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Eb!Colle + Amagami (PlayStation Portable)

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Title Screen

Eb!Colle + Amagami

Developer: Enterbrain
Publisher: Enterbrain
Platform: PlayStation Portable
Released in JP: March 31, 2011

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

To do:
  • Find unused contents.
Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!

Debug Menus

Enter the following code to turn on debug functionality. After that, while on the main scene selection screen, press one of the following button combinations listed below before selecting a scene and then begin the scene as normal by pressing Circle.

_C1 Mahjong Debug Enable
_L 0xD0528D00 0x00000004
_L 0x20528D00 0x00000008

_C1 Character Reaction Test L+Up
_L 0xD0000005 0x10000110
_L 0x20796E18 0x0030006E
_L 0x20796E1C 0x00720066
_L 0x20796E20 0x005F0065
_L 0x20796E24 0x005F005F
_L 0x20796E28 0x00310030
_L 0x20796E2C 0x00000041

_C1 Voice Test L+Down
_L 0xD0000005 0x10000140
_L 0x20796E18 0x0030006E
_L 0x20796E1C 0x00720066
_L 0x20796E20 0x005F0065
_L 0x20796E24 0x005F005F
_L 0x20796E28 0x00350030
_L 0x20796E2C 0x00000041

_C1 Chara Display Test L+Left
_L 0xD0000005 0x10000180
_L 0x20796E18 0x0030006E
_L 0x20796E1C 0x00720066
_L 0x20796E20 0x005F0065
_L 0x20796E24 0x005F005F
_L 0x20796E28 0x00300031
_L 0x20796E2C 0x00000041

_C1 Graphic Viewer L+Right
_L 0xD0000005 0x10000120
_L 0x20796E18 0x0030006E
_L 0x20796E1C 0x00720066
_L 0x20796E20 0x005F0065
_L 0x20796E24 0x005F005F
_L 0x20796E28 0x00390031
_L 0x20796E2C 0x00000041

_C1 Tsukasa no Scenario Okiba R+Up
_L 0xD0000005 0x10000210
_L 0x20796E18 0x0031006E
_L 0x20796E1C 0x00720066
_L 0x20796E20 0x005F0065
_L 0x20796E24 0x0065006D
_L 0x20796E28 0x00390031
_L 0x20796E2C 0x00000041

_C1 Mahjong Reaction Test R+Down
_L 0xD0000005 0x10000240
_L 0x20796E18 0x0034006E
_L 0x20796E1C 0x00650064
_L 0x20796E20 0x005F0061
_L 0x20796E24 0x0065006D
_L 0x20796E28 0x00390031
_L 0x20796E2C 0x00000041

_C1 Mahjong Reaction Test 2 R+Left
_L 0xD0000005 0x10000280
_L 0x20796E18 0x0035006E
_L 0x20796E1C 0x00650064
_L 0x20796E20 0x005F0061
_L 0x20796E24 0x0065006D
_L 0x20796E28 0x00390031
_L 0x20796E2C 0x00000041
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Character Reaction Test

Amagami EB Collection PSP Debug Menu (6).png

Press L + Up before starting a scene to enter a character display test. This menu is the same as the PlayStation 2 version.

Voice Test

Amagami EB Collection PSP Debug Menu (10).png

Press L + Down before starting a scene to enter the voice test. The underlined parts are unknown. This menu is the same as the PlayStation 2 version.

  • Left, Right: Select voice.
  • Circle: Play.
  • L, R: Moves cursor, it changes to the next character when the cursor makes it around the menu.

Large Size Graphics Viewer

Amagami EB Collection PSP Debug Menu (7).png

Press L + Left before starting a scene to enter the large graphics viewer. This menu is the same as the PlayStation 2 version.

Text Translation
サイズ Size
ポーズ Pose
服装 Clothing

Graphics Viewer

Amagami EB Collection PSP Debug Menu (8).png

Press L + Right before starting a scene to enter a graphics viewer. This menu is the same as the PlayStation 2 version.

  • L: Enable/Disable display menu text.
  • R: Switches between menu background and character settings.
  • Start: Play/Stop music.
  • Select: Changes background music.
  • Circle: Display selected graphics.
  • Square: Move image to default position, and Set size to x1.
  • Stick: Move image.
  • Triangle + Stick: Zoom image.
Text Translation Notes
BG種別 Background Type "背景" (Background) and "イベント" (Event)
場所 Location
状況 Status "昼" (Noon) "夕方" (Evening) "夜" (Night) "雨" (Rain)
モブ Mob "無し" (None) "特殊" (Special)
人物 Character
服装 Clothing
ポーズ Pose
表情 Expression
目の表情 Eye Expression
口の表情 Mouth Expression
目の状態 Mouth Status
口の状態 Eye Status
頬の赤らみ Blushing
セリフ Line Play voiced lines for the displayed character. Press Left/Right on the D-Pad to change the line to be played.

Tsuka's Temporary Scene Storage

Amagami EB Collection PSP Debug Menu (11).pngAmagami EB Collection PSP Debug Menu (3).png

Press R + Up before starting a scene to enter what's referred to as "Tsukasa's temporary scene storage." Press Circle to close the message box. A number counter should then display whose amount can be changed by pressing the D-Pad. Press Circle to confirm the displayed value and trigger the corresponding function listed below. (This counter may fail to load for some scenes. The easiest way to access it is by selecting the opening prologue scene when starting a new game.)


Start Amagami version's mahjong story.


Start Kimikisu version's mahjong story.


Endless mahjong character window test.


Display empty message box.


Mahjong character window test.


Amagami EB Collection PSP Debug Menu (4).png

Set x'mas date invitation state to character.


Certain scenario test.


Text central alignment test.


Amagami EB Collection PSP Debug Menu (5).png

Sound test.

Text Translation Notes
再生中のBGM Song Currently Playing Displays song name.
キャラクター Character "システム" (System - SFX) and character voice test.
音声番号 Sound Number
音量 Volume
システムSE System Sound Effects
  • Circle: Play.
  • Left, Right: Changes number.
    • with R: Increase/Decrease number in increments of 10, respectively.
  • Select: Exit.

Mahjong Reaction Test

Amagami EB Collection PSP Debug Menu (2).png

Press R + Down or R + Left before starting a scene to enter a mahjong reaction test.

Text Translation Notes
キャラ名: Character Name: Out of screen.
タイミング: Timing:
発生条件: Activate condition:
表示位置: Display position:
Win表示: Window display:
種類: Type:

Mahjong Debug Menu

Amagami EB Collection PSP Debug Menu (9).png

Enable the code, after that start the mahjong story to display a debug menu.

Text Translation Notes
牌山選択 Deck select "ランダム"(Random) is default.
起家 Start "ランダム"(Random) is default.
CPU捨て牌操作 Enable to control opponent players.
↓テスト用 ↓ test: Parameter for cut-in test.
カットインテスト Cut-in test. Press Circle to display test.