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Golden Sun/Unused Content

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This is a sub-page of Golden Sun.

There is quite a lot of unused content in this game such as menus, abilities, enemies, and a whole lot of empty inventory slots.

Hidden Menus

Psynergy Menu


This menu cannot be accessed by the debug mode mentioned above, so you should replace the pause menu by doing 08015374:0801C49D. Most of these text strings don't make sense, but there are two options in this list that you can set. The top one is for setting the Psynergy Shortcut of the L button. The bottom one is for the R button. All psynergies that your characters have are listed, not just the ones used on the field. When this menu is accessed, some basic abilities are given to you, but note that the character must be in your party to see them in the list.

Isaac: Move
Garet: Move
Ivan: Move, Mind Read, and Whirlwind
Mia: Ply
Jenna: Move

The sequel has a different version of this menu that lists all the field psynergy in the game.

Music Menu

To do:
Explain the menu.

This menu lacks a GUI. The Lost Age has this menu too, as well as a GUI version that this game might lack, so use it as a reference.

Replace the Pause menu with 08015374:080F9051 to access.


Link Lobby

Unseen Cutscene

Please elaborate.
Having more detail is always a good thing.
Specifically: A comparison between the used and unused versions (with screenshots?) might be nice here.

After reaching Biliblin, the player is free to either go the Mercury Lighthouse or to Kolima. Because of this, the cutscenes in Kolima can either happen with or without Mia in the party, so each one is programmed to have two versions accordingly. But while the cutscene after the party gives Tret the Hermes' Water can normally only happen with Mia in the party, because the Mercury Lighthouse has to be completed beforehand, there's still a version of it without Mia programmed in.

To trigger the cutscene without Mia, unset bit 02000040:08 before giving Tret Hermes' Water.

Unused Menu Options

There are a few unused entries in the internal list of menu options, which indicate Golden Sun was originally planned to have all out-of-battle actions be selected from a menu like in Shining Force. The names for all of them are still intact in the string table, and a couple of them even have unused icons:

ID Icon Name
8 Check
9 GS UI Use.png Use
10 Give
11 GS UI Drop.png Drop
12 Speak
13 Equip

Notably, the icon for 'Drop' is also used for the extra options added to the Start menu when Debug Mode is active.

Unused Graphics

To do:
Add unused menu divider tiles.

Upward Text Prompt Crystal

Graphics for an unused upward-pointing version of the text prompt crystal, located directly after the graphics for the downward-pointing one.

Used Unused
GS Text Prompt Used.gif GS Text Prompt Unused.gif

Early Menu Option Box

GS Early Item Box.png
GS Early Box Anim Mockup.gif

This was used with an early version of the menu option graphics which were much more similar to the ones from the Shining Force games, which can be seen in early screenshots. It also has a graphic for flashing red when selected, again like in Shining Force.

GS Final Box Anim Mockup.gif

There's also an unused graphic for the item boxes used in the final game to do the same animation.

Unused Range Indicators

GS Ability Range Icons.png

These are ability range indicators, with columns representing ranges of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 targets, which can be used in menus that show Psynergy abilities. The top row is used for abilities with diminishing effectiveness ratios, while the bottom would likely be used for abilities without these ratios. However, the game does not have any means of using the bottom row except in cases where abilities have a set range of "All" targets (for example, Break); the bottom right-most indicator is used in these cases. While the top row is fully implemented, ability ranges 9 and 11 are not assigned to any abilities that appear in these menus so they also go unused.

Each indicator uses two tiles, with the second being mirrored horizontally.

Placeholder Icon

GS InvalidAbilityIcon.png All moves the player can't legitimately have in their Psynergy or Summon menu are given this icon. This icon is ID 0 for move icons and status effect icons, so it's used as a fallback for all moves and status effects with invalid or undefined icons. Strangely though, for items the icon with ID 0 is a coin, so items will use that as a fallback icon instead.

Early Equipment Icons

Early versions of the icons for a few of the basic armor items still exist in the ROM, but were overwritten in The Lost Age.

Item Early Final
Iron Helm GS Iron Helm Early.png GS Iron Helm Final.png
Knight's Helm GS Knight's Helm Early.png GS Knight's Helm Final.png
Knight's Shield GS Knight's Shield Early.png GS Knight's Shield Final.png

Character Portraits

GS UnusedPortrait ChildFelix.png This portrait of child Felix goes unused, since he has no speaking lines during the prologue. The portrait can be seen in the debug room's portrait viewer, though, as portrait No. 51.

GS UnusedPortrait Alex.png This portrait of Alex goes unused too. It's somewhat different to his actual used portrait. It's absent from the debug portrait viewer and it can only be seen under specific conditions (read the Unused Characters section). Evidence suggests that Alex was planned to be a playable character earlier in development.

Unused Items

Dummy Items

GS CoinIcon.png

Among the 269 items in the game, there are 78 dummy ones, which use the coin icon and have the "?" name. Some of them become actual items in The Lost Age. Item No. 0 is a placeholder named "???".

Dummy item in GS Becomes this in GS:TLA
No. 190 "?" Mist Potion
No. 198 "?" Lash Pebble
No. 199 "?" Pound Cube
No. 208 "?" Tremor Bit
No. 209 "?" Scoop Gem
No. 210 "?" Cyclone Chip
No. 213 "?" Burst Brooch
No. 214 "?" Grindstone
No. 215 "?" Hover Jade
No. 217 "?" Teleport Lapis
No. 245 "?" Mythril Bag
No. 246 "?" Jupiter Star
No. 247 "?" Mars Star


There are also a few more complete unused items in this game, obtainable only through GameShark codes or the debug rooms. All of them became proper, fully-coded items in the second game.

No. Name Type Description Effect Buy price Sell price GS:TLA equivalent
7 GS Item007 Masamune EN.png Masamune Long sword artifact weapon Long Sword Attack+115 (no unleash) 13400 10050 GSTLA Item007 FireBrand.png Fire Brand
10 GS Item010 SolBlade EN.png Sol Blade Long sword artifact weapon ? Attack+138 (no unleash) 19000 14250 GS Item010 SolBlade EN.png Sol Blade
26 GS Item026 Kusanagi EN.png Kusanagi Light blade artifact weapon ? Attack+135 (no unleash) 19000 14250 GS Item026 Kusanagi EN.png Masamune
111 GS Item111 MysteriousRobe EN.png Mysterious Robe Artifact robe Robe Defense+40 11000 8250 GS Item111 MysteriousRobe EN.png Mysterious Robe

Unused Psynergy

There are several unused Psynergy attacks left in the game. Some of them are fully-coded status-inflicting moves that were never assigned to any class's moveset, while others indicate scrapped status effects that were never implemented. You can access them with the code 82000558 0xxx (replace xxx with the Psynergy's hex number), which hacks them into the first slot of Isaac's moveset.

No. Hex Name Description Element PP cost Target Effect Animation
114 072 GS InvalidAbilityIcon.png Taint ? Venus 4 1 enemy May inflict poison. GS UnusedPsynergy Taint EN.gif
115 073 GS InvalidAbilityIcon.png Poison ? Venus 6 1 enemy May inflict venom. GS UnusedPsynergy Poison EN.gif
117 075 GS InvalidAbilityIcon.png Confuse ? Jupiter 6 3 enemies May inflict confusion (unused condition; has no effect on enemies, but will disable action/turn input when used against player characters; unfinished effect). GS UnusedPsynergy Confuse EN.gif
GS UnusedPsynergy Confuse 2 EN.png
118 076 GS InvalidAbilityIcon.png Charm ? Jupiter 9 1 enemy May steal an enemy's heart (unused condition; has no effect on enemies, but will disable action/turn input when used against player characters; unfinished effect). GS UnusedPsynergy Charm EN.gif
119 077 GS InvalidAbilityIcon.png Paralyze ? Jupiter 7 1 enemy May inflict stun. GS UnusedPsynergy Paralyze EN.gif
128 080 GS InvalidAbilityIcon.png Regenerate ? Mercury 6 1 ally Inflicts ~60 damage on ally, then regenerates 60% of HP for 5 turns. GS UnusedPsynergy Regenerate EN.gif
129 081 GS UnusedPsynergy Reflect Icon.png Reflect ? Mercury 5 1 ally Target "feels the effects of Reflect" (does nothing). GS UnusedPsynergy Reflect EN.gif

Unused Characters

Dummied-out character positions for Felix and Sheba are in the first game, though never playable. They are in the sequel, though. There's also a dummied-out character position named "PC07". They can be put in a party by editing the savefile. All of them have zeroed stats for everything and have "NPC" as their class. Felix and PC07 have no small sprite, but Sheba does (although she's looking sideways). Only Felix and Sheba have a portrait in the Status menu; PC07 will show the last portrait seen. During battle, PC07's portrait is visible in the Status menu: it's an otherwise unused Alex portrait. In battle, they all use the Vermin battle sprite and will be incapable of fighting even if given positive stats.

Unused Music

Within the ROM lies an earlier version of The Lost Age's title screen music. Besides the instruments (which are slightly different between GS and GS:TLA), it seems the volume for some tracks is different from the final. Both songs are in the same position, since GBA Mus Riper names them both as "song040".

Unused track (GS):

Used track (GS:TLA):

The main menu theme has an 11th "instrument", a delayed copy of the music box to give it an echo effect, but the sound engine only plays the first 10.

(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tLESgRGPLk)

Unused NPC

In Link Lobby, there is an NPC who is out of bounds. If you talk to him, you can pick a party setup by number, though you can't see what they are before choosing them. His dialogue has been localised in every language the game is available. His first line of dialogue will have the Karagol ship captain portrait.

If you choose a number which is too high, the NPC will say that the parameter doesn't exist, and that you should ask “Mr. Sugimoto” (the Spanish, Italian, German and French localisations curiously omit this last part), presumably Yūsuke Sugimoto who is listed as "Assistant Director" and "Game Design" in the credits . The last message appears when pressing B in the number selection screen.

GS UnusedNPC LinkLobby JPN 1.png GS UnusedNPC LinkLobby JPN 2.png GS UnusedNPC LinkLobby JPN 3.png GS UnusedNPC LinkLobby JPN 4.png GS UnusedNPC LinkLobby JPN 5.png
Japanese パラメータセットのせんたくをするんだな せっていできたぞ
なんだ ひやかしかい
English Choose your parameters here. 0 The settings are made.
The rest is up to you.
There's no such parameter.
Ask Mr. Sugimoto.
What is this, just a tease?
Spanish Cambia aquí la configuración. 0 Las opciones están fijadas. No hay dicha opción. ¿Qué es esto, una broma?
Italian Qui puoi scegliere i parametri. 0 Impostazioni completate. Questo parametro non esiste. Che fai, perdi tempo?
French Choisissez vos paramètres ici. 0 Le paramétrage est fait. Ce paramètre n'existe pas. Qu'est-ce? Une vanne?
German Wähle deine Einstellungen. 0 Die Einstellungen sind getroffen. Diese Einstellung gibt es nicht. Was soll das? Veräppelung?

Dummy Abilities

GS InvalidAbilityIcon.png

Abilities encompass everything a player or enemy can do in battle: from normal attacks, Psynergy, unleashes, unique enemy attacks, and even doing nothing (ability No. 0). Among the 519 abilities programmed in the game, there are 128 dummy slots (named "?"), as well as some repeated abilities. Some of those dummy slots become actual, used abilities in The Lost Age. Other 52 dummy abilities (named "=") are linked to dummy Djinni (discussed below), and some of them become actual programmed abilities linked to the new programmed Djinni in The Lost Age. Dummy abilities and those which are only used by enemies are represented with an "X" icon when hacked into a player's Psynergy list.

Dummy ability in GS Becomes this in GS:TLA
No. 39 "?" Cool
No. 40 "?" Supercool
No. 41 "?" Megacool
No. 60 "?" Fume
No. 61 "?" Serpent Fume
No. 62 "?" Dragon Fume
No. 63 "?" Beam
No. 64 "?" Cycle Beam
No. 65 "?" Searing Beam
No. 87 "?" Aura
No. 88 "?" Healing Aura
No. 89 "?" Cool Aura
No. 133 "?" Lash
No. 134 "?" Pound
No. 135 "?" Tremor
No. 136 "?" Scoop
No. 137 "?" Cyclone
No. 138 "?" Parch
No. 139 "?" Sand
No. 151 "?" Burst
No. 152 "?" Grind
No. 153 "?" Hover
No. 154 "?" Blaze
No. 155 "?" Ma????
No. 156 "?" Teleport
No. 157 "?" A??
No. 197 "?" Diamond Dust
No. 198 "?" Odyssey
No. 199 "?" Liquifier
No. 200 "?" Plume Edge
No. 201 "?" Thunder Mine
No. 202 "?" Planetary
No. 203 "?" Diamond Berg
No. 204 "?" Death Leap
No. 205 "?" Epicenter
No. 206 "?" Thorny Grave
No. 207 "?" Skull Splitter
No. 259 "?" Mist Potion
No. 298 "?" Aurora Field
No. 299 "?" Djinn Counter
No. 307 "=" Echo
No. 308 "=" Iron
No. 309 "=" Steel
No. 310 "=" Mud
No. 311 "=" Flower
No. 312 "=" Meld
No. 313 "=" Petra
No. 314 "=" Salt
No. 315 "=" Geode
No. 316 "=" Mold
No. 317 "=" Crystal
No. 318 "=" Earth18
No. 319 "=" Earth19
No. 327 "=" Fog
No. 328 "=" Sour
No. 329 "=" Spring
No. 330 "=" Shade
No. 331 "=" Chill
No. 332 "=" Steam
No. 333 "=" Rime
No. 334 "=" Gel
No. 335 "=" Eddy
No. 336 "=" Balm
No. 337 "=" Serac
No. 338 "=" Water18
No. 339 "=" Water19
No. 347 "=" Cannon
No. 348 "=" Spark
No. 349 "=" Kindle
No. 350 "=" Char
No. 351 "=" Coal
No. 352 "=" Reflux
No. 353 "=" Core
No. 354 "=" Tinder
No. 355 "=" Shine
No. 356 "=" Fury
No. 357 "=" Fugue
No. 358 "=" Fire18
No. 359 "=" Fire19
No. 367 "=" Breath
No. 368 "=" Blitz
No. 369 "=" Ether
No. 370 "=" Waft
No. 371 "=" Haze
No. 372 "=" Wheeze
No. 373 "=" Aroma
No. 374 "=" Whorl
No. 375 "=" Gasp
No. 376 "=" Lull
No. 377 "=" Gale
No. 378 "=" Wind18
No. 379 "=" Wind19
No. 384 "?" Zagan
No. 385 "?" Haures
No. 390 "?" Neptune*
No. 391 "?" Boreas*
No. 396 "?" Mars*
No. 397 "?" Kirin*
No. 402 "?" Daedalus
No. 403 "?" Daedalus
No. 404 "?" Iris
No. 406 "?" Jupiter*
No. 407 "?" Atalanta*
No. 408 "?" Procne*
No. 409 "?" Thor*
No. 410 "?" Flora
No. 411 "?" Eclipse
No. 412 "?" Catastrophe

Note: Abilities in italics are unused/dummy abilities in GS:TLA. Abilities marked with an asterisk are Djinni summons present in GS that were assigned different slots in GS:TLA to accommodate the new summons.

Unused and Dummy Character Classes

The game contains 203 slots for character classes, of which 113 are dummy (named "?"). There's a placeholder class named "NPC" (class No. 0), which is only used by the unused characters (discussed above). The final classes from The Lost Age are almost fully coded here too, but they can't be obtained because they need more Djinn than you can acquire, and they don't grant any new Psynergy. Additionally, despite Jenna's level cap, her exclusive Flame User class is set to learn the further variations of Flare at the same levels Garet's Guard class learns them.

Unused classes

No. Class Base class Stat boosts
5 Slayer Squire 170% HP
130% PP
140% Attack
140% Defense
130% Agility
120% Luck
14 Hero Guard 190% HP
120% PP
140% Attack
150% Defense
110% Agility
100% Luck
24 Sorcerer Wind Seer 150% HP
180% PP
120% Attack
130% Defense
170% Agility
110% Luck
34 Angel Water Seer 160% HP
170% PP
130% Attack
140% Defense
120% Agility
130% Luck
44 Protector Swordsman (Mercury/Venus) 190% HP
140% PP
150% Attack
150% Defense
140% Agility
120% Luck
54 Radiant Swordsman (Mercury/Venus) 190% HP
140% PP
150% Attack
150% Defense
140% Agility
120% Luck
61 Templar Dragoon 180% HP
140% PP
150% Attack
150% Defense
120% Agility
130% Luck
62 Paladin Dragoon 200% HP
150% PP
160% Attack
160% Defense
130% Agility
130% Luck
74 War Adept (Venus/Jupiter) Apprentice 190% HP
170% PP
150% Attack
140% Defense
170% Agility
90% Luck
84 War Adept (Mars/Jupiter) Apprentice 190% HP
170% PP
150% Attack
140% Defense
170% Agility
90% Luck
91 Disciple Ninja 180% HP
150% PP
160% Attack
130% Defense
180% Agility
80% Luck
92 Master Ninja 200% HP
160% PP
170% Attack
140% Defense
190% Agility
80% Luck
104 Oracle (Mercury/Venus) Seer (Mercury/Venus) 170% HP
180% PP
140% Attack
140% Defense
160% Agility
100% Luck
114 Oracle (Venus/Jupiter) Seer (Venus/Jupiter) 170% HP
180% PP
140% Attack
140% Defense
160% Agility
100% Luck
121 Dark Mage (becomes Conjurer in GS:TLA) Medium 150% HP
180% PP
130% Attack
130% Defense
160% Agility
90% Luck
122 Death Mage (becomes Dark Mage in GS:TLA) Medium 170% HP
190% PP
140% Attack
140% Defense
170% Agility
90% Luck
134 Guru (Mercury/Mars) Pilgrim (Mercury/Mars) 170% HP
170% PP
140% Attack
150% Defense
170% Agility
120% Luck
144 Guru (Mars/Jupiter) Pilgrim (Mars/Jupiter) 170% HP
170% PP
140% Attack
150% Defense
170% Agility
120% Luck
151 Bard Ranger 150% HP
170% PP
130% Attack
130% Defense
170% Agility
120% Luck
152 Warlock Ranger 170% HP
180% PP
140% Attack
140% Defense
180% Agility
120% Luck
165 Chaos Lord Brute 200% HP
120% PP
170% Attack
140% Defense
160% Agility
70% Luck
171 Ronin Samurai 210% HP
140% PP
160% Attack
150% Defense
150% Agility
90% Luck
185 Wizard Hermit 170% HP
190% PP
130% Attack
140% Defense
180% Agility
120% Luck
191 Pure Mage White Mage 170% HP
190% PP
140% Attack
140% Defense
160% Agility
130% Luck

Dummy classes that become functional ones in GS:TLA

No. Class GS:TLA equivalent
200 ? Flame User*
201 ? Witch

Note: In GS, Flame User is class No. 202, the final class in the list. GS:TLA moves it to 200, and then expands the list further to add newer classes.

Dummy Enemies

The game contains 164 slots for enemies. Some of them are multiple instances of a same character (for example, Saturos appears three times, since you battle him that amount of times, and he has different stats each time), 3 are dummy (named "?"), 1 is a placeholder (enemy No. 0, "???"), and 2 are partially programmed enemies with proper sprites (also named "?").

  • Enemy No. 104

GS UnusedEnemy 104.png

A palette swap of the Chimera monster. This palette would be used later for the Grand Chimera monster in The Lost Age.

  • Enemy No. 135

GS UnusedEnemy 135.png

A palette swap of the Toadonpa monster. This palette would be used later for the Devil Frog monster in The Lost Age.

Dummy Djinn

The game contains 80 slots for Djinn, but only 28 are programmed and used in the game. The other 52 are dummy Djinn (named "="), several of which became programmed, usable Djinn in The Lost Age.

Dummy Djinn that become functional in GS:TLA

No. Name GS:TLA equivalent
7 = Echo
8 = Iron
9 = Steel
10 = Mud
11 = Flower
12 = Meld
13 = Petra
14 = Salt
15 = Geode
16 = Mold
17 = Crystal
27 = Fog
28 = Sour
29 = Spring
30 = Shade
31 = Chill
32 = Steam
33 = Rime
34 = Gel
35 = Eddy
36 = Balm
37 = Serac
47 = Cannon
48 = Spark
49 = Kindle
50 = Char
51 = Coal
52 = Reflux
53 = Core
54 = Tinder
55 = Shine
56 = Fury
57 = Fugue
67 = Breath
68 = Blitz
69 = Ether
70 = Waft
71 = Haze
72 = Wheeze
73 = Aroma
74 = Whorl
75 = Gasp
76 = Lull
77 = Gale

Dummy Djinn that change name in GS:TLA, but remain dummy

No. Name GS:TLA equivalent
18 = Earth18
19 = Earth19
38 = Water18
39 = Water19
58 = Fire18
59 = Fire19
78 = Wind18
79 = Wind19