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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive/Unused Sounds

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This is a sub-page of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

These sounds can be found in the pak01_dir.vpk's sounds directory.


A guy announcing the team you picked. These sound effects play in the 2011 PAX beta. In that build, the announcer also has sound files for announcing weapons and other things.

Unused Music

Main Menu Theme

At one point of the PC CS: GO Open Beta, the longer version of this theme is played at startup. It was replaced by Valve's theme later in retail.

de_train Radio Music

Unless you went actively looking for this sound, you're not likely to hear this in normal gameplay. It's heard on the radio in the terrorist spawn room on the map de_train, and even when you do hear it, it's incredibly quiet. It's now notable for being the basis for the music in the Team Fortress 2 Kazotsky Kick taunt. The TF2 variation has completely different instrumentation, and is faster tempo and more upbeat.

Alternate Soundtrack

During the Scaleform UI days, CS:GO alternated between using these songs and the current soundtrack while in-game. After the UI was changed to Panorama, these songs now go unused.

Music Kits

After Counter-Strike 2's "Call to Arms" update, the CS:GO item servers are now non-functional, which means that almost every single music kit (except for the default one) goes unused.


The only sound file in this folder. This sound was meant to be used after begin killed two times from same enemy and this sound played in PAX 2011 Beta version of the game, Bots in Global Offensive use faction-specific voice lines instead of one universal set of voice lines, like in previous Counter-Strikes, Even after defusing bomb in 1 seconds will hear previous counter-strikes sounds like "thats way was done" and "woow!".


A sound file presumably meant to be played upon displaying a HUD hint, The sound different from Counter-Strike: Source ones, Previous sound is "fwwheeep" looks like instead of this.


Old Weapon Firing Sounds

All of the weapons (except for the Famas, Five-SeveN, Dual Berettas, P2000, AUG, Tec-9, Nova, Sawed-Off and XM1014) still have their old firing sounds before they got replaced.

Zeus X27

The Zeus X27 has a unique sound effect for firing it during the birthday event. Also exists in the base sound\weapons folder as party_horn_01.wav.

Unused Voice Lines


Bombsite C

The Professionals faction has unused lines for planting the bomb at Bombsite C. None of the official bomb-defusal maps have a third bombsite, rendering these lines unused.


Bombsite C

Just like the Professionals, the Separatists also have voice lines for planting the bomb at Bombsite C.


This voiceover folder contains six audio files. The "helpdrop" voice line is said by Barney from Half-Life 2 and the "sorry" voice lines are said by Francis from Left 4 Dead.


The FBI used to have a unique set of sounds prior to their models getting remade. The remade models simply re-use S.W.A.T. sounds, because the original FBI sounds lack lines for defuse mode.