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Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger

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Title Screen

Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger

Developer: Vanpool
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Released internationally: April 10, 2013

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Dillon goes rolling in the Wild West again in Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger, but this time with various improvements such as better graphics, a better soundtrack, a longer story and a bunch of new characters and grock types.

Still has the touch screen controls though, however now allowing you to choose a control scheme, so now left handed players can now play the series for the first time.

To do:
  • Dillon's Rolling Western leftovers.
  • There is a lot of unused content laying around in the files. Check these files in these folders and document them:
    • arm_act has dummy1.bin and dummy2.bin
    • msg has a folder named TEST_Vanpool, which likely has early dialogue and translation.
    • rout has test_jimen.vpl and kikk_test_01.vpl
  • Scrapped multiplayer compatibility for the Street Pass.
    • There's some elements for the second player, such as a player model, voice clips (being Dillon's but slightly higher pitched), along with other things.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Unused Graphics

Found inside the graphics for Nomad's eye closeup portrait for his second duel are two portraits with Japanese text, one with a blue border with blue text, and the other having a red border with red text.


Unused Models


Found in res_maya28.vpl is an earlier model of Dillon which has a purple bandana, blue armor, black pupils for his eyes, the scar is on his forehead, different boots, hat, belt, and gloves, his mouth is not visible, and his hat is positioned differently.

This model is based off earlier concept art for Dillon.

The file name for the body texture arma02_p2, suggests this model was supposed to be for the second player, meaning multiplayer support via the Street Pass was planned for the game during development, but was later scrapped.

DillonRollingWesternTLR-res maya28.vpl.png


Found in res_maya20.vpl is a sphere with a blueish water texture. It also appears in Dillons Rolling Western's files.

DillonRollingWestern-res maya14.vpl.png

Unused Sounds



SE_13_V_JIRO_DAMAGE 1-5 are voice clips possibly meant for the duels, these are not used in-game as the regular damage sounds for Dillon play instead if the player were to mess up during them.

SE_13_V_JIRO_DAMAGE5 would eventually be used in Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers.


SE_13_V_JIRO_GETUP 1-4 are voice clips possibly meant for the duels for when Dillon tries to get back up, these are not used in-game as Dillon will be silent while trying to get back up.



SE_13_V_NPC01-27 are unused voice clips meant for the mayors and NPCs in the game.

Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers would eventually add unique voice clips for every NPC in the game.


SE_13_V_GRI are voice clips to a character that doesn't appear in the game.

These voice clips were possibly meant for King Ron, a boss character from the previous game, who gets mentioned a few times in-game by Russ.

These voice clips suggest that King Ron was going to return in the sequel at one point during development.


Found in stream are various .bcstm files that contain this placeholder sound effect, a text to speech voice saying "Temporary Sound".

Unused Music

Harmonica Songs

3 Harmonica Songs, with various differences between them.

Twilight Swing

Echoes of the Wild

Dillon's Rolling Western Leftovers

Other than the 4 unused music tracks that can be played from the Jukebox when you beat the game, there's two music tracks leftover from the previous game that cannot be played through the jukebox.

The beginning cutscene theme from the first game.

The end credits music from the first game.

(YouTube Music Rips: Nin10Doug)

Sound Effect Curiosity

In-game, Boone's voice clips are pitched lower and slowed down than what can be heard if the clips were ripped.

Sound Rip In-Game

Obscured Graphics

Many characters have portrait graphics that are not seen fully in-game.

Some of them obscuring the leg area.

To do:
Rip the other portrait graphics and compare them to what they look like in-game.

Graphic Rip In-Game
DRWTHL-MaintenceWorkerPortGraphicRip.png DRWTHL-MaintenceWorkerPortIn-Game.png

Development Oversights

Cutscene Oddities

In the cutscene before you do the 2nd duel with Boone, during the scene where Dillon looks at Russ, he looks behind him like in the 1st Duel with Boone, however Russ is next to Dillon rather than being behind him.

As a result, Dillon will be looking behind him without anything there.


Internal Project Name

The internal project name for the game is "arm2" according to the sound archive's filename (arm2.bcsar)