Development:The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
This page details development materials of The Misadventures of Tron Bonne.
This article is a work in progress. ...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes. |
This page or section details content from the Ragnar Locker Capcom Leak. Check the Ragnar Locker Capcom Leak category for more pages also sourced from this material. |
On November 1, 2020, Capcom was targeted by the infamous hacker group RagnarLeaks in a ransomware attack, resulting in source code, assets, materials, and other private data of a few select Capcom games being leaked to the dark web. This included the entire source for the creation of The Misadventures of Tron Bonne for its Japanese, English, and PAL revisions.
The original modification dates for most of The file in the source material were tampered with upon the theft (except for certain .zip files that contain .txt files with original dates in them, as well as certain separate folders named after the date of the material in them), meaning establishing an exact chronology of development creation would be quite hard.
To do: Take everything I've reported on Twitter, with this as a reference, and "formally" compile them all here. Complete with re-rips of the images and presented in full pieces. |
This page or section needs more images. There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this. Specifically: Proper captions will be written in due time. |
Development Material
In four .PICT files titled "screenshot_X" are in-development TV capture snapshots of The Misadventures of Tron Bonne 𝘢𝘴 it was being localized into English on August 24, 1999. The third cannot be opened for some reason.
Internal Screens of Development Tools
These appear to be screens of the development tools they used to adjust and make character models, animation and textures. Stuff like MOTION, SPEED, ROTATE could be toggled. Note again that these are actually .TIMs under the same name "disp0000" but on different folders.
All under 北米版\disc1\mviewer.
Appears to be from the same test map as "GAME00.TIM".
Not a clue what this is.
There is a GAME00.TIM, in low-res 256x256px using 58 colors, that seems to be a screenshot depicting an EXTREMELY early version of the game, likely using a test map.
Under the name SIREI in \PS_トロンにコブン\国内版\psx\scr\bg, appears to be an early concept sketch of what they show for a map of Ryship Island. Maybe for the Mission Debriefing/MTG Room?
Duplicates can be found in \PS_トロンにコブン\北米版\disc1\scr\bg and \PS_トロンにコブン\PAL版\TRON_CD1\PSX\TRON\SCR\BG
Ryship Island
Early drawn map illustrations of Ryship Island. The map appears to be consistent with what was peeked through in early screenshots.
Kitchen/Mess Hall area as it was being made. Seems like the ship's signature color was to be prominent throughout the room. Or perhaps it was just a color template to start from.
An adorable manga-style illustration of Tron Bonne and her Servbot saying "thiiiiiiiis is temporary."
Numerous drafts for GZM00.TIM & GZM01.TIM
Speaking of the MTG Room... these appear to be numerous rough drafts / test renders of the room, showing off the different color, shadow, lighting, etc. ideas they had for it. Variants of GZM00. It seems that they split the pre-rendered background in two with the right sides of them residing in their own file names, for whatever reason.
Numerous drafts for GZ000000.TIM & GZC00.TIM
The 3D modeling team's favorite area in the Gesellschaft was probably the bridge because they had a lot of rough draft / test renders made of it. It's a signature area in the series after all. One slide shows a slightly different angle in them. ("GZ000000" / "GZC00" .TIMs)
these particular WIP 3D renders were actually featured in some early 1999 V-Jump articles dating back several months before its Japanese release.
The Deck can be accessed in the final game, but here we're seeing it from a different angle -- and in twilight. Again, like the last example, this view goes unused in the final. Perhaps they planned for time to pass in the game?
Again, like the Laundry Room, there is a .BMP render of the deck. But while the setting is similar enough, the angle is quite different, being projected from behind the tower on the right.
Another angle of the Deck.
Considering it's absence, perhaps that tower was to sit superimposed on that "stump" and be rotated around it. Either it was rendered in real-time polygons or as mask sprites/textures, and in BMPs no less.
BUUUUUUUT, you can see that the Laundry Room would have been stationed at a pit at the Deck! I just noticed that myself! Now how would that work in the rain though...?
Engine Room
Definitely some different takes on the angles, but the last one looks to be the roughest.
Torture Room
I don't know about that red area on that wall there, but that spike ball looks quite nasty, and is that a saw on the left side there?
Tron's Room
These appear to be early renders of Tron's bedroom in multiple angles.
Render "a" resembles much more of the final version than the last set, being in the general angle. The piano was probably a later addition, to give a Servbot the ability to change the background music theme inside the Gesellschaft.
The monochrome look of the second slide appears to give it a nostalgic look, suggesting it was possibly meant for a flashback.
Appraisal Room
This unknown room looks almost like it came straight from an early Resident Evil game (maybe it's the lighting?). It might be an early render of the Closet/Appraisal Room.
Here's the file labelled XXX.TIM to compare it to... which isn't the final render, but one that looks dimmer.
Mess Hall GZD00A.TIM
Multiple things going on here:
Kitchen / Mess Hall area as it was being made. Seems like the ship's signature color was to be prominent throughout the room. Or perhaps it was just a color template to start from.
Lex Loath's office
Some objects are missing and the same "sharp/blurry" situation as last time.
Oddly enough, despite being an early render, it would seem that this room was being redeveloped after the point that pre-release screenshot was published, if the chandelier is any indication.
Ryship Police Dept. featuring Jumping Flash! cameo
The Police Department only has a few little differences peppered here and there. Oddly enough, the second slide looks to have been rendered blurrier than the one before it.
Most intriguingly, a MuuMuu figurine from Jumping Flash! is placed against the glass window in the dead center. Either the modelers were fans of the characters, and/or there was a tie-in deal in the making at one point. Robbit Mon Dieu would release three months after Tron ni Kobun's release in Japan.
Scrapped Rooms
Gesellschaft Underbelly?
Nothing like this is in or remains in the final version whatsoever. It is unknown where this could have taken place at, except maybe the belly of the ship? Note the clouds in the background.
Unused Laundry Room
Judging from where I found this along with the other renders in neighboring folders, it might've been some of the first rooms started. Evidently, it became the last scrapped because the "final" render is still in the game.
For whatever reason, the 3D modelers decided to make uncompressed .BMP files of certain rough renders of some of the rooms. The benefit? No apparent compression artifacting, color bleeding or noise in them.
Mission 1
This is a pre-rendered overview of one of the houses you break into in the action/shooting stages.
Text Files
Denise's Name To Be Changed
According to credits.txt (under the same file name in different dated folders), presumably written by Shin Kurosawa (one of the game's scenario writers), it's implied that Denise was to undergo a name change (presumably for the international versions given the date) before they later changed their minds. A star (★) icon is placed under her name in the proposed English credits to denote being subject to change. They would remove the star by August 18.
/* Ver 99/06/10 Kurosawa */ /* 海外版用新規作成 */ /* Ver 99/07/01 Kurosawa */ /* 予定している声優名を入れました */ /* スタッフ等の名前を「かな」にして、要変更箇所に「★」を入れました*/ /* ロースのつづりを「Loath」に変更しました */ /* Ver 99/08/18 Kurosawa */ /* 「★」削除しました