE_FLAG_B063_06 502 #define EVE_FLAG_B063_END 503 #define EVE_FLAG_B064_ACCEPT 504 #define EVE_FLAG_B064_01 505 #define EVE_FLAG_B064_02 506 #define EVE_FLAG_B064_03 507 #define EVE_FLAG_B064_04 508 #define EVE_FLAG_B064_05 509 #define EVE_FLAG_B064_06 510 #define EVE_FLAG_B064_END 511 #define EVE_FLAG_B065_ACCEPT 512 #define EVE_FLAG_B065_01 513 #define EVE_FLAG_B065_02 514 #define EVE_FLAG_B065_03 515 #define EVE_FLAG_B065_04 516 #define EVE_FLAG_B065_05 517 #define EVE_FLAG_B065_06 518 #define EVE_FLAG_B065_END 519 #define EVE_FLAG_B066_ACCEPT 520 #define EVE_FLAG_B066_01 521 #define EVE_FLAG_B066_02 522 #define EVE_FLAG_B066_03 523 #define EVE_FLAG_B066_04 524 #define EVE_FLAG_B066_05 525 #define EVE_FLAG_B066_06 526 #define EVE_FLAG_B066_END 527 #define EVE_FLAG_B067_ACCEPT 528 #define EVE_FLAG_B067_01 529 #define EVE_FLAG_B067_02 530 #define EVE_FLAG_B067_03 531 #define EVE_FLAG_B067_04 532 #define EVE_FLAG_B067_05 533 #define EVE_FLAG_B067_06 534 #define EVE_FLAG_B067_END 535 #define EVE_FLAG_B068_ACCEPT 536 #define EVE_FLAG_B068_01 537 #define EVE_FLAG_B068_02 538 #define EVE_FLAG_B068_03 539 #define EVE_FLAG_B068_04 540 #define EVE_FLAG_B068_05 541 #define EVE_FLAG_B068_06 542 #define EVE_FLAG_B068_END 543 #define EVE_FLAG_B069_ACCEPT 544 #define EVE_FLAG_B069_01 545 #define EVE_FLAG_B069_02 546 #define EVE_FLAG_B069_03 547 #define EVE_FLAG_B069_04 548 #define EVE_FLAG_B069_05 549 #define EVE_FLAG_B069_06 550 #define EVE_FLAG_B069_END 551 #define EVE_FLAG_B070_ACCEPT 552 #define EVE_FLAG_B070_01 553 #define EVE_FLAG_B070_02 554 #define EVE_FLAG_B070_03 555 #define EVE_FLAG_B070_04 556 #define EVE_FLAG_B070_05 557 #define EVE_FLAG_B070_06 558 #define EVE_FLAG_B070_END 559 #define EVE_FLAG_B071_ACCEPT 560 #define EVE_FLAG_B071_01 561 #define EVE_FLAG_B071_02 562 #define EVE_FLAG_B071_03 563 #define EVE_FLAG_B071_04 564 #define EVE_FLAG_B071_05 565 #define EVE_FLAG_B071_06 566 #define EVE_FLAG_B071_END 567 #define EVE_FLAG_B072_ACCEPT 568 #define EVE_FLAG_B072_01 569 #define EVE_FLAG_B072_02 570 #define EVE_FLAG_B072_03 571 #define EVE_FLAG_B072_04 572 #define EVE_FLAG_B072_05 573 #define EVE_FLAG_B072_06 574 #define EVE_FLAG_B072_END 575 #define EVE_FLAG_B073_ACCEPT 576 #define EVE_FLAG_B073_01 577 #define EVE_FLAG_B073_02 578 #define EVE_FLAG_B073_03 579 #define EVE_FLAG_B073_04 580 #define EVE_FLAG_B073_05 581 #define EVE_FLAG_B073_06 582 #define EVE_FLAG_B073_END 583 #define EVE_FLAG_B074_ACCEPT 584 #define EVE_FLAG_B074_01 585 #define EVE_FLAG_B074_02 586 #define EVE_FLAG_B074_03 587 #define EVE_FLAG_B074_04 588 #define EVE_FLAG_B074_05 589 #define EVE_FLAG_B074_06 590 #define EVE_FLAG_B074_END 591 #define EVE_FLAG_B075_ACCEPT 592 #define EVE_FLAG_B075_01 593 #define EVE_FLAG_B075_02 594 #define EVE_FLAG_B075_03 595 #define EVE_FLAG_B075_04 596 #define EVE_FLAG_B075_05 597 #define EVE_FLAG_B075_06 598 #define EVE_FLAG_B075_END 599 #define EVE_FLAG_B076_ACCEPT 600 #define EVE_FLAG_B076_01 601 #define EVE_FLAG_B076_02 602 #define EVE_FLAG_B076_03 603 #define EVE_FLAG_B076_04 604 #define EVE_FLAG_B076_05 605 #define EVE_FLAG_B076_06 606 #define EVE_FLAG_B076_END 607 #define EVE_FLAG_B077_ACCEPT 608 #define EVE_FLAG_B077_01 609 #define EVE_FLAG_B077_02 610 #define EVE_FLAG_B077_03 611 #define EVE_FLAG_B077_04 612 #define EVE_FLAG_B077_05 613 #define EVE_FLAG_B077_06 614 #define EVE_FLAG_B077_END 615 #define EVE_FLAG_B078_ACCEPT 616 #define EVE_FLAG_B078_01 617 #define EVE_FLAG_B078_02 618 #define EVE_FLAG_B078_03 619 #define EVE_FLAG_B078_04 620 #define EVE_FLAG_B078_05 621 #define EVE_FLAG_B078_06 622 #define EVE_FLAG_B078_END 623 #define EVE_FLAG_B079_ACCEPT 624 #define EVE_FLAG_B079_01 625 #define EVE_FLAG_B079_02 626 #define EVE_FLAG_B079_03 627 #define EVE_FLAG_B079_04 628 #define EVE_FLAG_B079_05 629 #define EVE_FLAG_B079_06 630 #define EVE_FLAG_B079_END 631 #define EVE_FLAG_B080_ACCEPT 632 #define EVE_FLAG_B080_01 633 #define EVE_FLAG_B080_02 634 #define EVE_FLAG_B080_03 635 #define EVE_FLAG_B080_04 636 #define EVE_FLAG_B080_05 637 #define EVE_FLAG_B080_06 638 #define EVE_FLAG_B080_END 639 #define EVE_FLAG_B081_ACCEPT 640 #define EVE_FLAG_B081_01 641 #define EVE_FLAG_B081_02 642 #define EVE_FLAG_B081_03 643 #define EVE_FLAG_B081_04 644 #define EVE_FLAG_B081_05 645 #define EVE_FLAG_B081_06 646 #define EVE_FLAG_B081_END 647 #define EVE_FLAG_B082_ACCEPT 648 #define EVE_FLAG_B082_01 649 #define EVE_FLAG_B082_02 650 #define EVE_FLAG_B082_03 651 #define EVE_FLAG_B082_04 652 #define EVE_FLAG_B082_05 653 #define EVE_FLAG_B082_06 654 #define EVE_FLAG_B082_END 655 #define EVE_FLAG_B083_ACCEPT 656 #define EVE_FLAG_B083_01 657 #define EVE_FLAG_B083_02 658 #define EVE_FLAG_B083_03 659 #define EVE_FLAG_B083_04 660 #define EVE_FLAG_B083_05 661 #define EVE_FLAG_B083_06 662 #define EVE_FLAG_B083_END 663 #define EVE_FLAG_B084_ACCEPT 664 #define EVE_FLAG_B084_01 665 #define EVE_FLAG_B084_02 666 #define EVE_FLAG_B084_03 667 #define EVE_FLAG_B084_04 668 #define EVE_FLAG_B084_05 669 #define EVE_FLAG_B084_06 670 #define EVE_FLAG_B084_END 671 #define EVE_FLAG_B085_ACCEPT 672 #define EVE_FLAG_B085_01 673 #define EVE_FLAG_B085_02 674 #define EVE_FLAG_B085_03 675 #define EVE_FLAG_B085_04 676 #define EVE_FLAG_B085_05 677 #define EVE_FLAG_B085_06 678 #define EVE_FLAG_B085_END 679 #define EVE_FLAG_B086_ACCEPT 680 #define EVE_FLAG_B086_01 681 #define EVE_FLAG_B086_02 682 #define EVE_FLAG_B086_03 683 #define EVE_FLAG_B086_04 684 #define EVE_FLAG_B086_05 685 #define EVE_FLAG_B086_06 686 #define EVE_FLAG_B086_END 687 #define EVE_FLAG_B087_ACCEPT 688 #define EVE_FLAG_B087_01 689 #define EVE_FLAG_B087_02 690 #define EVE_FLAG_B087_03 691 #define EVE_FLAG_B087_04 692 #define EVE_FLAG_B087_05 693 #define EVE_FLAG_B087_06 694 #define EVE_FLAG_B087_END 695 #define EVE_FLAG_B088_ACCEPT 696 #define EVE_FLAG_B088_01 697 #define EVE_FLAG_B088_02 698 #define EVE_FLAG_B088_03 699 #define EVE_FLAG_B088_04 700 #define EVE_FLAG_B088_05 701 #define EVE_FLAG_B088_06 702 #define EVE_FLAG_B088_END 703 #define EVE_FLAG_B089_ACCEPT 704 #define EVE_FLAG_B089_01 705 #define EVE_FLAG_B089_02 706 #define EVE_FLAG_B089_03 707 #define EVE_FLAG_B089_04 708 #define EVE_FLAG_B089_05 709 #define EVE_FLAG_B089_06 710 #define EVE_FLAG_B089_END 711 #define EVE_FLAG_B090_ACCEPT 712 #define EVE_FLAG_B090_01 713 #define EVE_FLAG_B090_02 714 #define EVE_FLAG_B090_03 715 #define EVE_FLAG_B090_04 716 #define EVE_FLAG_B090_05 717 #define EVE_FLAG_B090_06 718 #define EVE_FLAG_B090_END 719 #define EVE_FLAG_B091_ACCEPT 720 #define EVE_FLAG_B091_01 721 #define EVE_FLAG_B091_02 722 #define EVE_FLAG_B091_03 723 #define EVE_FLAG_B091_04 724 #define EVE_FLAG_B091_05 725 #define EVE_FLAG_B091_06 726 #define EVE_FLAG_B091_END 727 #define EVE_FLAG_B092_ACCEPT 728 #define EVE_FLAG_B092_01 729 #define EVE_FLAG_B092_02 730 #define EVE_FLAG_B092_03 731 #define EVE_FLAG_B092_04 732 #define EVE_FLAG_B092_05 733 #define EVE_FLAG_B092_06 734 #define EVE_FLAG_B092_END 735 #define EVE_FLAG_B093_ACCEPT 736 #define EVE_FLAG_B093_01 737 #define EVE_FLAG_B093_02 738 #define EVE_FLAG_B093_03 739 #define EVE_FLAG_B093_04 740 #define EVE_FLAG_B093_05 741 #define EVE_FLAG_B093_06 742 #define EVE_FLAG_B093_END 743 #define EVE_FLAG_B094_ACCEPT 744 #define EVE_FLAG_B094_01 745 #define EVE_FLAG_B094_02 746 #define EVE_FLAG_B094_03 747 #define EVE_FLAG_B094_04 748 #define EVE_FLAG_B094_05 749 #define EVE_FLAG_B094_06 750 #define EVE_FLAG_B094_END 751 #define EVE_FLAG_B095_ACCEPT 752 #define EVE_FLAG_B095_01 753 #define EVE_FLAG_B095_02 754 #define EVE_FLAG_B095_03 755 #define EVE_FLAG_B095_04 756 #define EVE_FLAG_B095_05 757 #define EVE_FLAG_B095_06 758 #define EVE_FLAG_B095_END 759 #define EVE_FLAG_B096_ACCEPT 760 #define EVE_FLAG_B096_01 761 #define EVE_FLAG_B096_02 762 #define EVE_FLAG_B096_03 763 #define EVE_FLAG_B096_04 764 #define EVE_FLAG_B096_05 765 #define EVE_FLAG_B096_06 766 #define EVE_FLAG_B096_END 767 #define EVE_FLAG_B097_ACCEPT 768 #define EVE_FLAG_B097_01 769 #define EVE_FLAG_B097_02 770 #define EVE_FLAG_B097_03 771 #define EVE_FLAG_B097_04 772 #define EVE_FLAG_B097_05 773 #define EVE_FLAG_B097_06 774 #define EVE_FLAG_B097_END 775 #define EVE_FLAG_B098_ACCEPT 776 #define EVE_FLAG_B098_01 777 #define EVE_FLAG_B098_02 778 #define EVE_FLAG_B098_03 779 #define EVE_FLAG_B098_04 780 #define EVE_FLAG_B098_05 781 #define EVE_FLAG_B098_06 782 #define EVE_FLAG_B098_END 783 #define EVE_FLAG_B099_ACCEPT 784 #define EVE_FLAG_B099_01 785 #define EVE_FLAG_B099_02 786 #define EVE_FLAG_B099_03 787 #define EVE_FLAG_B099_04 788 #define EVE_FLAG_B099_05 789 #define EVE_FLAG_B099_06 790 #define EVE_FLAG_B099_END 791 #define EVE_FLAG_B100_ACCEPT 792 #define EVE_FLAG_B100_01 793 #define EVE_FLAG_B100_02 794 #define EVE_FLAG_B100_03 795 #define EVE_FLAG_B100_04 796 #define EVE_FLAG_B100_05 797 #define EVE_FLAG_B100_06 798 #define EVE_FLAG_B100_END 799 #define EVE_FLAG_TITLE_DEMO 800 #define EVE_FLAG_PROLOGUE 801 #define EVE_FLAG_OPNING 802 #define EVE_FLAG_ENDING 803 #define EVE_FLAG_EB_NOGAMEOVER 804 #define EVE_FLAG_EB_RESULT_WIN 805 #define EVE_FLAG_EB_NOEXIT 806 #define EVE_FLAG_B101_ACCEPT 807 #define EVE_FLAG_B101_01 808 #define EVE_FLAG_B101_02 809 #define EVE_FLAG_B101_03 810 #define EVE_FLAG_B101_04 811 #define EVE_FLAG_B101_05 812 #define EVE_FLAG_B101_06 813 #define EVE_FLAG_B101_END 814 #define EVE_FLAG_B102_ACCEPT 815 #define EVE_FLAG_B102_01 816 #define EVE_FLAG_B102_02 817 #define EVE_FLAG_B102_03 818 #define EVE_FLAG_B102_04 819 #define EVE_FLAG_B102_05 820 #define EVE_FLAG_B102_06 821 #define EVE_FLAG_B102_END 822 #define EVE_FLAG_TS_DUN_MENU_OFF 823 #define EVE_FLAG_LBM_OFF_CROS 824 #define EVE_FLAG_LBM_OFF_BRUS 825 #define EVE_FLAG_LBM_OFF_RANT 826 #define EVE_FLAG_LBM_OFF_PART 827 #define EVE_FLAG_LBM_OFF_MASH 828 #endif // _EVE_FLAG_H_ //-------------------------------- // eve_flag.h EOF //--------------------------------
Development Text
There are over 200 files in "PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDImage/data/obj/setting/", but only one file (map000.txt) is put for readability.
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// ととモノダンジョン用設定ファイル // 説明 // フラグ関係:0でOFF,1でON // 色は特に記載が無ければ、[0~255]の値を取ります // ゲーム内時間 TIME_USE_FLG = 0 // 時刻使用 TIME_START_HOUR = 12 // 開始時刻 TIME_START_MIN = 0 // 終了時刻 TIME_UPDATE_HOUR = 0 // 1フレごとの更新時刻(時) TIME_UPDATE_MIN = 1 // 1フレごとの更新時刻(時) TIME_UPDATE_SEC = 0 // 1フレごとの更新時刻(時) // アンビエント色 AMBIENT_RED = 255 AMBIENT_GREEN = 255 AMBIENT_BLUE = 255 AMBIENT_ALPHA = 255 // フォグ FOG_DRAW = 1 // 描画フラグ FOG_RED = 0 // フォグ色(Red) FOG_GREEN = 0 // フォグ色(Green) FOG_BLUE = 0 // フォグ色(Blue) FOG_NEAR = 0 // FOG_FAR = 20 // // ダンジョンオブジェクト // ※描画は04->00の順に行われます DUNOBJ00 = DUNOBJ01 = DUNOBJ02 = DUNOBJ03 = DUNOBJ04 = DUNOBJ00_DIST = 7.0 // カメラからの距離 DUNOBJ01_DIST = 10.0 DUNOBJ02_DIST = 13.0 DUNOBJ03_DIST = 32.0 DUNOBJ04_DIST = 40.0 DUNOBJ00_DISP = 0 // 描画フラグ DUNOBJ01_DISP = 0 DUNOBJ02_DISP = 0 DUNOBJ03_DISP = 0 DUNOBJ04_DISP = 0 DUNOBJ_ENV_DEPTH = 1 // Zバッファ使用フラグ DUNOBJ_ENV_DOUBLE = 1 // カラーダブルフラグ // ダンジョンファイル名 XTH_DUN_FILE = obj/dunnew/m02.dat // ダンジョン描画環境 ENV_BLEND = 1 // BLEND(ブレンド) ENV_CULL_FACE = 0 // CULL FACE(両面カリング) ENV_DOUBLE = 1 // カラーダブル ENV_ALPHA_REF_XTH = 0 ENV_ALPHA_REF_B00 = 200 // [0~255] αテスト値( α値 >= ENV_ALPHA_REF の時み描画) ENV_ALPHA_REF_B01 = 1 // [0~255] αテスト値( α値 >= ENV_ALPHA_REF の時み描画) ENV_ALPHA_REF_A00 = 1 // [0~255] αテスト値( α値 >= ENV_ALPHA_REF の時み描画) ENV_ALPHA_REF_A01 = 0 // [0~255] αテスト値( α値 >= ENV_ALPHA_REF の時み描画) // ダンジョン全体の描画フラグ XTH_DRAW = 1 // パーツ(XTH用) TTM_BEFORE00_DRAW = 0 // 全体マップ(パーツ前に描画00) TTM_BEFORE01_DRAW = 0 // 全体マップ(パーツ前に描画01) TTM_AFTER00_DRAW = 0 // 全体マップ(パーツ後に描画00) TTM_AFTER01_DRAW = 0 // 全体マップ(パーツ後に描画01) // ダンジョンモデルカラー TTM_B00_COLOR_RED = 0 TTM_B00_COLOR_GREEN = 255 TTM_B00_COLOR_BLUE = 0 TTM_B01_COLOR_RED = 0 TTM_B01_COLOR_GREEN = 0 TTM_B01_COLOR_BLUE = 0 TTM_A00_COLOR_RED = 0 TTM_A00_COLOR_GREEN = 0 TTM_A00_COLOR_BLUE = 0 TTM_A01_COLOR_RED = 255 TTM_A01_COLOR_GREEN = 255 TTM_A01_COLOR_BLUE = 255 XTH_COLOR_RED = 255 XTH_COLOR_GREEN = 255 XTH_COLOR_BLUE = 255 // XTHモデルでの詳しい描画フラグ DRAW_NWALL = 1 DRAW_NWALL_L = 1 DRAW_NWINDOW = 1 DRAW_NWINDOW_L = 1 DRAW_NDOOR = 1 DRAW_NDOOR_L = 1 DRAW_NGLASS = 1 DRAW_NGLASS_L = 1 DRAW_NPOLE = 1 DRAW_NPOLE_L = 1 DRAW_LIGHT = 1 DRAW_FLOOR = 1 DRAW_WATER = 1 DRAW_WATER_F = 1 DRAW_WATER_W = 1 DRAW_NDARK = 1 DRAW_BEFORE00 = 1 DRAW_AFTER00 = 1 // 描画順番(0-8) 下記の順で設定 PRIO_POLE = 1 PRIO_NWALL_DOOR = 1 PRIO_LIGHT_NPOLEL = 1 PRIO_DARK_LIGHT = 1 PRIO_WATER = 1 |
// Setting File for Class of Heroes Dungeon // Explain // Flags: 0 is OFF, 1 is ON // Unless otherwise noted, Color value is [0~255]. // in-game time TIME_USE_FLG = 0 // Use timer TIME_START_HOUR = 12 // Start time TIME_START_MIN = 0 // Finish time TIME_UPDATE_HOUR = 0 // Update time(hours) every 1 frame TIME_UPDATE_MIN = 1 // Update time(hours) every 1 frame TIME_UPDATE_SEC = 0 // Update time(hours) every 1 frame // Ambient color AMBIENT_RED = 255 AMBIENT_GREEN = 255 AMBIENT_BLUE = 255 AMBIENT_ALPHA = 255 // Fog FOG_DRAW = 1 // Draw flag FOG_RED = 0 // Fog Color(Red) FOG_GREEN = 0 // Fog Color(Green) FOG_BLUE = 0 // Fog Color(Blue) FOG_NEAR = 0 // FOG_FAR = 20 // // Dungeon Object // ※Drawing is order from 04 to 00. DUNOBJ00 = DUNOBJ01 = DUNOBJ02 = DUNOBJ03 = DUNOBJ04 = DUNOBJ00_DIST = 7.0 // Distance from camera DUNOBJ01_DIST = 10.0 DUNOBJ02_DIST = 13.0 DUNOBJ03_DIST = 32.0 DUNOBJ04_DIST = 40.0 DUNOBJ00_DISP = 0 // Draw flag DUNOBJ01_DISP = 0 DUNOBJ02_DISP = 0 DUNOBJ03_DISP = 0 DUNOBJ04_DISP = 0 DUNOBJ_ENV_DEPTH = 1 // Use the Z buffer DUNOBJ_ENV_DOUBLE = 1 // Color double flag // Dungeon file name XTH_DUN_FILE = obj/dunnew/m02.dat // Dungeon draw environment ENV_BLEND = 1 // BLEND(Blend) ENV_CULL_FACE = 0 // CULL FACE(Both culling) ENV_DOUBLE = 1 // Color Double ENV_ALPHA_REF_XTH = 0 ENV_ALPHA_REF_B00 = 200 // [0~255] α test value( Draw when α value >= ENV_ALPHA_REF ) ENV_ALPHA_REF_B01 = 1 // [0~255] α test value( Draw when α value >= ENV_ALPHA_REF ) ENV_ALPHA_REF_A00 = 1 // [0~255] α test value( Draw when α value >= ENV_ALPHA_REF ) ENV_ALPHA_REF_A01 = 0 // [0~255] α test value( Draw when α value >= ENV_ALPHA_REF ) // Entire dungeon draw flag XTH_DRAW = 1 // Parts(for XTH) TTM_BEFORE00_DRAW = 0 // Overall map(Draw00 before parts) TTM_BEFORE01_DRAW = 0 // Overall map(Draw01 before parts) TTM_AFTER00_DRAW = 0 // Overall map(Draw00 after parts) TTM_AFTER01_DRAW = 0 // Overall map(Draw01 after parts) // Dungeon model color TTM_B00_COLOR_RED = 0 TTM_B00_COLOR_GREEN = 255 TTM_B00_COLOR_BLUE = 0 TTM_B01_COLOR_RED = 0 TTM_B01_COLOR_GREEN = 0 TTM_B01_COLOR_BLUE = 0 TTM_A00_COLOR_RED = 0 TTM_A00_COLOR_GREEN = 0 TTM_A00_COLOR_BLUE = 0 TTM_A01_COLOR_RED = 255 TTM_A01_COLOR_GREEN = 255 TTM_A01_COLOR_BLUE = 255 XTH_COLOR_RED = 255 XTH_COLOR_GREEN = 255 XTH_COLOR_BLUE = 255 // Detail draw flag in XTH model DRAW_NWALL = 1 DRAW_NWALL_L = 1 DRAW_NWINDOW = 1 DRAW_NWINDOW_L = 1 DRAW_NDOOR = 1 DRAW_NDOOR_L = 1 DRAW_NGLASS = 1 DRAW_NGLASS_L = 1 DRAW_NPOLE = 1 DRAW_NPOLE_L = 1 DRAW_LIGHT = 1 DRAW_FLOOR = 1 DRAW_WATER = 1 DRAW_WATER_F = 1 DRAW_WATER_W = 1 DRAW_NDARK = 1 DRAW_BEFORE00 = 1 DRAW_AFTER00 = 1 // Draw order(0-8) Set in the following order PRIO_POLE = 1 PRIO_NWALL_DOOR = 1 PRIO_LIGHT_NPOLEL = 1 PRIO_DARK_LIGHT = 1 PRIO_WATER = 1 |
This is debug setting in booting.
Text | Translation |
// ととモノ2ダンジョン起動時設定ファイル // ※デバッグモード時のみ有効 // タブは4でお願いします。 // 項目の追加に関しては、金子まで。 // ダンジョン設定ファイル読み込みタイミング // ※ダンジョン突入時に設定した方が良いです(一応、ダンジョン中でも設定は可能です) // ダンジョン中、セレクトボタンを押しても設定ファイルを読み込みし直します // // 設定値(下記以外はセレクトボタンのみ有効) // 0 : 約1秒ごとに読み込む // 1 : ファイル更新された時に読み込む(prx_loaderではセレクトボタンのみ有効) // 2 : ファイルサイズ変更時に読み込む // 3 : セレクトボタンが押された時のみ読み込む READ_TIMING = 2 // デバッグ用フラグ // フラグ関係:0でOFF,1でON FLG_NOENCOUNT = 1 // エンカウントしない FLG_MILWAN = 1 // 遠方まで明るく+浮遊+マップ全開 FLG_FREE_MOVE = 0 // 自由に移動可能 FLG_MINIMAP_ON = 0 // ミニマップ表示 FLG_TRAP_OFF = 1 // 出入り口以外のトラップ関連を無効に // 起動させるダンジョンファイル名 DUNGEON_FNAME=host0:../CDImage/data_work/dungeon/map107.txt |
// Class of Heroes 2 Dungeon setting file in booting // ※Enable in debug mode only // Please use tab width 4 for read. // If you want add new column, tell to Kaneko. // ダンジョン設定ファイル読み込みタイミング // ※ダンジョン突入時に設定した方が良いです(一応、ダンジョン中でも設定は可能です) // ダンジョン中、セレクトボタンを押しても設定ファイルを読み込みし直します // // 設定値(下記以外はセレクトボタンのみ有効) // 0 : Read every about a second // 1 : Read in update file(In prx_loader, Select button only available) // 2 : Read in change file size // 3 : Read in press select button. READ_TIMING = 2 // Flag for debug // Flags: 0 is OFF, 1 is ON FLG_NOENCOUNT = 1 // Will not encounter FLG_MILWAN = 1 // Brighter until far + Floating + Open the map FLG_FREE_MOVE = 0 // Move freely FLG_MINIMAP_ON = 0 // Show minimap FLG_TRAP_OFF = 1 // Disable traps without entrances // Boot dungeon file name DUNGEON_FNAME=host0:../CDImage/data_work/dungeon/map107.txt |
Regional Differences
To do:
Opening Movie
JP | US |
Title Screen
JP | US |
US version removed title call, but sound files remain in ROM.
School Names
JP | US | JP | US | JP | US | JP | US | |||
クロスティーニ学園 | Crostini Academy | パニーニ学院 | Panini Academy | ブルスケッタ学院 | Bruschetta Academy | パンドーロタウン | Pandolo Town | |||
ジェラートタウン | Gelato Town | ザバイオーネ | Zabaglione | セミフレッド村 | Semiphred Hamlet | ズッコット遺跡 | Zukkotto Ruins | |||
カッサータ砂漠基地 | Kassata Base | グラニータ氷河基地 | Glacier Base | ストゥルーデ遺跡 | Sutorude Ruins | マチュドニア遺跡 | Macedonia Ruins | |||
ポレンタ港 | Port Polenta | パルタクス | Particus | マシュレニア | Mashlenia | ランツレート | Rantslate |
NPC Names
JP | US | JP | US | JP | US | JP | US | JP | US | JP | US | |||||
ヴァシュラン | Principal Vacherin | ヴェーゼ | Ms.Vese | ダンテ | Mr.Dante | パーネ | Ms.Pahne | ロッシ | Mr.Rossi | ガレノス | Mr.Galenos | |||||
ジョルジオ | Giorgio | ビスコ | キャンティ | トレネッテ | Trenette | オリーブ | Olive | コッパ | Coppa | |||||||
ルオーテ | Ruote | ジェラート | Gelato | パンナ | スフォリア | Sfoglia | ティラミス | Tiramisu |
JP | US | JP | US | JP | US | ||
ゾーラ | ジャーノ | ゴルちゃん |
JP | US | JP | US | JP | US | ||
フラン | リモン | ストレガ |
JP | US | JP | US | JP | US | ||
ユーノ | Ms.Yuno | ニャオミン | Ms.Neowmin | ターク | Tax | ||
マクスター | Max | サラ | Sarah | クリデ | |||
ビット | ケーヴィル | ルナ |
JP | US | JP | US | JP | US | ||
ヴォローネ | パスタ | アスティ | |||||
ドリィ | ニーナ | Nina | バルバレスコ | ||||
カテリーナ | マーシャ | オーリガ | |||||
イリーナ | ミラノ |
The Class of Heroes series
| |
PlayStation Portable | Class of Heroes • Class of Heroes 2 • Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono 3 • Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono Final • Shin Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono |
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- PlayStation Portable games
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- Games released on June 26
- Games with uncompiled source code
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with hidden sound tests
- Games with regional differences
- Articles needing translation/ja
- To do
- Class of Heroes series
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Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden sound tests
Games > Games by content > Games with regional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by ZeroDiv
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation Portable games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Kadokawa > Games published by Acquire
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by MonkeyPaw Games
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in June
Games > Games by release date > Games released in June > Games released on June 26
Games > Games by series > Class of Heroes series