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Farming Simulator 2011

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Title Screen

Farming Simulator 2011

Also known as: Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 (DE), Symulator Farmy 2011 (PL)
Developer: GIANTS Software
Publishers: GIANTS Software, Astragon, Tri Synergy
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X
Released internationally: October 18, 2010

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Farming Simulator 2011 is the third installment of the Farming Simulator series. Coming back to fans adding Deutz-Fahr machinery, Multiplayer and Cows!

To do:
  • properly tag the article
  • Find out if F6 and F3 does anything.
  • Check the lua and xml files
  • Lizard2000 in directory


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Debug Options

Development Console

In Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2011\game.xml, between <development> brackets, set the <controls> value to true. This enables the developer console.

  • ~: Toggles the console. Pressing ~ again shows the text bar which lets you type in commands. (Tab ↹ can be used to cycle between available commands. ) Pressing ~ again closes the console.
  • F2: Shows framerate.
  • F4: Wireframes the map.
  • F5: Draws collision boxes.
  • F7: Cycles through cameras set up around the map.
  • F8: Cycles through debug stats.
  • F9: Tries connecting to local Visual Remote Debugger at port 5425. Fails.
  • F10: Tries connecting to local Remote Debugger at port 61407. Fails.

Development Version

There is a hidden development version of the game. It is activated via a bool g_isDevelopmentVersion in the main.lua script file. It provides some things centered around testing the features, namely:

  • Hidden "Fast Loading Map" selectable in the level select menu. It is the normal map, but it doesn't load cows, traffic, pedestrians, achievements, PDA icons, glass containers, info triggers and collectable bottles.
Fast Loading Map in the menu. (Ignore SimTractor map, it is a mod.)
  if g_isDevelopmentVersion then
    MapsUtil.addMapItem("FastLoadingMap", "dataS/missions/FastLoadingMap.lua", "FastLoadingMap", "dataS2/menu/briefingScreen/careerMap01", "careerMap01", "profileTemplate/careerVehicles_fastLoadingMap.xml", "Fast Loading Map Dev Map", "Fast Loading Map Dev Map", "data/maps/map01/map_preview.png", "", nil)
  • 8 times faster running speed.
      if g_isDevelopmentVersion then
        self.runningFactor = 16
        self.runningFactor = 2
  • Game starting with manure and liquid manure amounts set to 10,000
      if g_isDevelopmentVersion then
        savegame.farmSiloAmounts.liquidManure = 10000
        savegame.farmSiloAmounts.manure = 10000
  • Additional console commands; Note: These commands along with gsSetMilkDifficulty are removed upon loading a mission.
Command: Function:

gsCheatSilo (fillType) (amount)
gsCheatFeedingTrough (amount)

Adds 1 million currency (1,000,000)
Adds amount of fillType
Adds specified amount of grass to the feeding trough

Possible filltypes:


(Source: Boleklolo)


For some unknown reason, there are still various leftovers from FS2009 present in the game's DataS.gar and DataS2.gar archives. While some of these were re-used (such as the market or church), some were left in the directory unused.

Farming Simulator 2009 Mission Icons

There are mission images and their templates from FS2009 in the directory. What is even more odd is the fact that there are only white icons present and no sight of green ones. Green mission icons were used for "tutorial" missions (5 part missions set about cultivating, plowing, harvesting etc.).

(Source: Boleklolo)

Farming Simulator 2009 PDA Icons

The DataS2.gar contains unused FS2009 PDA icons.

(Source: Boleklolo)

Various Version Leftovers

The game also contains various images related to demo versions of the game. While these are unused within the normal full editions of the game, you can make the game use them by switching various bool functions in the game's main.lua file. These are described further into the article.

(Source: Boleklolo)

Farming Simulator 2009 Scripts

Developers left some scripts from the older release and never used them. Some of these include:

  • Saucer.lua which was used in FS09 for the UFO easter egg.
  • Fountain.lua which was used in FS09 for the small fountain found near spawn.
  • DemoEndScreen.lua which was used in demo versions to add demo related stuff such as a demo timer.
(Source: Boleklolo)


The game's DataS2.gar still contains the template files used by the developers to create imagery. The only one that doesn't require decompiling the .gar file is store_template.png stored in sdk directory of the game.

(Source: Boleklolo)

Unused Mouse Buttons

There are 3 unused mouse graphics in the game's directory. While referenced in the scripts, for some reason they don't show up under any circumstances. It might've been added for modders to be able to create more actions than in the base game, but for now these remain unused.

(Source: Boleklolo)

Nonexistent demo_end_screen02.png file

In the game's script DemoEndScreen.lua there is a part of code that selects demo end background. One of those - demo_end_screen02.png isn't present in the game's directory, but exists in the demo versions even though both demo_end_screen and demo_end_screen02 are the same.

function DemoEndScreen:onCreateBackground(element)
  if g_isGamesloadDemo then
    element:setImageFilename("dataS2/menu/demo_end_screen" .. g_languageSuffix .. ".png")
  elseif g_isTriSynergyDemo then
    element:setImageFilename("dataS2/menu/demo_end_screen02" .. g_languageSuffix .. ".png")
(Source: Boleklolo)

Trisynergy, Gamesload and Normal Demo Switches

For unknown reasons the developers left behind simple switches between game versions in main.lua file. These alter game's behavior such as possibility to open the shop, select certain buttons in the menu etc. A fun oddity is that you can switch these to true in full versions of the game, blocking access to career mode, achievements, multiplayer and most missions - but you can also switch these to false in demo versions, telling the game that you are playing full version, though this one isn't as fun because the demo version doesn't have most vehicles or implements included in the game's data, hence it just crashes the game.

Unblocked store in the demo version. Notice the lack of icons. Note: This menu slows down the game horrendously.
g_isDemo = false
g_isGamesloadDemo = false
g_isTriSynergyDemo = false
g_isDevelopmentVersion = false
(Source: Boleklolo)

Filltype Typo

More of a fun fact than unused content but a condition check in Trailer.lua has a typo that doesn't seem to break anything. The developer put FILLTYPE.UNKNOW instead of FILLTYPE.UNKNOWN

 if self.currentFillType ~= Fillable.FILLTYPE_UNKNOW and self.currentTipTrigger ~= nil and g_currentMission:getIsTrailerInTipRange(self, self.currentTipTrigger) then
(Source: Boleklolo)


The anti-piracy system entirely depends on the game's unique product key. If the same key has been used on multiple devices at the same time, the key is banned, making multiplayer games completely inaccessible. The next time the game is booted up, the game will require a product key, and entering a banned key will grant access to the full game that works flawlessly on single-player game modes, only with the abovementioned multiplayer ban. The exact same Anti-Piracy system is used on all later Farming Simulator titles.

(Source: Benzinly, magbrek)


FS2009 mission results UI

While the game has new UI elements, GIANTS didn't bother changing backgrounds for missions, so everything is new besides mission dialog backgrounds which still retain the transparent FS2009 style.

(Source: Benzinly)

FS2009 Lighthouse PDA icon

The lighthouse icon used for the PDA pictures the model found in FS2009 and not the updated FS2011 one.

(Source: Benzinly)

Easter eggs and bonuses

Like in all other Farming Simulator titles, developers have left some neat and goofy easter eggs.

Secret Deutz F1 M414 tractor

Upon collecting 50% (half) of the achievements, the player is notified about unlocking a secret and is given the Deutz F1. The tractor is then available in the shop at all times, with the ability to sell it or buy more, like every other shop item.

(Source: Benzinly, Jagguarek)