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CyberTiger (Nintendo 64)

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Title Screen


Developer: Saffire
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: Nintendo 64
Released in US: February 29, 2000
Released in EU: May 5, 2000

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

A Nintendo 64 port of the PlayStation game of the same name.

Build Date

A build date is present in both releases.

Version Hex Address Build Date Text
US 0xB83A0
Cyber Tiger
EU 0xB85B1
Cyber Tiger


To show the build date, hold C-Down while the game is starting up.

Developer Notes

Various notes from developers scattered around the ROM.

why is the score nada
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh Bad Physics Tile # %d%d
Reload HeightData success, heightData did break up!
Problem here!!
offset is bad
critters are still animating