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Title Screen


Developer: Harmonix
Publisher: Hasbro
Platforms: iOS, Android
Released in US: September 20, 2017

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

DropMix is the predecessor to FUSER.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • Check if pickups are actually used. (They are mentioned in the midi files but either they're incomplete, have typos or seem too excessive. If not, document all of them).
    • Preview pickups (ex. 125-129) are used, but I'm not exactly sure if the other ones are.
  • List songs with awkward structures. (Place in Oddities. This will probably have more than what FUSER has.)
  • Make a better introduction paragraph.
  • Unreleased cards. (Place in Pre-Release. It's probably going to be mostly Season 2 cards. [Make sure to also check inside FUSER's textures for unreleased cards])
  • Unused Audio/Graphics
    • Make sure to check midi & fusion files for unused audio files.
  • Unused layer modes ("random_with_repetition" goes unused in DropMix but gets used later in FUSER. Also maybe document on how this is different from "random")


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
Debug Mode
Unused Audio
Unused Text

Internal Song Names

Several of the songs from the game have internal names that do not match their in-game names. Only songs with a different folder or midi name will be listed.

Note: Internal MIDI track names named "midi_export" and maj/min suffixes will not be listed here.

Artist Song Main Folder Name MIDI Name Notes
A Clutch of Heart Shards In Honor Of... Warm warm In-House Song
Altar State This One Not That One ThisOneNotThatOne Sunrise In-House Song
Big & Rich Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) SaveAHorse SaveAHorse
Bignums Larry's Place (Part II) Larry Larry In-House Song
Billzantium Wishin' I Had It Now TheWayUp TheWayUp / BackRoom_BASS In-House Song, Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the BASS, LEAD & LOOP MIDI files
Blanks Hart and 12th HartAnd12th HartAnd12th / ForrestGump In-House Song, Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the SYN MIDI file
Brain Beater Power Sick Slurp Slurp In-House Song
CAKE Short Skirt/Long Jacket ShortSkirt ShortSkirt
Candy Kettles Dexting Dexting DropDatFire In-House Song
Charm Syndicate All Frazzled TimeMagazine timemagazine In-House Song
Connecticut River Boys Must Be Nice MustBeNice MustBeNice / Bluegrass In-House Song, Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the GTR MIDI file
CrackCase Somatic Somatic BackRoom In-House Song
D'Von Riice Magenta Benz GetRight GetRight In-House Song
Danny Humbles Cherry Cordial CherryCordial Designer In-House Song
Darren Korb Flutter Fly (from the Pyre Original Soundtrack) FlutterFly FlutterFly
Francesca Sonora You Didn't But You Had To YouDidnt ThisIsLove In-House Song
Dillzan Madan Main Mistar Praim Hoon (I Am Mister Prime) MainMistarPrainNoon MainMistarPrainNoon In-House Song
G.I. Joe Main Title Theme (Remix) GIJoe GIJoe
Gloria Gaynor I Will Survive IWillSurvive IWillSurvive / BringMeToLife Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the BASS, STR & VOX MIDI files
Grant Pike If You Get Down StepIntoStepOut stepintostepout In-House Song
Harmonix Music Doctor Who Theme DrWho DrWho In-House Song
Harmonix Music Sanford & Son Theme (The Streetbeater) SanfordAndSon SanfordAndSon In-House Song
J.S. Bach Cello Suite No. 1 in G major CelloSuite CelloSuite In-House Song
Jackson Oak Submerged Triphammer Triphammer / blackfist In-House Song, Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the GTR MIDI file
Joliet Better Wake Up BetterWakeUp WakeUp In-House Song
Lossage Moon Lab MoonLab Feast In-House Song
Ludwig Van Beethoven Symphony No. 5 in C minor FifthSymph FifthSymph In-House Song
Marlon Kane This Is How You Left Me ThisIsHow ThisIsHow In-House Song
Maroon 5 Animals AnimalsM5 AnimalsM5
Martin Garrix Animals AnimalsGarrix AnimalsGarrix
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Main Title Theme PowerRangers PowerRangers
Nick Jonas Levels LevelsNJ LevelsNJ
Panic! At The Disco Emperor's New Clothes EmperorsNewClothes EmpNewClothes
Paul van Dyk For An Angel (PvD Remix '09) ForAnAngel ForAnAngel
Pseudoprime Laser Dome LaserDome KickItPoolside In-House Song
Poison Every Rose Has Its Thorn EveryRose EveryRose
Qufu Gravity Assist GravityAssist Liftoff / LiftOff In-House Song
Skrewbert The Game Got You TheGameGotYou illuminati In-House Song
Some Lover Days Ahead, Days Behind DaysAhead DaysAhead In-House Song
Spectral Interference Slackjaw Slackjaw Avid In-House Song
The Chainsmokers Closer (ft. Halsey) Closer Closer / CallMeMaybe Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the BASS MIDI file
The Transformers Main Title Song Transformers Transformers
The Venona Project Fermionic Fermionic LoseControl In-House Song
Tiny Taps Dead Metrocard Recliner recliner In-House Song
Victoria Chance Theme From Broken Protocol BrokenProtocol Onward In-House Song
Warlords of the Old West Strychnine Baby StrychnineBaby StrychnineBaby / MetalHelmet Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the BASS MIDI file
Winnage The Night Porter TheNightPorter TheNightPorter / FlappersDelight Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the MIDI files
Zac Brown Band Homegrown Homegrown Homegrown / CallMeMaybe_BASS Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the BASS, LOOP & VOX MIDI files
[FX Card] Acrimony fx_Ferocity Acrimony
[FX Card] Alacrity fx_Alacrity Alacrity
[FX Card] Assert Order fx_AssertOrder AssertOrder
[FX Card] Bitter Medicine fx_202 fx_202
[FX Card] Bottom Line fx_BottomLine BottomLine_LOOP
[FX Card] Bust It Up fx_BustItUp BustItUp
[FX Card] Clear Your Mind fx_FallFromGrace icon_chiller_loop
[FX Card] Colores De Flores fx_215 fx_215
[FX Card] Component Synthesis fx_ComponentSynthesis ComponentSynthesis
[FX Card] Conspiracy of Ravens fx_DeadMeat ConspirayOfRavens_LOOP / FirstChair_LOOP Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the MIDI file
[FX Card] Cool Down fx_211 fx_211
[FX Card] Cover The Bases fx_213 fx_213
[FX Card] Dimensional Shift fx_QuantumEntanglement icon_invader_loop
[FX Card] Eclipser fx_Eclipser Eclipser / elecdance_0302 Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the MIDI files
[FX Card] Embrace Chaos fx_EmbraceChaos EmbraceChaos_LOOP
[FX Card] Face Melter fx_FaceMelter fx_powerinverter_loop
[FX Card] First Chair fx_FirstChair FirstChair / icon_highness_loop Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the MIDI files
[FX Card] Flame Out fx_FlameOut FlameOut_LOOP / fx_stolentruck_loop Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the MIDI files
[FX Card] Formation Delta fx_227 fx_227
[FX Card] Guardian Spirit fx_ThePower ThePower
[FX Card] Head Rush fx_Headrush Headrush
[FX Card] Heart Song fx_Heartsong icon_highstepper_loop
[FX Card] Ill Omen fx_HiddenDanger icon_mopes_loop
[FX Card] In The Air fx_221 fx_221
[FX Card] Kicking It Out fx_KickingItOut KickingItOut
[FX Card] Lay It Down fx_LayItDown LayItDown_maj / LayItOut_min Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the MIDI file
[FX Card] Lift Your Voice fx_LiftYourVoice LiftYourVoice / SearchingWithin_maj / TheAscendant_min Alternate internal MIDI names only shows up in the MIDI files
[FX Card] Loop the Loop fx_203 fx_203
[FX Card] Major Fall fx_MajorFall MajorFall_LOOP / EmbraceChaos_LOOP Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the MIDI files
[FX Card] Minor Lift fx_MinorLift Minor Lift
[FX Card] Overjoyed fx_226 fx_226
[FX Card] Pack Mentality fx_TheGlory PackMentality
[FX Card] Par De Fuerzas fx_209 fx_209
[FX Card] Pattern Alpha fx_230 fx_230
[FX Card] Pulsar fx_Pulsar Pulsar
[FX Card] Quiet Wisdom fx_QuietWisdom icon_lucky_loop
[FX Card] Racing Through fx_RacingThrough RacingThrough
[FX Card] Roll Up fx_RollUp RollUp
[FX Card] Searching Within fx_SearchingWithin SearchingWithin
[FX Card] Soaring Above fx_SoaringAbove SoaringAbove / SoaringAbove_maj2 / icon_flawless_loop_Cm_124 Alternate internal MIDI names only shows up in the MIDI files
[FX Card] Strings of Fate fx_StringsOfFate icon_theblade_loop
[FX Card] Stylin' fx_Stylin Stylin
[FX Card] Sweet Relief fx_216 fx_216
[FX Card] Team of Horses fx_TeamOfHorses TeamOfHorses_DMS
[FX Card] The Depths fx_TheDepths TheDepths
[FX Card] The Dominant fx_TheDominant TheDominant
[FX Card] The Heartless One fx_TheHeartlessOne icon_ouroboros_loop
[FX Card] The Shoreline fx_Shoreline Shoreline
[FX Card] The Songstress fx_232 fx_232
[FX Card] The Thaumaturge fx_220 fx_200
[FX Card] The Triumphant fx_TheAscendant TheAscendant
[FX Card] Third Wave fx_ThirdWave ThirdWave_DMS / SearchingWithin_DMS Alternate internal MIDI name only shows up in the MIDI file
[FX Card] Underground fx_207 fx_207
[FX Card] Warm Up fx_206 fx_206
[FX Card] Wildin' fx_Wildin Wildin_LOOP
[FX Card] With The Pack fx_225 fx_225

Web Store Test Page

Inside Android/obb/com.hasbro.dropmix/main.21.com.hasbro.dropmix.obb/assets/web_view_test/ is an unused web store test HTML file with a JavaScript file to go along with it. Nothing will happen if any of the buttons are clicked - it seems to require the game to cooperate.

DropMix WebTestView.png
var cartCount = 0;

    function () {
        Unity.call("update_cart:" + cartCount);

function addToCart() {
    Unity.call("update_cart:" + cartCount);

function removeFromCart() {
    Unity.call("update_cart:" + cartCount);


To do:
Move this to its own page when awkward structures are done. (or if this gets too big).

Card Oddities

Season Inconsistencies

  • Inside the APK's Unity Assets are 3 TextAsset files of card data labelled as cards_p01 (Promo), cards (Season 1), cards_s02 (Season 2) which show a lay out of all of the card sets. When the data is sorted out into a table there are some inconsistencies.
Season 1
  • While the Baffler set is listed to only have 8 cards for this season, according to the files there seems to be at least one more song planned for this set.
Item ID ArtistRef SongRef
Not Listed
i02 Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 5 in C minor
i03 Davis Franklin Beatboxer
i04 LEN Steal My Sunshine
i05 Harmonix Music Doctor Who Theme
i06 Connecticut River Boys Didgeridoo Stomp
i07 Harmonix Music Wipe Out
i08 J.S. Bach Cello Suite No. 1 in G major
i09 Harmonix Music Baker Street
  • LEN - Steal My Sunshine is the only song that has a genre in the Baffler Set.
genre_hiphop genre_rock
Season 2
  • Sets 1, 5-8, 11, 14 & 15 are not listed.
  • The Baffler set also has more empty cards and was planned to have 12 cards in the set.
Item ID ArtistRef SongRef
Not Listed
i02 Connecticut River Boys Up All Night
i03 Harmonix Music Sanford & Son Theme (The Streetbeater)
i04 LEN Steal My Sunshine
i05 Vanessa Carlton A Thousand Miles
Not Listed (due to being skipped over)
Not Listed (due to being skipped over)
Not Listed (due to being skipped over)
i09 Baha Men Who Let The Dogs Out
i10 Edgar Allan Poe The Raven
i11 The Terahertz Gap Interlace
Not Listed
i13 Martin Garrix Animals
Not Listed
Not Listed
i16 The Sweep Oars Loss Leader

(i06-i08 were probably not planned due to Vanessa Cartlon - A Thousand Miles & Baha Men - Who Let The Dogs Out being having their Card ID listed as C244 & C245 respectively).

(Source: DropMix Season Tracker Sheet)

Song Oddities

  • Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe's Loop (Guitar) card's Major and Minor mode audio files are swapped in the fusion files. In-game this makes the card's Major mode play the Minor mode audio file (and vice versa).
    • Below are recordings of how the cards sound like together in-game, and how they would sound like if the fusion files were done properly.
To do:
Re-record these but in FUSER. (Pretty sure I actually used recordings of the individual loops for these).
In-Game Major Mix In-Game Minor Mix
Fixed Major Mix Fixed Minor Mix
  • Kool & The Gang - Jungle Boogie's set BPM (beats per minute) is 97, while the average BPM for the Rock Band 3/Blitz chart midi is 106.54.