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Don't Starve

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Title Screen

Don't Starve

Developer: Klei Entertainment
Publisher: Klei Entertainment
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Released internationally: October 23, 2012 (Windows), April 9, 2013 (Mac OS X & Linux)

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
To do:
  • Don't Starve's DLCs and Don't Starve Together are full of unused content worthy of their own pages, as they contain even more unused textures, music, quotes and code.
  • Speaking of unused content, the wiki at wiki.gg has a whole page on removed features.

Don't Starve is a rogue-like game in which you play as a range of characters trying to survive a randomly-generated world and its deadly wilderness. All by crafting items and machines, finding food, wearing flowery leis, and bribing befriending pigs with food so that they do your bidding help you.

Unused TEX Files

TEX is a proprietary file format for compressing images in Don't Starve, and is used in the internal files for this purpose. It is a derivative of the DXT (S3 Texture Compression) file format. When uncompressed, there are some unused items, as well as character portraits to look at.

Camp Leader and Camper

A camp leader and camper found in the files of The Screecher, an official mod.



Early Lichen

When it was initially added, Lichen had a green color rather than blue.

Ds algae bush.png

Ds algae.png

Ds algae bush2.png

Early Ferns

Similarly, Ferns and their Foliage were also initially green, likely to match the colors of the Slimey Turf and walls they would generate on and near respectively. A burnt fern can also be seen here, while they simply turn to ash in-game.

Ds cave ferns.png

Ds foliage.png


An unused bucket, likely repurposed for the Bucket-o-Poop.

Ds bucket.png

Bucket Hat

An unused hat, which is also a bucket.

Ds hat bucket.png

Fruit Hat

Humorously, the Fruit hat predates most fruit in the game, leading to petals and carrots being used for its art.

Ds hat fruit.png


An unused item.

Ds bag.png


Another unused item.

Ds clothes.png

Be Mine

A "Be Mine," a reskin of the Bee Mine that makes it into a Valentine's heart candy.

Ds bemine.png

Sunk Boat

A sunken boat. This is likely some of the earliest art remaining in-game, as it can be seen in concept art predating even Wilson's final art.

Ds boat sunk.png


A large bonfire which was used as a gathering spot for Pigmen before their houses were added.

Ds bonfire.png Ds bonfire2.png

Unused Lucy Quotes

Lucy is a sentient axe in the game, which Woodie carries around with him. Because the axe is able to "talk" to Woodie, there are two unused quotes intended to be used when she is picked up by another character, which cannot be done in the final game.

''You're Not Woodie!''
''Put Me Down!''

The lack of quotes compared to other things Lucy "says" suggests this was cut to give Lucy, and the ability of infinite durability, only to Woodie as a character advantage. This is also true for Don't Starve Together, as no character can pick Lucy up except Woodie.

Unused Pig Quotes

Please elaborate.
Having more detail is always a good thing.
Specifically: Which of these were unused and which were removed, not to mention when?

In Don't Starve, you can bribe gain the trust of pigs by giving them food. By doing this, they'll help you do mundane tasks, such as chopping down trees or fighting spiders. Once you've befriended a pig, said pig is assigned a random name and occasionally says a voice line while working. The lines below either go unused, or were removed in one of the many Don't Starve updates.


Referring to the player.


Likely would have been said when approaching a Pigman with meat, as there are other lines for doing this in-game.


A pig questioning who the player is. Self explanatory really.

''I sure showed him!''

This is Wilson's line after an enemy he was attacking ran away. May have been a placeholder for pigs in the same scenario.


Likely would have been said when receiving meat.

''YUM! MEAT!''

In the final game, the line is shortened to just "YUM!".