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Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers

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Title Screen

Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers

Developer: Vanpool
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Released in JP: April 26, 2018
Released in US: May 24, 2018
Released in EU: May 25, 2018
Released in AU: May 26, 2018

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers has Dillon and Russ go on a new adventure with fresh new looks, focusing more on a post-apocalyptic setting instead of the wild west setting of the previous two games.

This time you hang out in a city, doing jobs, or doing races, if there is no rescue mission to do. The game introduces your Mii as an Amiimal which you play as for most of the game outside of the missions; other Miis that you have created on your 3DS can be hired as gunners. Unlike the previous two games, there's no mandatory touch screen controls.

This is the first Dillon game to receive a physical release (albeit only in Europe and Japan, as the United States release was an eShop exclusive that is no longer available for purchase) and the last Dillon game to be developed by Vanpool, as the company would eventually shut down around May 2023, and it would be the last Nintendo 3DS game to support Miis.

To do:
Leftovers from Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger.
  • Check for any leftover sound effects in the game's sound archive br.bcsar
  • Nin10Doug has 3 live-streams of him datamining the game, there is some unused content is featured there that needs to be documented here.[1][2][3]
  • Is there any way to load the NPC Amiimals to reveal their Mii counterparts like the Amiimal gunners?


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.
Unused Models
A lot of models that didn't make it out of the wild west, or the post-apocalyptic era for Dillon, including early models and leftovers from the previous games.
Unused Animations
Animations that Dillon doesn't want to show you.
Unused Textures
Earlier textures for upgrades, and more.
Unused Music
Lots of Rolling Western leftovers, along with a few new tracks.
Unused Sounds
Lots of Rolling Western leftovers.
Obscured Graphics
Things that you cannot see from a distance and stuff you can't see normally in-game.
Development Oversights
Early models, different gameplay images, T-Posing Russ, everything.

Unused Map

To do:
There's some more unused maps, such as a desert themed race track area that was from it's earlier racing game phase.

Found in asetTownAGround.vpl is an unused map, with lots of placeholder buildings and props.

The map appears to be based off one of the maps for the previous game, Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger.

DillonHeatBreakers-asetTownAGround.vpl1.png DillonHeatBreakers-asetTownAGround.vpl2.png

(Discord: Nin10Doug)

Unused Items

Found in recoveryItems.vpl are the recovery items that Dillon uses in-game, however also inside it are two unused syringe like recovery items that don't get used.

An animation meant for them can be found inside Dillon's animation files as "jiroFlItem01"

Scrapped Features

Hair Salon

Found in cityHairSalon.vpl is a placeholder area for a Hair Salon that never made it in the final release.

Additionally a character model planned for the Hair Salon can be found in nHairdresserMdl.vpl

During development, it would have been possible to modify your Amiimal character using the hair salon, but it was later scrapped.


Unused Graphics

Found inside the graphics for the chips is a black chip with a yellow sticker on it.


Also found inside it, is a graphic of a boost chip being broken, boost chips do not break as it is the default chip Dillon uses in the game.


Unused Files

There is a lot of files named demo_room found in multiple folders in the game files, notably in the act folder where these files are stored in, possibly leftover from a demo version.

  • city_demo_room.bin
  • ed_demo_room.bin
  • last_demo_room.bin
  • level_demo_room.bin
  • map_demo_room.bin
  • op_demo_room.bin
  • race_demo_room.bin
  • title_demo_room.bin
  • title_demo_gallery.bin

Regional Differences

The game logo is different across versions

Japan United States
DHB-JPLogo.png DHB-USLogo.png

Saving Animation Position

When the game saves, the saving animation is on the bottom right corner in the Japanese version, in other versions it is on the center of the screen instead and it has been made larger.

Japan United States
DHB-JPSavingPosition.png DHB-USSavingPosition.png

Exclusive Features

Only in the Japanese release, is a card roulette minigame, where the main Amiimal can play cards with other Amiimal gunners.

The United States and Europe releases have removed this minigame due to depiction of gambling and as a result, no gunners will sit there at the table.

Models, graphics and sounds for the minigame remain in the files for these versions.

Japan United States
DHB-CardGameTableLocationJP.png DHB-CardGameTableLocationUS.png

Internal Project Name

The internal project name for the game is "br" according to the sound archive's filename (br.bcsar)