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Game Conveni 21

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Title Screen

Game Conveni 21

Developer: Starfish
Publisher: Starfish
Platform: Game Boy Color
Released in JP: May 19, 2000

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Game Conveni 21 is a collection of minigames (roughly half of which are card games), in a similar vein as the infamous Action 52.

Debug Mode

To do:
Further documentation.
Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!

Game Conveni 21 Debug Menu.png

At the Starfish logo, quickly press Select, Up, Down, A, Left, Start, then hold Select until the menu above, which is similar to the one in Super Black Bass: Real Fight, appears. The function of the top option is unknown, the middle option is a sound test (described below), and the bottom option opens a menu where every game can be selected.

Transcription Translation
でばっぐ せってい Debug Setting
しゃしんさつえいようポーズ Pause for take a picture
さうんど てすと Sound Test
ゲーム セレクト Game Select

Sound Test

Game Conveni 21 Sound Test.png

In the sound test, the top option is for music, and the second option is for sound effects. The third options adjusts the volume, and the bottom option stops the currently playing track.

Transcription Translation
さうんど てすと Sound Test
みゅ~じっく Music
えふぇくと Sound Effect
ぼりゅ~む Volume
ぽ~ず Pause

Game Select

Game Conveni 21 Game Select 1.pngGame Conveni 21 Game Select 2.png

This menu allows for any of the 21 minigames to be selected. This will also enable some in-game debugging functions in certain minigames (typically those that display "Stage 1" upon starting them):

Game Conveni 21 Level Select.png

  • Hold Select and press Up to access a level select (pictured above). Don't set the level number too high, or the game might glitch up.
  • Hold Select and press Down to refill your health/lives/etc.

Transcription Translation
ページ Page
ゲーム セレクト Game Select
まあじゃん Mahjong
レース Race
ゴルフ Golf
ブロックくずし Breakout
めいろ Maze
シーソージャンプ Seesaw Jump
スライドパズル Slide Puzzle
クレイしゃげき Clay Pigeon Shooting
パネルブリッジ Panel Bridge
シューティング Shooting
エアホッケー Air Hockey
バスフィッシング Bass Fishing
パチスロ Slot Machine
スピード Speed
だいふごう Daifugou
ババぬき Old Maid
ポーカー Poker
ブラックジャック Blackjack
7ならべ Sevens
フルーツキャッチ Fruit Catch
ハンマーアタック Hammer Attack
つぎのページへ Go to next page
まえのページへ Go to previous page
ステージ Stage

(Source: Original TCRF research)