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Duke Nukem Forever/Unused Audio

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This is a sub-page of Duke Nukem Forever.

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: Some vulgar language.
To do:
Could use some investigation (such as whenever the French lines are unused in the dub and if the lava sound is used on the Inferno map added in DLC).

All of the game's sounds are stored in SoundDir.dat and Sound.dat in the Sounds folder.

Voice Lines

Do note that there aren't any subtitles leftover for much of these voice lines.

Duke Nukem

To do:
Provide the (closest) equivalent line in English in the "Notes" section.
Filename Audio Transcript Notes
"Wow I can breathe!" Phew, Duke can breathe again! While he does complain that going in the water will ruin his hair, this line is never played.
"J'espère que le PEGI n'a pas vu ça."
(Rough translation: "I hope that the PEGI didn't saw that.")
A random line of Duketalk dubbed into French, with PEGI referencing the rating system of the same name.
"Tu vas crever ! Je vous prie."
(Rough translation: "You will die! Please.")
Another line of Duketalk dubbed into French.

General Graves

A pair of placeholder lines for General Graves, referencing something that does not happen in the game. Juding from their filenames and content, the most likely event this was intended for is the level The Duke Cave just before the next level in the turret section against the Mothership.

Filename Audio Transcript
"Duke I've just been alerted that a large power source came online in your casino, you're not powering up that big gun are ya? You better think things through son and if you're not gonna do that..."
"I hope to god you know what you're doing."

EDF Soldiers

To do:
The EDF might have more unused audio.

The Earth Defence Force has much of their voice lines recorded with and without a mask muffling effect. Most of this audio are alternative versions of used voice lines.

Filename Audio Transcript Notes
"Come on buddy. Get on up here." Audio of the EDF soldier at the Duke statue puzzle in The Lady Killer: Part 3 but without the mask filter.
"What are ya waitin' for, Hanukkah?"
"Go on, Duke."
"Use your own arm! I mean, his arm. Er... never mind."
"Duke, General Graves is waitin' buddy. Looks like you gotta use yourself to get up. Heh heh, 'use yourself', you see what I did there?"
What, you don't want to touch yourself? Get up here.
"Need to give yourself a hand... ha ha ha."
"Graves is waiting in the lobby. The main route's blocked, but you can use the service hallway over there."

Duke's Computer

A placeholder line for Duke's Computer.

To do:
Verify if this is used, I swear I've heard this in gameplay footage.
Filename Audio Transcript
"Epic fail"

Johnny O' Lenoman

An alternate rant from the host of Damn.. It's Late.

Filename Audio Transcript
"Ah sorry Duke, looks like the aliens picked just now to crawl off their ships."
"Couple of those bastards standing around pickin' their noses and ordering reactor burgers and this whole place CLEARS OUT like cake just got served at van(?) camp."
"Gotta wonder if they timed it with you coming on the show and all."
(Laughs nervously) "Oh ho I get paid anyhow and you're getting some free advertising, so I guess it works out ether way so."
"Wanna come back in a few hours after everyone gets PISSED and posts a cell phone pics(sic) with bad titles like the truth is out there."

For comparison, the used version:

To do:
Lenoman's final rant has two versions in the files: one that has the whole rant in one (shown below) and one that is split into three parts, so which one is used?
Audio Transcript
(Exhales disappointingly) "Ah sorry Duke... Looks like their shuttin' us down for the night. On slow days all I here is "Johnny! Johnny! Johnny!," but a couple of those aliens come down and suddenly it's all news, all channels. Half the damn crew has left to so what their up to at Duke-Burger. Gotta wonder if they timed it with you coming on the show and all."


Ego Sounds

A bunch of sounds related to the game's ego mechanic are found in a_dukemotion/Ego. Most of the sounds appear to be intend for some kind of "ego trip" mechanic, there are also some graphics seemingly intended for this as well.

Filename Audio Notes
Presumably would've played after getting a kill and restoring ego.
Premature end of an "ego trip"
Start of an "ego trip".
End of an "ego trip".


While the ezMail machine still exists in the final game, its interactivity as seen in earlier builds isn't. Some sounds still exist for this in the a_generic/ezmail directory.

Filename Audio Notes
Button press sound.
A cheery jingle with a standard "You've got mail" message.

Nuclear Missile Ammo

A full set of sound effects for the cut Nuke ammo for the RPG found in dnsweapn/Nuke [sic].

Filename Audio Notes
Sounds for when the Nuke is activated.
Countdown by a female voice before the nuke is fired. This is taken from Shadow Warrior.
The female voice saying: "All systems ready", signalling that the weapon is ready to fire. This is also taken from Shadow Warrior.
Nuke firing sound.
Nuclear explosion sound.

Shades O.S.

Found in a_inventory/SOS are various sounds of Duke's Shades (Shades O.S.).

Filename Audio Notes
Unclear purpose, Likely gaining ego with shades on.
Older version of Shades O.S. being turned on.
Older version of Shades O.S. being turned off.
A jingle, likely intended for fulfilling some criteria of some sort.
Triumphant jingle, again likely intended for fulfilling some criteria of some sort correctly.
Defeated jingle, likely intended for failing some criteria of some sort.


Various unused sounds not noteworthy enough to be in their own sections.

Filename Audio Notes
Ambient lava sounds. There is no lava to be found in the game.
A motorcycle revving up, no motorcycles are seen in the game. Likely a remnant of Duke's motorcycle from previous builds.

Partly Used/Cut Off Audio

While the following audio isn't unused, they either get cut off and/or aren't heard in full.

TV Reporter

A second news story starts after the report of the aliens invading the Vegas Strip in Duke Lives, however it begins to fade out and is talked over by the Holsom Twins, leaving the full report unheard clearly.

Filename Audio Transcript
"On a related note, Giddy Flora's flower shop has filed the first lawsuit related to the alien visitation."
"She intends to sue the aliens for property damage and disrupting business."
"Giddy Flora claims the greenhouse can no longer receive light to due to the ships positions blocking out the sun."
"I guess the aliens' ships aren't green energy friendly (laughs) back to you Ted."