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Defender 2000

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Title Screen

Defender 2000

Developer: Atari Corporation[1]
Publisher: Atari Corporation[1]
Platform: Jaguar
Released in US: February 1996[2]

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Jeff Minter returns to the Jaguar, with one of the few games he didn't release under the Llamasoft name!

Unfortunately, this game suffered something of a troubled development due to uncertainty about whether it'd be a cartridge or CD game, though it's probably for the best that it ended up as the former.

Cheat Mode

Enter BEEST as a high score name to unlock Cheat Mode until the cartridge memory is cleared. You'll hear a sheep baa (of course) if done correctly.

  • Press 3 at any time to skip to the next level.
  • Press 6 at any time to access the warp screen.
(Source: Console Database)

Hidden Minigame

Defender2000 plazmapong.png

Enter NOLAN as a high score name to unlock Plazma Pong mode until the cartridge memory is cleared. You'll hear a sheep baa (naturally) if done correctly, and Plazma Pong will appear on the game select alongside all the other Defender variants.

This minigame consists of a simple rendition of Pong with psychadelic backgrounds.

(Source: Console Database)

Flossy Mode

Defender2000 flossymode.png

Enter OVINE as a high score name to unlock Flossy Mode until the cartridge memory is cleared. I don't think I need to tell you what sound you'll hear if done correctly.

Now, select Defender Plus on the game select, and press A to play it in Flossy Mode. This replaces the humanoids with pixel-art llamas, and your ship with a JPEG of Flossy, the first of Jeff Minter's many, many pet sheep.

(Source: Console Database)


  1. 1.0 1.1 In-game copyright
  2. Re: When is Defender 2000 due out? - "AFAIK, Defender 2000 will be _in_ the warehouse on the 9th. Add a couple of days for it to get to the dealers and you should start seeing it available." -"Dana @ STReport International Online Magazine"