Club Penguin: Game Day!/Unused Text
This is a sub-page of Club Penguin: Game Day!.
To do: Check for any other strings that are either removed or never properly used. |
Club Penguin: Game Day! has a lot of normally unseen phrases left in the game files, from an extensive list of banned words to full out removed dialogue.
- 1 Extensive Filter Text
- 2 Unused Names
- 3 Cut Messages
- 3.1 Sports Shop Shopkeeper
- 3.2 Japanese-Only Entries
- 3.2.1 W043_01 (128)
- 3.2.2 unl_ach_text_00 (443) to unl_ach_text_69 (512)
- 3.2.3 CH10_SNOWFORTS_MES01_001 (665)
- 3.2.4 A516_A00 (970) to A516_E02 (977)
- 3.2.5 adv_green3_challange_sv_000_000 (1974) to adv_green3_challange_sv_001_001 (1977)
- 3.2.6 inst_ev01_heading_00 (2078) to inst_ev12_text_015 (2393)
- Event 01 (Puffle Paddle) Heading & Text
- Event 02 (Feed a Puffle) Heading & Text
- Event 03 (Fast Freeze) Heading & Text
- Event 04 (Goal!) Heading & Text
- Event 05 (Sled & Slide) Heading & Text
- Event 06 (Java Jump) Heading & Text
- Event 07 (Snowball Fight) Heading & Text
- Event 08 (Dance Off!) Heading & Text
- Event 09 (Rollin' Riot) Heading & Text
- Event 10 (Bean Balance) Heading & Text
- Event 11 (Sumo Smash) Heading & Text
- Event 12 (Jackhammer!) Heading & Text
- 3.2.7 adv_yellow2_challange_sv_001_001 (3127)
- 3.2.8 adv_yellow4_challange_bc_000_000 (3217) to adv_yellow4_challange_bc_101_001 (3222)
- 4 Removed Asset/Entry References
- 5 Build Revision
Extensive Filter Text
There are various text files that contain profanity or any other offensive words. This was meant to censor bad words in the online game, whenever you made a new penguin or entered a message in-game.
In this game, this is only used when entering a name of your penguin, however, there are different files containing these words for different languages. Many of the bad phrases in the files are impossible to input in the penguin creator due to having a 12 character limit. Wherever a messaging system was going to be in the game or not is completely unknown.
Unused Names
There are various strings present in the propernoun.csv files that are either never normally seen or are just outright unused in the game.
Unseen Character Names
While all player names are used in mini-games, there's also entries for special penguins present which can't be seen.
67,"Referee" 68,"Dock Referee" 69,"Beach Referee" 70,"Town Referee" 71,"Snow Forts Referee" 72,"Ski Village Referee" 73,"Ski Hill Referee" 74,"Tour Guide" 75,"Tour Guide" 76,"Tour Guide" 77,"Tour Guide" 78,"Tour Guide" 79,"Tour Guide" 80,"Tour Guide" 81,"It" 82,"Gift Shop Penguin" 83,"Coffee Shop Penguin" 84,"Aunt Arctic" 85,"Gary the Gadget Guy" 86,"Cadence" 87,"Rory" 88,"Sensei" 89,"Rookie" 90,"Jeff the Ref"
Unused Room Names
While the game only uses 6 rooms from the online game, several more can be found in the name entries.
93,"Forest" 96,"Lake" 97,"Iceberg" 98,"Ice Rink" 101,"Dojo Courtyard" 102,"Mine" 103,"Cove" 104,"The Plaza" 105,"Member Igloos"
Cut Messages
Present in the message.csv files, there is a lot of removed dialogue in the Japanese language file along with some general unused dialogue.
Sports Shop Shopkeeper
In the message files, you can find mention of a Sports Shop Salesman, this was likely removed due to the Sports Shop's removal and being replaced by the Everyday Phoning Facility in the online game during this game's development.
2969,"Sport Shop's Salesman" 2970,"Hi! Want to take a look at the special Game Day" ,"edition of Snow and Sports?"
Japanese-Only Entries
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! Notes: Japanese-only messages need to be translated. |
Found only in, there are a lot of dialogue entries which were removed in all other languagues, some examples of the messages that replace these entries are [Message Deleted] and [LINE DELETED (MONTH)/(DAY)].
For clarity, each group of entries present will have their main UITEXT name from uitext.nut present alongside its entry ID in the heading.
W043_01 (128)
This was replaced with [Message Deleted].
Japanese | Translation |
,"アイテムがふえました" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
unl_ach_text_00 (443) to unl_ach_text_69 (512)
These were replaced with [LINE DELETED 4/21]. They appear to be earlier versions of the unlockable stamps, with some made it over to the final game, such as the team story stamps.
Japanese | Translation |
443,"5個のイベンツを全イベント1位でクリアした。","獲得したアチーブメントはClub Penguin.comで確認できるよ。"
444,"10個のイベンツを全イベント1位でクリアした。","獲得したアチーブメントはClub Penguin.comで確認できるよ。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
CH10_SNOWFORTS_MES01_001 (665)
This was replaced with [LINE DELETED]. Going by the other entries, it was likely to be used for the challenge, Hunt for Funny Items!
This dialogue message is repeated for the other rooms in this challenge, just with a different referee talking.
Japanese | Translation |
664,"{{K754}}" 665,"おもしろいもの集めは順調かい?" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
A516_A00 (970) to A516_E02 (977)
These were replaced with [LINE DELETED on 3/9].
Japanese | Translation |
970,"データかんり" 971,"コイン" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
adv_green3_challange_sv_000_000 (1974) to adv_green3_challange_sv_001_001 (1977)
These were replaced with [LINE DELETED 5/7].
Japanese | Translation |
1974,"{{K786}}" 1975,"ここをコンカーしたかったら、","イベンツをクリアするんだ。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
inst_ev01_heading_00 (2078) to inst_ev12_text_015 (2393)
These were replaced with [LINE DELETED 5/5]. Going by the other entries, these were likely earlier versions of the mini-game instructions.
Due to the sheer number of entries, these will be broken up into respective groups. Heading first, followed by the body text.
Event 01 (Puffle Paddle) Heading & Text
Japanese | Translation |
2078,"きほんルール" 2079,"持ち方" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Japanese | Translation |
2090,"パドルで自分のパッフルを打ち続けて得点を稼ごう。" 2091,"Wii Remoteをこのように持とう。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Event 02 (Feed a Puffle) Heading & Text
Japanese | Translation |
2102,"きほんルール" 2103,"もちかた" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Japanese | Translation |
2112,"お腹が空いたパッフルに食べさせて点数を取ろう!" ,"最後に最高のスコアを獲得したプレイヤーが勝つ。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Event 03 (Fast Freeze) Heading & Text
Japanese | Translation |
2125,"きほんルール" 2126,"持ち方" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Japanese | Translation |
2137,"鬼ペンギンに動いているところを見つからないようにゴールまでたどり着こう!" 2138,"Wii Remoteをこのように持とう。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Event 04 (Goal!) Heading & Text
Japanese | Translation |
2149,"きほんルール" 2150,"持ち方" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Japanese | Translation |
2162,"相手のゴールにパックを打ち込んで1位を目指せ!" 2163,"Wii Remoteをこのように持とう。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Event 05 (Sled & Slide) Heading & Text
Japanese | Translation |
2176,"きほんルール" 2177,"もちかた" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Japanese | Translation |
2189,"4人で協力してソリを動かして障害物を避けていこう。","他のチームよりも速いタイムを目指せ!" 2190,"Wii Remoteをこのように持とう。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Event 06 (Java Jump) Heading & Text
Japanese | Translation |
2203,"きほんルール" 2204,"持ち方" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Japanese | Translation |
2216,"Java袋を履いてジャンプ!ジャンプ!","1着を目指せ!" 2217,"Wii Remoteをこのように持とう。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Event 07 (Snowball Fight) Heading & Text
Japanese | Translation |
2230,"きほんルール" 2231,"持ち方" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Japanese | Translation |
2244,"雪玉を投げて相手に当てよう!" 2245,"Wii Remoteをこのように持とう。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Event 08 (Dance Off!) Heading & Text
Japanese | Translation |
2258,"きほんルール" 2259,"持ち方" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Japanese | Translation |
2270,"立ち上がれ!Let's Dance!" 2271,"右手にWii Remoteを持ってストラップをつけるんだ。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Event 09 (Rollin' Riot) Heading & Text
Japanese | Translation |
2283,"きほんルール" 2284,"持ち方" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Japanese | Translation |
2296,"小さな雪玉を転がしてどんどん大きくしていこう!","最後に一番大きい雪玉のプレイヤーが勝ちだ。" 2297,"Wii Remoteをこのように持とう。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Event 10 (Bean Balance) Heading & Text
Japanese | Translation |
2310,"きほんルール" 2311,"持ち方" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Japanese | Translation |
2323,"時間内にどれだけたくさんコーヒー袋を運べるかな?" 2324,"Wii Remoteを手のひらに立てるように持とう。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Event 11 (Sumo Smash) Heading & Text
Japanese | Translation |
2339,"きほんルール" 2340,"持ち方" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Japanese | Translation |
2351,"体当たりで海に落とせ!" 2352,"Wii Remoteをこのように持とう。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Event 12 (Jackhammer!) Heading & Text
Japanese | Translation |
2364,"きほんルール" 2365,"持ち方" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Japanese | Translation |
2378,"地面に大きな絵を描こう!見本の線に沿って早くてキレイに描けたプレイヤーが勝ちだ。" 2379,"Wii Remoteをこのように持とう。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
adv_yellow2_challange_sv_001_001 (3127)
This was replaced with [LINE DELETED on 4/5].
Japanese | Translation |
3126,"{{K786}}" 3127,"キミたちのセンスと表現力で見事僕の動きを再現" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
adv_yellow4_challange_bc_000_000 (3217) to adv_yellow4_challange_bc_101_001 (3222)
These were replaced with [LINE DELETED on 3/9].
Japanese | Translation |
3217,"{{K700}}" 3218,"おまえたちがここまでやるとは思わなかった。" |
(Blank for translators to fill in) |
Removed Asset/Entry References
Found in a number of files, many references to assets or entries can be found that have been removed from the final game.
UITEXT References
Several unused .nut files that can be found have mentions to UITEXT entries which were removed, along with their subsequent attached dialogue.
Demo_op_title.nut has several references that were likely for a different opening title sequence. Each function call has a developer comment tied, giving a glimpse as to what they could be.
Demo_op_title.nut | |
UITEXT Reference | Developer Comment |
UITEXT_adv_common_op_000_000 | // ついにこの時が |
UITEXT_adv_common_op_001_000 | // Games Day.それは・・ |
UITEXT_adv_common_op_002_000 | // 赤リーダー |
UITEXT_adv_common_op_003_000 | // 青リーダー |
UITEXT_adv_common_op_004_000 | // 緑リーダー |
UITEXT_adv_common_op_005_000 | // 黄リーダー |
UITEXT_adv_common_op_006_000 | // 4つのチームによる戦いの始まり |
UITEXT_adv_common_op_007_000 | // 最後に残るチームは・・・ |
UITEXT_adv_common_op_008_000 | // 6つのハブ |
UITEXT_adv_common_op_009_000 | // コンカーしていくのです |
hub01_town_Com_ESNPC_SS.nut is an unused penguin class intended for the Town. Going by the class setup, it looks like an earlier NPC for Bean Balance.
hub01_town_Com_ESNPC_SS.nut | |
UITEXT Reference | Note |
UITEXT_Event_SS_00_00 | Used for starting dialogue. |
UITEXT_Event_SS_01_01 | Used for the dialogue selection options. |
UITEXT_Event_SS_02_00 | Used for if you start an event. |
hub04_snowforts_Blue_BIGIN.nut is an earlier version of the Referee for "Win a Snowball Fight!".
hub04_snowforts_Blue_BIGIN.nut | |
UITEXT Reference | Developer Comment |
UITEXT_adv_ch01_referee_000_000 | // 雪合戦で勝負だ |
hub05_skihill_Blue_BIGIN.nut is an earlier version of the Referee for "Inflate a Giant Balloon!".
hub05_skihill_Blue_BIGIN.nut | |
UITEXT Reference | Developer Comment |
UITEXT_adv_ch08_referee_000_000 | // 風船かかげてみないか |
BRLYT/BRLAN References
Several files in the game make references to BRLYT and BRLAN files that are no longer present in the final game, such as within RSO files.
event_title.rso | ||
BRLYT/BRLAN Name(s) | Referenced Node(s) | Note |
ui_eve_inst_chara01a.brlyt | N/A | Alongside references for the early event instruction layouts, there's also references to a character layout file, likely intended for showing the player penguin. Due to how this one handles the layout files, it's not possible to easily determine which nodes belong to this layout file. |
game_select.rso | ||
BRLYT/BRLAN Name(s) | Referenced Node(s) | Note |
ui_tit_menu04a.brlyt ui_tit_menu04a.brlan |
w_01_pic_01 - w_03_pic_01 window_title w_01_text - w_03_text w_01_coli - w_03_coli |
These would have likely made up an earlier minigame selection menu screen. |
ui_tit_menu03a.brlyt ui_tit_menu03a.brlan |
w_01_pic_01 - w_04_pic_01 w_01_coli - w_04_coli w_01_text - "w_04_text | |
ui_tit_p_entry.brlyt ui_tit_p_entry.brlan |
1p_user_name - 4p_user_name name_Window_00 - name_Window_03 tx_none_00 - tx_none_03 wintag01a_00 - wintag01a_03 ui_com_wintag01a - ui_com_wintag01e chara_1p_00 - chara_1p_03 w_01_pic_01 reference ui_cap_program1p_entry w_01_coli chra_coli_00 - chra_coli_03 chara_1p_00 - chara_1p_03 | |
ui_tit_menu05a.brlyt ui_tit_menu05a.brlan |
w_01_pic_01 - w_02_pic_01 w_01_coli - w_02_coli |
penguin_maker.rso | ||
BRLYT/BRLAN Name(s) | Referenced Node(s) | Note |
ui_wif_poll01a.brlyt ui_wif_poll01a.brlan |
title_00 - title_08 choose_text button_00_text dl_text_00 choice_00 - choice_04 choice_text_00 - choice_text_04 persent_text_00 - persent_text_04 button_00 choice_coli_00 - choice_coli_04 button_00_coli |
This looks to have been a poll menu that would have been downloaded via Wi-Fi. |
ui_wif_newspaper01a.brlyt ui_wif_newspaper01a.brlan |
Null_00 up down download_banner dl_download_pin title_text issue_text midashi_text_00 - midashi_text_02 pins_title_text dl_issue_text dl_date_text dl_text_00 dl_hint_text_01 dl_text_01 dl_q_text_02 dl_a_text_02 dl_name_text_02 dl_pin_now_text dl_pin_next_text |
Similarly to the poll, this looks to have been a newspaper that would have been downloaded via Wi-Fi. |
Model References
Several files in the game make references to models that are no longer present in the final game.
gm_coffeebags.scene | |
Model Filename | Note |
mg10_coffee_testmodel.rmdl | A test model used for Bean Balance. |
command.nut | |
Model Filename | Note |
gimd_coffeecup02 | Name of a model mentioned in PenguinPlayCoffeeWait to be added through a PenguinSetExpandParts function. Likely a full cup of coffee. |
gimd_coffeecup01 | Also a named model mentioned in PenguinPlayCoffeeWait to be added through a PenguinSetExpandParts function. Likely an empty cup of coffee. |
hub04_snowforts_SceneSetting.nut | |
Model Filename | Note |
act_snowforts_fort00.rmdl | Was intended to be an object that would play an action upon throwing a snowball at it. |
act_snow_treker00.rmdl | Was intended to be an object that would play an action upon having your cursor over it. |
ch01_snowfight02.scene | |
Model Filename | Note |
obj_snow_tron01.rmdl | Possibly an earlier version of the Jumbotron used in the final game (obj_snow_tron02). |
snow_treker01.rmdl | Possibly a Snow Trekker model. |
hub05_skihill_SceneSetting.nut | |
Model Filename | Note |
obj_skihill_tron01.rmdl | Likely intended to be the Jumbotron, it was possibly intended to be at the Ski Hill at one point before being moved to the Snow Forts. |
act_skihill_pizza01.rmdl | Was intended to be an object that would play an action upon having your cursor over it. |
test_hub1.nut | |
Model Filename | Note |
village_ukiwa_act.rmdl | Likely to be the ring buoys that sat outside the former Sports Shop, the script loads in assets for the Ski Village before creating this. |
Multiple Files
Model Filename | Note |
adv_village_ana01.rmdl | No idea as to what this could be, its rendering is disabled in the files it's present in. It's referenced in ch07_target.scene, ch05_conquer.scene, ch07_conquer.scene, ch09_conquer.scene and ch10_conquer.scene. |
Build Revision
In the root folder for the game files, a file named revision.txt can be found. US and Europe are the same revision, Germany has a newer revision.
Revision: 6057 |
6096 |