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Development:Super Mario World (SNES)/Background Graphics and Tilemaps/Background Tilesets

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This is a sub-page of Development:Super Mario World (SNES)/Background Graphics and Tilemaps.


The "Kabe" tileset comprises a unique set of backgrounds that don't appear in the final game. VRAM data is located in v-ram-kabe.CGX, CGRAM data in kabe.COL, and tilemap data both in kabe.SCR and kabe-unit.SCR. v-ram-kabe-2.CGX is similar to the other VRAM file, though with lighter shading on the edges of the blocks used in the background that look worse.


13 October 1989 17:49


02 October 1989 16:03

SMWleak kabe.png SMWleak kabe-unit.png

The background on the left is less detailed than the background on the right, but occupies the entire tilemap space, while the background on the right reserves some space for laying out possible 16x16 tiles.


sora-master.SCR is a tilemap of the background seen in Yoshi's Island 1, among other levels. There aren't any differences between this version and the final.
X-sora.SCR includes a shifted version compatible for importing into the game.


26 October 1989 21:51


27 November 1989 16:37

SMWleak sora-master.png SMWleak X-sora.png

Background tilemaps in Super Mario World are only 432 pixels tall (missing 10 rows of 8x8 tiles from the bottom), as this is the maximum vertical scrolling range of the camera in a normal horizontal level.


yama.SCR is a tilemap for a completely unused background.

16 March 1990 22:01

SMWleak yama.png

When given graphics by v-ram-yama.CGX, the mountains and other background structures have faces and even eyebrows! The clouds for this tilemap also appear to be much more aggressively shaded, while the vertical hills are clustered strangely.


taki-master.SCR contains an unused background featuring a waterfall and tall polygonal structures.

11 November 1989 19:26

SMWleak taki-master.png


chika-master.SCR and X-chika.SCR are tilemaps corresponding to the underground background in the final game with no changes from this version to the final.


19 December 1989 11:49


19 December 1989 11:51

SMWleak chika-master.png SMWleak X-chika.png

Interestingly, this tilemap has its own "unit" background, chika-unit.SCR, but it's nothing like the actual underground background. With 16x16 tiles laid out in the top half, the bottom half has a background of a different palette, referring to a different set of animated tiles for the background, and a hint of takisaka-unit.SCR on the bottom.

07 August 1989 14:55

SMWleak chika-unit.png

2bit-chika.SCR is a Layer 3 underground tilemap, very similar to the kinoko set of tilemaps. This one, which is much similar to the final game, is far less detailed than the mushroom set and doesn't have mushrooms.

04 July 1990 13:14

SMWleak 2bit-chika.png

The right side compiles the layer 3 tiles into different size rock formations that could have been used to create a more detailed look to the background.

Ghost House

gost-house-yoko-master.SCR and X-gost-yoko.SCR are tilemap for the ghost house. It's again an identical tilemap to the final game.


28 December 1989 10:16


28 December 1989 10:20

SMWleak gost-house-yoko-master.png SMWleak X-gost-yoko.png

gost-house-yoko-old.SCR shows an older background design similar to the one above, but is brighter and has different windows, though it doesn't appear to be properly viewable with the associated ghost house graphics file.

19 December 1989 11:11

SMWleak gost-house-yoko-old.png

X-gost-house.SCR shows a peculiar alternative configuration of the ghost house background, much different from the final!

19 December 1989 16:26

SMWleak X-gost-house.png

X-gost-house-old.SCR shows an even older background design, with peeling wallpaper and many beams. It doesn't use the typical background graphics for the ghost house, instead using those found in v-ram-kabe.CGX.

19 December 1989 11:08

SMWleak X-gost-house-old.png

X-gost-yoko-old.SCR is another old background design that uses v-ram-kabe.CGX. However, this version is shifted for import, and therefore doesn't look correct in the tilemap state.

19 December 1989 11:08

SMWleak X-gost-yoko-old.png


forest-unit.SCR tilemap includes a section of 16x16 tiles for laying out objects given the graphics. Below it is a section of the background, though the palettes cause some of the mushrooms to show up blue. Based on the graphics used to create this image, this background would have been intended for Layer 3 as opposed to Layer 2. forest.SCR lays out the full background from forest-unit in a slightly different order to make it easier to import into the game engine.


12 October 1989 22:02


13 October 1989 09:37

SMWleak forest-unit.png SMWleak forest.png

forest-muster.SCR is another forest-type background, again identical to the version of this background in the final game. X-forest.SCR includes a shifted version compatible for importing into the game.


25 August 1990 22:22


25 August 1990 23:40

SMWleak forest-muster.png SMWleak X-forest.png


kinoko-master.SCR and X-kinoko.SCR are tilemaps that is identical to the forest, except for its associated palette which makes the background tiles a dark gray color, perhaps making this an early version of the underground Layer 3 background. The final version lacks the mushrooms, and is generally far less detailed.


31 January 1990 16:39


31 January 1990 16:38


31 January 1990 16:38

SMWleak kinoko-unit.png SMWleak kinoko-master.png SMWleak X-kinoko.png


shiro-unit.SCR, shiro-muster.SCR, and X-shiro.SCR are castle background tilemaps like the ones in Iggy's Castle, with the latter two laying out much of the graphics tileset.


23 October 1989 20:44


27 November 1989 18:31


27 November 1989 19:22

SMWleak shiro-unit.png SMWleak shiro-muster.png SMWleak X-shiro.png

shiro-2-master.SCR and X-shiro-2.SCR are tilemaps identical to the final game in castles like room 1 of Morton's Castle.


16 February 1990 09:53


16 February 1990 10:05

SMWleak shiro-2-master.png SMWleak X-shiro-2.png

2bit-shiro-tate.SCR is the layer 3 castle background, like in the vertical section of Morton's Castle. Compared to the final version, this one is slightly more detailed and more irregular than in the final version.


18 June 1990 20:03

Final Version
SMWleak 2bit-shiro-tate.png SMWfinal layer3-bg-castle.png

This tilemap includes another early version of the status bar! The changes in that version are covered in its respective section.

shiro-unit-2.SCR and shiro-2.SCR are two background tilemaps that look broken when given castle graphics.


14 July 1989 16:22


15 July 1989 22:22

SMWleak shiro-unit-2.png SMWleak shiro-2.png


sea-unit.SCR lays out all the tiles in the graphics set for the underwater background. sea-master.SCR and X-sea are identical background tilemaps to the water background.


23 October 1989 11:58


27 March 1990 21:23


27 March 1990 21:30

SMWleak sea-unit.png SMWleak sea-master.png SMWleak X-sea.png


rock-unit.SCR lays out all the tiles to be used as part of the rock backgrounds.

24 October 1989 15:22

SMWleak rock-unit.png

The following two rock backgrounds are identical in layout to those in the final game, both with their own "X-" versions.


28 March 1990 18:56


01 June 1990 16:18

SMWleak rock-master.png SMWleak rock-mountain-master.png

01 June 1990 11:37


01 June 1990 16:15

SMWleak X-rock.png SMWleak X-rock-mountain.png


Four more rock/cloud type backgrounds exist in the tilemap with "sel3" in the title, each with their own "X-BG" version.


08 October 1990 19:21


26 August 1990 11:29


08 October 1990 19:35


27 March 1990 22:46

SMWleak sel3-1-master.png SMWleak sel3-2-master.png SMWleak sel3-3-master.png SMWleak sel3-4-master.png

28 March 1990 17:31


28 March 1990 17:31


09 May 1990 19:10


28 March 1990 17:32

SMWleak X-BG-sel3-1.png SMWleak X-BG-sel3-2.png SMWleak X-BG-sel3-3.png SMWleak X-BG-sel3-4.png

The first background is only used in Funky in the final game. Background three has a slightly different cloud layout when compared to the final game, while background four apparently still uses the old "donut clouds" instead of the clouds with eyes like in the final game, though the "X-" version has the correct clouds.

Vertical Mountain

X-yama-tate.SCR contains the mountain background similar to sel3-4-master.SCR but with the correct cloud configuration.

09 May 1990 19:14

SMWleak X-yama-tate.png

Interestingly, this tilemap is actually the full 512 pixels tall, with extra clouds in the sky filling up the extra space.

Ghost Ship

These ghost ship tilemaps are identical in configuration to final game, but with shading that's a little brighter.


07 February 1990 17:38


05 February 1990 14:49

SMWleak gost-ship.png SMWleak X-gost-ship.png

ghost-ship-2bit.SCR and 2bit-ghost-ship.SCR are two identical layer 3 tilemaps for fish scrolling across the screen, except for the fact this isn't used in the ghost ship level, and is only used in other water levels. The layout here is identical to the final game.

05 February 1990 15:54

SMWleak ghost-ship-2bit.png


night-unit.SCR contains 16x16 tiles used in night-muster.SCR and X-night.SCR, again identical to the final game.


25 September 1989 10:53


24 October 1989 21:13


24 October 1989 21:13

SMWleak night-unit.png SMWleak night-muster.png SMWleak X-night.png

Mode 7

mode-7-kaiten-boss-bg.SCR simply contains a layout of the graphics for the rotating background for the Reznor fight.

03 September 1990 14:36

SMWleak mode-7-kaiten-boss-bg.png

mode7-kuppa.SCR contains a layout of the multi-screen background and foreground of the boss fight room in Morton's Castle.

22 September 1989 15:12

SMWleak mode7-kuppa.png

Because of Mode 7's limitation of one background layer, which is reserved for the boss himself, sprite objects are used to create the background. However, for the ceilings and floors and the area above and below those respectively, the mode is switched to regular mode 1, which allows for the platforms and ceiling to be regular foreground tiles.