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Goodbye Volcano High

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Title Screen

Goodbye Volcano High

Developer: KO_OP
Publisher: KO_OP
Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows
Released internationally: August 29, 2023

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

To do:
  • There's various other unused graphics like black and white sketches of characters.
  • There's a E3 folder called E3_06_HuntForMango that requires to be viewed in Unity.
  • Check the demo version for anything unused. Supposedly it has tons of unused dialogue back when the game was written by Katy Gray.
  • Cover the development history. Originally Rosa and Leo (a cut character) were playable with their own routes before being scrapped.
Here's a tool that extract basically everything from the game files.

Goodbye Volcano High is a coming of age tale about Fang, a punk vocalist pterodactyl who's trying to go through their final year of high-school as they deal with drama, getting through the band auditions with their friends, their future, and the possibility of an asteroid crashing into the planet. Can Fang get through all of this and win the auditions before possible inevitable annihilation? Well it's up to you as you must guide Fang throughout the story via decisions.

This article was brought to you by Mango The Worm.

Unused Graphics

Tarot Card Placeholder

Early Final
Tarot Sage Portrait Temp.png
Tarot SagePortrait tarotCard.png

There's a unused placeholder for Sage's tarot card that uses his concept art.

Chibi L&L Characters


Fey, Linnea, Maia, Jeff, Olly, and Keph have small chibi sprites for a cut L&L combat mini game that was meant to be a homage to a certain game.

Other Various Graphics


There's a unused graphics for the van being crashed, which never happens in the story.


A unused icon named AssetBundleTest.

Debug close.png

A debug icon for closing options.


Unused map used for testing purposes.

Unused Text

Kaylani	@0hkay_lani				blank
	Mark	@mark_mywords				blank
	KT	@kayteeruns				blank
	Claire	@claire_ity				blank
	Abby	@a88y				blank
	Chris	@chrush042				blank
	Serena	@rena43				blank
	Dee	@thee_dee_official				blank
	Des	@tinydes				blank
	Adanna	@dangadanna				blank

In SocialMediaSheet.txt, several minor characters have unused blank versions of their of their tweets.

Unused Sounds

Unused audio of the van crashing into something. Possibly into a tree?