Fire Emblem: Three Houses/Unused Dialogue
This is a sub-page of Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
- 1 Unused Battle Dialogue
- 1.1 Formations Tutorial in Rivalry of the Houses
- 1.2 Unused Death Knight Line in Assault at the Rite of Rebirth
- 1.3 Diversion Tactics in Protecting Garreg Mach
- 1.4 Gwendal's Unused Battle Quote
- 1.5 Claude VS Lorenz in The Great Bridge Coup
- 1.6 Reclaiming the Capital Battle Conversations
- 1.7 Unused Claude Line in Confrontation at the Palace
- 1.8 Elites Absorbing Damage in For the Freedom of Fódlan
- 1.9 More Enemy Reinforcements in The Final Battle
- 1.10 Unused Seteth Line in Protecting Garreg Mach
- 1.11 Unused Immaculate One Lines in The Fight For Fhirdiad
- 1.12 Defeating Commanders in Eternal Guardian
- 1.13 Macuil's Lightning in The Sleeping Sand Legend
- 1.14 Unused Duscur Soldier in War for the Weak
- 1.15 Enemy Reinforcements in Falling Short of Heaven
- 1.16 Petra Rescuing Reinforcements in Foreign Land and Sky
- 1.17 Unused Thief Line in Oil and Water
- 1.18 Unused Metodey Lines in Besieged in the Chapel Ruins
- 2 Unused NPC/Enemy Action Lines
- 3 Unused Budding Talent Quotes
- 4 Unused Monastery Dialogue
- 4.1 Alternate Localizations in Unused Duplicate Dialogue
- 4.2 Flayn Loses the White Heron Cup
- 4.3 Ferdinand & Lorenz's Share a Meal
- 4.4 Jeritza in Outset of a Power Struggle
- 4.5 Ashe's Defection Leftover in Azure Moon
- 4.6 Mourning Lorenz in Blood of the Eagle and Lion (Verdant Wind)
- 4.7 Unused Lecture Questions
- 4.8 Jeralt and Rhea's Monastery Activities
- 4.9 Unseen Polite Group Task Lines
- 4.10 Anna's Group Tasks
- 4.11 Jeritza's Recruitment Dialogue
- 4.12 Alternate Dialogue Options for Anna and Jeritza's Recruitments?
- 5 Unused Event Variations
- 6 Unused Support Variations
- 7 Unused Death Quotes
Unused Battle Dialogue
Formations Tutorial in Rivalry of the Houses
A set of lines from Jeralt in Chapter 1 regarding an unused "formations" mechanic that's also referenced by this chapter's unused notification text. Leftover event scripting indicates that the second line would've played on turn 1 of the battle, and that the third line would've played on turn 2.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Jeralt | Neutral | 陣形を上手く使えば戦いが楽になる。 ただし、相手の陣形にも注意が必要だぞ。 | The battle will be easier if we make full use of our formations. But be wary of the foe's formations as well. | ||
陣形を組むべきか、陣形を解くべきか、 どちらが有利かは状況次第だ。よく考えろ。 | Whether it's more strategic to create or disband a Formation depends on the situation. Plan carefully. | ||||
戦う時には、相手が率いる兵もよく見ろ。 率いる騎士団によっても強さは変わるぞ。 | Also, pay heed to the enemy soldiers when you fight. Their strength can differ by the types of soldiers in their formation. |
Unused Death Knight Line in Assault at the Rite of Rebirth
In Chapter 4, the Death Knight has an extra line of dialogue in the script that goes unused for unknown reasons. Leftover event scripting indicates that it would've played upon the Death Knight entering battle with Byleth.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Death Knight | Neutral | わざわざ殺されに来たか……。 | So, you came here to die... |
Diversion Tactics in Protecting Garreg Mach
An alternate take on preparing for the fire trap in Chapter 14 of the Silver Snow/Azure Moon/Verdant Wind routes, involving luring the enemy to a particular area of the map rather than waiting for an NPC soldier to arrive. "Catapult" here is an early translation of the ballista/terrain element known as an Onager in the finished localization.
- Silver Snow:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Seteth | Neutral | 西側の投石機を奪取せよ! 派手に動けば敵の目を引けるはずだ。 | Take that catapult on the west side! And let them see you do it! | ||
Happy | 投石機を奪えたか。 ならば、敵を引きつける! | We have the catapult. Time to draw their attention. | |||
Neutral | 敵主力は引きつけられたぞ。後は、 火攻めの準備が終わるのを待つだけだ。 | That did it. Now we just have to wait for the real attack to begin. |
- Azure Moon:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Gilbert | Neutral | 西側の投石機を奪って派手に動けば、 敵をそちらに引きつけられるのでは? | Capture the western catapult. Be ready. The enemy will move to stop you. | ||
Happy | 投石機は奪取できましたね。 では、陽動にかかるとしましょう。 | You have captured the catapult. Time for the diversion, then. | |||
Neutral | ……敵の主力は引きつけられましたね。 後は火攻めの用意が整うのを待ちましょう。 | We have the enemy's attention. Now we must wait until the fire attack is prepared. |
- Verdant Wind:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Claude | Neutral | 西側に投石機があるな。あれを奪って 派手に動けば、敵の目を引けそうだ。 | There's a catapult on the west side. Take that and do it loudly to draw the enemy toward you. | ||
Happy | ようし、投石機は頂いた。 後は敵を誘い出せば…… | OK, we got the catapult. Now we need to draw the enemy there... | |||
Neutral | 敵主力は引きつけられたみたいだな。 後は火攻めの準備が終われば、策は成る。 | Looks like we've drawn the main army. Now we'll be ready once the fire attack is prepared. |
Gwendal's Unused Battle Quote
In both chapters in which the NPC boss Gwendal is featured, there's an extra battle quote for him in the chapter's script which is never used, in which he mentions wielding a lance in spite of using only axes in all of his appearances. Leftover event scripting indicates that it would've played upon Byleth approaching certain enemy units near the center of the map in Ambush at Ailell, and at the start of the first enemy phase (unless he is defeated before then) in The Siege of Arianrhod.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Gwendal | Angry | 小童ども、少しはやりおるようだな。 しかし我が槍、貴様らにかわせるかのう? | You little ones fight decently. But can you deflect my lance? |
Claude VS Lorenz in The Great Bridge Coup
By editing an existing Verdant Wind save file and marking Lorenz as never having been recruited, he will appear in the map as an enemy, interact with Ferdinand as he would in Azure Moon, and make this conversation possible.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Claude | Neutral | 退けないか、ローレンツ。 俺たちが勝たなきゃ同盟は生き残れないぞ。 | Aren't you gonna stand aside, Lorenz? Unless we win, the Alliance can't survive. | ||
Lorenz | Angry | ……たとえ、それが本当でも、 戦わずして退くような卑怯な真似はできん! | Even if that's so, to allow you past without a fight would be pure cowardice, I'm afraid. | ||
Claude | Sad | 貴族として、か? 融通の利かない奴だなあ……。 | You are one stubborn guy. |
Reclaiming the Capital Battle Conversations
Chapter 18 of the Azure Moon route has a series of battle conversations between members of the Blue Lions. It is impossible for any of these to occur in the final game, since all Blue Lion students remain on Dimitri's side with no means of departing. All of them are fully voiced and able to trigger in-game if the characters are hacked to be enemies.
- Annette vs. Anyone:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Annette | Angry | たとえ相手が誰だろうと、 ここを抜かせはしないんだから……! | I won't let you pass! No matter who you are! |
- Annette vs. Byleth:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Annette | Sad | ……守らなきゃいけない人がいるんです。 だから退けない……相手が先生でも。 |
There's someone I must protect! I won't step aside... Even if it means fighting you, Professor. |
Angry | ……武器を構えてください! あたしは先生を、倒します! |
Prepare yourself! I won't lose! |
- Annette vs. Mercedes:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Mercedes | Neutral | アン、早くこんなことやめて帰りましょ? あなたの大好きなお菓子を焼いたのよ~。 | Can't you put an end to this nonsense and come home? I'll even bake some of your favorite treats! |
Annette | Neutral | ……メーチェの作るお菓子、大好きだよ。 熱いお茶によく合って、美味しくて……。 | I love your treats, Mercie. They taste great, and they're really good with piping hot tea... |
また、食べたかったな……。 ごめんね……あたし、帰れない。 | I would have liked to enjoy them one more time... But I'm sorry. I can't return home just yet. |
Mercedes | Neutral | アン……。 | Annie... |
- Annette vs. Gilbert:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Gilbert | Neutral | ……アネット、武器を捨てろ。 私と共に戦うことはできないのか? | Annette, throw down your arms! Would you really fight your father? |
Annette | Neutral | 父さん……無理だよ、できないんだよ……。 伯父さんを……母さんを、裏切れない……! | I can't do it, Father. I can't betray Mother and my uncle! |
父さんを倒さなきゃいけないなら、 倒すだけ……! | If I have to defeat you, then so be it! |
- Annette death quote:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Annette | Neutral | 父さん……お願い…… あたしの代わりに……母さんを……。 | Father, I beg you... Instead of Mother... | ||
(battle scene ends, return to the map) | |||||
Gilbert | Sad | ……ああ。 誓おう……アネット。 | Yes. I promise, Annette. |
- Felix vs. Anyone:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Felix | Neutral | ……どいてもらおう。 俺には……すべきことがある。 | Stand aside. There's something I must do. |
- Felix vs. Byleth:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Felix | Neutral | ……お前を斬れば、 少しは気も晴れそうだな。 | I'll relish cutting you down. | ||
剣士と剣士の間に言葉は要るまい。 ……来い! | No need for chitchat. Come at me! |
- Felix vs. Dimitri:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Felix | Neutral | ……親父殿は、死んだのだな。 | So, the old man's dead... | ||
Dimitri | Neutral | ……ああ。 | Yes. | ||
Felix | Neutral | ……お前だけは、俺が斬る。 構えろ、猪。 | I'll cut you down. Prepare yourself, you damn boar! |
Dimitri | Neutral | ……ああ。 来い、フェリクス! | Very well. Come at me, Felix! |
- Felix vs. Sylvain:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Felix | Neutral | ……どけ、シルヴァン。 お前を斬る剣は持っていない。 | Sylvain, stand aside. My blade thirsts for his blood, not yours. |
Sylvain | Neutral | だったらとっとと投降しちまえ。 俺だってお前と戦いたかねえんだよ! | If that's so, then you oughta stand down. I don't want to fight you either! |
Felix | Neutral | ……悪いな。 できない相談だ。 | Fine. Then we're at an impasse. |
- Felix vs. Ingrid:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Ingrid | Neutral | フェリクス、いい加減になさい! 戦う必要なんてないでしょう! | Felix! Get a grip! We don't need to fight! | ||
Felix | Neutral | 俺は奴を斬らねばならん。 イングリット……そこをどけ。 | Out of my way, Ingrid. I must defeat him. | ||
Ingrid | Neutral | 殿下を殺したところで何になるのよ! この、わからず屋……! | And then? What will become of you? You never have listened to reason! |
- Felix death quote:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Felix | Neutral | 届かない、か……。 父、上……。 | It's over... I'm sorry, Father. |
Unused Claude Line in Confrontation at the Palace
In Chapter 20 of the Verdant Wind Route, Claude has an extra line of dialogue in the script that goes unused for unknown reasons.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Claude | Neutral | 正面に突っ込むか、側面から攻め進むか…… どっちがいいだろうな、先生? | It's a choice between going through the front or attacking from the flank. Which way, Teach? |
Elites Absorbing Damage in For the Freedom of Fódlan
Apparently, Nemesis's link to the 10 Elites on chapter 22 of Verdant Wind originally worked differently—instead of (or perhaps in addition to) the surviving Elites each boosting his stats, damage from attacks aimed at him would've been redirected to them.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Leonie | Neutral | クロード! 何だかよくわからないけど、 今の攻撃で別の敵将が傷を負ったようだぞ! | Not sure what's happening here, Claude, but that attack damaged a different enemy commander! | ||
Claude | Sad | まさか配下の将が、ネメシスの受けた傷を 肩代わりしてるってのか……? | His commanders must be absorbing his damage for him! | ||
Neutral | いや、違うな。配下の将が、ネメシスの 受けた傷を肩代わりしてるようだ。 | No, that's not right... His commanders must be absorbing his damage for him! | |||
だとすりゃあ、配下の将たちを倒さなきゃ、 ネメシスには傷一つつけられないぞ……! | That means we have to take out the commanders before we can get a hit in on Nemesis! |
More Enemy Reinforcements in The Final Battle
Chapter 21's story mission of the Silver Snow route contains unused dialogue and event scripting suggesting White Beasts would have spawned from the west and east strongholds of the map at some point in development. In the final release, the monsters can only spawn from the map's southern stronghold.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Seteth | Neutral | 東西の砦から翼ある獣が出現し続けている。 早めに押さえたほうがよさそうだな。 | Winged beasts from the east and west—we should try to capture those strongholds quickly. | ||
Seteth | Happy | よし、砦を制圧できたな。 引き続き、他の砦の制圧も急ごう。 | Excellent. We've secured a stronghold. Let us hurry and proceed to the others. | ||
Seteth | これで、残る砦は一つだな。 | Only one stronghold remains. |
Unused Seteth Line in Protecting Garreg Mach
In Chapter 15 of the Crimson Flower route, Seteth has an extra line of dialogue in the script that goes unused for unknown reasons.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Seteth | Angry | 来たか、帝国の叛徒め! ここは通さんぞ! | Ah—here you are! I'm afraid we cannot let you pass. |
Unused Immaculate One Lines in The Fight For Fhirdiad
Chapter 18 of the Crimson Flower route contains some short unused dialogue of unknown purpose meant for the Immaculate One. Oddly enough, these seem to be taken from her Gambit and Triangle Attack battle clips as Rhea, and thus lack the voice filter used for her lines in this form. The first line is also missing punctuation at the end of the sentence in the Japanese script.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
The Immaculate One | Neutral | 今です | Now! | ||
さあ、一斉に! | At once! |
Defeating Commanders in Eternal Guardian
Rhea's paralogue has unused alternate versions of the lines for defeating one of the Phantom General bosses.
- Azure Moon:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Gilbert | Neutral | 無事に倒せましたか……。 指揮官らしき者はまだいるようですね。 | It's down. Well done. However, there are other commanders still on the battlefield. |
- Verdant Wind:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Claude | Neutral | よし、消えたぜ。 残りの指揮官もやっちまうか。 | OK, that's that. But there are still some commanders remaining. |
- Silver Snow:
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Seteth | Neutral | 指揮官は、まだ残っているぞ。 皆で協力して倒すのだ。 | There are still more commanding phantoms. We must work together to bring them down. |
Macuil's Lightning in The Sleeping Sand Legend
In the final game, Macuil is the Wind Dragon, but these unused lines from Claude's paralogue suggest he was originally associated with lightning instead (which is the domain of Charon in the final).
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Claude | Surprised | 何だ、ありゃ!? あいつ、雷を落とせるのか!? | Really? It wields the power of lightning?! | ||
Neutral | 砂地は足を取られて上手く動けないし…… こりゃ意外と苦戦するかもな。 | And it's difficult to move in this sand... This might not be an easy fight at all. |
Unused Duscur Soldier in War for the Weak
A line from Dedue's paralogue presumably meant to be used upon defeating one of the Duscur Soldiers. It's assigned to a female Duscur Soldier character ID, whereas in the final game, only male Soldiers are present on this map.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Duscur Soldier | Neutral | ……この礼は、いつか必ず。 | I...will repay you for this kindness, some day. |
Enemy Reinforcements in Falling Short of Heaven
In Ashe and Catherine's paralogue, unused event scripting exists to have Rhea and Ashe comment on the arrival of enemy reinforcements; in the final game, system message popups are used to convey this information instead.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Rhea | Neutral | 彼らに援兵が現れたようです。 司祭たちが呼び込んでいるようですね。 | They have received reinforcements, and it seems the priests are calling them over. | ||
Ashe | Neutral | つまり、あの人たちを討てば、 援軍は止まるってことですね! | Then we'll just have to take them out! |
Petra Rescuing Reinforcements in Foreign Land and Sky
An alternate take on Petra bringing allied reinforcements from the western stronghold, in which she'd actually leave the map for the duration of the two turns it takes for them to arrive. Full event scripting still exists for this on both versions of the map, but it's set to require the unused unrecruited version of Petra to be present and moved onto the stronghold rather than the used player-controlled one, and so goes unused as well.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Petra | Neutral | わたし、砦の中、味方、解放する、です。 先生たち、援軍、待っている、望みます。 | I must be going inside the stronghold and releasing our allies. Professor... Friends... Please have patience for the reinforcements. | ||
援軍、用意、できました。 待たせる、しました。 | Reinforcements are ready. Take my apologies for the wait! |
Unused Thief Line in Oil and Water
The thief in Hanneman and Manuela's paralogue has an extra line of dialogue in the script that goes unused for unknown reasons.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Thief | Neutral | 頂くもん頂いて、 さっさとおさらばするか! | Well, time to grab what I can and get out of here! |
Unused Metodey Lines in Besieged in the Chapel Ruins
In Chapter 5 of the Cindered Shadows sidestory, Metodey has two extra lines of dialogue in the script that go unused for unknown reasons. Note that the first sentence of the second line here is the same as one of his used lines from this map, although the voice reads are different between them.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Metodey | Neutral | チッ、やられすぎだ。 せめて見つけたお宝だけでも持って帰るか。 | Hmph, this isn't going well. We'd better get out of here with the treasure... | ||
Surprised | 何でガルグ=マクの中にこんなに魔物が 出やがるんだ! おお落ち着け! | Why are monsters like that in Garreg Mach?! Enough already! |
Unused NPC/Enemy Action Lines
To do:
Voice clips for NPC and enemy units triggering Gambit Boosts and Triangle Attacks exist in the game's files, despite these mechanics being usable only by playable units in the final game. Additionally, male units (playable or not) have Triangle Attack clips despite the skill being learned only via mastering Pegasus Knight, a female-only class.
Gambit Boost
Speaker | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Kostas | (TBA) | (TBA) | I'll jump in too! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | They'll regret this! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Ugh, I can't just watch! | ||
Lonato | (TBA) | (TBA) | Not without me! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | I will assist you! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | This is my fight! | ||
Death Knight | (TBA) | (TBA) | Run them ragged! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | To their deaths! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | If I must! | ||
Miklan | (TBA) | (TBA) | We'll destroy them all! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | You need me? | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Save some for me! | ||
Acheron | (TBA) | (TBA) | Me too? | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | I suppose. | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | I'll pretend to try. | ||
Rodrigue | (TBA) | (TBA) | I'm with you. | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | We will lend our strength! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | We will back you up! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | We'll back you up! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | I'll join you! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Allow me to help! | ||
Solon | (TBA) | (TBA) | Do not waste my time! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | I'll assist! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | This is how it is done! | ||
Kronya | (TBA) | (TBA) | I'll clean up your mess! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Need my help, don't ya? | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Can't you handle anything?! | ||
Metodey | (TBA) | (TBA) | What a nuisance! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Trying to take control? | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | I'll hurt these fools as well! | ||
Flame Emperor | (TBA) | (TBA) | Behold! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | I must act now! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | They will not stop us! | ||
Randolph | (TBA) | (TBA) | We will lend our strength! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | We'll support you! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | I'm with you! | ||
Ladislava | (TBA) | (TBA) | Let's join forces! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | We can help! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Together, we can win! | ||
Pallardó | (TBA) | (TBA) | I'll go with you! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | I'll help! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Keep it up! | ||
Judith | (TBA) | (TBA) | No time to waste! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Leave this to me! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | I've got you covered! | ||
Gwendal | (TBA) | (TBA) | Need our support? | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Bringing backup. | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | It's our turn! | ||
Nader | (TBA) | (TBA) | We'll go together! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | We'll help too! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | No need to thank me. | ||
Cornelia | (TBA) | (TBA) | You want me, right? | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | What a handful! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | My, my! | ||
Lord Arundel | (TBA) | (TBA) | I will join you! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | They will regret this! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Careless! | ||
Thales | (TBA) | (TBA) | I will go as well! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Do not deviate! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | I will destroy them! | ||
Nemesis | (TBA) | (TBA) | Obliterate them! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Return them to nothingness! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Clear the way! | ||
Generic Male 1 | (TBA) | (TBA) | We'll cover you! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | I'll lend a hand! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | I'll help out! | ||
Generic Male 2 | (TBA) | (TBA) | Let us be of use! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | I'll assist! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | We'll cover you! | ||
Generic Male 3 | (TBA) | (TBA) | Need something? | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | I'll help ya! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | You owe me. | ||
Generic Male 4 | (TBA) | (TBA) | I suppose I'll help. | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | I won't just watch. | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Let me give you a hand. | ||
Generic Male 5 | (TBA) | (TBA) | I'll lend a hand! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Whenever you need. | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | We'll come along too! | ||
Generic Male 6 | (TBA) | (TBA) | Lending a hand? | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Let's offer our support. | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | I'll support! | ||
Generic Male 7 | (TBA) | (TBA) | We'll go too. | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | We'll help. | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | We'll cover you. | ||
Generic Male 8 | (TBA) | (TBA) | I'll pitch in! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | I'll help out! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | We're in too! | ||
Generic Male 9 | (TBA) | (TBA) | Is that the plan? | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Me as well? | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Thank me later. | ||
Generic Male 10 | (TBA) | (TBA) | Need some help? | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Bringing backup. | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | It's my turn! | ||
Generic Male 11 | (TBA) | (TBA) | Let's help each other! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | This is our opportunity. | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | We will assist! | ||
Generic Female 1 | (TBA) | (TBA) | We'll back you up! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Let's give them a hand! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Count us in! | ||
Generic Female 2 | (TBA) | (TBA) | I can help! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Let's work together! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Help them out! | ||
Generic Female 3 | (TBA) | (TBA) | We'll assist! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | We'll lend a hand! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Sending aid! | ||
Generic Female 4 | (TBA) | (TBA) | You owe us one! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Need us to step in? | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | We're in too! | ||
Generic Female 5 | (TBA) | (TBA) | If you need me. | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Need assistance? | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | I'll have to step in! | ||
Generic Female 6 | (TBA) | (TBA) | Want a little help? | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Let me. | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Guess you need me, huh? |
Triangle Attack
Speaker | Dialogue (JP) | Audio, Pre-Timeskip (JP) | Audio, Post-Timeskip (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio, Pre-Timeskip (EN) | Audio, Post-Timeskip (EN) |
Dimitri | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Seize the opportunity! | ||
We'll attack as one! | (N/A) | |||||
Don't let up! | ||||||
It's time to crush our foes! | (N/A) | |||||
Take no prisoners! | (N/A) | |||||
Rip them to shreds! | (N/A) | |||||
Show them our might! | (N/A) | |||||
Claude | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Group attack, now! | ||
After them! | ||||||
Full-on assault! | (N/A) | |||||
Attack! | (N/A) | |||||
Hubert | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Let's crush them! | ||
Attack as one! | ||||||
Take action at once! | (N/A) | |||||
Annihilate them at once! | (N/A) | |||||
Ferdinand | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Unleash your fury! | ||
No escape! | (N/A) | |||||
Show them our power! | (N/A) | |||||
They will never escape! | (N/A) | |||||
Cut away at their strength! | (N/A) | |||||
Linhardt | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | You're up. | (N/A) | |
Everyone, let's move! | (N/A) | |||||
Together, okay? | ||||||
We got them. | (N/A) | |||||
We'll overwhelm them! | (N/A) | |||||
Caspar | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Let's blow them down! | ||
Don't go easy now! | (N/A) | |||||
No mercy, none! | (N/A) | |||||
Get them, now! | ||||||
Dedue | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Go! | ||
Have at them! | ||||||
Now! | ||||||
Felix | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Break their will! | ||
Smash them! | ||||||
Destroy! | ||||||
Ashe | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Together, we will prevail! | (N/A) | |
Ready yourselves! | (N/A) | |||||
Follow my lead! | ||||||
Our moment has come! | ||||||
Sylvain | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Let's get things going! | (N/A) | |
We'll show them how it's done! | (N/A) | |||||
Together! | (N/A) | |||||
Now is our chance! | (N/A) | |||||
To victory! | (N/A) | |||||
As one! | (N/A) | |||||
Lorenz | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | With me! | ||
Together! | ||||||
Commence the attack! | ||||||
Raphael | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | All together! | (N/A) | |
Let's get them! | (N/A) | |||||
Everyone, ba-boom! | ||||||
Now, everybody! | ||||||
Ignatz | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Let's go! | ||
We can do this! | ||||||
Together, now! | ||||||
Seteth | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Join together! | (N/A) | |
As one! | ||||||
Defeat them! | ||||||
Hanneman | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Attack as one! | (N/A) | |
Concurrent attack! | ||||||
Overwhelm them! | ||||||
Gilbert | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Everyone! | (N/A) | |
Attack! | ||||||
Everyone ready? | ||||||
Alois | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Now go! | (N/A) | |
Advance! | ||||||
As one! | ||||||
Cyril | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | All together! | ||
Join me! | ||||||
As one! | ||||||
Jeritza | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Destroy them! | (N/A) | |
Make them BEG! | ||||||
No mercy! | ||||||
Yuri | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Do it! | (N/A) | |
Go, now! | ||||||
Deal with them! | ||||||
Balthus | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Stay together! | (N/A) | |
Smash them up! | ||||||
Show them how it's done! | (N/A) | |||||
Get it done! | (N/A) | |||||
Kostas | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Get 'em! | (N/A) | |
Keep at them! | ||||||
Crush them! | ||||||
Lonato | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | This is our moment! | (N/A) | |
I cannot retreat! | ||||||
We will bury them! | ||||||
Death Knight | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Destroy them! | (N/A) | |
Make them BEG! | ||||||
No mercy! | ||||||
Miklan | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Go! All of you! | (N/A) | |
Show them our might! | ||||||
Break them! | ||||||
Acheron | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Go! Go! | (N/A) | |
Crush them! | ||||||
Just go already! | ||||||
Rodrigue | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Attack! | (N/A) | |
On my honor! | ||||||
Prove our fealty! | ||||||
Solon | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | It is time! | (N/A) | |
Annihilate them! | ||||||
Grind their bones to dust! | ||||||
Kronya | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Should we kill 'em? | (N/A) | |
Let's finish this quickly! | ||||||
Hey! Hurry up! | ||||||
Metodey | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Strength in numbers! | (N/A) | |
Follow me! | ||||||
Keep it up! | ||||||
Flame Emperor | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Leave no trace! | (N/A) | |
Too late to repent! | ||||||
Feed them to the maggots! | ||||||
Randolph | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Don't stop now! | (N/A) | |
Strike 'em down! | ||||||
Victory at any cost! | ||||||
Ladislava | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Show them the Empire's might! | (N/A) | |
We'll fight our way through! | ||||||
Everyone, attack! | ||||||
Pallardó | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Here we go! | (N/A) | |
Together! | ||||||
Look sharp! | ||||||
Judith | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Move it! | (N/A) | |
Follow me! | ||||||
Give it all you got! | ||||||
Gwendal | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Invigorating! | (N/A) | |
Follow me! | ||||||
Attack! | ||||||
Nader | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Follow me! | (N/A) | |
Join together! | ||||||
Don't let up! | ||||||
Cornelia | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Do you mind? | (N/A) | |
I hate to play rough, but... | ||||||
Shall we dance? | ||||||
Lord Arundel | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Run them down! | (N/A) | |
Death shall reign! | ||||||
There will be no escape! | ||||||
Thales | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Do not hold back! | (N/A) | |
Cleanse this wretched world! | ||||||
Hunt the vermin down! | ||||||
Nemesis | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Runged! | (N/A) | |
Death to cowards! | ||||||
All will bleed! | ||||||
Aelfric | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Forward! | (N/A) | |
Strike now! | ||||||
I call upon you! | ||||||
Generic Male 1 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | All together! | (N/A) | |
Don't lead up! | ||||||
Everyone! | ||||||
Generic Male 2 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Time to go! | (N/A) | |
Overwhelm them! | ||||||
Don't hold back! | ||||||
Generic Male 3 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Have at 'em! | (N/A) | |
Crush them! | ||||||
Get 'em! | ||||||
Generic Male 4 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | The time is now! | (N/A) | |
All together! | ||||||
Follow my lead! | ||||||
Generic Male 5 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Now, everyone! | (N/A) | |
Full-on assault! | ||||||
Start the attack! | ||||||
Generic Male 6 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Let's move! | (N/A) | |
Strike as one! | ||||||
Work together! | ||||||
Generic Male 7 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Everyone! | (N/A) | |
No compromises! | ||||||
Give it all you got! | ||||||
Generic Male 8 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Hurry up, cowards! | (N/A) | |
With me! | ||||||
No holding back! | ||||||
Generic Male 9 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Go, now! | (N/A) | |
The bards will sing of this! | ||||||
Engage! | ||||||
Generic Male 10 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Let's move! | (N/A) | |
Show them what we're made of! | ||||||
Attack! | ||||||
Generic Male 11 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Do it! | (N/A) | |
Move as one! | ||||||
Push through! | ||||||
Generic Female 1 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Let's move! | (N/A) | |
Let's finish it! | ||||||
Follow me! | ||||||
Generic Female 2 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Move it! | (N/A) | |
Stay together! | ||||||
Come on! | ||||||
Generic Female 3 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Go! | (N/A) | |
Dominate them! | ||||||
Use all your strength! | ||||||
Generic Female 4 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Go, now! | (N/A) | |
Let's hurry it up! | ||||||
Give it all you got! | ||||||
Generic Female 5 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Now! | (N/A) | |
Stop them! | ||||||
Bring them to their knees! | ||||||
Generic Female 6 | (TBA) | (TBA) | (TBA) | Now, please. | (N/A) | |
Let's join forces. | ||||||
Go on, then. |
Healed Enemies
There are a few specific named enemies who never appear on a map with allies that can use healing or support magic, thus rendering their lines for being healed/supported unused.
Speaker | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Lonato | (TBA) | (TBA) | Fine work! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Back to it! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Hm. | ||
Kronya | (TBA) | (TBA) | Pulled your weight! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Too close! | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Back to killing! | ||
Pallardó | (TBA) | (TBA) | Appreciated! | |
(TBA) | (TBA) | Sorry. | ||
(TBA) | (TBA) | Thanks. |
Unused Budding Talent Quotes
Every character in the game has unique lines meant to be triggered once their Budding Talent is unlocked. Interestingly, this also includes characters who have no Budding Talent in the final release.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio, Pre-Timeskip (JP) | Audio, Post-Timeskip (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio, Pre-Timeskip (EN) | Audio, Post-Timeskip (EN) |
Linhardt | Surprised | これも指導の賜物ですよ | This is nothing more than the result of great coaching. | (same as pre-skip) | |||
Caspar | 閃いた! これが才能ってやつか! | This is incredible! I've got a new talent! | (same as pre-skip) | ||||
Petra | わたし、何か、掴む、掴めた、思います | I have been learning much. | (same as pre-skip) | ||||
Dedue | こんな才能が…… | I did not know I had such a talent. | (same as pre-skip) | ||||
Annette | あたし、こんなことができたんだ…… | Who knew I could do this... | (same as pre-skip) | ||||
Ingrid | こんな力が眠っていたとは…… | I didn't know I had it in me... | (same as pre-skip) | ||||
Lorenz | 新しい僕に出会えた | I've discovered a whole new side of me. | (same as pre-skip) | ||||
Raphael | オデにも、こんなことできたのか | Whoa. I didn't know I could do that! | (same as pre-skip) | ||||
Leonie | わたしに、こんな才能がねえ? | Didn't know I had it in me! | (same as pre-skip) | ||||
Seteth | この私にも、まだ秘められた力が…… | (N/A) | I have yet more power to unleash. | (N/A) | |||
Hanneman | 新たな境地に達したようだ | (N/A) | I seem to have broken new ground. | (N/A) | |||
Manuela | 隠されていた才能が花開いたわね | (N/A) | I always knew I could do that if I tried. | (N/A) | |||
Gilbert | ほう、私にもこのような力が…… | (N/A) | Hmm. I did not realize I possessed such a strength. | (N/A) | |||
Alois | 私にこんな才能が……意外! | (N/A) | Who knew I could do something like this? | (N/A) | |||
Catherine | この力で、アタシはまた強くなる | (N/A) | A new power I can wield! | (N/A) | |||
Shamir | ふむ、私にこんな才があったか | (N/A) | Huh. I didn't know I had such a talent. | (N/A) | |||
Cyril | 信じられない……これがボクの力なの? | Oh, wow. Could I always do this? |
Unused Monastery Dialogue
Alternate Localizations in Unused Duplicate Dialogue
The second version of Chapter 1's exploration (used after having chosen a house to teach) contains unused event scripting for full duplicates of the dialogue used for Jeritza, Ferdinand, and Lorenz in Chapter 2's exploration and for Marianne in Chapter 3's exploration. These leftovers appear to date from an earlier stage of the localization process, as Jeritza's second line of dialogue in them differs slightly from the final in some languages:
Unused | Used | |
English (both US and UK) | Problem? I just wanted to spar... | What? I just wanted to spar... |
Spanish (both European and Mexican) | Bueno, bueno... ¿Algún problema? Yo solo quería practicar un poco. | ¿Qué pasa? Yo solo quería practicar un poco. |
German | Gibt es ein Problem? Ich wollte nur etwas üben... | Was? Ich wollte nur etwas üben... |
Italian | Qualcosa non va? Volevo solo allenarmi un po'... | Beh, volevo solo allenarmi un po'... |
Additionally, two other lines have slight differences in the German localization only:
Unused | Used | |
Jeritza's first line | Ihr seht gelangweilt aus. Wie wäre es mit einem Duell? | Du siehst gelangweilt aus. Wie wäre es mit einem Duell? |
Lorenz's third line, if the second option is picked for the dialogue choice | Ich bin auch kein sehr hingebungsvoller Gläubiger, um ehrlich sein. Doch es wäre unpassend für einen Adligen wie mich, seine Gebete zu vernachlässigen. | Ich bin auch kein hingebungsvoller Gläubiger, um ehrlich zu sein. Doch es wäre unschicklich für einen Adligen wie mich, seine Gebete zu vernachlässigen. |
Note that these differences are only in the dialogue text itself; the voice lines assigned to it are the same as those of the used text in all cases.
Flayn Loses the White Heron Cup
In Chapter 9, even though it's impossible for Flayn to lose the White Heron Cup (due to her initial Charm stat already being more than enough to win the competition), dialogue does exist in the game which accounts for such a scenario, complete with fully-functional event scripting.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Flayn | Sad | 負けるなんて……悔しいですわ……。 でも、舞踊は上手になりましたでしょ? | Oh no... We lost. I do hope I made good progress with my dance technique though. |
There exists dialogue for Ferdinand and Lorenz when both are invited to Share a Meal and they have reached an A-rank Support with each other. In the final game, their support chain ends at B-rank, meaning the lines in question go unused.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Lorenz | Happy | 近頃は何かと荒んだ気分に陥りがちだが、 君たちと食事をしていると癒されるよ。 | To share a table with you is a comfort in these difficult times. | ||
Ferdinand | 私もだよ、ローレンツ。この優雅なひと時を 存分に楽しみ、明日への活力とせねばな。 | I feel precisely the same, Lorenz. Such cheerful moments give me the will to keep going. |
Jeritza in Outset of a Power Struggle
After the Version 1.1.0 update, Jeritza has dialogue for when he's interacted with while exploring during Chapter 12 of the Crimson Flower route even though he's nowhere to be found in that chapter's hub.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Jeritza | Neutral | ……お前か。 | It's you. | ||
(If Byleth answered "どうしてここに?") ……私は帝国の将だ。 |
(If Byleth answered "What are you doing here?") I am an Imperial general. |
(If Byleth answered "久しぶりだ") ……いや、違う。 |
(If Byleth answered "It's been a while.") Shorter than you think. |
お前とは……何度も会っているはずだ。 聖廟で、地下道で、村で…… | I've seen you a number of times. In the Holy Mausoleum, the underground chamber, and the village... | ||||
私を、死神と呼ぶ者もいる。 ……お前と死合えぬのが、口惜しい。 | Some know me as the Death Knight. It's a shame that I cannot fight you at present. |
Ashe's Defection Leftover in Azure Moon
Even though Ashe never abandons the player's roster in the Azure Moon route like in Silver Snow and Verdant Wind, leftover dialogue from Annette alluding to it (used in Silver Snow and Verdant Wind) still exists on Azure Moon's exploration script for Chapter 16.
Mourning Lorenz in Blood of the Eagle and Lion (Verdant Wind)
In Verdant Wind Chapter 17's exploration, Hilda, Raphael, and Marianne have unused dialogue where they reminisce and mourn Lorenz after having fought him in the previous chapter, even though Lorenz cannot defect from the party during the Verdant Wind route.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Raphael | Sad | この間の戦いも……ローレンツくんを 見つけて、オデ、逃げ出そうかと思ったぞ。 | It's like when we were fighting before... I saw Lorenz and wasn't sure what to do with myself. | ||
Marianne | Sad | ローレンツさんのために、 主に祈りを捧げていました……。 | I've been praying to the goddess for Lorenz... | ||
こんな時代でなければ、 私たちが戦う必要などなかったのに……。 | We wouldn't have had to fight like that if things were different. | ||||
Hilda | Sad | はあーあ。ローレンツくんのこと思い出すと ため息が出ちゃうんですよねー。 | Poor Lorenz. | ||
特別親しかったわけじゃないですけど。 一応、友だちではありましたからー。 | He and I weren't very close, but we were friends. |
Unused Lecture Questions
Both Gilbert and Jeritza have unused text meant for lecture questions during the classroom. The former has a question listed for Part I despite becoming available only during Azure Moon's Part II, while the latter seems to have just placeholder text for a question and replies (in the final release, Jeritza is the only playable character unable to ask questions during lectures).
Speaker | Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
Gilbert | Question (Part I): 貴族子弟の教育のためにと、教団は各国から 一定数の兵士を借り受けているのですが、 出自を異にする者たちが一カ所に集まる以上 揉め事も度々……困りものです。 Potential Answers: • 懇親の機会を増やしてみては • 元の所属や出身ごとに部隊を分けては • ある程度の衝突が起こるのは仕方ない |
Question (Part I): For the purpose of educating young aristocrats, the church borrows a number of soldiers from each country. As these soldiers from different origins gather in one place, animosity and fighting become frequent. It is...a problem. Potential Answers: • Help the soldiers socialize. It's harder to fight a friend. • Keep the troops separated. Fighting is for the battlefield. • Some conflicts are inevitable. |
Speaker | Condition | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Jeritza | Asking Question | Neutral | 考えを聞こう…… | Thoughts? | ||
Neutral Answer | そうか…… | I see... | ||||
Liked Answer | Surprised | ……腑に落ちた | Satisfying enough. | |||
Disliked Answer | Sad | 理解に苦しむな…… | Baffling... |
Jeralt and Rhea's Monastery Activities
Jeralt and Rhea both have quite a few monastery-related voice lines meant for activities they are unable to participate in, likely remnants from when they were once planned to be playable characters.
Speaker | Condition | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Jeralt | Received Gift (Neutral) | Neutral | おう、悪いな | You didn't have to do this. | ||
Received Gift (Liked) | Happy | 流石に、心得てやがるな | Heh, you know me well. | |||
Received Gift (Disliked) | Neutral | まあ、もらっとこう | Why not? I'll take it. | |||
Instructed (Great)) | Happy | 感触は悪くねえな | Not bad. | |||
Neutral | まあ、ボチボチやってくさ | I'll go at my own pace. | ||||
Instructed (Budding Talent) | Surprised | この感覚、久しぶりだぜ…… | This feeling... It's been a while. | |||
Lecture Questions (Asking Question) | Neutral | 聞いておきたいんだが | I'd like to ask you something. | |||
Lecture Questions (Neutral Answer) | そういう考え方もあるか | That's one way of thinking. | ||||
Lecture Questions (Liked Answer) | Happy | そういうことだったか! | Ah, so that's how it is! | |||
Lecture Questions (Disliked Answer) | Sad | そりゃあんまりな答えじゃねえか? | That can't be right. | |||
Certification Exam (Passed) | Happy | がはは、嬉しいもんだな | *laugh* This is great news! | |||
Certification Exam (Failed) | Sad | 甘く見すぎちまったか | I underestimated the task... | |||
Class Change | Neutral | 意外に合ってるかもしれねえな | Perhaps this is fitting. | |||
これで戦えってのか? いいけどよ | I can fight under any conditions. | |||||
俺に何をやらせようってのかねえ | What am I thinking... | |||||
Group Tasks (No Support, Casual) | よう、仲良くやろうぜ | Let's get through this. | ||||
ちゃっちゃと始めようか | Let's get started. | |||||
Group Tasks (No Support, Polite) | ま、仲良くやりましょうや | Let's do what we can. | ||||
ちゃちゃっと始めましょう | Let's get started. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level C, Casual) | 俺たち、悪くない組み合わせだよな | Not a bad pair, are we? | ||||
協力すりゃあすぐに終わるさ | If we work together, it will be done in no time. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level C, Polite) | 俺たち、悪くない組み合わせですよね? | Not a bad pair, are we? | ||||
協力すれば、すぐに終わりますよ | If we work together, it will be done in no time. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level B-A, Casual) | お前がいりゃあ、余裕だな | Between the two of us, we've got this covered. | ||||
期待されちゃあ応えねえとな | I won't let you down. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level B-A, Polite) | あんたがいりゃあ、余裕ですね | Between the two of us, we've got this covered. | ||||
ご期待に応えますよ | I won't let you down. | |||||
Group Tasks (Results, Perfect) | Happy | どうだ、よくやっただろ? | We did well. | |||
Group Tasks (Results, Good) | Neutral | おう、片づけといたぞ | We took care of it. | |||
Tea Party (Offer some tea)) | Happy | あー、美味えな | Mm, very nice. | |||
あったまるぜ | It warms my heart. | |||||
Neutral | 俺に茶は似合わねえか? | Didn't peg me as a tea drinker, did you? | ||||
Rhea | Instructed (Great)) | Happy | 実りあるひと時でした | That was most fruitful. | ||
Neutral | 有意義に過ごせました | That was quite useful. | ||||
Instructed (Budding Talent) | Surprised | 不思議な感覚を得られました | I feel a strange sense of accomplishment... | |||
Lecture Questions (Asking Question) | Neutral | 聞いてもいいでしょうか | May I ask you a question? | |||
Lecture Questions (Neutral Answer) | わかりました | I understand. | ||||
Lecture Questions (Liked Answer) | Happy | これ以上ない答えでしたね | That was a wonderful answer. | |||
Lecture Questions (Disliked Answer) | Sad | そうでしょうか…… | Is that so... | |||
Certification Exam (Passed) | Happy | 安心しました | I am relieved. | |||
Certification Exam (Failed) | Sad | 私としたことが…… | How could I fail like that... | |||
Class Change | Neutral | 主の思し召しに従いましょう | So be it. | |||
これもまた一興というもの | This should prove amusing. | |||||
この姿、いかがです? | How interesting... | |||||
Group Tasks (No Support, Casual) | よろしく頼みましたよ? | We will proceed when you are ready. | ||||
期待していますよ? | I am counting on you. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level C, Casual) | さあ、励みましょう | Let us proceed. | ||||
ええ、誠実に取り組みましょう | Of course. Let us behave with honor. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level B-A, Casual) | 何も心配はなさそうですね | Do not fret. | ||||
ふふ、そうですね | As you say. | |||||
Group Tasks (Results, Perfect) | Happy | これが私たちの力です | Such is our power. | |||
Group Tasks (Results, Good) | Neutral | 無事に終わりました | We finished without incident. |
Unseen Polite Group Task Lines
The generic dialogue seen when performing Group Tasks comes in two sets, one casual (tameguchi) and one more polite (keigo), with which form is used determined on a per-character basis. Manuela, Hanneman, Catherine, and Shamir have polite lines coded in but are set to only use them with Rhea, who isn't available for Group Tasks in the final game, while Hapi has polite lines but is set to use them with no one at all, thus rendering all of these lines unused.
Note that while some of these lines overlap with the corresponding used ones for casual dialogue in the English script and voice files, the Japanese equivalents are all unique.
Speaker | Condition | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio, Pre-Timeskip (JP) | Audio, Post-Timeskip (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Manuela | Group Tasks (No Support, Polite) | Neutral | よろしくお願いします | (N/A) | Let's get this over with. | ||
はい、よろしくお願いしますね | (N/A) | Oh, fine. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level C, Polite) | お手数おかけしますね | (N/A) | Give me a hand with this, would you? | ||||
ご一緒できて嬉しいです | (N/A) | It's great to be working with you. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level B-A, Polite) | 本当に心強いです | (N/A) | This is reassuring. | ||||
ええ、お任せください | (N/A) | Yes. Please leave it to me. | |||||
Hanneman | Group Tasks (No Support, Polite) | 力をお借りしたく…… | (N/A) | Ready when you are. | |||
は、よろしくお願いいたします | (N/A) | Very well. If we must. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level C, Polite) | 恐縮ですが、共に当たりましょう | (N/A) | Hate to trouble you, but this is a task for the two of us. | ||||
恐縮です、力をお借りします | (N/A) | Thank you for your assistance. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level B-A, Polite) | 我々に不可能はありませんな | (N/A) | Nothing is impossible for two of us. | ||||
すべて我輩にお任せください | (N/A) | You can leave everything to me. | |||||
Catherine | Group Tasks (No Support, Polite) | ちょっと力を借りますね | (N/A) | All right. You'd better keep up. | |||
よろしくお願いします! | (N/A) | I guess someone's gotta do it. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level C, Polite) | さくっと片づけますか | (N/A) | Let's take care of this. | ||||
このくらい、朝飯前ですよ | (N/A) | This is almost too easy. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level B-A, Polite) | アタシらなら余裕ですよ | (N/A) | We got this! Easy. | ||||
二人でなんて嬉しいですね | (N/A) | Yeah. This ought to go smoothly. | |||||
Shamir | Group Tasks (No Support, Polite) | さ、行きましょう | (N/A) | Come. Let's go. | |||
はい、了解です | (N/A) | Understood. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level C, Polite) | 特に問題ないかと | (N/A) | I don't see a problem. | ||||
すぐ終わります、任せてください | (N/A) | Leave it to me. It'll take no time. | |||||
Group Tasks (Support Level B-A, Polite) | あなたとならすぐ片づけられるかと | (N/A) | With us side by side, we'll finish in no time. | ||||
あなたとなら楽勝ですね | (N/A) | Yes. This'll be easy for the two of us. | |||||
Hapi | Group Tasks (No Support, Polite) | すぐに終わらせられるかな | I'm not sure about this. | ||||
はい、お願いしますねー | Let's try not to screw this up. | ||||||
Group Tasks (Support Level C, Polite) | じゃー一緒にやりますか | I think we can handle this. | |||||
じゃ、片づけちゃいましょ | Let's get started. | ||||||
Group Tasks (Support Level B-A, Polite) | さっさとやっちゃいましょうよ | Let's get it done. | |||||
Happy | はーい、了解です | Yup. We're on it. |
Anna's Group Tasks
The DLC character Anna contains lines and voice clips meant to be used when performing a Group Task alongside a character she has achieved supports with, despite her being the only character in the game who cannot be supported.
Speaker | Condition | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Anna | Support Level C | Happy | さっさと片づけちゃいましょうか! | We can do this! | ||
ええ、そうね! | Mm-hmm! | |||||
Support Level B-A | さ、一儲けしちゃいましょ! | Woo-hoo! We're gonna nail this! | ||||
一攫千金も夢じゃないわね! | I see the future, and it's gold! |
Jeritza's Recruitment Dialogue
Jeritza has dialogue lines for recruitment which were left unused in the final version of the game in favor of him being able to auto-join your party in the start of chapter 13 of Crimson Flower.
Speaker | Condition | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Jeritza | Upon being approached for recruitment | Neutral | 帝国の将として戦うのは、つまらん……。 | Fighting as an Imperial general is mind-numbingly dull... | ||
お前たちと共に行けば……、 無聊の慰めには、なるかもしれん……。 | Joining you would be a welcome distraction. | |||||
Accept Recruitment | Happy | そうか……。 では、愉しませてもらおう……! | Indeed. I would relish the opportunity. | |||
Decline Recruitment | Neutral | いや……気の迷い、か……。 | It was merely a passing whim. |
Alternate Dialogue Options for Anna and Jeritza's Recruitments?
These lines are found in the script files pertaining to the DLC update that added Anna and Jeritza as playable characters, and are formatted as dialogue options for Byleth to select. In the final game, recruiting Anna uses the standard dialogue prompts for faculty characters ("協力を要請する"/"Ask for assistance" and "やめておく"/"Decline to invite"), and Jeritza isn't recruited manually like this to begin with.
Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
手伝ってもらう | Yes, please join us. |
断る | No, thanks. |
自軍に誘う | You are welcome to come along. |
自軍に誘わない | You'd better stay and attend to your post. |
Unused Event Variations
In the game's script, some events can feature a few changes which can't be seen in normal gameplay as they require unused conditions in the game proper.
The End of Black Market Scheme
To do: Check if the event's variation is fully functional. |
Upon completing the DLC paralogue Black Market Scheme, there is an unused variation of Edelgard's dialogue when she recounts the events of Monica's disappearance that would have only been triggered if the player had completed the paralogue before chapter 6 on any route.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Edelgard | Neutral | 帝都からの報告では、彼の娘が去年から 行方不明になっているらしいの。 | Based on Imperial reports, his daughter Monica went missing last year. |
The Death Knight (Silver Snow)
To do: Provide more footage of the event's unused variation. |
Near the end of the event, the game checks if Caspar and/or Linhardt are unrecruited. If so, the scene in Fort Merceus shows an enemy Caspar and/or Linhardt along with the Death Knight, similar to how the Azure Moon and Verdant Wind counterpart of this event works. Interestingly, even though the dialogue in question is also used in the Verdant Wind route, the internal order of the event and its related voice clips suggests Silver Snow's version precedes it.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Caspar | Neutral | ん、誰のこと……まさか、先生か!? 流石にこの要塞は落とせねえだろ。 | Who are you talking about? You don't mean that professor, do you?! Doesn't matter. No one could take this fortress. |
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Linhardt | Neutral | はあ……また面倒くさそうな話だね……。 僕は寝てますよ。 | Ugh, sounds like a bother... I'll be taking a nap about now. |
Home (Azure Moon)
To do: Check if the event's variation is fully functional. |
At the very end of this event the game checks if Felix is unrecruited. If so, the event proceeds to display a small scene where it would normally end with an enemy Felix bracing himself to fight Dimitri.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Felix | Neutral | ……来るか、猪。 | Are you coming, boar prince? | ||
Happy | こうして貴様と、 斬り合う日が来るとはな……! | To think the day has finally come when we will cross swords... |
Unused Support Variations
Multiple supports contain dialogue which changes depending on when it's seen in the story, while there are others which can be either locked or unlocked depending if a certain point of the story has been met. Despite this, there are two supports which contain dialogue for situations that cannot be seen normally.
Edelgard & Ferdinand's B-Support
While this support is unavailable during the Academy Phase, a trigger exists late in it which slightly modifies Ferdinand's dialogue if the game checks the support is being viewed during Part I.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Ferdinand | Sad | 何が級長に物申すだ、この程度の覚悟しか 持たない貴族が……ああ、笑い話だな……。 | That such an ill-prepared student would think to challenge you... It is laughable. |
Claude & Lorenz's C-Support
In spite of being unavailable during Part II, one of Claude's lines in the support is set to change should it be seen during the War Phase.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Claude | Neutral | この大修道院は千年の歴史が詰まっている。 今年でぴったり千年分だ。 | This monastery is packed with a thousand years of history. Exactly a thousand as of this very year. |
Unused Death Quotes
Playable Hubert & Gilbert in Part 2
In the game files, the characters Hubert and Gilbert have death quotes that cannot be triggered in the final game as they will retreat instead regardless of whether the game is set to Casual or Classic mode, most likely due to their importance in their routes' event scenes.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Hubert | Sad | 陛下……我が骸をも踏み台に…… 世界を…… | Your Majesty, I die so may seize your destiny. | ||
Gilbert | 殿下…… どうか……必ずや、祖国を…… | Your Highness, I entreat you... Please, protect Faerghus... |
Ally Dedue in Confrontation in the Palace
In the battle Confrontation in the Palace in the Verdant Wind and Silver Snow routes, there is a unique death quote that Dedue would have used if he falls in battle as an NPC unit that is left out in the final release, with his normal playable quotes being used instead. Likely an oversight as the scripting event to use this dialogue does exist in the map files, but is only ran at the start of the 1st player phase. However since Dedue isn't spawned at that point, it skips over setting his defeat dialogue and defaults to his one used as a player unit.
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Audio (JP) | Dialogue (EN) | Audio (EN) |
Dedue | Angry | エーデルガルト…… 貴様の……首を、必ず…… | Edelgard—I must have...your head... |