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Disney's Toontown Online/Unused Animations

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This is a sub-page of Disney's Toontown Online.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
Some more to cover.
  • Replace the videos with GIFs of the animations.
  • rip the animations for all Toon and Cog body types.
  • Get names for all the animation files. Someone uploaded all of the Toon and Cog animations (including the unused ones) to Sketchfab, but the animation names here may not be accurate.
  • Suit C Cogs may have an animation similar to Suit B's pencil sharpening animation, titled "pencil-sharpener" - Likely unused if this is the case, unless another attack repurposes it (if so, move this one to the oddities page)
  • Partially unused/repurposed(?) animations
    • bad-putt = final uses loop variant, but would be repurposed for the Very Sad emotion.


To do:
Create gifs of these animations.


Toontown unused cogdefeet.gif
This animation is actually used in the game, but some of its latter frames appear to have been purposefully removed. The Cog defeating animation get cuts off at the end, leaving the remaining frames of the Cog's feet walking away unused. This may have been cut out to avoid repetition, but in the final game it results in the feet model simply disappearing at the cutoff point. It was once presumed that it was part of Cogs turning into clowns, until the source code leak in June 2020 proved this wrong.

(Source: MMO Central Forums)


This animation exists for all three Cog body types. Even if you squirt a Cog with a fire hose, it won't be pushed back which is why this animation remains unused. It was actually seen in a pre-beta screenshot. This animation tends to be fairly buggy and visually choppy when multiple squirt gag types are used on a singular Cog at once (the animations for each squirt gag used play in quick sequence), which is likely the reason for its removal.

TTO UnusedCogFirehoseAnimation.gif


This animation exists for all three Cog body types. This animation shows the Cog wobbling in place in a dizzy fashion, and judging by its filename it would have been a visual indicator for when Cogs had been affected by lure gags. In the final game, Cogs continue to use their regular idle animation when lured.


This animation only exists for Suit A (muscular) Cog body types. It may have been the original suit A walking animation, or could have been used for Suit A Cogs with more feminine designs (ex. Name Dropper, Number Cruncher, The Mingler). The used Suit A walking animation is simply named "walk" like every other suit type's walking animation.  

Cog Attacks

Unused Song & Dance Attack

An unused animation of a Cog dancing, which was intended for the Song & Dance Attack. Only Suit A Cog bodies have animations for using this attack. According to the Cog Attack strings, it seemed like it was going to work as a single Toon attack.

Jesse Schell, the game's director, in a 2017 Q&A session, says that he doesn't remember what this was used for exactly, but that it was one of two things. This animation was used as part of some sort of "hypnosis thing, where you hypnotize the Cogs into doing [the animation]. That's one theory, and then the second theory I'll put out there is that I think there was supposed to be an attack with the marketing guys, [Sellbots]."[1] Given that the name of the attack is present on The Big Cheese's trading card and the attack is commented out in the source code for The Big Cheese and Mr. Hollywood Cogs, it being a removed attack is more likely. The animation can be found in most versions of the phase archive files.

Unused Smoke Cigar Attack

Cogs originally had a Cigar-smoking attack, but it was cut most likely due to its use of tobacco in a kid-friendly game. A corresponding cigar model is present and can be readded. Only Suit A Cog bodies have animations for using this attack, and source code leaks clarify that it specifically would have been used by The Big Cheeses and Big Wigs.


To do:
  • beg and beg_cycle = likely earlier Doodle feeding animations?
  • cast_long = longer and more fluid version of the animation, cast is always used.
  • eat-natural/eatrun - likely used in catching game?
  • give-props start
  • lever animations - can only be found in sv1.0.47.7 and later.
  • unused reel animations?
  • spin


To do:
Replace with gif.

A scrapped emotion that shows a toon what looks like about to pick a fight. It was scrapped for unknown reasons, but it could have been because of its violent nature/misuse. Strangely enough, it could still be found on the "Many Faces of Flippy" poster that was included with newsletters.


An unused blocking animation. Unknown purpose.

TTO UnusedToonAnimation2.gif


An animation of a Toon holding something, likely a Gag, according the the internal name. This was likely not intended for Gag Shops, as it only covers one body type.

Can only be found in sv1.0.47.22 and later.


An unused animation of a toon pointing left, which only exists for Toon of a medium body shape and legs, fitting Flippy.



Unused animations of Toons using the periscope. They are only found in Phase files past sv1.0.47.7., which were likely intended for the redesigned Toon Hall.



To do:
Make a mockup of this in-game.

A semi-incomplete animation of the Jellybean Bank opening from the top, pushed from the pedal. It was likely to be used when activated in Estates.

TTO JellybeanBankAnimation.gif

(Source: SweetRatt)

Unused Laughing Doodle

An unused animation of a Doodle laughing. It may have originally been the Speak Command as the final version uses a similar animation.

What's so funny?


To do:
Where is the earlier one found?

Two unused animations of a Doodle rolling into a ball, with one of them being incomplete. It may have been related to the scrapped Doodle expansion minigames Pet Golf and Pet Hop in the Toontown Pets Design Document.


Unused Buildings

TTO DancingBuilding.gif

An unused animation of a dancing building that was supposed to be used for the Toontown Sign Factory found in Silly Street, Toontown Central, appearing in the files in the Silly Meter update. Unlike other buildings, this one is actually modelled in 3D rather than flat textures and has an odd cloud effect if a Toon enters the building.

The concept of animated buildings would later make a reappearance in the Toontown 2.0 prototype.