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Development:Super Mario World (SNES)

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This page details development materials of Super Mario World (SNES).

How about a nice leek in this trying time?
This page or section details content from the July 2020 Nintendo Leak.
Check the July 2020 Nintendo Leak category for more pages also sourced from this material.

On July 24, 2020, a vast amount of source code from Nintendo's early consoles surfaced as well as prototypes and assets from games such as Yoshi's Island, Super Mario Kart, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and more.

The leak included a portion of Super Mario World's source files with an absurd amount of early assets. While some had previously been found in the NTF 2.5 Test Cartridge and Burn-in - Test Cartridge's data or had been glimpsed in grainy magazine screenshots, many had been completely unknown and show how significantly the game changed over its development cycle.


SMW ElderlyYoshi1.gif
Goombas and Koopas and Super Leaves, oh my!
SMW Map-mode7.png
Background Graphics and Tilemaps
The old mushroom overworld is in here, alongside plenty of other early maps and backgrounds.

Missing Files

The file "NEWS\テープリストア\NEWS_11\hino\z-mario-4\aaa" is "ls -l" output which contains the names of every file in the SMW source code, their size in bytes, and their last modified date (mtime). Because this listing was made during development, it includes a few files which were later deleted:

Name Size Modification date Notes
mario-TEST.COL 1024 bytes March 14, 1989 This is possibly the colour palette for mario1-A.CGX.
michi.SCR 8960 bytes June 8, 1989
mario1-test.COL 1024 bytes June 22, 1989 It's also possible that this is the colour palette for mario1-A.CGX.
chika-saka.CGX 34048 bytes June 28, 1989 Likely the graphics file for chika-saka.SCR
I-P-kinoko-master.CGX 34048 bytes July 7, 1989 Likely the master graphics for the July 1989 Mushroom Island overworld.
I-P-kinoko.CGX 34048 bytes July 7, 1989 Likely the graphics for the July 1989 Mushroom Island overworld.
title.CGX 17664 bytes July 14, 1989 Likely the graphics for title-obj or title.SCR
taki.COL 1024 bytes August 10, 1989
naka.SCR 8960 bytes August 11, 1989
check.COL 1024 bytes August 16, 1989 Likely the color file for check.SCR
TEST.COL 1024 bytes August 17, 1989
mario1.COL 1024 bytes August 22, 1989 This might also be the correct color file for mario1-A.CGX.
taki-saka.CGX 34048 bytes August 23, 1989
BG-Shiro.COL 1024 bytes August 23, 1989 Likely an early color palette for an early castle background.
name.SCR 8960 bytes September 6, 1989