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Crazy Taxi (Arcade)

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Title Screen

Crazy Taxi

Developers: Sega AM3
Publishers: Sega
Platform: Arcade (NAOMI)
Released in JP: February 1999
Released in US: 1999
Released in EU: 1999

SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

To do:
document the large amount of unused voicelines in the sound test.

Hey, hey, come on over, have some fun with Crazy Taxi!

As the title says, you play as one of four drivers as you pick up customers, take them to their destination and also doing stunts, to earn cash while listening to epic rock music, all before time runs out.

Debug Menu

To do:
  • Confirm the functionality of some of these debug menu options, and add that info to the page.

A debug menu exists, which can be accessed at nearly any moment by simply pressing P2 Start (normally inaccessible on a real cabinet). It's mostly navigated using P2 controls.

CrazyTaxi Arcade DebugMenu.PNG

  • TRAFFIC - The presence of traffic can be toggled, and the diffuclty level of said traffic can also be changed from Lv. 1 (very little traffic) to Lv. 23 (extremely dense traffic). Any changes will only apply to newly spawned traffic, all traffic already loaded will remain as is.
  • TARGET - Unknown.
  • BLUR - The credits sequence has a motion blur effect. This lets you toggle and alter the strength of that effect, only effective during the credits. The strength can only be set between 0.000000 (weakest) to 1.000000 (strongest), any values outside of that range will break the effect until it is retoggled.
  • MAP - Enables an extremely rudimentary, but functional minimap. The player is represented on the map with a blinking dot, but this cannot be easily conveyed in an image due to the dot being the exact same color as the map.

CrazyTaxi Arcade Map.PNG

  • CSMAP - Displays a very crude, oversized map that hurts the game's performance significantly, for whatever reason. If certain parameters are set in the small menu at the bottom of the screen, blinking dots will appear on the map. It's unclear what the purpose of this is.

CrazyTaxi Arcade CSMAP.PNG

  • CSPOINT - Unknown.
  • CAMERA - Detaches the camera from the car, and fixes it in place. Additional options appear at the bottom of the screen, although it is unclear what these do or how to toggle them.
  • SOUND - A sound test.
  • OBJECT - Functions as a simple model viewer.

CrazyTaxi Arcade OBJECT.PNG

  • LANDMARK - Displays sets of XYZ coordinates at the bottom of the screen, which can be cycled through with P2 Left and P2 Right. It is unclear what these coordinates represent.
  • PE_SET - Unknown.
  • TIMING - Unknown.
  • RPLY_ADV - Displays information on the currently running replay. Only works during the game's attract sequences.
  • REPLAY_P - Unknown. Cannot be toggled.
  • REPLAY - Allows the playing, pausing and other various types of manipulation of the replays used in the game's attract sequences. It doesn't work very well, and most selections will cause a crash.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Functionality

Unused Camera Angles

You can cycle through multiple camera angles using P1 Button 3. The seventh camera angle setting actually is used in the game's attract sequence, but when selected in-game via this method, will be broken, displaying only black and preventing the current customer's timer from displaying for the rest of their ride. This functionality also exists in a prototype of Crazy Taxi's Dreamcast port.

Debug Pause

Pressing P1 Button 4 will freeze the game until it is pushed again.

Unused Text

Unused Maneuver Text

Stored in memory along with the strings for the various types of "Crazy" maneuvers are strings for an unused maneuver called "Crazy Finish!"

Crazy Through!
Crazy Jump!
Crazy Jump!
Crazy Drift!
Crazy Drift!
Crazy Finish!
Crazy Finish!