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Farming Simulator 19

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Title Screen

Farming Simulator 19

Developer: GIANTS Software
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X
Released internationally: November 20, 2018

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

To do:
Look for unused stuff in the Mac version.

Farming Simulator 19 is the eleventh game in the series, adding John Deere equipment, cotton crops and their respective equipment, horses, and more.


Unused Sounds

Debug Options

In Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2019\game.xml, under <development> set <controls> to true. It enables a development console, along with several of the debugging option keyboard shortcuts.

  • ~: Toggles the console. Pressing ~ again lets you use the various developer commands. (Tab can be used to cycle through these.) Pressing ~ again closes the console.
  • F2: Shows framerate.
  • F3: Toggles V-sync.
  • F4: Wireframes the map.
  • F5: Draws hitboxes.
  • F6: Cycles through cameras set up around the map.
  • F7: Cycles through debug stats.

Unused Code

Unused Traffic Code

There is code relating to the unused Rancho vehicle as traffic in mapUS_trafficSystem.

<!-- <vehicle topSpeed="0.0085' accel="0.0000035"> -->
<!-- <assets filename="$data/vehicles/cars/rancho/rancho.i3d" filenameParked="$data/vehicles/cars/rancho/rancho.i3d" triggerIndex="7" lightsIndex="4" driverIndex="8"> -->
<!-- <wheels> -->
<!-- <wheel yRotNode="0" xRotNode="0" radius="0.330" distToRotCenter="3.25" /> -->
<!-- <wheel yRotNode="1" xRotNode="0" radius="0.330" distToRotCenter="3.25" /> -->
<!-- <wheel yRotNode="2" xRotNode="2" radius="0.330" distToRotCenter="3.25" /> -->
<!-- <wheel yRotNode="2" xRotNode="3" radius="0.330" distToRotCenter="3.25" /> -->
<!-- </wheels> -->
<!-- <lights> -->
<!-- <light index="4" lowProfile="4|0" highProfile="4|1" decoration="4|3" intensity="20" -->
<!-- <brake decoration="6|10" intensity="75"/> -->
<!-- <turnLeft decoration="5|1" intensity="50" -->
<!-- <turnRight decoration="5|0" intensity="50" -->
<!-- </lights>
<!-- <colors index="9" indexParked="9" minDirt="0" maxDirt"0.3"> -->
<!-- <color rgb="0.97 0.97 0.97" /> -->
<!-- <color rgb="0.815 0.863 0.863" /> -->
<!-- <color rgb="0.070 0.086 0.090" /> -->
<!-- <color rgb="0.102 0.159 0.168" /> -->
<!-- <color rgb="0.445 0.502 0.450" /> -->
<!-- <color rgb="0.270 0.337 0.361" /> -->
<!-- <color rgb="0.385 0.01 0.01" /> -->
<!-- <color rgb="0.010 0.082 0.250" /> -->
<!-- <color rgb="0.011 0.018 0.014" /> -->
<!-- </colors> -->
<!-- <sounds> -->
<!-- <motor filename="$data/vehicles/cars/carVan_run.wav" outdoor="1" range="20" innerRange="1" pitchOffset="1" pitchScale="0.022" pitchMin="0.8" pitchMax="1.5" /> -->
<!-- <honk filename="$data/sounds/hornCar.wav" outdoor="1" range="25" innerRange="1" /> -->
<!-- </sounds> -->
<!-- </assets> -->
<!-- </vehicle> -->

Unused NPC Behavior

There is also unused code relating to the NPCs. It appears that when they were walked by, they would have talked, as they did in Farming Simulator 17.
This code is found in mapUS_pedestrianSystem and reused (but slightly altered) in mapDE_pedestrianSystem.

<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/us/male/npc_male_us_1_1.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/us/male/npc_male_us_1_2.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/us/male/npc_male_us_1_3.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/us/male/npc_male_us_2_1.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/us/male/npc_male_us_2_2.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/us/male/npc_male_us_2_3.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/us/male/npc_male_us_3_1.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/us/male/npc_male_us_3_2.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/us/male/npc_male_us_3_3.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/male/npc_male_nonverbal_1.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/male/npc_male_nonverbal_2.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/male/npc_male_nonverbal_3.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/male/npc_male_nonverbal_4.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/male/npc_male_nonverbal_5.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/male/npc_male_nonverbal_6.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/male/npc_male_nonverbal_7.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="1" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/male/npc_male_nonverbal_8.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/us/female/npc_female_us_1.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/us/female/npc_female_us_2.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/us/female/npc_female_us_3.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/us/female/npc_female_us_4.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/us/female/npc_female_us_5.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/us/female/npc_female_us_6.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/us/female/npc_female_us_7.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/us/female/npc_female_us_8.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/us/female/npc_female_us_9.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/female/npc_female_nonverbal_1.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/female/npc_female_nonverbal_2.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/female/npc_female_nonverbal_3.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/female/npc_female_nonverbal_4.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/female/npc_female_nonverbal_5.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/female/npc_female_nonverbal_6.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->
<!-- <sound group="2" filename="../sounds/npc/shared/female/npc_female_nonverbal_7.wav" volume="0.6" /> -->

If the existing code is reimplemented, it is somewhat functional, but NPCs can use any file in the map’s region (i.e. English on the Ravenport map, or German in Felsbrunn), which can make female NPCs use male voice lines and vice versa.

Unused Models

FS19 Rancho.png

At data/vehicles/cars is an unused car with the unique name of "Rancho". It was used in Farming Simulator 17.

Unused Text

The beginning of files dataS and dataS2 have some copyright info…

Copyright (C) GIANTS Software GmbH, All Rights Reserved.

…along with this strange bit of text:

All you can eat